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God Save the Peng and this Honorable Challenge

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These nongiest of nongs are showing off their feminine sides...SNIP
As if I'm going to re-post that preposterous picture ! Yeah, right.

Dear Lady, you have excelled yourself.

BUT. Did it have to be the damned Argentinian team ??

I know they are all a bunch of overpaid hairdressing models, but at least you could have found an English picture, to more accurately represent the True Heritage.

{God, that fat one on the end is UGLY}.


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The scene.

Last week in a dingy motel, somewhere in good old US of A.

A hunched figure looms over a laptop in a darkened room. Empty alcohol containers lay around along with empty pizza trays. The figure wipes some dribble from the stubbly chin and mutters low into the darkness...

"i'll show that berli, won't give me the power i deserve ? won't show me the respect that is due to me - because of my unstinting work as just-a-carrot ! no ! wait, i mean justiciar, yes - the correct spelling at last. i'll show those other ameobas who is the real ruler of the pool and the peng thread. me, and only me ! i should have the right of veto, it is my right all right...and i shall have it. i will show that eevil one that i am worthy of any and all power."

The figure leans to one side and nearly falls of the chair. Rights himself and continues to peck at the keyboard with eyes mere slits. He mutters again.

"peng, that 'orrible little person, where did i put that address he gave me for that woman, alison ? i'll be in that part of the country soon and i know she will lend a sympathetic ear".

He reaches into a pocket in his faithfull cardigan, the one Aunt Dorothy gave him for his 18th birthday, so long ago. It has all sorts of fluff hanging from it, rather like the figure himself.

"ahh, yes. now to work out an evening with her. damn ! macdonalds two-for-one offer. sod it. i wonder if that latest loser of a squire i chose has it? useless git isn't worth much, i knew a canuck was a waste of time - but i thought i could drag him out of his hole. i knew i might have a tough time of it, but he makes life hard work. i suppose i should hurry up and elevate him to get him off my hands".

As he gets unsteadily to his feet, he hears the incoming mail sound emanating from the tiny speaker of the laptop. He leans over and peers at the inbox listings...and mutters, darkly...

"ha another penger, he can wait for his turn. sod it, where is that address ?"

He fumbles around for a bit longer, then slowly lowers himself to the bed all the time muttering,

"berli, berli. what does it matter if i cannot beat him ?"

The mumblings carry on for a few minutes, to be replaced by low snoring.....

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The Cliff

Croda got a new car for his eighth birthday. He was so excited...so he called up his friend Hiram and asked him to come over and see the new car. Hiram was Croda's only friend...none of the other kids would play with Croda. Hiram suggested that Croda sit in the car and he would push it from behind. Hiram kept pushing the car faster and faster until...


to be continued...

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Originally posted by Noba:

The scene.

Last week in a dingy motel, somewhere in good old US of A.

A hunched figure looms over a laptop in a darkened room. Empty alcohol containers lay around along with empty pizza trays. The figure wipes some dribble from the stubbly chin and mutters low into the darkness...

"i'll show that berli, won't give me the power i deserve ? won't show me the respect that is due to me - because of my unstinting work as just-a-carrot ! no ! wait, i mean justiciar, yes - the correct spelling at last. i'll show those other ameobas who is the real ruler of the pool and the peng thread. me, and only me ! i should have the right of veto, it is my right all right...and i shall have it. i will show that eevil one that i am worthy of any and all power."

The figure leans to one side and nearly falls of the chair. Rights himself and continues to peck at the keyboard with eyes mere slits. He mutters again.

"peng, that 'orrible little person, where did i put that address he gave me for that woman, alison ? i'll be in that part of the country soon and i know she will lend a sympathetic ear".

He reaches into a pocket in his faithfull cardigan, the one Aunt Dorothy gave him for his 18th birthday, so long ago. It has all sorts of fluff hanging from it, rather like the figure himself.

"ahh, yes. now to work out an evening with her. damn ! macdonalds two-for-one offer. sod it. i wonder if that latest loser of a squire i chose has it? useless git isn't worth much, i knew a canuck was a waste of time - but i thought i could drag him out of his hole. i knew i might have a tough time of it, but he makes life hard work. i suppose i should hurry up and elevate him to get him off my hands".

As he gets unsteadily to his feet, he hears the incoming mail sound emanating from the tiny speaker of the laptop. He leans over and peers at the inbox listings...and mutters, darkly...

