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Will CM:BB correctly model the Russian Antitank Dog?

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Plz answer BTS, will CM:BB correctly model the Russian assault hounds that were trained with Pavlovian methods? My sources tell me that during the late -41, advancing German forces encountered dogs that had a tendency to run under their tanks while the divisions were trying to reach Moscow.

The dogs had a saddle-like apparatus on their back with a lump on the top and a stick pointing upwards. You can imagine what happened when they ran under a tank and the stick nudged the weak bottom armor...

I am very concerned if this historically accurate unit will be modeled in CM:BB and will the cost be correctly balanced!!

What information do the forum grogs have about the availability and production of this unit from 41 to 45?

Plz answer fast or somefink. Thanks!!#

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forget about the dogs, you're not thinking big enough. I want to see:

rabbits in the fields

deer in the forests

bird (maybe a bird shadow like a plane shadow?)

Pigs and cows for the farms.

I also want to see:

civilian sedans,


trains on the tracks,

ferries on the rivers,

frightened civilians

Oh yeh, I also want it all to run on my 300mhz Mac G3.

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Hey Ligur,

It is my understanding that those explosive ladden dogs were not very effective. Once the Germans caught on to watch out for dogs they shot any dog near their tanks on sight.

Read "Panzer General" -- a Biography of Hanz von Luck. He talks breifly about his encounters with those dogs on the Eastern front. Read it anyway, it is a very good book. Luck fought on every major Front and eventually was captured by the Russians and spent 5 years in a camp after the war.



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Originally posted by Ligur:

...will CM:BB correctly model the Russian assault hounds that were trained with Pavlovian methods? ...

Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

No, they will not be correctly modeled. Actually, they won't appear in the game at all.

Actually, I heard that they are going to be in CM:BB, but just for a lark Charles has decided to model them completely incorrectly. For example they will fly instead of run, go "quackski quackski" instead of "woofski ruffski", and piss on trees rather than trying to find some tucker under noisy smelly tanks. ;):D



[ March 13, 2002, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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Cool, good ideas, I also wants too have:

-Field hospitals that HEAL units.

-Sewers that become visible after you cave them in with a 240mm mortar.

-Sky that is damaged by missed HE shots.

-Ponies and donkeys you can use to haul AT-guns fast.

-Russian cavalry on Cossack mounts. They have to able to unmount or I will post 1500 threads about it.

-6 different damage .bmps for each building type.

-Damaged forest with different cover ratings and of course textures. Some 155mm grenades really did it to the trees you knows!!

-Field kitchens you can blow up. If you don't, the troops can enjoy tasty dinner there and recover from fatigue.

-Power-ups that win the game.


-Nazi Robot Zombies.

But most of all I want to have attack anti-tank dogs that move at 25mph. The dogs must also be better at spotting enemy units the normal infantry!!!

[edit] Edited to say that the flying dogs were a good idea, that would ideally balance the game, because otherwise Luftwaffe will have air superiority during the summer of -41 [/edit]

[ March 13, 2002, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Ligur ]

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Of course there are dogs in CMBB!

AFAIK every nation will get a special type of dog.

The russians will get the famous Vodkashock dogs. They are ferocious fighters, but they are deaf and blind and thus a little difficult to control in battle...

The germans will get the Panzerhund MkV, an armoured heavy assault dog equipped with a 38cm grenade and multiple rocket launchers on his back. They will usually collapse after a few meters regardles of terrain before even seing a target...

The italians will get the fast Calzone reconaissance dog. Most of the time he wonders what he's doing in russia and needs lots of attention when homesick, which happens quite a lot...

The finnish troops field the Japaukämäkiläki commando dog. It can fly, is invisible and one bite with his poisenous fangs kills instantly. If he pisses against a T34, they instantly explode...

[ March 13, 2002, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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Yes, a bit over the target.. ;) ) but did you know, i hade playtestet sudden strike in the CDV home office. At this time, i was a big fan of the close combat series and my playtesting was more a pain then fun...please belive me...hehehe..

Nonetheless...the CO and the other guys from CDV were really nice guys...and spend alot of pizzas and pasta... :D At all, it wasnt a bad day.. ;) )

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Yep, I also followed the developement of Sudden Strike and hoped for an interesting WW2 game. I was reading the BBS every day, waiting for the demo.

When I finally got it, I was sooo disappointed...

Didn't you post your impressions about the "Stosstrupp" on the board? Think I remember something like that vaguely...

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Couldn remember exactly what i wrote, but hade the same emotion like you after testing it.

May its interesting for you, they hade the close combat trilogy at her office and liked it much. We spoke alot about publishing and distibuting and i did understand it would be hard for a small company like they were at this time, to sell a hardcore WWII game.

Im still more interessted to see a game in the close combat style then to follow a one minute TV like in CM. With a intelligent strategic option, may with resources and other gooddies. Imagine a game were you could capture faktories, cut supply routes..ect.

I must stop to dream....cost me my sleep.. :D

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With a intelligent strategic option, may with resources and other gooddies. Imagine a game were you could capture faktories, cut supply routes..ect.

I must stop to dream....cost me my sleep..

[OT Rant]

It's allready done, it's extremely good and its Free.


Not CC kind of 'action' though, rather a member of a dying race, a good strategic WWII game.

Get the PossumsV4 and the graphic addon Possum's readme suggests.


[/OT rant]

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You guys are joking. But the "combat dog" had a big importance in WW2. Hundreds of terrible dogs were selected for combat, also against KingTigers they had some success.

From "The fourth platoon - Gibermann Press-": "That dog came near our Tiger. I gave him a biscuit, but he came on the turret, entered the tank, licked all the crew and -damn dog!- especially the AP rounds. Result: the rounds were made so ineffective that an incoming light russian tank was able to kill our Tiger!... "

Moreover, some of that selected killer dogs survived the war and is possible sometimes here in north italy meet them.

Yesterday a Pit Bull Terrier thought that my bike, with me on, was a T34...



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I heard that the Russians trained the dogs on their own tanks so in combat the dogs didn't like the smell of german tanks (mostly petrol engines) and ran back under friendly smelling tanks (russian diesel engines)a bit of a canine own goal really
I read something similar, and that the project was cancelled because they ran under Russian tanks more often than not.

It seems obvious that tank identification would be a bit beyond your average doggie. I wonder if the Russians ever tried to open special tank-ID doggie classrooms with exasperated instructors pointing at pictures of large tanks on the walls.

Damn, I'm must take more water with it...

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