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Will Peng Challenge the Doodads?

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Originally posted by Leeo:

$) I hate OGSF.

23,482,678) I really <big>hate</big> OGSF.

beta) OGSF Sucks rocks.

Numero Secundus) Dying for OGSF is way too easy for me.

If pigs could fly) Did I mention that I hate that Mad-Scott-Wannabe, OGSF?

{edited due to the evil effects of that Malt-lick-her}

Hey Leeeeeeeeeee-oh, what's the problem here? Ye canna play CM for quids or somefink?? Just to cheer you up a little, here's the result (hot off the press) of Aussiejeff's legions of game(y) Brits raping and pillaging OGSF's horrified Huns to the tune of a MAJOR victory (Lorak make sure to add THAT one to OGSF's long list of losses):



Now, doesn't that make ya'll feel better now??



[ May 16, 2002, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Greetings gentlevermin,

I have been quietly visiting the cesspool since it's spawning. Lately I have noticed in Real Life™ that people's eyes have been watering in my presence. At first I thought it was a hygiene problem, but I then realized that my frequent covert visits to the pool have left a permanent stain and stench on my psyche. Because of this, and the fact that my contempt for you all has reached the point where I can no longer keep silent; I am ready to enter the fray. I was going to do this in the last thread, but

1. It was in Texas, and

C. The rush of outboarders stirred up stuff best left decomposing on the bottom.

So a pox on all your houses! Except of course, for Chrisl , who touched that which should never be touched. No, not that! I'm sure that gets handled regularly here. I'm referring to the name of Peng , which Chrisl carried off as war booty and took into his own home. No doubt a pox would be welcome relief from the plagues visited on him for such foolishness. He should have known better, but what can you expect from a Philistine?

I hope Seanitchyandscratchy doesn't go for good. He was like the abusive drunken uncle I never had growing up.

SO, Seeing as I am unworthy to address any of the regulars here directly, I demand that any SSNs that have not yet been served as hors d'oeurves identify themselves so that I may taunt and challenge them specifically. Or challenge me, if you have the guts! Once I get to interact with you directly I ought to be able to ramp up from spite into loathing pretty quickly.


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Originally posted by CMplayer:

For chrissakes 'Lurker' stop the I'm so cess, love me and just be yourself. Or even better, take...

Well, he's most likely a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, the majority of which are chronic droolers who formerly got off by smelling magic markers but with the advent of computer graphics are reduced to copping hits off the tailpipes of passing Greyhound buses. In other words, he's what you would call "special".

[ May 16, 2002, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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CMPlayer thanks for the warm welcome. I've been to Texas once and that was enough, thank you. Take Midol.

I've been to Akron too. All the charm of Texas, without the warmth or color. I am impressed with Boo_Radleys astute observations about the Art Institutes student body. 90% of the students dress like they are there to make a great living designing punk CD covers. In fact, I studied at Kent State, not far from where B_R hails. What an incredibly bleak place to spend winter-gray, windy, cold, and flat. It was pathetic watching people try to ride lunch trays in the snow down the landscaping.

As to my introduction I was trying to ease into a conversation that has been going on for years, with people of whom I had a one-sided knowledge. Now that that hurdle has been tripped over, trampled and crushed, I can "be myself."

Now sod-off or send me a set up, or both!


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Originally posted by Lurkur:

I've been to Akron too. All the charm of Texas, without the warmth or color. I am impressed with Boo_Radleys astute observations about the Art Institutes student body. 90% of the students dress like they are there to make a great living designing punk CD covers. In fact, I studied at Kent State, not far from where B_R hails. What an incredibly bleak place to spend winter-gray, windy, cold, and flat. It was pathetic watching people try to ride lunch trays in the snow down the landscaping.


My dear Loogie,

Spoken like a man who's sole goal in life was to be cool enough to hang out with the denizens of the Tri Towers. Somehow I don't think you did though. Well, what can you say about someone who studied art at KSU? For those of you from out of town, that's akin to studying brain surgery at your local Community College. Except that brain surgery is a useful skill.

Now, had he majored in beer bhang design, I would say he was in the right place, but sadly, that does not seem to be the case.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurkur:

Now sod-off or send me a set up, or both!

That has got to be the worst challenge I have ever seen. One extra Monday for YOU!</font>
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Berli, I think your Monday Machine is due for some calibration. I received a distinctly Hiram-esque Monday this week, to the point of having to temporarily abandon CM for a few days.

If this continues, I shall have to go to church and say some very un-Berli like words. If that has to happen, I'll start spreading rumours that you're really a nice guy.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Greetings gentlevermin,

I have been quietly visiting the cesspool since it's spawning.

SO, Seeing as I am unworthy to address any of the regulars here directly, I demand that any SSNs that have not yet been served as hors d'oeurves identify themselves so that I may taunt and challenge them specifically. Or challenge me, if you have the guts!


Perfect example of a big girl's blouse.
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Spoken like a man who's sole goal in life was to be cool enough to hang out with the denizens of the Tri Towers. Somehow I don't think you did though. Well, what can you say about someone who studied art at KSU? For those of you from out of town, that's akin to studying brain surgery at your local Community College. Except that brain surgery is a useful skill.