"ha another penger, he can wait for his turn. sod it, where is that address ?"

He fumbles around for a bit longer, then slowly lowers himself to the bed all the time muttering,

"berli, berli. what does it matter if i cannot beat him ?"

The mumblings carry on for a few minutes, to be replaced by low snoring.....

Not bad lad, not bad, but mind you I have beaten Berli in a fair fight (I add the word "fair" since he will likely refer to the horrible Peng creation that was completely and totally UNFAIR which he won as he was clearly destined to do by Peng who was, I see it clearly now, in league with him all along.

I have so far received ONE turn and that was from Mace, it was a movie turn, there were bugger all enemy troops to see, no fighting at all and it's an Andreas scenario so all in all it was about as boring as reading Berli on the subject of ... well just about anything.

It is a GOOD thing to see Seanachai amongst us again and I point to his analysis of my character and exclaim ... "What HE said!" Berli has admitted the necessity of a gatekeeper, let HIM try to find a better man or woman for the job, let him TRY!

TURNS damnit ... I need turns! I have a special offer to make, one time only, first in line regardless of who it may be, even an SSN. I will lower myself to play a game with the first person to agree. The game will be another 300 point, small map QB, random everything, 20 turns because we can't make it smaller without creating a scenario, rural, heavy woods, big hills. You pick the type of game (attack, probe, etc) I'll pick the side and we'll be off. Gawd I must be getting old!


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[serious] I live about a mile and a half (as the house flies) from an airport where they're holding an air show this weekend. We're on the flight path of the planes that are doing demonstrations. In the last hour or so, a B-17G, P51D an A-10 and a Viet Nam era Huey have flown by overhead. Cool. [/serious]

Joe Pshaw, you great and sour fart. I sent you a turn in that preposerous Herve Villachez QB you devised two days ago. Did you lose it? If so, I've resent it. So save your pathetic whining for your keepers at the Utah Home for the Chronically Dazed.

(Edited because if I mispell anything, Unca Joe waves his cane in my face.)

[ June 22, 2002, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

[serious] I live about a mile and a half (as the house flies) from an airport where they're holding an air show this weekend. We're on the flight path of the planes that are doing demonstrations. In the last hour or so, a B-17G, P51D an A-10 and a Viet Nam era Huey have flown by overhead. Cool. [/serious]

Joe Pshaw, you great and sour fart. I sent you a turn in that preposerous Herve Villachez QB you devised two days ago. Did you lose it? If so, I've resent it. So save your pathetic whining for your keepers at the Utah Home for the Chronically Dazed.

(Edited because if I mispell anything, Unca Joe waves his cane in my face.)

It's preposterous!


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Good grief........

Not another damnable <SUB>win</SUB>!! I'm saddened to report the <sniff> demise </sniff> of the prime Aussie Nobbit Noba during our latest Baettle Royale.

Honestly, I REALLY TRIED to lose this one, seeing as how I'm currently racking up far too many <gack><SUB> wins </SUB> </gack> for my own good. Yet with every defensive thrust of my puny, weak Volksturm Conscript Militia, his overwhelmingly huge Crack Brit Soupermen forces parried with even less enthusiasm than a ewe wanting to take a dip with Macey!

GAWD!! The whingeing and a'moaning that emanated from those pathetic Poms as they ran in circles trying to make up their mind where "north" was on the map was a sight to behold...

Still, I've got to take bad medecine from time to time and this is just one of those I guess.

AJ - Axis Defender Minor Victory

302 CAS [95 KIA]

1 Mortar destroyed

5 guns destroyed

3 pillboxes knocked out

8 vehicles knocked out

Men OK: 217

Score: 64

Noba - Allied Attacker Minor Loss

247 CAS [70 KIA]

1 Mortar destroyed

29 vehicles knocked out

Men OK: 213

Score: 36

Hmmm ....... Noba's catching up in the Cess no-win stakes. I wonder if he has a hidden agenda???


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For lack of anything better to do this evening while I was making dinner, I watched Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

I think I've realized the Great Truth behind this movie and with it, behind all of the Mad Max genre.

The Australians are just waiting for some form of armegeddon so they can finally cast off their thin veneer of sanity, dress up like a bunch of coke-addled glitter rock holdovers and race around pointlessly through the desert in homemade vehicles that resemble nothing less than what the offspring of the mating of a turbo-charged drag racer and a circus wagon might look like.

