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Peng west of the Pecos: The Challenge goes to Texas

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon:


My suggestion is that the "hate Slapdragon" group be relegated to the same bin that the Klu Klux Klan and the Ayran Brotherhood are. Certainly their intellectual achievements rival this group, and in many ways when they get their dander up, their behavior has much in common. As was pointed out to me in a very funny note, the more that these sorts don't like me, the more my stock rises with the common person. It is sort of like being hated by the Hitler Youth. If they get their panties in a bunch each time you speak, then you are most definitely doing something right.

Ahhhhhh, Slappy, Slappy, Slappy. You're opinion of yourself knows no bounds. The presumption that you somehow are the messiah to the "common person" is breathless. Yet you also consider yourself the embodiement of the intelligentsia who is beyond the reach of the common man in terms of their ability to match it with you on an intellectual bebating basis.

To quote you from the Flipping Tanks thread in the General Forum

I would put forward Jeff Hiedman as an example of how things should be. Jeff and I disagree. We disagree a lot. We sometimes get into each others space when we disagree. He is smart, has a lot going for him, and so it is not some case of a mismatch.
To think that only the likes of Jeff Heideman, an acknowledged intelligent and well regarded individual can be your equal in a discussion smacks of pure elitism and self aggrandisement.

There, I believe the first piece of evidence from a witness for the prosecution has been made.


Jim R.</font>

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Originally posted by Leeo:

<big>Hands OFF</big>, Pillock, he's working out something to send to me, you simpleton (Isn't there a village from which you've left the post of idiot?).

Aw, for cryin' out loud. I must hear at least one derivation of that "depriving some village of it's idiot" line aimed at one or more persons at least a couple of times each thread. But, I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone from OreGomer.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

<big>Hands OFF</big>, Pillock, he's working out something to send to me, you simpleton (Isn't there a village from which you've left the post of idiot?).

Aw, for cryin' out loud. I must hear at least one derivation of that "depriving some village of it's idiot" line aimed at one or more persons at least a couple of times each thread. But, I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone from OreGomer.
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Originally posted by Goanna:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />The Butt-crack of Doom "designed" by Goanna

Back in your corner, Boo. As much as I would like to take credit, the design of the map was the work of Berli (with obvious assistance on the accuracy of the butt crack from bauhaus). I merely selected and placed the troops.


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Originally posted by Goanna:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />The Butt-crack of Doom "designed" by Goanna

Back in your corner, Boo. As much as I would like to take credit, the design of the map was the work of Berli (with obvious assistance on the accuracy of the butt crack from bauhaus). I merely selected and placed the troops.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Aw, for cryin' out loud. I must hear at least one derivation of that "depriving some village of it's idiot" line aimed at one or more persons at least a couple of times each thread. But, I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone from OreGomer.

Hey, I'm just trying to fulfill the quota. As it so happens, the village from whence you came is also missing a poncey, drooling, "stick-a-finger-in-'is-own-bum-and-he'll-be-shocked-it-don't-smell-like-roses" carnival freak as well. Go figure. Or was that, "Go Finger?"


He's the man, the man with the stinky touch,

I'm talkin',

Go-finger, (Wa Wwahhhh-Wa),

He's the guy, who thinks that he stinks too much..."

Aw, hell, you're not worth the effort. Sit and spin, Boo, sit and spin.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Aw, for cryin' out loud. I must hear at least one derivation of that "depriving some village of it's idiot" line aimed at one or more persons at least a couple of times each thread. But, I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone from OreGomer.

Hey, I'm just trying to fulfill the quota. As it so happens, the village from whence you came is also missing a poncey, drooling, "stick-a-finger-in-'is-own-bum-and-he'll-be-shocked-it-don't-smell-like-roses" carnival freak as well. Go figure. Or was that, "Go Finger?"


He's the man, the man with the stinky touch,

I'm talkin',

Go-finger, (Wa Wwahhhh-Wa),

He's the guy, who thinks that he stinks too much..."

Aw, hell, you're not worth the effort. Sit and spin, Boo, sit and spin.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Interesting. Two strawman arguments, two misattributions, one comment strategically cut to alter its meaning. I must say you are making it too easy for my squire and lawyer, who in any case is suppose to have the evidence before hand, especially if the persecution team intends to use it in such a sloppy manner.

