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Will Peng Challenge the Doodads?

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Hell, at least were not in Texas anymore.

And why in the hell didn't someone tell me that Bastage was from Ohio before I promoted him? Although given the climate and surroundings of ohio... it makes sense that he feels right at home in lake Erie..err, the Cesspool.

A little poem:

"What the Hell is a brown?"

A Bengal is a tiger,

A fast plane is a Jet,

A Cowboy comes from Texas,

and a Raider's tough I'll bet.

The Viking's come from the frigid north,

Seahawks live by the sea,

all are names of football teams,

just like they ought to be.

There is one name that makes no sense,

it causes me to frown,

can anyone just tell me, "WHAT THE HELL'S A CLEVELAND BROWN"?

I don't know if it's true but I think I heard a theory,

that Cleveland named it's team after the color of Lake Erie.

Brown does not describe a strong athletic man,

it's what's inside the diaper of a Baby Steeler Fan.

If I'd been born in Cleveland, and there my life was spent,

I'd find another team to cheer from pure embarrassment.

I myself have always loved the Steeler's Black, & Gold,

I did when I was very young, I will when I am old.

But why's this name's an adjective,

when it should be a noun.

Can ANYONE just tell me,


In other news...(and groundbreaking it is)

I sent out turns this evening.

Games I still had turns for that is...

Moriarty, Seanachai, Mace

updates as soon as I remember what in the hell was going on in them.

Lorak the loathed

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Hey Leeeeeeeeeee-oh, what's the problem here? Ye canna play CM for quids or somefink?? Just to cheer you up a little, here's the result (hot off the press) of Aussiejeff's legions of game(y) Brits raping and pillaging OGSF's horrified Huns to the tune of a MAJOR victory (Lorak make sure to add THAT one to OGSF's long list of losses):


Och noo, at's a MAJOR victory as at? Ye foist a scenario on mae constructed bah a slack-jawed imbecile, tha hae eight Sherman tanks wi' unobstructed LOS tae tha VL fraim turn get-go, a bagful o' artillery an' noo impediment tae ye troops tae speak of, agin three MkIVs wi' noo line o' sight 'ceptin' tha wun wi' eight feckin' Shermans tae shoot back an' a single mortar crew. Tha map as sixteen miles long an' quarter mile wide, mah reinforcemaints appear sae far fraim tha "action" Ah haid tae scroll mah feckin' 19 inch screen fer feeve minutes just tae feend thaim, an' ye prood o' ye aincredible win? Twit.

Ah'll sae yoo Jimmy on a map made fer manly mons', an' slap ye aboot wi' a soggy teabag.

Ye're akin tae mah proverbial fat boy wi' a baseball bat squeakin' "Look Mummy, Ah've killed a frog ain a bucket!!". Ah aintaind tae peg thus particular pasty faced fat boy tae a wee hill o' fire ants an' splash ye soft bits (tha's all o ye, laddy) wi' lime cordial an' castor sugar.

Di' Ah mention Ah kicked Lars arrrse ain our last gam? Ah prolly did menshun at, but at's worrth menshunin' agin, eh?

Saenachai, take care laddie.

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Hell, at least were not in Texas anymore.

And why in the hell didn't someone tell me that Bastage was from Ohio before I promoted him? Although given the climate and surroundings of ohio... it makes sense that he feels right at home in lake Erie..err, the Cesspool.

A little poem:

"What the Hell is a brown?"

A Bengal is a tiger,

A fast plane is a Jet,

A Cowboy comes from Texas,

and a Raider's tough I'll bet.

The Viking's come from the frigid north,

Seahawks live by the sea,

all are names of football teams,

just like they ought to be.

There is one name that makes no sense,

it causes me to frown,

can anyone just tell me, "WHAT THE HELL'S A CLEVELAND BROWN"?

I don't know if it's true but I think I heard a theory,

that Cleveland named it's team after the color of Lake Erie.

Brown does not describe a strong athletic man,

it's what's inside the diaper of a Baby Steeler Fan.

If I'd been born in Cleveland, and there my life was spent,

I'd find another team to cheer from pure embarrassment.