Now, had he majored in beer bhang design, I would say he was in the right place, but sadly, that does not seem to be the case.

Actually I was consigned to Dunbar Hall, which at the time was also being used for overflow space for one of the middle levels of hell. A few days in there had you wondering why they didn't shoot more students back in '70. The only appeal that the Tri Towers had to me was that the food served in the cafeterias was recycled there a day before it reached our cafeteria. I would take umbrage at characterizations of Kent if I didn't agree with you on every point.

Your knowledge about Kent fills me with...scorn. I went there when I was young, poor and naive. When I graduated I had the sense to get out out of that cancerous, crumbling mega-mall known as the state of Ohio. You, on the other hand, have chosen to live in what is perhaps the ugliest town in the most boring state in the union! How does it feel to envy people who live in Youngstown? You fill me with a disdainful curiosity. What would permit a man who knows what you know to remain there? I can only assume the pervasive gray mundane-ness of Ohio has transformed you into some glassy-eyed, slack-jawed, not quite-midwesterner for whom the convenience of Cheez-whiz is preferable to real food. I challenge you to a match, you ward of the Witless Protection Program, if only to see if your tactics are as dull and uninteresting as the place you call home.

Never underestimate the power of Berli . Today is my fifth Monday in a row. Man, he's goo...err, I mean very proficient at what he does.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

CMPlayer thanks for the warm welcome.

I must not have made myself clear then.

Listen, kid, this is heartbreaking but scram! Buzz off! Go away! Leave! I've got RL pressing, and starting a new game isn't an option.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Your knowledge about Kent fills me with... Cheez-whiz.

There was a bunch of other stuff in there that almost put me to sleep, so I left it out.

My dear Lurcher. As much as I would purely love to beat you about the head and shoulders with monotonous regularity until you ran crying home like a lost, little school girl, truth be told, I have 11 games going right now and I promised the lovely and talented Mrs Boo (aka She Who Must Be Obeyed), that I would accept no more games until I got it down to at the most 8.

But I'm sure there must be a serf, piss-boy or brain damaged squireling wandering about who could prove...amusing.

Anyone? Any takers?

P.S. The cuts and jibes against my town and state were real thigh slappers. Mostly because they came from someone who actually lives in Pittsburgh! Good Lord...the name says it all!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I have 11 games going right now

Dear Pillock,

Ye hadnae saint mae a turrrn since May 9th. Pillock. Wha's mah turrrn?

Ah cannae e'en remember wha tha map looked leek!

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.........and on a (hic!) more salutary note posted today in the Herald Sun (excerpts here as the full story is a bit long):


Anzac legend dies

"AUSTRALIA lost its final link with its legendary battlefield origins late yesterday when the last Gallipoli Anzac, Alec Campbell, died at 103. Mr Campbell, who was believed to be the last survivor of a million men of the 1915 Gallipoli campaign, died in a Hobart nursing home.

WHEN Alec Campbell went back to Gallipoli in 1990, he was the brightest spark among the old Anzacs, there to recall their fateful odyssey 75 years before. At Gallipoli "the kid" charged up to his old trench like it was 1915 all over again -- and promptly fell in.

It gave a truer picture of the Gallipoli veteran, wryly humorous, intelligent and adventurous, than the vague old gentleman in a wheelchair the nation saw recently as our last Anzac. Alec Campbell's death makes our nation seem older now as we lose the last witness to its baptism of fire. He was the last of the 50,000 whose courage, mateship, persistence, inventiveness and humour in the face of daunting odds forged a quality we call the "Anzac spirit".

Alec Campbell's unfolding life paralleled Australia's experience, rashly and innocently rushing to Gallipoli as a callow, underage youngster. Cherub-faced and barely taller than his rifle and bayonet when he enlisted at 16, as a centenarian Alec could not believe he had outlasted all the rugged, tall fighting men who called him "the kid". But he did share their larrikin streak and scepticism of authority."


RIP, mate. We will all shed a tear and ANZAC day will now be the poorer for your passing.

But we will NEVER FORGET you or your ilk.


[Edited through bleary eyes.....]

[ May 16, 2002, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I have 11 games going right now

Dear Pillock,

Ye hadnae saint mae a turrrn since May 9th. Pillock. Wha's mah turrrn?

Ah cannae e'en remember wha tha map looked leek!</font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

MrSpkr’s head is now available.

Lars – 58

Mrsspkr – 42

Axis surrender.

Allied Minor Victory.

Let’s hope he does better in the courtroom. Or gets run over chasing ambulances.

You outnumber my battered bastards by about three to one in men and vehicles, you hack the bloody program to enable the clip shooting cheat (through a danged building, you slime), you overrun position after position, and all you got was a lousy MINOR victory?

You should be ashamed.


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Aww! Berli, my GRAND, NOBLE and MOST EEVILtm Liege (where's the inf reos in the "Bridges of Hell", dammit - the Nobbits are swarming everywhere!!) ....... can you sling him a Tuesday as well - just for good measure to *BOOT*??

Your grovelling Squire,

Well done AJ. A masterfull attempt at grovelling, whining and making a pillock of oneself. Keep up the good work...

I believe you owe a turn or three. Hop to it.


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