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Why doesn't the Peng Challenge come with a printed manual?


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Originally posted by Andreas:

Here is something to ponder. Why does this thread not have more people with a brain who can also FRIGGIN' TAUNT?!?!?!?!?!?

Yes, we have a Wally, and a Justiciar, and a whole bunch of even more superfluous nonsense, accompanied by a parade of nitwits that would make the inmates of the Arnhem asylum appear like perfectly reasonably, taken to taunting kind of chaps and old girls.

I swear it is more fun watching Fred duke it out with Steve, or even a parade of Morris Dancers, than it is to read the mindless drivel spewed forth by the Meddling Mongrels of Mediocrity™ who appear in this fecking thread.

If you had any sense... Ah, what's the point, let's scratch that...

And where were YOU Andreas when we've had to contend the hordes of SSNs who wandered in and had to be put in their place? Where were YOU during the lean times when only Australians seemed to be posting? Where were YOU during the Trials of Seanachai and Goanna and chrisl? Where were YOU Andreas? And NOW, now that CMBB has arrived and everyone is in a rosy mood, NOW you decide to grace the MBT with your presence.

BAH! You're a splitter, a fair weather poster, practically a turncoat to the MBT and you DARE to denigrate the quality of taunting here? Get you gone Andreas, go find some grog thread somewhere that might actually listen to your whining and moaning. We've no time for those who won't put in THEIR time to the MBT.

If you think you can do better (and so far we've seen no evidence of that), then roll up your sleeves and get to work! Past glories are PAST Andreas, either perform or ... SOD OFF!


p.s. I've sent one of your scenarios to Agua Perdido, loyal and trustworthy squire. Let's HOPE you've done better on this one than the last abortion of yours that Mace and I tried to play.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Moan whinge blather

Yeah whatever... Two words: snot-brake

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I've sent one of your scenarios to Agua Perdido, loyal and trustworthy squire. Let's HOPE you've done better on this one than the last abortion of yours that Mace and I tried to play.

Now you have me interested - which one was that?
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Originally posted by Andreas:

Now you have me interested - which one was that?[/QB]

You expect me to remember the NAME of that piece of trash? Hardly. And in the spirit of Non-Spoilers I won't discuss the features but suffice it to say that it's something that even MrSpkr and I (Ker Dessel*) wouldn't have inflicted on a poor unsuspecting public.


*Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!

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If I had the game;

I would explain in detail what a bloated-head Andreas has, and expound upon how he surely must be plagued with persistent encephalitis to achieve a cranium (complete with delusions of adequacy) of such disproportionate size. Doesn't it just make you want to pop it with a railroad spike?

I would tell that pasty-faced, wide-eyed freak of Sendakian evolution, nada-hosen1, that he ran, jumped, and (Awwwwwww) failed to reach the bar.

I would garner from the jury a conviction on what a pretentious and overbearing officious git that MrSpkr is (or was(or shall be(ad infinitum))).

I would share a smoke of questionable origin with our own hippy-pimp, dalem.

I would actually attempt to decipher the rasping, choking speech of that Aussie Scott Coloradan, OGSF.

I'd tell Joe to blow it out of his hole (pillock's choice!).

I'd sing Berli a sonnet of love and forgiveness.

I'd make a toast to Peng with the cheapest form of alcohol (Helllloo, Night Train!).

I'd mail Seanachai a post card with the "Brady Theme" lyrics.

I'd be...


{Edited to make you guess. Idjit.}

[ September 23, 2002, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Oh, the quivering ball of anxiety that is the AoS at present. How the men stretch and moan, aching to shake off the tension and join the fray. But we must wait (we're always waiting) and be patient. Prepare our weapons. Review our tactics. And feed the hate. The hate that longs to join the eurotrash in the streets for some Rattenkrieg. The hate that wants plunge a bayonet into the bullet riddled body over and over while cackling insanely.

Soon, very soon, my precious.

Then they'll be sorry.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Here is something to ponder. Why does this thread not have more people with a brain who can also FRIGGIN' TAUNT?!?!?!?!?!?

We're afraid we'd make you cry and you'd soak all your hankies with snot and put them back in your pockets and then they would cake up and make you less bouyant and then when you cried some more and made a big pool of tears you would slip on the unfettered snotty bits and fall forward into your shallow pool of tears and your pockets would drag you down and you would drown.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

If I had the game;

If you had the game you would not be in here with the rest of us sorry louts, throwing out piss-poor, half assed insults to increase our pain.

You'd be playing the damned thing, and forgetting about all this other crap.

Go ahead.... admit it, you're angry because the game did not arrive at your little hobbit hutch.

Welcome to the club!!!

[ September 23, 2002, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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"I, Aussiejeff, refuse to post anymore crap into this here Cesspool until I get CMBB which almost everyone else has already got and can't stop friggin' bragging about which pi$$es me orf mightily".

Thus beginneth the <U>Long Hibernation</U>.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


"I, Aussiejeff, refuse to post anymore crap into this here Cesspool until I get CMBB which almost everyone else has already got and can't stop friggin' bragging about which pi$$es me orf mightily".

Thus beginneth the <U>Long Hibernation</U>.