Oh my god, it's Hapgood Smithers, local elementary school rhetoric teacher! Please, oh wise master with the vocational degree from Tennessee Junction Junior College, tell us more about fallacies of logic!!!!
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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Interesting. Two strawman arguments, two misattributions, one comment strategically cut to alter its meaning. I must say you are making it too easy for my squire and lawyer, who in any case is suppose to have the evidence before hand, especially if the persecution team intends to use it in such a sloppy manner.

Oh my god, it's Hapgood Smithers, local elementary school rhetoric teacher! Please, oh wise master with the vocational degree from Tennessee Junction Junior College, tell us more about fallacies of logic!!!!
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?8tB+riginally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh my god, it's Hapgood Smithers, local elementary school rhetoric teacher! Please, oh wise master with the vocational degree from Tennessee Junction Junior College, tell us more about fallacies of logic!!!!

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?8tB+riginally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh my god, it's Hapgood Smithers, local elementary school rhetoric teacher! Please, oh wise master with the vocational degree from Tennessee Junction Junior College, tell us more about fallacies of logic!!!!

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I sense a disturbance in the flatulence that I have not sensed in years. A waft of malevolence that has not befouled the utterly foul stench of the 'Pool since the Rebellion of Double-Aught was quashed, squashed and mish-moshed a long, long time ago in a pit of filth far, far away .... There can be only one explanation for this ... MEEKS

Welcome back, my friend, to the ooze that never ends.

[ May 14, 2002, 12:31 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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I sense a disturbance in the flatulence that I have not sensed in years. A waft of malevolence that has not befouled the utterly foul stench of the 'Pool since the Rebellion of Double-Aught was quashed, squashed and mish-moshed a long, long time ago in a pit of filth far, far away .... There can be only one explanation for this ... MEEKS

Welcome back, my friend, to the ooze that never ends.

[ May 14, 2002, 12:31 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Interesting. Two strawman arguments, two misattributions, one comment strategically cut to alter its meaning. I must say you are making it too easy for my squire and lawyer, who in any case is suppose to have the evidence before hand, especially if the persecution team intends to use it in such a sloppy manner.

I could have sworn I saw strawmen arguments on your part by comparing the group of people who are not your fans with the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Brotherhood and Hitler Youth, no doubt hoping such a completely off the planet assertion would be blithely accepted by your admiring masses. Perhpas I was mistaken in that observation?

Seems you are ignorant indeed of Giles Corey, which means you have no idea why what you said and how you said it fed right into your characterization of Reverend Parris.

Seeing as you have chosen the Giles Corey person to characterise yourself I shall quote some interesting literature in relation to the real Giles Corey, as opposed to the fictionalised version in Arthur Millers play:

The best overall reference I have found to the Salem witch trials is Hansen's book Witchcraft at Salem [Ref. 2]. On p. 63:

"Giles Corey had been very ready to testify against his wife, Martha, and to speak against her out of court as well as in: he had told several people that he knew things that would 'do his wife's business.' Now he was admirably, if belatedly, protesting her innocence as well as his own. But he did it stupidly; he denied having said things which witnesses had heard him say, and thus was several times caught lying. Since lying was a serious matter in Puritan Massachusetts and perjury is a serious matter in any age, Giles Corey must have made a very bad impression." [Ref. 2, p. 63]

In summary, Giles Corey apparently was a sometimes violent, often quarrelsome, loose-tongued man, who was probably not well liked by his neighbors. He was pressed to death on 19 September 1692.

The case appears to be building quite well.


Jim R.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Interesting. Two strawman arguments, two misattributions, one comment strategically cut to alter its meaning. I must say you are making it too easy for my squire and lawyer, who in any case is suppose to have the evidence before hand, especially if the persecution team intends to use it in such a sloppy manner.

I could have sworn I saw strawmen arguments on your part by comparing the group of people who are not your fans with the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Brotherhood and Hitler Youth, no doubt hoping such a completely off the planet assertion would be blithely accepted by your admiring masses. Perhpas I was mistaken in that observation?

Seems you are ignorant indeed of Giles Corey, which means you have no idea why what you said and how you said it fed right into your characterization of Reverend Parris.

