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What Should Be in the Patch?

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

One question: Can you tell us what experience level the HQ was? Anything else noteworthy about it? I'm also wondering if it didn't go fanatic, but there's no way to determine that.

It has happened to me with green and regular HQ teams. On one occasion, even with a veteran team. The thing is that this never happened in the original CM. I still use the same standard ambush tactics: worked well before, now I got a problem with suicidal HQ teams. I have absolutely no idea what triggers the problem: it's not the vicinity of the enemy, suppression, amount of cover... No clue. And I underline that I never had these problems with regular troops in CM:BO.

Also, on several occasions I've witnessed the complete opposite for this phenomena: the troops that are under the crazy HQ team's command start sleeping. I'm telling you, there was a rampaging soviet platoon charging at them some five meters away at clear sight, and my rifle teams did squat. but this event has only occured several times.

Didn't fanaticism only affect the squad's morale, not how it initiated combat?

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It's pretty annoying that since MG's can't abandon their weapon when panicked, they "RUN" to cover, and get auto-exhausted and thus are basically useless for 10+rounds until they recover. Hopefully they aren't hard-coded along w/ mortars in "RUNning" when panicked, since mortars CAN abandon their weapon. Since they can't abandon the MG, they shouldn't be so heavily penalized, i.e. exhausted. I can see always buying higher-quality MGs to help them to not get routed, and thus exhausted.

[ October 14, 2002, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

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Originally posted by T34Rules:

Always wanted to see a real topographic map for each scenerio........difficult reading the terrain from plan view.

That would be GREAT but my guess is it will not be the forth coming patch.

I think we will be lucky to see topo maps in CMII the Re-write 2.5 (?) years from now. smile.gif

-tom w

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Originally posted by Mattias:

Suffice to say that there are a number of players out there who liked and used the backspace/waypoint delete function in CM:BO. Now that it's gone there is a slight feeling of being, well, handicapped in the every day use of the interface.

Pretty much the bottom line.


i noticed this when playing the demo... missed it a bit...

... in the scenario editor it would be nice if the flag point values were programmable... i mean a single flag size with the point value for each one set by the scenario designer....

...would like to see more keystroke shortcuts in the scenario editor/unit purchase screen...

... a way to set all terrain or height level for every tile in a given area, including for the entire mapboard...

...a way to set all of the ammo and such for all of the units of the same type in the editor...

but these are nits... i just ordered the game... am getting ready to ROCK (wuhu)

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I'd like to see a little more work done (graphicly) on trenches. The concept is very cool, and they seem to work well, although I have not tested them to any stringent degree I must admit.

They don't look good though. A unit sitting in one will also have a good chance of getting lost since their colored bases don't show anymore. There is also no sense of depth to the trench, and the edges of them don't meet up nicely.

Maybe the graphics could be modded to provide some sort of stop gap? I'm wondering if a dedicated trench tile might not be best, but I'm sure there's a reason why this was not done however...


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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Dunno if this was mentioned, I ain't reading six pages of stuff and who knows how many other posts. But it'd sure be nice if at least vehicle units would fire back when hiding and using a v-arc when fired on. I got a T-34 hiding, using a v-arc, and an enemy light tank just outside that arc was pinging shells off the T-34 like tennis balls and the Russian just sat there.

Oddly enough, in just about every game I've played so far, I've had both ATG's and tanks fire outside their covered arcs when threatened. Maybe you've just been unlucky?
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Originally posted by Hersir:

Some chrome I would like to see:

1.) Ability to buy Companies and even Battalions of tanks. Just treat them like infantry formations so you can pick the lower orginazation levels if you wish. Change platoon button to formations or something.

2.) As an alternative to 1.) Give the option to buy a HQ tank. Could be abusable but with a proper cost it should be fine.

3.) Give the option to edit unit ranks as well as names in the purchase screen and/or editor. Fixes some of my problems with 1.

The Reason for the two above is that if I as an example want to simulate a Tank bat 43 pattern I have to buy six platoons of tanks and individual tanks to respresent HQ's but they are still just sergants and have no command bonuses.

These changes would add a small bit of realism and I'd love to see them. I pity those that needs to go through all the lists though...

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A small request, but ideally a small fix.

Have the game engine 'remember' what state the kills/stats window was in when it was closed (that is, whether it was displaying kills or stats).

Normally, this is a minor issue, but it's been annoying me lately at one point: At the end of the game.

Now that we have FOW-free end of game kill screens (thank you), I go through all of my units to see how many kills each gets. The problem is that, because the kill window takes up a third of the screen, and I can't tell which unit I'm looking at, so I have to close the kill window to get a better view.

Well, when I open it again, it'll be in 'stat' mode, so I'll have to manually click the kill mode again. Once or twice, no big deal - but I usually have to do this with 75%+ of my units at the end of the battle if I want to see their kills, and so it's quite time consuming. If it stayed in kill mode after it was closed, I could just hit enter, view the location, and hit enter again.

Or, failing a permanent toggle state, a key or key combination to switch it to kill mode, which would be quicker than using the mouse.

Oh, also, put me wholeheartedly into the "Toggle option for old CM scroll/camera movement style" camp.

