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Will Peng Challenge the Doodads?

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I, Joe Shaw, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, Knight Champion of the MBT and CessPool Drain Commissioner have returned from the wilds of Dallas (not that MrSpkr even bothered so much as a "howdy" mind you). Unfortunately I'm off to the wilds of L.A. Sunday for a week so there you have it.

I see that my erstwhile flying companion Harv has shown up here, eh (Note the obligatory tip of the hat to the Canadian way of speaking). Well, I suppose there's nothing for it but to take the clown to Squire. Lorak, make it so please, note that Harv is now Squire to Sir Joe Shaw ... there's a good fellow. So ... Harv ... You have been accorded a great honor and THE singular accomplishment of your entire life by this move, I do hope you're properly appreciative.

I thank whatever diety we can lay claim to here that the outerboarders don't seem to have followed us, but I also note with alarm that Seanachai may be leaving the roost? Seanachai, please don't take our suggestions that you were/are a complete flaming idiot as anything other than a statement that you were/are OUR complete flaming idiot and we like it that way. In other words, we don't care if you're mad or not, but don't go away.


[ May 17, 2002, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Excerpts from

Everything you wanted to know about Sheep, but was afraid to ask.

Marino:Primary Sheep breed in Australia

Lanolin: Oil exuded by sheep that, with wool, creates a thermal barrier

Dag:fecal matter trapped on sheep's wool, (aka HARV, also refer Fly-blown, )

Fly-blown: Hideous maggot infestation, a result of Daggy sheep, or HARV. A putrifying mass of disgusting, wiggling life forms (aka Boo-Radley

Pom: Citizen of England. Something Yecknathod is, but Mace isn't (nor wants to be)


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lorak, make it so please, note that Harv is now Squire to Sir Joe Shaw ... there's a good fellow. So ... Harv ... You have been accorded a great honor and THE singular accomplishment of your entire life by this move, I do hope you're properly appreciative.

Heresy! Heresy!!!!

Joe Shaw has gone against convention by bolding a squires' name!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai, please don't take our suggestions that you were/are a complete flaming idiot as anything other than a statement that you were/are OUR complete flaming idiot and we like it that way. In other words, we don't care if you're mad or not, but don't go away.

Seanachai go away? Not a chance. Anybody who pens rants of that length will be back.

I can see him now, just like the Little Teapot, building up pressure...

{that was your cue, Persephone}

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Die, die, die, Lorak! Just up and die, right the feck now!

Here, I tell ya what. I'll compose a poem for the Winston-Salem, NFL frachise. Oh, wait! I can't, because they don't have one.

Hmmm, if they did, I wonder what their name would be? The Two-Pack a Day-ers? The Phlegm Rockets? Maybe the Class Action Suites? Something to dwell upon.

This last outburst might make me sad.. If it wasn't for the fact that Ohio exist. No matter how bad things get, no matter the pains that life and Berli throw my way. I can hold my head up with pride and hope with just one thought:

" At least I am not in Ohio."


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This drivel was typed by JoeWho?:

So ... Harv ... You have been accorded a great honor and THE singular accomplishment of your entire life by this move, I do hope you're properly appreciative.

Appreciative? Taken to Squire by you and I'm supposed to be appreciative? I'm sure I'd be better off lanolined and dagged (daged?) by Mace, but then Canadians can't be choosers they say.

It could be worse though. I could be Lorak, even if he doesn't live in Ohio.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lorak, make it so please, note that Harv is now Squire to Sir Joe Shaw ... there's a good fellow. So ... Harv ... You have been accorded a great honor and THE singular accomplishment of your entire life by this move, I do hope you're properly appreciative.

Heresy! Heresy!!!!

Joe Shaw has gone against convention by bolding a squires' name!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I see that my erstwhile flying companion Harv has shown up here, eh (Note the obligatory tip of the hat to the Canadian way of speaking). Well, I suppose there's nothing for it but to take the clown to Squire.

Joe, how can you make Harv a squire when he hasn't even received a proper "Sod Off" yet! I detect that the Justiciar is showing signs of favoritism...that is very unjusticiarious of you.

Seanachai, please don't take our suggestions that you were/are a complete flaming idiot as anything other than a statement that you were/are OUR complete flaming idiot and we like it that way.

He's the Übergnome...not a complete flaming idjit...well, at least sometimes he's not.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

[QB] </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I see that my erstwhile flying companion Harv has shown up here, eh (Note the obligatory tip of the hat to the Canadian way of speaking). Well, I suppose there's nothing for it but to take the clown to Squire.

Joe, how can you make Harv a squire when he hasn't even received a proper "Sod Off" yet! I detect that the Justiciar is showing signs of favoritism...that is very unjusticiarious of you.</font>
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Welcome to the Real Cess, Harv (may I call you Harv?). Yes, I read that other forum, too. Whatsamatta? You get tired of drilling foxholes from 20,000 feet? Or is this the only way to keep Lorak in your sights?

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Joe, how can you make Harv a squire when he hasn't even received a proper "Sod Off" yet! I detect that the Justiciar is showing signs of favoritism...that is very unjusticiariousPersephone

Me Lady, favoritism {shiver, gack: American spelling, but I'll try anything to feel worse} and the Jusitcar go together like missing exit zones and first turn losses or donkeys and HATRED. Me Lady, he's doing things by Harv measures.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

[ May 18, 2002, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Even the wind is still in the Wasteland. All is silent... silent as the grave. A figure cloaked in darkness sits alone, toying with the last, dying ember of the fire.


