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Can a sherman do this?

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i´m sure that it is possible because i´m not a cheater and i did it. A sherman III /75mm L38)destroyed a tiger front, but with a penetration at weak point.

Can you tell me your opinion to tell all my community of CM? a lot of them are accusing me that i´m a cheater and i´m having very bad days, so terrible that i´m going to abandon CM for a lot of time. Thanks you

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I guess in theory it's possible if you hit a bow machinegun port which would surely represent a weak point. Very lucky on your part I'd suggest. Now, if you managed to do it twice in one game I would probably question your "luck" but just the once I would have thought should be regarded by your opponent as 'just one of those things'.


Jim R.

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Don't worry about it. Those whining Duffy Ducks are annoying, but sometimes it's kinda fun to hear whining from the opponent :D

They blame on you for cheating, the game for being unrealistic etc...etc...

But wait when they manage to get such a lucky punch. Then it is pure skill and suddendly the game is very realistic ("the armor in Tiger wasn't idiot-proof in WW2 and the same thing with CM! Very realistic! I'm impressed!").

One guy even quit (didn't answer PBEM-mails anymore) when I managed to destroy his IS2 and KV-IS with my Panzer IVG (hull down & close range)

Those whiners are just sucky losers. I always dump whiners = I play the game till the end, but refuse to play more with him.

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Beren I would love to tell your community of all the freak results I have seen and have happened for me. However you do not say which community you play in so perhaps we have to post here.

I am sure there has been a thread on freaky, but believable, results before on these forums.

I have killed a Sherman 76 with a 1% chance and a shrek. I have killed a Stug with a 3% chance of a hit with a 6pdr at 1454metres. I have killed a 85mm T34 with a FlammpanzerII and many other oddities.

I have had tank miss another tank twice which was side on at 114 metres .. neither was moving. I suppose they complain when they are lucky. My friend had lost a platoon of Tigers to a group of Stalin's. Left with a sole green Tiger it proceeded to kill all 5 Stalins - with crack crews, by itself!

Another player killed 3 M10's with one shot when the centre M10 blew-up damaging the adjacent M10's.Flukes happen.

If they read enough war books they will know that odd things happen - all the time all over the battlefield. The first Tiger captured was abandoned as a 6pdr shell jammed the turret ring --- flukey but it happened.

Whilst you can ditch your current playmates it sounds like they simply do not know enough about WWII : )

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I had an early war Pz IV, going fast on a road, at a 90 degree angle from a BT-7A artillery tank at some 1400 meters. The Russian fires his 76,2 mm L/17 at 387m/s and Kaboom, critical hit, don't even think there were any survivors. With a, what, 4 second flight time that is some serious gunnery skills, or, well, the gunner should buy a lottery ticket... Made my opponent all happy, so I guess it wasn't all bad smile.gif

Besides, has anyone, really, been proven to cheat in such a manner that it could produce a result like the one Beren describes above?



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The thing is that my sherman CAN´T destroy a tiger front at 600 meters, his maximum penetration is 93mm, but the IMPORTANT thing is that it was a penetration at weak point and my enemy can´t understand it, and he thinks that i change things in the PEBM turn, incredible....

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A Tiger front kill at the weak point might mean the hull mg ball was hit dead-on and knocked back into the hull. Or the driver neglected to close his armored shutter and the round went through the gap. Or perhaps in a recent battle the Tiger had been repeatedly struck in a certain spot by non-penetrating rounds. Your Sherman just happened to hit it at that same weak spot. Or the round struck at a weld joint and cracked it like an egg.

In other words. It could happen.

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Originally posted by Beren:

The thing is that my sherman CAN´T destroy a tiger front at 600 meters, his maximum penetration is 93mm, but the IMPORTANT thing is that it was a penetration at weak point and my enemy can´t understand it, and he thinks that i change things in the PEBM turn, incredible....

Well, he's a bit foolish then. Tell him to come here and talk to us. We'll put him right. You can't "change turns".
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Originally posted by Mattias:

Besides, has anyone, really, been proven to cheat in such a manner that it could produce a result like the one Beren describes above?