Oh wait...they do that now?

Never mind.

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Not bad lad, not bad, but mind you I have beaten Berli in a fair fight (I add the word "fair" since he will likely refer to the horrible Peng creation that was completely and totally UNFAIR which he won as he was clearly destined to do by Peng who was, I see it clearly now, in league with him all along.
Joe, no need to try and Justifier-yourself all the time. We know you are really a soft hearted, kind, magnanimous, gentle, conniving, scheming, plotting pillock. Still, you'll get on...

It is a GOOD thing to see Seanachai amongst us again and I point to his analysis of my character and exclaim ... "What HE said!" Berli has admitted the necessity of a gatekeeper, let HIM try to find a better man or woman for the job, let him TRY!

Woman ? Obviously that was never bought up as a requirement. No contest, you qualify as an old women...by a country mile ! (Sorry, Ladies).

Well, since at the time of posting this little diatribe, no-one else seems to have taken pity on you, I shall. (They are all whining about you not sending current turns).

This squire accepts the challenge. I shall decide on what parameters would be best for me, and send you that choice. Actually, an ATTACK will be fine.

You can defend.


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The Australians are just waiting for some form of armegeddon so they can finally cast off their thin veneer of sanity, dress up like a bunch of coke-addled glitter rock holdovers and race around pointlessly through the desert in homemade vehicles that resemble nothing less than what the offspring of the mating of a turbo-charged drag racer and a circus wagon might look like.
Hey, why wait for Armageddon. Happens every saturday night around Vic Park.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

The Australians are just waiting for some form of armegeddon so they can finally cast off their thin veneer of sanity, dress up like a bunch of coke-addled glitter rock holdovers and race around pointlessly through the desert in homemade vehicles that resemble nothing less than what the offspring of the mating of a turbo-charged drag racer and a circus wagon might look like.

Actually, we're more waiting to sit atop a bus that's travelling the outback, our long senquined evening dress fluttering in the breeze.


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Moriarty I DID send the turn ... it's not my fault that you can't keep a steady email address is it?

Resent to your current, new and improved email address which will no doubt last until the Feds find out about IT as well.

Noba your pathetic attempt at an acceptance of my challenge is noted ... a setup shall appear forthwith.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

Blah Blah Blah...

The most intelligent thing you've said yet.

[serious]Pursuant to Cesspool Regulation 483(z)(12)(vii) Subchapter A, Part Five - Hike, please do not bring up religion in the MBT -- it simply is not appropriate. Thank you.[/serious]

Now sod off, fluffer.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Any monkey with an organ can be a critic..why don't you stop trying to out-think me and instead jump on the bus...unless of course you missed the "second call" and perhaps should remain "tragically average".

As to what I am or am trying to do...heh well I am glad you have it all figured out. I have a story in there somewhere but it will probably take a few more years to get it out.

Rebellion against authority? Hell I am authority. Bottom line is mate, I am not trying to impress anyone. Do you not think I would like to be "normal", hell I envy "normal" every day. Normal people are happy and content because they do not see the cracks.

Yelp, ignore or praise...I really don't give a flying ****..I've been wrestling with this whirlwind for a long time and the ride ain't over yet.

[ June 23, 2002, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Any monkey with an organ can be a critic..why don't you stop trying to out-think me and instead jump on the bus...unless of course you missed the "second call" and perhaps should remain "tragically average".

As to what I am or am trying to do...heh well I am glad you have it all figured out. I have a story in there somewhere but it will probably take a few more years to get it out.

Rebellion against authority? Hell I am authority. Bottom line is mate, I am not trying to impress anyone. Do you not think I would like to be "normal", hell I envy "normal" every day. Normal people are happy and content because they do not see the cracks.

Yelp, ignore or praise...I really don't give a [airbourne naughty bits]..I've been wrestling with this whirlwind for a long time and the ride ain't over yet.</font>

Poke 'im again.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

[ June 23, 2002, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:



P.S. Joe, for what it's worth, you've convinced me.

Now send me a feckin' turn.

Yeah, it's becoming more and more obvious isn't it. As to your turn ... I just got the stupid setup yesterday and my son is in town from Montana so deal with it. Besides I HATE bocage scenarios, especially when I'm attacking and ESPECIALLY hate Andreas bocage scenarios when I'm attacking and REALLY ESPECIALLY hate Andreas bocage scenarios when I'm attacking and I have to play YOU!


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