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play full battle as a movie?


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Hi! i played the demo and i love this game. on my way to buy it but while i wait for the game i got a question.

Is it possible to watch the battle you just had in some kind of movie mode after it is finished? would be really cool!!. Another question is, is there any files exept patch file worth downloading for this game.. saw some mod files or something on some webbpages

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This question has poped up on a regular basis ever since the pre-release CMBO demo back-in-the-day. Everybody would love to have it, the game engine can't accomodate it, several valiant 3rd party attempts to approximate it have been less than successful. Its one of the top suggestions for inclusion in the new game engine but BFC's keeping tight-lipped on that.

A dumb question on my part. Are there any 3-D simulations (flight or otherwise) that has a full playback feature?

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

A dumb question on my part. Are there any 3-D simulations (flight or otherwise) that has a full playback feature?

I don't know if you consider this counts, but Grand Prix Legends (1998, I believe, with fantastic physics and still arguably the most impressive racing sim out there) had a full playback feature.

It was even possible to retrieve all the footage from an online event (both qualifying session and race - sometimes two hours long), featuring 18 cars, and rewatch all the action (every gear change or twitch of the wheel) from each driver's cockpit or various camera positions around the track.


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Most sims do have a replay feature, adding to what was said above about Gran Prix Legends (yes a great game!), the Nascar Season series (from Papyrus, via Sierra) also allows you to save full races.

You could be racing yourself as the video is recorded, then later play back any session from any car or camera posistion.

Tribes is an online FPS game that also features a nice 'demo recording' feature, but the demo is from your perspective only.

I guess the question really would be is there any turn based sim that allows you to later view the entire session as a seamless movie? Not that I know of.

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I tried out Fraps99 last night just to see what would happen. Just recording two dozen turns or so uses up large amounts of hard drive space. I paused Fraps at the end of each turn before I issued orders then resumed as the next turn completed loading. This produced about a seperate AVI file for each turn. I then used VIDEDIT and old AVI file editor to remove unwanted bits of each AVI and slow segments of each turn such as a tank moving across a field.

Once I had all the AVIs edited the way I wanted them I had to tack them together in order. I tried putting all 25 segments together and saving it but VIDEDIT didn't like that and would not write the save file. I didn't have any other editor that would handle such a large AVI file so I opted for putting 7 segments together in three seperate AVI files. Each one of these work files ended up around 1.3GB in size.

To reduce the file size I then ran each work file through Windows Media Encoder and converted them to 360x240 WMV files which compressed them down to one tenth their previous size at 1.5MB to 1.8MB.

In the end I ended up with a movie in three segments that has a total run time of about 5 minutes.

I used the demo Line of Defense save file made after the Tiger's arrival in turn 16 to carry out my little project. I didn't use and great strategy in the battle and the Tiger had already knocked out most of the Shermans already at the point where the clips starts. I was more interested in creating a little video, which I call TIGER@WORK. It's a silent video. Sound would have increased the size of the files and made it harder to capture in the first place and then edit later keeping the sound in sync with the video.

Unfortunately, there is no way to join the WMV files into one single clip even the work AVI files won't merge due to the overall size of the destination file I was trying to create.

It was an interesting little project and turned out reasonably well given the nature of the program limitoins and file sizes I had to work with.

[ February 27, 2004, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: Captain_Thunder ]

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And everytime this comes up, I try to take the opportunity to plead that they not only add the full-movie feature, but that they do it right....

Please factor fog-of-war into the full-movie playback. Let me see things exactly as one side or the other saw them. Or let me be an impartial observer, but still somehow indicate which units are invisible or partially identified by their enemies.

This way would make full-movies a real vehicle for studying tactics.

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Capt thunder ... iam very impressed.

I had played with Fraps but you have to direct your movie at the time. I suggest you try PBEMHelper 'cos you can load all the films sequentially but with the added advantages of replay and moving the camera where ever you want.

Please let me know if it works : )

I still have 10 or more complete games stored...

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Wow Capt_Thunder, sounds like you should apply for a job at Pixar! That's what I call stick-to-itedness! :D

It was a long evening but a fun little project just to see if I could do it decently. I wish I could have retained the 640x480 resolution of the original working AVI files, which mades them easier to view, but that makes them about 5 times larger in filesize (6MB) than the WMV 360x240 files I ended up with.

Either way this whole process requires huge tracts of hard drive space and lots of time and that was for just 25 turns out of the 40 turns of the mission.

I'd upload them final product someplace just so people could look at it but I don't have room on my personal webspace for these three files.

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Originally posted by dieseltaylor:

Capt thunder ... iam very impressed.

I had played with Fraps but you have to direct your movie at the time. I suggest you try PBEMHelper 'cos you can load all the films sequentially but with the added advantages of replay and moving the camera where ever you want.

Please let me know if it works : )

I still have 10 or more complete games stored...

PBEMHelper? Being able to move the cameral independently in playback would be very nice. I'm not sure I'll be doing this sort of thing again. It was just one of those "let's see if I can do it" projects.
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Originally posted by Captain_Thunder:

PBEMHelper? Being able to move the cameral independently in playback would be very nice. I'm not sure I'll be doing this sort of thing again. It was just one of those "let's see if I can do it" projects.

Fuerte's PBEM Helper ... I am amazed how many serious CM PBEMers haven't heard of it or don' use it. Not one of my ROW IV opponents uses it (which is a shame, cause it means more mouse clicks for me to get the game going).

It is a must have for playing CM by email. A turn arrives (from someone using it) ... double click and you are _in the game_: turn file saved in the right place, CM fired up and password entered. A button press and a click at the end of the game and the turn is sent back to the opponent: no messing around with saving and attaching etc.

Anyhow, PBEMH has a feature where you can theoretically run through all the movies in sequence, zooming and panning around as you like. The big drawback is that CM has to reload the graphics between each turn: pretty much destroys the flow of things :-(

Also, regrettably, the feature seems to be somewhat flakey: it is strongly dependent on the turn files being numbered in the way that it expects (understandably), but for various practical reasons this is not always the case.

Anyhow, this post is supposed to be a strong plug for PBEMH: if you play by email, you need this tool (and your opponent will thank you too).


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Umm I am quite certain that I was successfull when I used Windows movie maker to combine .wmv clips into one movie.

It will only handle wmv clips though so you need to convert them all into that before combining.

Everyone say: Thank you M$ for your greed and position of monopoly. <lots of profanities>

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