"Too quiet without that capering idiot and too nice without Peng."

"Even the return of Meeks falls flat..."

"Not nearly as vicious as he used to be."

"No point remaining now"

"Must remember to post this letter to Lorak telling him to Make AussieJeff a Knight.

The figure stands and stides off into the darkness leaving... nothing
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Drunken Game Updates!(as if there were another kind):

OGSF is a right upstanding bastage, and is currently beating the crap out of my poor pixel-truppen Ami's. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT???

Moriarty managed to warp a whole battalion of Infantry and armor (or somfink like that) behind my "Tiger on the Hill" (cue Herb Alpert).

MrSpkr's arthritic army is already dead; they just don't know it yet.

Wildman is bleating and whining for me to stop shelling his troops. As Gomer said when he was approached from the rear, "Soo-prise, suprise, suprise!"

dalem has figured out a way to warp .50 cal. rounds through solid buildings.

I could say more, but that would involve putting down my friend, the MALT-lick-her.

P.S. Don't go away, Seanachai. I can't say why, but don't leave us. You are our only hope, Obi-Wan-full-O'-Crap!

(Pretend that last bit was relayed by the loverly Natalie Portman, with fair Emma and Persephone in transcendant chorus.)

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

The figure stands and stides off into the darkness leaving... nothing

Ladies and gentlemen, everything is okay - I'm in charge now.

My first action is to declare the open wearing of culottes to be a capital crime - anyone caught wearing silly long shorts of any type will spend a night in The Box.

More to follow.

House Persiflage sends

[ May 17, 2002, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

The figure stands and stides off into the darkness leaving... nothing

Ladies and gentlemen, everything is okay - I'm in charge now.

My first action is to declare the open wearing of culottes to be a capital crime - anyone caught wearing silly long shorts of any type will spend a night in The Box.

More to follow.

House Persiflage sends</font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

The figure stands and stides off into the darkness leaving... nothing

*searches for Berli's Monday bag*

Crikey! Who's going to shower me with Mondays?

I want Mondays up to my kazoo!

In fact I don't want to be home anymore, I want to be at work.


[ May 18, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Harv wrote:

Lucky for everyone I have returned and shall now hate and challenge anyone who wishes to see the pool driven to new lows just by my very presence.

Well Harv , if you are really interested in taking the pool to new lows then the path lies through me. I am the newest, and therefore by extension the lowest, scummiest of the SSNs. I am so low on the food chain here I have to step aside for the krill. This is bad, but I give myself cold comfort in the fact that I made it out of Ohio with my brain intact, unlike some poor bastiches. Therefore, I stand at the threshold of the dark way down. None may pass but by me. Well, unless an even newer SSN comes along, but what are the odds of that happening?

So let us start here. I challenge you to a duel. Pikes at 5 paces, not the pole arms, the fish. Don't laugh, they're vicious! If that doesn't suit you then perhaps a small skirmish of some sort. You stiff-armed CMPlayer much better than I did when I first arrived, which reminds me, did you know that if you re-arrange the letters of your name and add some you can spell Le Havre? Anyway, that makes you the enemy of my enemy, which means you are the person I will hide behind if CMPlayer ever comes after me.

I resent and despise you for the way you so blatantly used your connections to make squire without having to suffer torment or torture of any kind or even get a good sodding. Why, there are still unstained spots on your clothing! How will anyone respect your squirrelship without a test of any sort?

I realize that your new-found status makes you supposedly untouchable to me, but I will commit the faux pas of going straight to the triple-dog-dare-ya and say, "Have at you!" Come on, you prancing kept-woman of the Justickitoher ! Give me satisfaction in this. Let me strike a blow for the down-trodden algae and mites that I live with or I will expose you to be, in fact, nothing more than the invisible figment of Joe Shaw's imagination!


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Posted by Her-oab-arse.

Now let me get this straight...

3-0 to the Crawdad?!?!?!?!

You, sir, need an umbrella. For I am sure it will not be too long before an ant happens by to piss on you...

What would you know ? You can't even read. AJ posted a 'squared'.

As to an ant... that would be you, perhaps ?


[ May 18, 2002, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Dorkeython posted:

I bags the Ubergnome's chattels - please send to paddock for me inspection.
Err. The reference of the Knighting of AussieJeff sort of tells me it is Berli who is represented there. Maybe.


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Posted by Dalem :

Ladies and gentlemen, everything is okay - I'm in charge now.

My first action is to declare the open wearing of culottes to be a capital crime - anyone caught wearing silly long shorts of any type will spend a night in The Box.

Dalem, your cross-dressing preferences should be accompanied by a photo to Persephone. Obviously you hate competition in the fashion stakes.


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My second action is to dub Noba a severe poopy-doopy-head. All excess mucous, toejam, methane, eye crusties, and navel lint will be flung at him while I consider whether his night in The Box will be spent upside down or rightside up.

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Originally posted by Noba:

Dorkeython posted:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I bags the Ubergnome's chattels - please send to paddock for me inspection.

Err. The reference of the Knighting of AussieJeff sort of tells me it is Berli who is represented there. Maybe.


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