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Peng west of the Pecos: The Challenge goes to Texas

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I hadn't planned on it, I'm an academic now (Cursed job market) and it limits my available time, wait a minute, no it doesn't, I've got my more free time than An San Su Kee (How's that for Godzilla-sized phonetic butchering?). Wait, there's my burgeoning writing (A novel and a dozen short stories, a treatise on philosophy, an essay on cetacean intelligence, transcription of some of Anais Nin's unpublished letters, unpublished, though I'm sure as soon as they see my massive intellect, this shall all change) but you know, I feel the only reason I can hack out a decent sentence is because of the Cesspool (I'll make sure and dedicate my first poem to you guys) so maybe I should stick around, in a purely metaphorical role, of course, I still have no desire to play CM, or any video games for some reason (Hmmm, maybe it was that fateful trip to the temple of Eloisis...) so I'm afraid all I can offer is alliteration, assaninity, abuse, aardvark antiheroes and almost any available attack against Andreas.

Whaddya say?

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Originally posted by dalem:


Shut up you rat ninny! And when did you become such a puss-burger?!

And what kind of mealy-mouthed reply on great moral issues is (Read following in puss-burger voice) "I don't think they're relevent... It would make CM a different game"

Why aren't they relevant you numbskull?!?!

What would be different about it, horsemonkey?!?!!

Don't look at me like that, those are real frickin' questions, answer 'em! Christ, if Socrates had to deal with facile, pencil-pushing, big-eared, losers like you, he wouldn'ta drank hemlock, he'da just grabbeda steamroller and dialectized your sorry ass.

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Originally posted by dalem:


Shut up you rat ninny! And when did you become such a puss-burger?!

And what kind of mealy-mouthed reply on great moral issues is (Read following in puss-burger voice) "I don't think they're relevent... It would make CM a different game"

Why aren't they relevant you numbskull?!?!

What would be different about it, horsemonkey?!?!!

Don't look at me like that, those are real frickin' questions, answer 'em! Christ, if Socrates had to deal with facile, pencil-pushing, big-eared, losers like you, he wouldn'ta drank hemlock, he'da just grabbeda steamroller and dialectized your sorry ass.

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Ah, it's beginning to feel like old times. Pity it took an infestation of immense proportions to bring Meeks back into the fold. One only hopes that he will draw the vermin with him when he leaves, like a schizophrenic pied piper.

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Ah, it's beginning to feel like old times. Pity it took an infestation of immense proportions to bring Meeks back into the fold. One only hopes that he will draw the vermin with him when he leaves, like a schizophrenic pied piper.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:


You!! I don't know who you are but I'm not going to acknowledge you until you develop a frontal lobe. And don't think this is acknowledgement, you pupal simpleton, this is just autonomic response.</font>
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:


You!! I don't know who you are but I'm not going to acknowledge you until you develop a frontal lobe. And don't think this is acknowledgement, you pupal simpleton, this is just autonomic response.</font>
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<BIG>Hell's Bells!!!</BIG>

Here I was, having a snooze in me cosy burrow outback - taking a breather as it were from the day to day tribulations of Cess, when LO! the UnterGnome<SUP>tm</SUP> opens the floodgates to SSN HELL again!. I know he feels pain from lacking serious, mundane and paid poorly regular work to test his mettle, but this - this self-inflicted Inquisition appears to be an Imposition of the first order!

Not only that, but now our humbler-than-humble Justiciar deserts the sinking ship for a holiday in Hawaii! That's gratitude for you. Sire, methinks it is time to call in the professionals - ACME Pest Exterminators Inc.<SUP>tm</SUP> to clean up this mess. I'm sure Lars wouldn't mind a bit of extrajudicial target practice either, being how he is conversant in the art of exterminating resident pests from his rentable abodes and sports an arsenal of weapons large enough to equip a modest-sized army to *BOOT*.

Whatever, the influx of mindless SSNivelers hell-bent on stirring the cesspot courtesy of an OPEN INVITATION by u-no-hoo has wrought a malodorous and fetid stench within this holier-than-holey of places. FEH! to the lot of 'em.

So, to other, more cessnificant matters:

CMPlaguer you will receive a turn any month now. Can't remember which one tho'. I've topped up the parking meters in the hilltop parking lot, so don't expect to find a spot in the immediate future when your lot have finished huffing and puffing their way up the molehill.....

Boo-boo fix yer damned e-maily thingy. It's bouncing turns like rubber checks. Like the rubber bullets your Pixietruppen are starting to disperse in that miserable QB YOU designed. Unlike the HOT, HEAVY METAL my brave Brits are tossing YOUR way in the classic Laghouat scenario that moi designed. Tip: Turn your retreating hordes around to face my advancing juggernaut - at least let them know what their fate is!

