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2002: A Peng Challenge Oddity


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:



<big>BURN HIM!!</big>

...for he is so low that even the Elvis will not call him wanker. To have insulted the better half of this pool, to have called into question the perfection of "those that between-swing-not" is an affront of the highest order. To the Battlements! Protect the fairer class, a mere hanky is all that we ask (though we deign not to kiss of their ass) and me-thinks I've been flummoxed by rhyme (they're aghast), so must needs do abide, I will end this poor task, but rest be assured, 'tis the ladies who last.

Ah, just know, that those who deign to darken the honor of the dames are naught but poor rodents irrevocably lame.

I'll now subside in my mumbled labeling, 'ere I prove true the deed of my foppishness.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

Well I've about had enough of this DonkeyschlongforwhichIlong and his incipient posts. To add the proverbial cherry (or is it road apple) upon his moronic musing he crosses the line and insults not one but two ladies of the 'pool. I believe that my Grandliege Joe Shaw and every other defender of all that is just and true will see the vileness of Donkeypunchmymom and call for his immediate and permanent banishment to the outer boards. To insult (and do a poor job at it to boot ) one of the trinity of zwei X chromosome specimens of female perfection of this here Cesspool is bring the wrath of all that dwell here. But, no you had to insult TWO of them! If left unchecked this cancerous bunion may even insult Dame Kitty's hamster mods. I humbly ask the Olde Ones and all others with a sympathetic ear to listen to my request.


Humbly at your service,


Hanns, you disgusting little (and I mean that in the insignificant sense) worm... I agree with you fully

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Well noted GrandSquire Hanns. I myself have attempted to avoid the posts of Donkey-a-thon much as you attempt to avoid the unfortunate leavings of the neighborhood Mastiff. Frankly I find the two have much in common.

Allow me to add that I personally find his posts strange, but not a good strange as you might find with Seanachai or even bizarre strange like ... well, some posts of my GrandSquire might well qualify I guess, but disturbed strange ... very disturbed.

In short I think we've given him enough time to come up to the mark and he has failed miserably. Therefore I suggest that we give him ONE MORE CHANCE to follow the bloody rules and if he fails ... there's always COVENTRY!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

If left unchecked this cancerous bunion may even insult Dame Kitty's hamster mods. <hr></blockquote>

An insult of Dame Kitty's mod is an insult to her and me (although I must admit I'm used to insults - they still hurt, but I get so many of them directed towards me I've come somewhat immune *sob*), and as her self-appointed champion and sycophant I will uphold her honour, and yell this creed:

Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

...err..wait, that's postal workers. Damn! Oh well you know what I mean.

btw Yahoodingdongfatung, paragraph 2 about massive ..err.. thingies *blushes* contravenes one of our charters about not posting what could be deemed offensive sexist remarks.

Now be a very good SSN and remove it, thankyou very much!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Blah blah blah<hr></blockquote>

Well, I'm always one for some semblence of protocol within the MBT (and it will always be there), but I'd just like to take this rare opportunity, on the cusp of the new year, to say,"Piss Off, Joe."

E-gads, that feels right fine, it does! C'mon, everybody! <big>Piss Off, Joe!</big>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Well, I'm always one for some semblence of protocol within the MBT (and it will always be there), but I'd just like to take this rare opportunity, on the cusp of the new year, to say,"Piss Off, Joe."

E-gads, that feels right fine, it does! C'mon, everybody! <big>Piss Off, Joe!</big><hr></blockquote>Piss OFF JOE! ... hmmmm ... maybe I needed to do that cute little flicking motion you did with your wrist?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

...maybe I needed to do that cute little flicking motion you did with your wrist?


It may be my innate inexperience and palm virginity which precludes my grokking of your concept, but, whatever;

<big>Yappy Hew Near</big> to all, and to all a Good Night!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

<big>Yappy Hew Near</big> to all, and to all a Good Night!<hr></blockquote>

I second that sentiment (or is it Good knight... whatever turns your crank I guess) And leeo, your yankee bastagis have to run out of ammo eventually, or maybe fuel for those ronsons, then you are definitely in for it, just you wait.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch:


The curious Emma decided to see what kind of world existed outside of the Cesspool.<hr></blockquote>

Well thanks Patch my legs haven't looked that good since I was a teenager.


Hmmmm if I send you some Full frontals will you do the same for the rest of me. ;)

Funny and clever.

It brought to mind Paris and a large Christmas tree I fell in love with.

"I'll take a pic of me naked standing by it"

{Private joke}

Thanks for the memories Patch at this time of year it's more than welcome, which reminds me.......

