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MOD KV1 series WIP

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You're gifted at modding, but why in hell do you always make your tanks look like 50 years old piece of rusted crap ? :eek:

Don't take it harshly, but I'm really sad... On one hand the work is marvellous, but OTOH I don't use them because they just look too old and rusty for tanks that -in the war- had maybe 6 months age max !

Maybe you could make "less weathered" versions for us clean-lovers ? ;)

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Excellent work, Mr. Noobie!

On the subject of rust and all....

I was in-country during the Gulf War from Christmas Day 90 to Tax Day 91. During that limited time, a mere 3.5 months, everything we owned became thoroughly rusted, dusted, and busted. So I think significant weathering on CM textures is very appropriate smile.gif

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Equipment in the field does look like 50 year old pieces of crap. If you want nice shiney brand spanking new equipment as if it were on dress parade, then use the originals. For realism, Noob has done an outstanding job of converting these mods to look precisely as they would have in the field following a brief period of service.

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Equipment in the field does look like 50 year old pieces of crap. If you want nice shiney brand spanking new equipment as if it were on dress parade, then use the originals. For realism, Noob has done an outstanding job of converting these mods to look precisely as they would have in the field following a brief period of service.


Many Russian tanks came to the front STRAIGHT from factory - without any markings and often without ANY painting. And those can't look like 50 years old piece of crap. On the other hand those who served some time were likely to be thrown to combat and destroyed sooner or later (rather sooner)

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Many Russian tanks came to the front STRAIGHT from factory - without any markings and often without ANY painting. And those can't look like 50 years old piece of crap. On the other hand those who served some time were likely to be thrown to combat and destroyed sooner or later (rather sooner)
like this?






oh dear


since i dont have any books the model sites are the pics i go by and from what ive seen russian tanks are the dirtiest looking lot ive seen



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On the Way Page

i have many many more links and more pics to looks at....

[ October 25, 2002, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: MrNoobie ]

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I think the stories of "unpainted" Russian tanks only happened where a besieged city had a tank factory, so it wasn't a common thing except locally. Also, I've never heard a definition for "unpainted" in this context. Did it mean bare metal, just primer, or some half-ass green paintjob that didn't cover everything and started peeling off immediately? More on this later, however. Let's just talk newness for now...

It only takes a mile on a dirt road or cross-country to totally cover a tank in mud or dust, depending on ground condtions. And even if it's just dust, there will be patches of mud around the fuel filler caps and all over the lower hull. In these areas, the dust is sticking to spilled fuel or oil and grease slung off the tracks and bogies. So newness of the tank is no reason not to make it very dirty.

Now think about Leningrad and it's besieged tank factory. Many buildings in Leningrad collapsed or were heavily damaged, and each one would have made immense quantities of masonry/concrete dust. The tanks had to drive through that to get to the front from the factory. Now think about the FDNY trucks that turned solid gray even blocks away from the WTC collapse. As a fireman, let me tell you, there is nothing in the world cleaner and shinier than a firetruck between runs. But you'd never know from looking at those pictures.

Exhaust stains are another matter. These can take a while to appear or they can start with the 1st crank of the motor. It depends on the motor, its condition, its fuel quality, and a bunch of other things. Then throw in the Russian tanks' ability to make exhaust smokescreens and even a new tank could have serious carbon stains after just 1 skirmish.

Rust is a bit trickier, and brings up the subject of paint, or lack thereof. When you make large forgings and castings, like what tanks are made of, the metal usually starts rusting immediately because the heat of its creation makes it vulnerable to oxidation. So assembly has to be preceded by grinding the rust off the joining surfaces, and then the whole thing needs to be de-rusted before painting. The paint then stops further rusting as long as it lasts.

So, if the "unpainted" tanks were bare metal, IMHO they should be depicted as pretty much solid rusty brown. Maybe a base of silver with a thick coating of nearly contiguous rust pixels, with darker rusty areas around welds. It would look, more than anything, like a destroyed tank that had burned out (those things rust up completely in about 5 seconds it seems, due to the heat as above), expect it would have mud on it (which bakes off burning tanks). But anyway, definitely not the shiny, chrome-like look of bare metal some folks might be expecting.

The other options for "unpainted" imply a half-ass job. With that, you wouldn't expect the workers to waste time trying to de-rust the nooks and crannies. And these places are where the welds are, which also rust up quickly due to the heat involved. So a tank with just primer would be whatever color the Russians used for that, but only on the big surfaces. The angles and corners would be all rusty. Then this whole thing would be covered with mud or dust. It would look like "a total piece of crap", even if it was only hours away from the factory. And if the "unpainted" tank had a half-ass coat of green on a half-ass coat of primer, I think it would look even worse. smile.gif

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Gosh, I thought what everyone was clamoring for was a grimy, gritty look...

I vote for the original, (sorry, Pascal ;) ) since I assume these are for Gordon's CMMOS Pigpen. For cleaner tanks, people can load the BFC defaults.

And, BTW, Mr. Noobie, those tracks do look excellent. You should do all the track BMPs as a set.

- Old Dog

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Mr Noobie,

Excellent work .... We all have our own preferences... Mine are for the 'less rust' versions.

I didnt use the earlier versions ... good mods but too much rust for my personal taste ...

Now they are in and will be staying in !



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