Lars it's time to close the Shanghai boozer and get to work defending your realm with a bit more relish...... Just in case you are getting short on rations of cheep Bloody Mary's, my roaming Luftwaffe Staffels have been instructed to deliver "surprises" to your front line fairies at opportune moments....

OGSF has finally Remember'ed to see sense and called for reos, now that there are no more grey-type pixels spoiling MY view of the cunningly designed map. Unfortunately HIS reo's are back in Berlin, gaily sunning themselves (amongst other things) at a Hitler Youth Kamp.

Stuka is running around in circles trying to figure out where all dat smoke is comin' from. Must be from the burning wreckage of the once proud but soon to be forgotten ex-112th AFV's of his, I'm afraid. Don't worry, I'll send some guys over to help you put out the fires.......(smirk)

YeKnowed is not feeling himself anymore. He is feeling a kanigget instead. Yuk! And I am pleased to report that at his new, increased rate of e-mailing turns (no doubt inspired by his relegation to the rank of Sir Idjit) our 1st QB started back in December 1957 shall officially end in February 2010. Well done, Sire! *spoot*

Elvis (aka Swivelhips) is putting a brave face on a less than auspicious effort to prevent ME from reaching the Laghouat Fish Market before NOBA does! Unfortunately he seems to be failing miserably in this regard. "It'll be Sole stew all round in a few minutes, chaps......." (gag ..... hack)

Noba and I are confused. Both our sides are completely and utterly surrounded. Ahem. Your Evilness. Which side of the ruddy "Hell's Bridges" map am I supposed to be on?? Nearly half way through this one and we are no wiser.........could fall either way. In our "Roight Royal" encounter MkII, his spy carriers have been put to the sword, as well as the simpering scum riding within them. Next please......... And in his less-than-convincing thrust for the Port Laghouat fish markets, it appears he forgot to tell his AFV drivers which road to take! My UberuntWundermenschen wait with particularly baited breaths.......(phew!)

MrSPKR might receive a turn if HE fixes his ruddy e-mail as well. Tap, tap... my Froggies grow impatient to die-a-lot more!! Please accomodate....... oui??

Mace has decided that de-flocking sheep is less hazardous than assaulting my stubbornly resisted front. Or words to that effect...... Fear not, brave Mace - venture forth and offer your troops as sacrifice to the God of Floss...hehe

[Pending bolding<SUP>1</SUP>]Simon Elwin[/Pending bolding<SUP>2</SUP>] is putting up a remarkable fight in the ghastly and therefore superior Berli inspired creation of Rhees-am-Rhine. I suspect he must be British, to handle the Poms with such aplomb. Still, the result is cast in stone. I predict a mammoth but very minor victory to moi.

(Legend: <SUP>1</SUP> = Due to adherence to known Cesspool etiquette; <SUP>2</SUP> = See <SUP>1</SUP> for further clarification)

Thus, being fully informed of the above situations, you can all now <BIG><BIG>SOD THE HELL ORF!</BIG></BIG>.

I say, that felt jolly <U>good</U> old chaps!! Almost enough to bring me back for another one. Then again.....


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<BIG>Hell's Bells!!!</BIG>

Here I was, having a snooze in me cosy burrow outback - taking a breather as it were from the day to day tribulations of Cess, when LO! the UnterGnome<SUP>tm</SUP> opens the floodgates to SSN HELL again!. I know he feels pain from lacking serious, mundane and paid poorly regular work to test his mettle, but this - this self-inflicted Inquisition appears to be an Imposition of the first order!

Not only that, but now our humbler-than-humble Justiciar deserts the sinking ship for a holiday in Hawaii! That's gratitude for you. Sire, methinks it is time to call in the professionals - ACME Pest Exterminators Inc.<SUP>tm</SUP> to clean up this mess. I'm sure Lars wouldn't mind a bit of extrajudicial target practice either, being how he is conversant in the art of exterminating resident pests from his rentable abodes and sports an arsenal of weapons large enough to equip a modest-sized army to *BOOT*.

Whatever, the influx of mindless SSNivelers hell-bent on stirring the cesspot courtesy of an OPEN INVITATION by u-no-hoo has wrought a malodorous and fetid stench within this holier-than-holey of places. FEH! to the lot of 'em.

So, to other, more cessnificant matters:

CMPlaguer you will receive a turn any month now. Can't remember which one tho'. I've topped up the parking meters in the hilltop parking lot, so don't expect to find a spot in the immediate future when your lot have finished huffing and puffing their way up the molehill.....

Boo-boo fix yer damned e-maily thingy. It's bouncing turns like rubber checks. Like the rubber bullets your Pixietruppen are starting to disperse in that miserable QB YOU designed. Unlike the HOT, HEAVY METAL my brave Brits are tossing YOUR way in the classic Laghouat scenario that moi designed. Tip: Turn your retreating hordes around to face my advancing juggernaut - at least let them know what their fate is!

