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2002: A Peng Challenge Oddity


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Damn, that Patch is good!

And the rest of you aren't.

I wonder if we can take 365 Patch pictures and make them into a calendar to replace Dilbert in the hearts and minds of gits everywhere.

Instead of Catbert, we would have Fartbert aka Mace. And Stuka is Wally fer sure. Dilbert of course is Seanachai forever and forever...

Just another money-making idea from the Great Mind of the Legal Beast...

[ 12-30-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Oh Leeo, is Elvis making a comeback in your game perchance?<hr></blockquote>

Au Contraire! I am still kicking the crap out of him, but that doesn't imply that my specific hatred for him is in any way diminished. Some things were just meant to be, and so it is with my loathing of Elvis. Were I to best him in infinite battles stretching until the big crunch, my hate would not waver, it would not shrink, and it would not dim in any measurable way, for he is The Eternally Hated, and worthy of naught but bile, contempt, and a good rogering by that bauhaus fellow. Winning against him does not mitigate, nor does it abate, the depths to which I detest him.

We all need a hobby, no?

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Short, sweet and to the point. Very fine an prompt work.

I think we have to wait for a bit of idle discussion and the responses from the subjects themselves, but from my perspective I give resounding "WOOT" and demand a title for Patch

Berli will doubtless come up with something fitting.

In the meantime, remind me not to piss Patch off in the near future.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

the Great Mind of the Legal Beast<hr></blockquote>

Oxymoron: Rhetorical figure, epigrammatic in form, in which what appear to be incongruous, contradictory, contrasted, ideas are associated.

see oxalis - 'sharp' and moron - 'lawyer'.

btw, happy new year Lawyer, I couldn't let 2001 end without at least one snipe in your general direction! ;)


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Gah! Patooieee! *boot* *yelp!* Tha' festerin', stankin', pox ridden, matted rat's belly o' a fanarcklin' AI as a drippy nosed, gapped toothed GAMEY BASTAAARRRD an' noo mistake!!! Ah hate's tha fat mon's underbreast sweat o' a pimpley backed thang!! At wud haftae bae tha firrrst gam agin tha sassanach lickin' AI ain a QB ain aboot six months, an' at's still a cheatin', gamey *boot* *yelp!* maggot blown nostril linin' o' a stankin' thang!!!

Och tha feckin' noo, Jimmy!!*chuck* *smash* *boot* *clunk*

An' noo where's mah stankin' wee span'l gwin tae??


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.... and another thing, by the hairy armpits of Brigid do you not among all others appreciate that the tears born of frustration and boredom is not just a mere "challenge" but an affront to humanity? Now, not for me to proffer a challenge in such exalted company but if I were to dip into the taunting tool box... say to practice, perhaps? I mean, I might have offered a challenge but for Peng's advice that one must be careful of catching social diseases while conducting this exchange.... and I have to suggest that a taste for yer mythology on the Celtic fringes of civilisation coupled with the pipe-wielding whines of the dishevelled-bearded sandled-brigade does sort of suggest... Morris Dancing.... and that IS a most virrulent, feet-hopping social malaise and I have enough athletes' foot without adding further discomfort.


[ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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Tis a wonderful morning in the world of Hiram. A momentous, stupendous, and most righteous Eagles win has bolstered my spirits and put a spring in my step. I’ll put off kicking the little people for a day or two.

I confess that I did chuckle after seeing the creative artwork from Mrs. Berli (Patch). It makes me glad that I’m beneath notice and am assured that my visage won’t be seen in the Cesspool.

Here is a game update for you fetid Cesspoolers. Croda is raping and/or pillaging as we speak. I have/had some Americans and he had/has the bad guys. CM should be autosurrendering any second now for me. Both of the Americans I have left have applied for German citizenship and are asking for asylum. The PBEM with Croda has done much to whet my appetite for carnage, so I’ll be asking the whelp to grant another game so I might assuage my sense of proportion coupled with guilt at losing most of my forces in a struggle I should have won. I should not have telegraphed my moves so clearly. He had grouped his German dudes in a way that my American dudes were like the proverbial lambs to the slaughter. He became machine gun Kelly while I was more like Bette Midler. This has stoked that coals of my abhorrence for anything starting with the letter “c” and ending with “oda"

Edited because I know that I will never be like Andreas and I blame the American Education System

[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

Edited again because of the tears that cloud my vision with the knowledge that I can strive all I like but I'll never be like Andreas.

[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

Edited once more because I have reached the pinnacle of my idiocy. So much wasted potential.

[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

It makes me glad that I’m beneath notice and am assured that my visage won’t be seen in the Cesspool.


Hiram, your photo doesn't seem to exist on the Cessphoto pages. If you would be kind enough to email to me a photo of yourself, I would be more than happy to get you the recognition you so well deserve. You're not afraid are you? I'll be anxiously awaiting its arrival.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch:

Hiram, your photo doesn't seem to exist on the Cessphoto pages. If you would be kind enough to email to me a photo of yourself, I would be more than happy to get you the recognition you so well deserve. You're not afraid are you? I'll be anxiously awaiting its arrival.


Oh, but it is. I am pictured next to both Peng and Elvis. It is my homely personage that visited the abode of Elvis one fine winter day and partook of Yuengling a plenty. I was then beaten within an inch of my life in CM. Damn him and his flatulant ways.