*HAPPY NEW YEAR* to each and every one of you.

(Even Eggnog) :D

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

Well I've about had enough of this DonkeyschlongforwhichIlong and his incipient posts. To add the proverbial cherry (or is it road apple) upon his moronic musing he crosses the line and insults not one but two ladies of the 'pool. I believe that my Grandliege Joe Shaw and every other defender of all that is just and true will see the vileness of Donkeypunchmymom and call for his immediate and permanent banishment to the outer boards. To insult (and do a poor job at it to boot ) one of the trinity of zwei X chromosome specimens of female perfection of this here Cesspool is bring the wrath of all that dwell here. But, no you had to insult TWO of them! If left unchecked this cancerous bunion may even insult Dame Kitty's hamster mods. I humbly ask the Olde Ones and all others with a sympathetic ear to listen to my request.

BURN THE HERETIC!! BURN HIM!!!!!<hr></blockquote>


So much weevil's gust for a lowly squire! There's as much venom here as cuckoos spittal.... crawl out from the skirts of others and do me battle you halvling excuse for a demi-toad.

Or do I have to suffer more of yer bouncing?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YK2:

If I send you some Full frontals will you do the same for the rest of me. <hr></blockquote>

Roight! Everyone just sit down!

Not just you, Bauhaus but EVERYONE! Sit down!

Now this is not the sort of behaviour we expect from the kniggetthood of the 'pool.

Yes, one of the ladies of the 'pool has tantelised us with the meer hint of a promise of something far more than many of us deserve, yes I'm looking at you, Lawyer, but decorum dictates that a Gent should look the other way and IF by some gift of God a vision of lovliness should appear before the assembled throng, I vote that the eyes of the Serfs, pissboys and various scum be struck out, immediately.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Yes, one of the ladies of the 'pool has tantelised us with the meer hint of a promise of something far more than many of us deserve. <hr></blockquote>

Was neither a hint nor a promise, it's called "wishful thinking" and was intended as a joke.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>If I send you some Full frontals will you do the same for the rest of me. <hr></blockquote>

YK2 imagining herself with all the pertness she had in her youth.

BTW if I ever did feel like being touched up then I would ask someone much closer to me than Patch.

For those of you who can't seem to read between the lines that wasn't an insult intended with Patchin mind but rather a compliment for someone who's always on my mind.

Note for Stuka: The little winking smilie at the end of that quote was put there for a reason so I'm putting it back again.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Hmmmm if I send you some Full frontals will you do the same for the rest of me. ;)


Ahhhhhh now I feel better.


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Happy New Year, Cesspool! I type it, but I don’t believe it. I hope that each of you never move to New Jersey. That is the nicest thing I can wish. I’ve studied this state for some time and I see how unworthy we feel compared to so many other states. Remember the Cleveland, Ohio jokes? They were the brunt for such a long time but the NJ jokes outnumber them. The average NJ citizen feels trapped here. We live with the traffic, pollution, and crime. With it comes certain bitterness. The job dictates where we will live. I have my usual disclaimer that I wasn’t born here, so therefore I can’t be totally carnal. I’ve live in other states and remember the sad look I received when I mentioned I’m lived in NJ for much of my life. They look at it as a social handicap. “What exit on the turnpike?” they ask. As if all of us are near a turnpike. They think that all of our vehicles broke down generations ago and we stupidly chose to stay here instead of moving to a more illustrious state. So, the average dweller of the Garden State absorbs so much criticism for living here. You forget the importance of this state in the context of history. It was this state that was so key in the revolutionary war. Remember that one?

I know that I have many of you retching and groaning by now. That is assuming that you’ve read my apathetic rant. Maybe I’ll bold some words to help out those of you who merely peruse these posts for usernames. Looking for game updates? Look elsewhere.

My internal clock tells me that it would be wise to end this mewling diatribe soon. I waste your bandwidth once more but without anything clever or amusing. As I wish you a happy new year, let me also wish you a life that does not emulate mine. May your familial dysfunctions be few and your reception of mouth music be plenty. May your cars be Saturns and your mates be understanding of your addiction to Combat Mission.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

yes I'm looking at you, Lawyer<hr></blockquote>

You want a full frontal shot of me?? Ya want clothes with that order? Biggie size? I'm "touched". NOT!

Geez, even I can't stand the thought of looking at me full frontal. Stop putting rat poison in yer Foster's, Stuka. It may increase the buzz, but it impairs yer senses.

Ya Feckin' Ozzie Sicko.

[ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Happy New Year, Cesspool! I type it, but I don’t believe it. I hope that each of you never move to New Jersey. That is the nicest thing I can wish. I’ve studied this state for some time and I see how unworthy we feel compared to so many other states. Remember the Cleveland, Ohio jokes? They were the brunt for such a long time but the NJ jokes outnumber them. The average NJ citizen feels trapped here. We live with the traffic, pollution, and crime. With it comes certain bitterness. The job dictates where we will live. I have my usual disclaimer that I wasn’t born here, so therefore I can’t be totally carnal. I’ve live in other states and remember the sad look I received when I mentioned I’m lived in NJ for much of my life. They look at it as a social handicap. “What exit on the turnpike?” they ask. As if all of us are near a turnpike. They think that all of our vehicles broke down generations ago and we stupidly chose to stay here instead of moving to a more illustrious state. So, the average dweller of the Garden State absorbs so much criticism for living here. You forget the importance of this state in the context of history. It was this state that was so key in the revolutionary war. Remember that one?

I know that I have many of you retching and groaning by now. That is assuming that you’ve read my apathetic rant. Maybe I’ll bold some words to help out those of you who merely peruse these posts for usernames. Looking for game updates? Look elsewhere.

My internal clock tells me that it would be wise to end this mewling diatribe soon. I waste your bandwidth once more but without anything clever or amusing. As I wish you a happy new year, let me also wish you a life that does not emulate mine. May your familial dysfunctions be few and your reception of mouth music be plenty. May your cars be Saturns and your mates be understanding of your addiction to Combat Mission.<hr></blockquote>

You did not edit this - getting aspirations beyond your station now, are you? Must be all the unwarranted attention by ShewhoismuchtoogoodwithPhotoshop.

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Well, no turns were sent because I never made it home last night. Ended up working until midnight at my "real" job and then high tailed it over to Ground Zero. Was all ready to get hammered when I was asked to work because a couple of worthless puds didn't show up. Feh! Worked until 0230 when it started slowing down and they cut me. That's when the fun started! My brother now lives in the basement of the Temple of Bacchus (an old church that was re-consecrated for more heathen activities). Great mural of the engorged rampant hoofed one over the "altar". Live music, topless female dancers, guy with a flame throwing strap-on. You know, the usual holiday festivities. Things got a bit hazy after downing many of the sacred offerings to the horned god. I must endeavor to learn the name of the young lady I spent the night with. Quite pleasing to the eyes and very enthusiastic in her role as a follower of Bacchus. Furthur updates will be forth coming as I remember them or when the pictures are developed. A sodden New Years to ya gits and my wishes that the fleas of all Mace's sheep infest your nethers.


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Ahh, the first of the year, and time for resolutions...

Resolved: Following this post, I shall never again tell BAUHAUS to sit down. Ever consider why that thingy is immaculate? We all tell him to sit down, and he never gets a chance to use it. And now he's a saint or somefink like that. I want no piece of responsibility for creating some freakish future cult dedicated to immaculate anythings. If the gods gave mankind certain thingies, I can only assume that they intended us to use them. Like BAUHAUS's thingy, Berli's jester's cap, and Y2K's err, shrubbery.

Resolved: Following this post, I shall never again make comment about Mace and sheep. The sheep are starting to get annoyed at all the hullabaloo. Please note that any comments about Mace and kangaroos are still fair game.

Resolved: I shall feel better about myself, my job, and where I live. Whenever any of these issues come into doubt, all I need do is remember where Hiram lives and, voila, my own lot doesn't seem so bad anymore.

Resolved: I shall always edit every Cesspool post, if for no other reason than to strike back at Andreas for creating this horrid little scenario that Moriarty and I are playtesting. Oh the pain. I mistakenly thought I was playing a war game...

More resolutions later, directed at some additional targets, but right now there is a very nice Beef Bourguignon calling me to the table.

[ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]</p>

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That picture of Hiram is beautiful. I'll have to look through some olde threads and find out who this Patch person is. Very nice work, that.

In other news, I'm all moved into my new house, mostly settled, and mainly a jabbering idiot. Minneapolis just got cold the last couple of days. Luckily I work from home and don't have to commute, shop during peak hours, or really even go outside when it's 1 degree out anyway. And I can attend conference calls in my jammies, too. No doubt a giant flaming turd will fall out of the sky soon and obliterate all I hold dear, but for right now, things are pretty darned good.

So soon I will be hunting for more CM games from you lot. Lawyer, chrisl, and OGSF have all held on to the games we started in third quarter 2001 like the dead, rabid dogs they resemble, and while I pick up my pace in those, I'll sniff out a new victim or two as well.

Hmm, who could it be...?

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: dalem ]</p>

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