I myself have always loved the Steeler's Black, & Gold,

I did when I was very young, I will when I am old.

But why's this name's an adjective,

when it should be a noun.

Can ANYONE just tell me,


Lorak the loathed

Die, die, die, Lorak! Just up and die, right the feck now!

Here, I tell ya what. I'll compose a poem for the Winston-Salem, NFL frachise. Oh, wait! I can't, because they don't have one.

Hmmm, if they did, I wonder what their name would be? The Two-Pack a Day-ers? The Phlegm Rockets? Maybe the Class Action Suites? Something to dwell upon.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />For those wanting to know how much I beat Noba by, just start counting and stop when you get to a **** load.



3-0 to the Croda


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Originally posted by Croda:

For those wanting to know how much I beat Noba by, just start counting and stop when you get to a **** load.

The entire earth shakes when my former leige passes. {Croda can't see this} Especially when he passes gas.{/Croda can't see this}
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Originally posted by Mrsspkr:

You outnumber my battered bastards by about three to one in men and vehicles,

You picked the scenario. And yours were all hiding in large apartment blocks overlooking about a 1000 meters of dead flat terrain, backed by Jagdpanzers and King Tigers.

you hack the bloody program to enable the clip shooting cheat (through a danged building, you slime),
Guilty, but I'm going to do the same thing to Noba, so I don't care.

you overrun position after position,
It was kind of fun to watch a company of infantry run right by a King Tiger.

and all you got was a lousy MINOR victory?

You should be ashamed.

Only because all your troops ran off the map instead of sticking around to let me exterminate them.

The next time we play, I'm going to line your back side of the map with wire. Or maybe just your backside.

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who wishes to see the pool driven to new lows just by my very presence. As I have died-a-lot at the hands of some of you in the other flying type game I'm sure that I will be told to feck off asap, and I wouldn't have it any other

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way. As for the rest of you, you'll have to learn just how bad I suck at your own pace.

So here I am, your saviour. Like it or hate it, you're stuck to me now, and I mean that in the worst possible way.


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Blathered by CMplayer:

Harv, didja know your name spells 'Vrah' backwards?

You never thought of that did you.

(Just thought you might like to know)

Well now you know what thought got ya...nothing. Not only do I not care, I really don't care. In fact, if I cared even less I might even realize that CMplayer spelt sideways reads "I'm a gamey bastage"

And then by Boo_Radley:

Hey, is this the same Harv that used to go around with some airhead named Dowd? Elwood P. Dowd, I believe it was? Large, pale, hairy fellow with malformed ears? Not Dowd -- the other one.

No, I don't remember associating with any of your former (current?) girl(otherspecies?)friends. The large, pale, hairy ones with malformed ears I mean.

However, Dowd spelled backwards does spell Dwod if that matters.


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Originally posted by Harv:

And then by Boo_Radley:

Hey, is this the same Harv that used to go around with some airhead named Dowd? Elwood P. Dowd, I believe it was? Large, pale, hairy fellow with malformed ears? Not Dowd -- the other one.

No, I don't remember associating with any of your former (current?) girl(otherspecies?)friends. The large, pale, hairy ones with malformed ears I mean.

However, Dowd spelled backwards does spell Dwod if that matters.


Sorry, but I believe you are confusing me with Mace and his sheepish paramours. Let me help you, there's an easy way to tell us apart. I'm the tall, handsome, intelligent one that doesn't smell like sheep dip. He's not.

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Mace? Mace!

Is this the same Mace who is...

3) A pom?

e. A pom who moved to Orstraylia because of the sheep?

1} An Aussie who really wishes he was a pom?

/ All of the above.

I thought so. No wonder I hate him already.

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Originally posted by Harv:

Mace? Mace!

Is this the same Mace who is...

3) A pom?

e. A pom who moved to Orstraylia because of the sheep?

1} An Aussie who really wishes he was a pom?

/ All of the above.

I thought so. No wonder I hate him already.

Well, that's OK. He more than likely hates you too. But then again, he feels that way about darn near anything that's not sheep related.
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