Edited to acknowledge that nothing short of a miracle could make my intellect match that of Andreas.

[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

Edited for yet another bolding and to note that I don't look like I am of Nipponese descent like a certain Adreas does.

[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch:

Oops! My mistake...I didn't realize there was a third person in that picture.


Quite understandable. They didn't either. They thought of me more as a mangy cur whose infectious humor might compromise their inate cynicism. Nothing short of singing the "Old Negro Spirituals" made them notice me.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YK2:

Nice post Mr Yeknod.

If not a challenge for CM then could it be a challenge of words with the Bard himself?

I can see it and feel it.....

Hmmmmmm do I know you Yeknod?<hr></blockquote>


Yes, I've often mused that the blood of Shakespeare pulsates through my artaries... its a heavy burden but during this life of self-sacrifice and service I'll endure the pain to share my gifts.... meagre as they are

Know me? Well, know theyself, dear YKMew... if you know the daisies that drift in twilight's air or know the g-string twanged gently on some maiden's buttocks then surely you know Yeknod? We live in the same world and breathe the same air... we are all connected and descend from the same creatures that crawled the ocean bottoms... from the same sinews and bones, YKChew, and fishy scales! I embrace thee as a mate and with a dapper peck plant this fraternal kiss upon your nonce and embrace you to my bossom...


[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

[ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch:

Oops! My mistake...I didn't realize there was a third person in that picture.


There isn't.


BTW, upon further thought, I believe our Justicar Joe must be Catbert the Evil HR Director in the Cesspool Daily Calendar. Nobody else among us possesses the innate evil combined with pomposity extremus. Don't worry, Mace, you can still be Fartbert.

Love & Kisses for the New Year.

NB As MarkIV has gone AWOL since discovering all those Fine Young Marines in SoCal, let me remind you all on his behalf to drink copious amounts of cheap alcohol tonight, followed by a nice exhilarating fast ride upon icey roads until you reach your final destinations. Say "Hi" to Osama when you get there. I realize this may be difficult for the Desert Dwellers in Oz, so they are encouraged to lie face-down in the neighborhood swimming pool until morning. Don't forget to take a deep breath.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yuckneedsaslap:

And yes, I too have seen and fondled that massive member that thrusts rampant towards the sky... this too is a heavy burden and I thank thee for seeing it, though I fear we are are still strangers so you can't touch it just yet.<hr></blockquote>

Patch swiftly draws her sword...in one quick swoosh the massive member is cleanly removed. There...I've relieved you of your heavy burdon...hope you didn't need it.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch:

Patch swiftly draws her sword...in one quick swoosh the massive member is cleanly removed. There...I've relieved you of your heavy burdon...hope you didn't need it.





[ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I confess that I did chuckle after seeing the creative artwork from Mrs. Berli (Patch). It makes me glad that I'm beneath notice and am assured that my visage won't be seen in the Cesspool<hr></blockquote>

I do so enjoy seeing illusions dispelled

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch:

Hiram, your photo doesn't seem to exist on the Cessphoto pages. If you would be kind enough to email to me a photo of yourself, I would be more than happy to get you the recognition you so well deserve. You're not afraid are you? I'll be anxiously awaiting its arrival.<hr></blockquote>

Actually, there is a nice group shot with Peng, Elvis and Hiram

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What’s this in my Inbox? Could it be an actual turn? Yes, yes it is. Well done, Hanns, my trusty Squire. My other Cesspool opponents could learn a thing or two from you and actually send a feckin turn.

MrSpkr and Agua,

Happy New Years, have one for the ditch, drive fast, pass on the shoulder, and take lots of chances.

The rest of you gamey lot, to which I could probably also recommend the above prescription, just have a Happy New Years.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Quite understandable. They didn't either. They thought of me more as a mangy cur whose infectious humor might compromise their inate cynicism. Nothing short of singing the "Old Negro Spirituals" made them notice me.<hr></blockquote>

Let it be known that Hiram Sedai now exists.


Little did his parents know of the permanent emotional damage that would forever haunt poor little Hiram caused from forcing him to wear an Eeyore costume.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch:

Let it be known that Hiram Sedai now exists.


Little did his parents know of the permanent emotional damage that would forever haunt poor little Hiram caused from forcing him to wear an Eeyore costume.


Holy Crap!! That is so funny!! That is a keeper. I don't know whether to be grateful or offended. I should have known better than to have gained the attention of the mate of evil.

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Well I've about had enough of this DonkeyschlongforwhichIlong and his incipient posts. To add the proverbial cherry (or is it road apple) upon his moronic musing he crosses the line and insults not one but two ladies of the 'pool. I believe that my Grandliege Joe Shaw and every other defender of all that is just and true will see the vileness of Donkeypunchmymom and call for his immediate and permanent banishment to the outer boards. To insult (and do a poor job at it to boot ) one of the trinity of zwei X chromosome specimens of female perfection of this here Cesspool is bring the wrath of all that dwell here. But, no you had to insult TWO of them! If left unchecked this cancerous bunion may even insult Dame Kitty's hamster mods. I humbly ask the Olde Ones and all others with a sympathetic ear to listen to my request.


Humbly at your service,


[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Hanns ]

Damn UBB leaving little donkey droppings everywhere

[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Hanns ]</p>

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