Lars it's time to close the Shanghai boozer and get to work defending your realm with a bit more relish...... Just in case you are getting short on rations of cheep Bloody Mary's, my roaming Luftwaffe Staffels have been instructed to deliver "surprises" to your front line fairies at opportune moments....

OGSF has finally Remember'ed to see sense and called for reos, now that there are no more grey-type pixels spoiling MY view of the cunningly designed map. Unfortunately HIS reo's are back in Berlin, gaily sunning themselves (amongst other things) at a Hitler Youth Kamp.

Stuka is running around in circles trying to figure out where all dat smoke is comin' from. Must be from the burning wreckage of the once proud but soon to be forgotten ex-112th AFV's of his, I'm afraid. Don't worry, I'll send some guys over to help you put out the fires.......(smirk)

YeKnowed is not feeling himself anymore. He is feeling a kanigget instead. Yuk! And I am pleased to report that at his new, increased rate of e-mailing turns (no doubt inspired by his relegation to the rank of Sir Idjit) our 1st QB started back in December 1957 shall officially end in February 2010. Well done, Sire! *spoot*

Elvis (aka Swivelhips) is putting a brave face on a less than auspicious effort to prevent ME from reaching the Laghouat Fish Market before NOBA does! Unfortunately he seems to be failing miserably in this regard. "It'll be Sole stew all round in a few minutes, chaps......." (gag ..... hack)

Noba and I are confused. Both our sides are completely and utterly surrounded. Ahem. Your Evilness. Which side of the ruddy "Hell's Bridges" map am I supposed to be on?? Nearly half way through this one and we are no wiser.........could fall either way. In our "Roight Royal" encounter MkII, his spy carriers have been put to the sword, as well as the simpering scum riding within them. Next please......... And in his less-than-convincing thrust for the Port Laghouat fish markets, it appears he forgot to tell his AFV drivers which road to take! My UberuntWundermenschen wait with particularly baited breaths.......(phew!)

MrSPKR might receive a turn if HE fixes his ruddy e-mail as well. Tap, tap... my Froggies grow impatient to die-a-lot more!! Please accomodate....... oui??

Mace has decided that de-flocking sheep is less hazardous than assaulting my stubbornly resisted front. Or words to that effect...... Fear not, brave Mace - venture forth and offer your troops as sacrifice to the God of Floss...hehe

[Pending bolding<SUP>1</SUP>]Simon Elwin[/Pending bolding<SUP>2</SUP>] is putting up a remarkable fight in the ghastly and therefore superior Berli inspired creation of Rhees-am-Rhine. I suspect he must be British, to handle the Poms with such aplomb. Still, the result is cast in stone. I predict a mammoth but very minor victory to moi.

(Legend: <SUP>1</SUP> = Due to adherence to known Cesspool etiquette; <SUP>2</SUP> = See <SUP>1</SUP> for further clarification)

Thus, being fully informed of the above situations, you can all now <BIG><BIG>SOD THE HELL ORF!</BIG></BIG>.

I say, that felt jolly <U>good</U> old chaps!! Almost enough to bring me back for another one. Then again.....


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Goanna, I love you man!! How ya been??? How's the fam?! Whatcha been up to? Can you believe those A's, the bums. Hey, what're you doing next weekend, we're having a big barbecue over at Chrissie Field! Bring the wife, bring the girlfriend, hell, bring 'em both!!! Wow, it's good to see you're still around!

Oh, I see you're still here, speedy...

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Goanna, I love you man!! How ya been??? How's the fam?! Whatcha been up to? Can you believe those A's, the bums. Hey, what're you doing next weekend, we're having a big barbecue over at Chrissie Field! Bring the wife, bring the girlfriend, hell, bring 'em both!!! Wow, it's good to see you're still around!

Oh, I see you're still here, speedy...

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Hiya everybody! I was on my way to an Armor Penetration Thread when whatsisname insisted I drop by & meet the gang. No, not him, that other guy over there laughing in the corner. He said you were some swell bunch of fun folksies! Hey! How about that Late '42 Pzr III Fuel Depletion bruhaha! Gettin' pretty dadgum excitin'! Hey! I've got pictures of the kids! Hey! Let's all tell each other our favorite...What?Cookies! Gee Thanks!.........

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Hiya everybody! I was on my way to an Armor Penetration Thread when whatsisname insisted I drop by & meet the gang. No, not him, that other guy over there laughing in the corner. He said you were some swell bunch of fun folksies! Hey! How about that Late '42 Pzr III Fuel Depletion bruhaha! Gettin' pretty dadgum excitin'! Hey! I've got pictures of the kids! Hey! Let's all tell each other our favorite...What?Cookies! Gee Thanks!.........

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