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Russian rocket artillery doesn't care about the number of tubes when it has been given extra ammo by the scenario designer. It always fires all ammo in a single volley. Either include a reload delay (as the German rockets work) or show "unlimited" as the number of tubes in the info window. The current situation is quite irritating.


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I really don’t care about BTS"s decision about what to add to the 1.01 patch because I trust their judgement. The only thing I care about is when will the patch be done with testing and be released.

I’m mainly looking forward to getting the rid of the place holding BMPs and making everything look correct and getting the rest of the vehicles for Italy, Hungaria, Romania, and Finland.

I also have special interest in seeing the vehicles for Germany completed since I have a vehicle which I submitted and is sharing a BMP with a panzer 2.

I also wanted to be the 163rd poster on the this thread.


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A truck definetely can carry more then 9-10 men.

We had to be over 30 men in a louzy medium truck (A cattle transport gives more room to the animals because they would go crazy, but not so in the army of course).

BFC, 2 squads per truck or around 25 men max -> 2 Trucks per platoon sufficient, now one goes crazy to put even a company on wheels (I never saw only remotely as many Trucks in my time as footslogger as one needs for a company in CMBB). An Opel Blitz can carry 3.5 tons btw. so no problem.




[ October 15, 2002, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: TSword ]

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Hey I saw a well motivated E7 get 42 men into a single 2 1/2 ton truck! So yes trucks of that size could carry two squads.

In WWII were most trucks that size or 1 1/4 ton and like?

2nd item. When you click on a Platoon leader you get the squads to ID. But when you double click on the company commander you get nothing. I recommend that the Platoon leaders should be ID. The same for the Battalion commander, ie double click on him and his company commanders would be ID

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

Company/Platoon HQ AI! That's my problem. It seems that whenever I've set an infantry platoon hiding in hard cover to lay an ambush, what happens is that the HQ team will suddenly unhide, and open fire on the incoming hostile troops, while the rest of the platoon remain quiet.

Result: every single enemy unit with a sufficient LOS opens fire on the idiotic HQ team, usually routing/killing it within seconds. The rest of the platoon remains hidden, is left without command, and gets smashed by the horde of enemies. Fix it, please!

I got to say that I too have experienced this peculiar behaviour in CMBB as well. eg. An infantry platoon with 3 squads abreast with the HQ several meters behind them hiding in foxholes in woods. Enemy infantry approach and it is the HQ unit (the most distant unit) that decides to break cover and open fire! As Bone_Vulture described, all enemy fire is then targetted at the spotted HQ, it breaks leaving the rest of the platoon leaderless. This was not a case of conscript or green HQ units either.

This has happened frequently enough for me to have taken notice.

Lt Bull

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

from this thread


Even in EFOW should sound contacts be able to identify the type of weapon being fired???

I think this is a GREAT point:



Member # 10218

posted October 11, 2002 02:23 AM

In the same scenario, I received immediate sound contacts on 37mm PAKs after they had fired only one

shot. The locations were a bit off, and I only got "AT Gun?" indicated on the contact, but at least I had

an idea of where the fire was coming from and could react accordingly. I've had the same problem with

mortars firing repeatedly within 100m of my troops, but only being identified by an "Infantry?" sound

contact. I can sure as hell hear the mortars firing, but apparently my guys think that might actually be

a sub-machinegun making that sound. Oh well, its a trivial concern, but it does strike me as a bit

unrealistic. Just play a few rounds of America's Army: Operations and watch how quickly you learn to

distinguish between the sounds of the different weapons firing. Hell, soldiers in WWI learned to tell the

size and direction of incoming rounds just by their sound. Being able to distinguish between the

sounds of rifles, machineguns, mortars and AT rifles seems like nothing in comparison. Granted, I only

play in EFOW, so I'm not sure how sound contacts are handled in lesser FOW. I'm too in love with how

visual spotting is realistically handled in EFOW to stop using it, I just wish sound contacts could provide

more realistic information.



can we mention the EFOW issue again as described (very nicely) in this thread:



-tom w

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Good pics here:

Originally posted by tar:


The weapons graphic continues to show the NUMBER and type of gun even when the other information about the size of the formation is not shown. See screenshot below:



[ October 16, 2002, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SenorBeef:

If it stayed in kill mode after it was closed, I could just hit enter, view the location, and hit enter again.

Boy, that is a good idea, and simple!!! Hope it will be considered!!!!</font>
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More notes.

In operations:

- Units keep their placement, but lose their cover arcs. Seems odd.

- Would it be possible to add, to the briefing, information about parameters such as the level of resupply, or at least the amount of time between battles?

- The saved game default always seems to be "Untitled". It could probably be the name of the operation, maybe concatenated with the battle number.

- Maybe it's this particular operation lacks a "No Mans Land" setting, but in "SoviettownnorthofKharkov Roadblock", a few German AFVs materialized literally right next to some of mine at the start of Battle 3. My AFVs were far-enough forward at the end of Battle 2 to be locked-down, but apparently the AI was permitted to put units around them. (Not that the enemy vehicles lasted very long...).

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- Would it be possible to add, to the briefing, information about parameters such as the level of resupply, or at least the amount of time between battles?
Yes, the designer can already do this.

Other than that, probably not from what I've heard. There's a lot of angst over briefings in general, and the upshot of it appears to be that there's no substitute for the designer doing a good job.

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