You don't know how to cheat? It's very simple. From the PBEM-text file you change the 32nd "C"-letter to a "W" and your tank hunter team will be changed to a King Tiger with a crack-crew. And if you remove the 7th "Z"-letter from the file, you will hit only weak spots in enemy tanks. I guess there's more tricks, but with these you'll do fine. I mean we don't want to get caught or something.
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I've killed a panther with a PIAT (which could be considered cheating by itself smile.gif ) from 178m away. In my following games, I hit a panthers three times with a PIAT and in another with a bazooka and nothing happened :rolleyes: .

And if you do a search on this forum, there is someone who got his T34 knocked out by its OWN shell after it bounced off something very hard.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Sounds like you should offer him a couple games in good-old CMBO. Then KO his KT with a front turret penetration at weak point with your 37mm gun Stuart! That'll send him COMPLETELY over the edge! :mad: :eek: :D;)

I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing me talk about Stuarts in CMBO knocking out Tigers. I'm glad someone else brought it up for a change.
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Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

A rare gun damage or immobilzation for light AT guns but not even that with ATRs against heavy armour.

ATRs are pretty neat to keep the enemy tank commander inside. Reducing the visibility is also important. And with a lucky shot, you will get the commander and then the tank is pretty blind.
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I´ve seen strange things happen, too... :D In one of my PBEM battles my opponent caught my Panther reversing into position with a M4(105) and a M4(76)W overlooking - both not moving. Guess what? My Panther knocked out both before thy could even shoot... :eek:

Another time a Panther was killed by lower hull penetration at about 1500m - and Iw as sure as hell the enemy tank couldn´t even SEE the lower hull.

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Originally posted by Walpurgis Nacht:

I just have to post this turn again. This is a t34/85 firing at a panther, the shot bounces and knocks out another t34/85 right next to it! Want to an example of how ingenius the physics are in this game? Watch this turn.

Here is the to the turn: http://www.the111.com/rockmacrowIII071.txt

password is "303"

The action happens at 59-60 seconds.

And here it is again. A classic.
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Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

What I'm wondering what the envelope is for weak point penetrations. If my light AT and ATRs aren't doing anything useful I tend to try my luck but I never got anywhere. A rare gun damage or immobilzation for light AT guns but not even that with ATRs against heavy armour.

I think there is an answer to this somewhere in the slough of the CMBO archive - but I don't have the time to look. I *think* that a tank with a shot trap has a 10% chance of having a weak spot hit, from the proper aspect. For a tank without a shot trap, the chance is something like 1% or 3%. I've forgotten what the precise effect of a weak spot hit is, but I think it multiplies the penetration of the hit by some percentage. Not enough that an ATR can knock out a Tiger, but presumably enough that a Sherm 75 (penetrating 93mm) could knock out a Tiger (with 100mm armor).

I know this is all sort of vague, but I'm too lazy to be more specific... smile.gif

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Originally posted by Lord Peter:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

What I'm wondering what the envelope is for weak point penetrations. If my light AT and ATRs aren't doing anything useful I tend to try my luck but I never got anywhere. A rare gun damage or immobilzation for light AT guns but not even that with ATRs against heavy armour.

I think there is an answer to this somewhere in the slough of the CMBO archive - but I don't have the time to look. I *think* that a tank with a shot trap has a 10% chance of having a weak spot hit, from the proper aspect. For a tank without a shot trap, the chance is something like 1% or 3%. I've forgotten what the precise effect of a weak spot hit is, but I think it multiplies the penetration of the hit by some percentage. Not enough that an ATR can knock out a Tiger, but presumably enough that a Sherm 75 (penetrating 93mm) could knock out a Tiger (with 100mm armor).

I know this is all sort of vague, but I'm too lazy to be more specific... smile.gif </font>

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Beren, don't stop playing, just play with people who don't distrust you.

A few cool and unlikely (but not totally unlikely) events I've seen-

A captured Panther and a King Tiger knock each other out simultaneously, the King Tiger dying from a weak point penetration.

A British light mortar knocking himself out because a Nashorn parked next to him. "Wot a fat juicy target! For Christ's sake, adjust fire! Oh, sod it."

A Panzerschreck knocking out a bren carrier with the blast effect of a miss! Not abandoned with crew casualty, but straight up knocked out. "Schlechter schuss... und ausgezeichnet!"

Excuse my attempts at other languages.

There's a thread on these forums somewhere with many many such stories.

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In CMBO it was fairly routine for Wespes and Hummels to KO themselves trying to shoot past a building - they'd miss the gap, hit the building and kill htemselves with the blast!! :eek: :eek:

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