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If CMBB is really being released soon...

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...why is it, then, that there isn't an abundance of new screenshots? I don't see why BTS keeps their game so secret; it's as if they don't want the outside non-CM world to become too interested in their next product. I find it awkward that a game this close to completion feels like it's only been through half-a-year of developement.

If I didn't frequent this forum regularly, or visit www.combatmission.com on ocassion, I doubt I'd know the game even exists, much less find myself interested in it.

I'm not suggesting hyping the game excessively like a certain Soldier of Fortune II, but what you're doing is at the extreme opposite, which isn't good, and is disapointing/disrespectful to the fans that have been with you since CMBO.

I doubt I'm exagerating.

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I agree CMsoldier. However, I stumbled across this game -- the best I've ever owned by far -- entirely by accident.

The thread went: Age of Sail II, followed by a fruitless search to get a reasonably priced copy of Europe in Flames by Talonsoft. I started surfing wargame sites and -- bingo -- there's CMBO. Being new to the game -- just over a month -- I guess I'm fairly spoiled seeing as CMBB is due out soon.

The point is, none of the staff at any of the local game stores had ever heard of CM or Battlefront.

I don't know if this low perception is my perception or not. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

...why is it, then, that there isn't an abundance of new screenshots? I don't see why BTS keeps their game so secret; it's as if they don't want the outside non-CM world to become too interested in their next product. I find it awkward that a game this close to completion feels like it's only been through half-a-year of developement.

If I didn't frequent this forum regularly, or visit www.combatmission.com on ocassion, I doubt I'd know the game even exists, much less find myself interested in it.

I'm not suggesting hyping the game excessively like a certain Soldier of Fortune II, but what you're doing is at the extreme opposite, which isn't good, and is disapointing/disrespectful to the fans that have been with you since CMBO.

I doubt I'm exagerating.

And is there anything in the world that is going to stop you from sending in your 45 bucks on Day One of the Refresh Blitz?

See my point?

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Originally posted by zukkov:

well they did place an ad in at least one magazine. i think they will sell more by word of mouth than hyping the game in all the big websites and mags anyway....

I don't know about that. I was, untill about 1.5 years, ago a console gamer. I had debated for 6 months on if I should buy a computer and do my gaming from there. 1000+ price tag is a big investment.

Anyways, I bought a copy of PC Gamer that was their award issue. CMBO won an award for something and had 1/2 page article. It seemed like the game I always wanted, so I had my friend download the demo for me. After playing the demo, it convinced me not only to buy the $45 dollar game but also a computer.

I went to my local computer store and they had never heard of CMBO. I had to go back to the article and find the website to order the game. So without that article, you would be denied my talents as a military genius as well as many others I presume (as well as my $45 dollars).

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Originally posted by SuperTed:


I guess the only thing I'd like to know is your source that says that CMBB will be released soon. :confused:

Can you start banning people who insist on this pointless and childish speculation?

Now, as to my brilliant theory that the magazine ad art was also the splash screen....

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SuperTed:


I guess the only thing I'd like to know is your source that says that CMBB will be released soon. :confused:

Can you start banning people who insist on this pointless and childish speculation?

Now, as to my brilliant theory that the magazine ad art was also the splash screen....</font>

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Vader, I was being facetious - my speculation on the splash screen is equally retarded as AO's speculation on the release date. We're ALL excited.

But if all this speculation keeps getting in the way of what this forum is supposed to be about - squabbling grognards - well, that just isn't on.

If I don't get to bite JasonC's head off in the next day or so, I will simply scream!

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Vader, I was being facetious - my speculation on the splash screen is equally retarded as AO's speculation on the release date. We're ALL excited.

Oh, so I'm retarded now am I!! :mad:

That's it! You're one of the first people I am going to challange to a CMBB duel!! I'm gonna stick a platoon of T-34/85's right up your. . .well, you get the picture don't you?! tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

...why is it, then, that there isn't an abundance of new screenshots? I don't see why BTS keeps their game so secret; it's as if they don't want the outside non-CM world to become too interested in their next product. I find it awkward that a game this close to completion feels like it's only been through half-a-year of developement.

If I didn't frequent this forum regularly, or visit www.combatmission.com on ocassion, I doubt I'd know the game even exists, much less find myself interested in it.

I'm not suggesting hyping the game excessively like a certain Soldier of Fortune II, but what you're doing is at the extreme opposite, which isn't good, and is disapointing/disrespectful to the fans that have been with you since CMBO.

I doubt I'm exagerating.

And is there anything in the world that is going to stop you from sending in your 45 bucks on Day One of the Refresh Blitz?

See my point?</font>

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Vader, I was being facetious - my speculation on the splash screen is equally retarded as AO's speculation on the release date. We're ALL excited.

But if all this speculation keeps getting in the way of what this forum is supposed to be about - squabbling grognards - well, that just isn't on.

If I don't get to bite JasonC's head off in the next day or so, I will simply scream!

Good gods, Dorosh, we don't want to hear about what excites you.

And whatever transpires between you and JasonC...that is beyond our purview.

What I'd like to hear from you, laddie, in the wake of your recent defeat at my hands, is a paean to the Peng Challenge Thread, for all and everyone to see.

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Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

...And we can argue about this through the rest of the thread, but the game is going to be released soon. Go outside, lick your index finger and point it upward in front of you. You can just feel it in the wind.

It's coming, are you ready? I certainly am.


I don't mean to be a pain, but I am still curious why you are so sure of this.