Seeing as you have chosen the Giles Corey person to characterise yourself I shall quote some interesting literature in relation to the real Giles Corey, as opposed to the fictionalised version in Arthur Millers play:

The best overall reference I have found to the Salem witch trials is Hansen's book Witchcraft at Salem [Ref. 2]. On p. 63:

"Giles Corey had been very ready to testify against his wife, Martha, and to speak against her out of court as well as in: he had told several people that he knew things that would 'do his wife's business.' Now he was admirably, if belatedly, protesting her innocence as well as his own. But he did it stupidly; he denied having said things which witnesses had heard him say, and thus was several times caught lying. Since lying was a serious matter in Puritan Massachusetts and perjury is a serious matter in any age, Giles Corey must have made a very bad impression." [Ref. 2, p. 63]

In summary, Giles Corey apparently was a sometimes violent, often quarrelsome, loose-tongued man, who was probably not well liked by his neighbors. He was pressed to death on 19 September 1692.

The case appears to be building quite well.


Jim R.

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Posted by Kannonier Reichmann :

To quote you from the Flipping Tanks thread in the General Forum ...snip
We cannot have posts quoted in part only. We need to see the FULL POST so that we place for ourselves the full context of the written words.

A very large problem in bias, perceived and real is the prediliction of those putting their viewpoint, to selectively post those parts that support their argument. This of course happens on each side of a discussion and should be stamped on now; before prejudiced opinions can be formed.


[ May 14, 2002, 07:31 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Posted by Kannonier Reichmann :

To quote you from the Flipping Tanks thread in the General Forum ...snip
We cannot have posts quoted in part only. We need to see the FULL POST so that we place for ourselves the full context of the written words.

A very large problem in bias, perceived and real is the prediliction of those putting their viewpoint, to selectively post those parts that support their argument. This of course happens on each side of a discussion and should be stamped on now; before prejudiced opinions can be formed.


[ May 14, 2002, 07:31 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Anybody here seen a monkey?

He is about 2 ft high and 30 odd lbs..answers to the name Fluffy.

If you find him just don't shave him..he really hates that.

Women are like french fries..they start out hot and salty but as time goes by they get cold and cardboard-like, making your teeth and stomach hurt.

Stay tuned for my "Dear Peng" rants..my therapist says it will be healthy for me...

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Anybody here seen a monkey?

He is about 2 ft high and 30 odd lbs..answers to the name Fluffy.

If you find him just don't shave him..he really hates that.

Women are like french fries..they start out hot and salty but as time goes by they get cold and cardboard-like, making your teeth and stomach hurt.

Stay tuned for my "Dear Peng" rants..my therapist says it will be healthy for me...

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

In summary, Giles Corey apparently was a sometimes violent, often quarrelsome, loose-tongued man, who was probably not well liked by his neighbors. He was pressed to death on 19 September 1692.

He was also falsly convicted by people with a grudge who manufactured a case against him in a fit of both paranoid rage and desire to see that people toed the line of their own prejeduice. His primary fault in the community was that he spoke his mind. In essence, he was the tall poppy of his community.

Luckily, in your prejudice, you are committing the cardinal sin of a persecution. You are trying to construct truth from lies. You cannot respond to the points made by Noba, and cannot respond to my points.

Now, since you do not have anything to prove how you acquired your prejudices, and cannot answer Noba or I on all of our points, it seems time for you to admit that you are wrongly wasting the time of the Peng Challenge Thread.

[ May 14, 2002, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

In summary, Giles Corey apparently was a sometimes violent, often quarrelsome, loose-tongued man, who was probably not well liked by his neighbors. He was pressed to death on 19 September 1692.

He was also falsly convicted by people with a grudge who manufactured a case against him in a fit of both paranoid rage and desire to see that people toed the line of their own prejeduice. His primary fault in the community was that he spoke his mind. In essence, he was the tall poppy of his community.

Luckily, in your prejudice, you are committing the cardinal sin of a persecution. You are trying to construct truth from lies. You cannot respond to the points made by Noba, and cannot respond to my points.

Now, since you do not have anything to prove how you acquired your prejudices, and cannot answer Noba or I on all of our points, it seems time for you to admit that you are wrongly wasting the time of the Peng Challenge Thread.

[ May 14, 2002, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

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