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New High-Visibility Tracers

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I tried the updated ones, but no offense, I didn't like em. I tried yellow and red, and they seemed to "disappear faster" than the originals. For awhile I wasn't sure there was anything even on the screen.

I went back to the originals.

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CMBB's tracers are rubbish!! :(

I hate it when a follow up game is released and parts of it are worse than the predecessor.

Tracers and tank rounds are a very *minor* issue on the surface. It seems a silly thing to complain about. But when you actually try to play the game, it is really difficult to get a good idea of bullet direction.

I just did a test, concentrating entirely on the tracers direction, low down camera view, and it was so tricky to pin down who is firing what. In CMBO I don't even have to think about this!

Sure, in CMBO the tracers are slightly "Star Wars" - *but they do the job*!!

I am also missing tank rounds. I see a big plume of smoke, then nothing, and then a tiny movement of soil where the round lands.

I can't help but feel that with these new "realistic" tracers and cluttered info panels, that CMBB has gone backwards slightly from CMBO in terms of functionality/user friendliness. The "clean & bright" look of an unmodded/under-modded CMBO may have been ugly, but it cannot be denied that things were easier to pick apart on the screen. :eek:

I remember the simplicity and intuitiveness of moving a Panther around in the ancient CMBO demo (Valley of Trouble?). CMBB demo feels fiddly next to that. Hopefully it will all be better after I've installed gridded terrain and modded the interface somewhat.

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Guy, after many requests tracers were made smaller in CMBO so they were a more realistic size. Tank shells are still there, but they were made darker so they looked more realistic (again, this was requrested). I have asked Charles if tracers could be scaled up as you scale infantry which should fix most people issues with them.

I guess this comes down to a 'cant please everyone all of the time' situation. Personally I like the smaller tracers as they give a better feel for scale on the battlefield. Give them a go for a little while and I think most of you will probably not find them a problem. Each to their own though.


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Originally posted by M. Bates:

I am also missing tank rounds. I see a big plume of smoke, then nothing, and then a tiny movement of soil where the round lands.

Try placing the camera just behind the point of aim at level 1, preferably with the sky directly behind. I did that and could track the round all the way from the muzzle to impact. From behind the firer is nearly as good.

BTW, I haven't had any trouble seeing tracer either.


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Originally posted by KwazyDog:

Guy, after many requests tracers were made smaller in CMBO so they were a more realistic size.

Doh, had I know you were going to implement this, I would have requested that you wouldn't change size. This is one case there realism comes in they

way of gameplay, imo.

Originally posted by KwazyDog:

I have asked Charles if tracers could be scaled up as you scale infantry which should fix most people issues with them.

And what did he answer? smile.gif Yes, scaling tracers(/shells) with shift-c would work for me. Or better yet with a new, independant, keyboard shortcut.

PS: Tell him to make a switch for the "tracer heading" too smile.gif

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Originally posted by KwazyDog:

Guy, after many requests tracers were made smaller in CMBO so they were a more realistic size. Tank shells are still there, but they were made darker so they looked more realistic (again, this was requrested).

I can see the plus points of more realism within the limits of the current game engine.

What I would say if that if there are other abstractions in other parts of the game, as there are - then a concession must be made to playability. If that means that projectiles are larger than in real life, then so be it.

After all, this is a simulation viewed through a 17 inch or 19 inch monitor (or worse).

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Try placing the camera just behind the point of aim at level 1, preferably with the sky directly behind. [/QB]

The problem, is I need to see tank fire when playing from level 3 or 4. At the moment there is a serious problem. Even at some of the higher camera levels, the large plume of smoke is concealing the already tiny tank shell.

Placing the camera against a clear blue sky in the lowest camera posiiton is not a sensible way to play CM. Tank shells need to be visible against the murky terrain from *any* camera angle (with obvious exception of tall pines blocking view).

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Originally posted by M. Bates:

CMBB's tracers are rubbish!! :(

I hate it when a follow up game is released and parts of it are worse than the predecessor.

Sorry, but that's a matter of personal opinion.

I think they're great myself.


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Captain Wacky: Thanks for the modded tracers. I tried the blue for Germans and red for Russians. Seems to stand out a bit better now.

Yet, according to KwazyDog, it is the size that has changed for tracers/gun rounds. Agreed with M. Bates that the size is much more difficult to see at level 3 and 4.

I want to play the game at these levels much of the time. To me, this is a step backward in usability to have smaller, more realistic tracers, tank rounds.

Others elsewhere have mentioned the lack of the "shock sphere" for each artillery round. I miss this too. My 81mm rounds that where landing could hardly be seen! That is so far away from CMBO where artillery fire missions where so much fun to watch. Now it is just sound effectes and some dirt ball as each round hits.

These are things I may get used to...or not. Some of this may be able to be modded...or not. BTW, I am glad to have a chance to voice my opinion these visual changes. I do hope BFC hears my "request" sicne they heard so many to make these changes (smaller tracer, etc.)

As a whole, CMBB is a top notch product!

My $.02....


[ September 02, 2002, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: Sarge Saunders ]

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