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Heya Guys,

Just so you know, we are EXTEMELY busy at the moment working on CMBB. Yup, I could spend all day tomorrow taking a bunch of new screen shots, but I can almost gaurantee that it would mean one vehicle from our list wouldnt make it into the game. Thats the reality of being a smaller company unfortuantely, so all we can do is to ask you guys to be patient whilst we try and make the game as great as we can for you smile.gif

That being said, I did take a new screen shot for Matt a few days ago. Im sure youll see it as soon as he has the time to post it!

Thanks Guys!


[ June 05, 2002, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

The point is, none of the staff at any of the local game stores had ever heard of CM or Battlefront.

That's because the game is not sold in stores. Store personnel often tend to have narrow horizons too.


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Originally posted by zukkov:

well they did place an ad in at least one magazine. i think they will sell more by word of mouth than hyping the game in all the big websites and mags anyway....

Actually they placed ads in both of the gaming magazines I get. More significantly, they have placed ads that ran for several issues in quite a few military history magazines that I get. I think BTS has their potential audience pretty well staked out. Cf. their mission statement at the main webpage.


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Originally posted by KwazyDog:

Heya Guys,

Just so you know, we are EXTEMELY busy at the moment working on CMBB. Yup, I could spend all day tomorrow taking a bunch of new screen shots, but I can almost gaurantee that it would mean one vehicle from our list wouldnt make it into the game. Thats the reality of being a smaller company unfortuantely, so all we can do is to ask you guys to be patient whilst we try and make the game as great as we can for you smile.gif

That being said, I did take a new screen shot for Matt a few days ago. Im sure you see it as soon as he has the time to post it!


Bah! I wave my hand at all of you!

Do you know, in the days of anxiety, when there was no good game to play, the folk were quite justified in their yammering and bleating over 'when, oh when, oh ye kings and prophets, shall we see our dreams made real, our desires made flesh, and our deepest longings turned into endless Grog arguments about 'angels' and 'pinheads"

But, given that the Faithful have endured all the 'Combat Mission'-less reality of 'what went before', then I feel a real need to tell all this anxious, demanding, whining crowd:

Shut the hell up! Do it now! Ohh, so you want another bone, you want a 'release date', you want some sort of assurance that all your bloody dreams will come true?! Well, listen up, laddies, you people are giving us all the red-ass! The game will be done when it is done. All your pissing and moaning and waving your stained underwear over your head as some sort of 'proof' that you're owed a goddamn thing is annoying!

These people are creating another great game, to follow up on their already classically brilliant game.

I don't see that many demands, whingeing, and 'child-peeing-his-pants' posts from the people who showed up early on and supported this Game Company in the days from long before there was anything other than a concept of there being a 'possibility' of a 'really great wargame'.

CMBB will be released when this very fine Game Designing Group figures it's done.

I, for one, (and a johnny-come-lately that I am), I am more than happy to allow them to release the product that will make them proud, rather than the product that a bunch of half-wits expect now.

If you have too much time on your hands, perhaps you should send someone a PBEM challenge of that superlative game Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord.

Otherwise, of course, you could sod off!

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I've made sure all my friends and current and past girlfriends are very well informed about CM ;) Ain't that the best marketing you can get, a Voodoo Drum sending positive signals.

There is no price for mouth-to-mouth hype or the word spreading from internet community to another (well maybe you can count off some of the Internet Fame because people will pirate the game, those lowly ****ers). Further more there are adds and reviews by PC-gaming mags will materialize when the game goes gold. I promise you, people will know. Even if your regular Joe even doesn't know he loves CM:BB he will read the articles, because gaming mag reporters know the games and their trade (discount the British hype press tho) and will take note.

One thing I count in BTS' favour, money wise. The school that plays their games are usually BUYING customers, not warez kiddies. It would be interesting to see some estimates on how much FPS or sports game publishers lose money to software piracy.

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As far as an ad campaign goes, were I Battlefront.com, I would not invest a ton of money in one at this time. I would proceed with the normal release, knowing that they would sell at least (how many members of this forum are there - 9K?) 9,000 copies, along with whatever copies they sell through magazine reviews such as PC Gamer, CGW, etc., then worry about reinvesting some of those profits into CMBB advertising.

I mean, really, they can count on a rather large initial sale (for a tiny company).

Everyone needs to just chill. PL and I have agreed on the June 22 release date for over eight months -- and we are never wrong (and by 'we' I mean 'me' unless, of course, the date is incorrect, in which case it was all PL's idea.)


[ June 05, 2002, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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As BTS, oops, I mean BFC have said, they're working hard to give us truely great game. A bone thrown in more often? Sure, why not.

But then, knowing this board a bit we all know that just posting a pic won't do.

Soon the questions will rattle them like a Mg42 an immobile hamster.

"Hey! I don't like the colour of that brush left of the T-34!"

"The shape of the crosses on the graveyard seems odd to me!" (real question, btw)

"Is there a fuzzy little creature hidden in these rubble pics?" (real question, btw)

"On the rear of that romanian tankette I count 132 bolts. According to Dumbo, 1965 "Tanks and Teens, Vol.II there should be only 131..."

And to all these posts BFC will have to answer, otherwise they're an evil company that doesn't care for us...

Lots of time and effort for such a small company.

As Dan said, I'd rather have another fancy vehicle to blow up then a few preview pics.

If any other company would give away so few about a new game, I'd probably loose interest.

But then, there's simply no game that kept me playing it nearly everyday for two years now!

And I'm playing computer games now for more than 15 years...

So, stop your whining, bear it like a hamster...ah, man that you are!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Uh, Seanachai? I think you need to get that toe looked at...

What are you doing in here when you should be in the MBT responding to my taunt and challenge, you Uboat watching guy, you!


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