<big><big> And there's dancing in the streets, Presidential pardons for anyone who wants them and free cheese logs for the kiddees!</big></big>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:


Can anyone help me? My tattoo written in Mongolian saying "ask me about my tattoo" is fading....what's up?


Maybe its your breath.

Here at Karate Phonics Headquarters we put our customers first, take Nidan for example, he came to us as a mildly audible Karate apprentice who was having trouble pronouncing HIIIYYYAAA!

Now with the help of 12 life coaches, and 5 English trainers Nidan is now a loud mouthed tone deaf Ninja character trainee for Wang Chung's dinner theater.

For the price of a cup of coffee you could sponser someone special like Nidan, even if he does try to break telephone polls in have with a karate chop. Nidan needs your support and help, and mabe with just the right amount of electro-shock therapy we can make his dreams come true!

Nidan has made leaps bounds..... and somersaults look like part of everyday life, even when attempting a ninja backflip and landing flat on his face into a grouping of garbage cans, to see this otherwise lost soul wipe the dirty discarded banana peel from his forhead and say HIIIYYYAAAA!!! with a proud smile makes him mom even give him a hug, well sometimes.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Tha game hae bin delivered aintae mah hands....Ah'm sae grreat an' yoo suck. Ah've noo installed at yet. Ah didnae need tae. Cos Ah've go' tha game an' can therefore install at anytime Ah like.

Ye calckety gang o' contrapuntals!

Sounds like someone needs to enroll in Karate Phonics Headquarters , send a setup for your free trial version visual and audio aids.
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


"I, Aussiejeff, refuse to post anymore crap into this here Cesspool until I get CMBB which almost everyone else has already got and can't stop friggin' bragging about which pi$$es me orf mightily".

Thus beginneth the <U>Long Hibernation</U>.


This has promise lads. And to think that I thought that seeing that double rainbow today meant nothing.
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Ahh Gaygourd, you can do better than that...

You're first incorrect assumption, is that I have some thing to do with karate, sad for you that you grasp at the first obvious reference in my profile. A dullard like yourself would easily be led astray by a title like "Martial Arts". Obviously being ingnorant of the wide variety of fighting arts that do exist in this world, you fall back on a typical TV watching mentality and label me as a karateka. (translation=one who studies karate). I included that for the rest of you dopes who may be tuning in to this exchange.

Go take a couple of Prozacs and watch some more chop suey movies, maybe you'll fall asleep and leave us all alone in here.

edited to protect the innocent..........

[ September 23, 2002, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Leeo, if you had the game, then you would still suck and I would be winning.

Did I mention that CMBB arrived here in God's Country?


Why no, MrSpkr, but thank you for bringing that to our attention. In a related note I'd like to mention that it arrived in Utah as well, thus proving (quid) that BFC recognizes the importance of keeping the Justicariate happy and (pro) that pre-ordering REALLY made a difference this time around.


p.s. (there is no Quo, with or without status)

p.p.s. MrSpkr I think it's about time for us to be thinking about some good scenarios that will further enhance the reputation of Ker Dessel*. Perhaps something about a delaying action by the Soviets, we could call it ... "Stalin For Time"

*Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way

[ September 23, 2002, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Leeo, if you had the game, then you would still suck and I would be winning.

Did I mention that CMBB arrived here in God's Country?

Then what the hell are you waiting for, you benighted scribbler? Pick a scenario and send me a setup already. House Persiflage is on the Eastern Front.
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Leeo, if you had the game, then you would still suck and I would be winning.

Did I mention that CMBB arrived here in God's Country?


Did I mention that if you had a brain, you'd be dangerous? Not that "will the pit bull maliciously eat my throat?" sort of dangerous, but more in line with that "will the little terrier try to hump my leg again?" sort of dangerous.

Which, really, vastly overestimates your potential. "Sort of dangerous," that is. "Sort of a distraction" would be more apropos.

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The big question is, has BFC sent their postcard to the Bard saying that his credit card was denied and he has to go to the back of the list of orders from this point? Now there's some hate mail.


This has promise lads. And to think that I thought that seeing that double rainbow today meant nothing.

Careful there, big fella, we wouldn't want you to get all spiritual and superstitious on us.

Now pass me some of that freakin cheese log.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Did I mention that if you had a brain, you'd be dangerous? Not that "will the pit bull maliciously eat my throat?" sort of dangerous, but more in line with that "will the little terrier try to hump my leg again?" sort of dangerous.

Which, really, vastly overestimates your potential. "Sort of dangerous," that is. "Sort of a distraction" would be more apropos.

Poor Leeo. He hasn't got the game.

Let me share my first quickbattle with you.

I was the dastardly Huns, armed with a Tiger, an Elefant (which never saw action as it could only move around three miles per hour), and a recon platoon against a Soviet horde with lots of infantry and some armored cars.

They rushed and held the flag; their artillery barrage held my men at bay -- until the SuperTiger arrived:


They charged SuperTiger; SuperTiger depressed his barrel as low as it could go, then fired, over and over. After about five minutes of this, all was well.

The bad guys died, the Huns survived, and won a Major Victory.

The end.


P.S. Just to annoy you further, I am sending you a setup. You can open it and return it WHEN YOU GET THE GAME.

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