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The Peng Challenge - The Abomination of Desolation


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Originally posted by Noba:

Oh, my Liege, don't even mention that four-letter word. NEVER shall a serf spring from these fingers. I vowed upon learning whom was my Grandliege that I could never be a part of continuing that line...no, better to die. Alone.

And anyway, it's, [ugh]European[/ugh].


Blimey it is. Who let a person from that soon to be sunken land (wonder why us Amis want global warming so much, it will do in Belgium and New Zealand once and for all).

In any case, your grand liege is the honored, respectable, sadly loopy and with a bit of drool on his cheek, but still manly I am told, Berli the oldest marine in the universe.

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Halfwits! Dalem not having been close to a woman! I know this is not true. My last arrest of him was when I discovered his glory hole into the women's restroom of the Pikeville Center for Feminine Reorientation and he had to have been within at least a meter of a woman when I put the first cuff on. (S)he was quite a looker too, even at that stage, as I discovered during my investigation of Dalem's perversions.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Halfwits! Dalem not having been close to a woman! I know this is not true. My last arrest of him was when I discovered his glory hole into the women's restroom of the Pikeville Center for Feminine Reorientation and he had to have been within at least a meter of a woman when I put the first cuff on. (S)he was quite a looker too, even at that stage, as I discovered during my investigation of Dalem's perversions.

I think that's just about enough of Dalem's perversions, by the way we don't bold the names of NON-CessPoolers.

Now if you'd been discussing dalem then all bets would be off.


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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Who let a person from that soon to be sunken land (wonder why us Amis want global warming so much, it will do in Belgium and New Zealand once and for all).

Unlike Belgium, most of New Zealand is quite a way above sea level, but of course being an american, you probably think both these countries are somewhere in Asia, twit.

[ April 20, 2004, 09:30 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Halfwits! Dalem not having been close to a woman! I know this is not true. My last arrest of him was when I discovered his glory hole into the women's restroom of the Pikeville Center for Feminine Reorientation and he had to have been within at least a meter of a woman when I put the first cuff on. (S)he was quite a looker too, even at that stage, as I discovered during my investigation of Dalem's perversions.

I only wish that you had told me that I was supposed to FACE the gloryhole and not back up to it before - well...

You know.

The girls in the paddy wagon were exceedingly nice at least, but the light made them look like they had adam's apples.

Weird, that.

[ April 20, 2004, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by v42below:

Unlike Belgium, most of New Zealand is quite a way above sea level, but of course being an american, you probably think both these countries are somewhere in Asia, twit.

New Zealand is a country? I thought it was something unfortunate that Australia pooped out after too many Vegemite & Whisky shakes.
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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Who let a person from that soon to be sunken land (wonder why us Amis want global warming so much, it will do in Belgium and New Zealand once and for all).

Unlike Belgium, most of New Zealand is quite a way above sea level, but of course being an american, you probably think both these countries are somewhere in Asia, twit. </font>
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Originally posted by lenakonrad:



Obviously it's some sort of Civil Servant guideline from antiquity.

It's apparent that the current methods we use to shaft the general public now were practised way back then as well.


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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Republic of New Zealand inc.

There goes another american projecting the us approach to government and life in general onto an unsuspecting helpless country. Next thing we know, our dragonboats will be anihalated by the us Pacific Fleet, our infrastructure bombed the crap out of and our sheep confiscated all on the pretense that NZ is hoarding weapons of grass destruction. All this inevitably followed by announcments in the style of "Despite heavy opposition by NZ militia, us troops have captured Whangarei. This is the 6th Whangarei the us forces have captured this week" and the like.

We are a monarchy, thank you very much! None of that "let's see who can strike the best pose, buy more media and get the best lawyers so he can be dictator for the next four years and get first dibs at the interns" crap. It's times like these I wish the poms had won that pathetic excuse for a war you had with them.

P.S. Whata makes you think I'm a Pakeha, bro? You keep goin the way you're goin and me and the whanau are gonna come down there and show you where to put your whakapapa, followed by a nice hangi, with your dead carcass as the centre piece. BTW, got a spare dollar?

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Let it be known that the poseur, imposter, sheepshagger-with-aims-waay-above-his-station, is NOT IN ANYWAY TO BE CALLED A COLLING...COLLIN....Coll....

<font size=+3PIES SUPPORTER !</font>





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You lousy perforated sheet of goinks.

I am eating well.

I am getting more and better exercise than I have in years.

I am relatively relaxed and at peace with the world.

So why in the bloody nine hecks can my immune system NOT beat the crap out some silly little DNA-rewriting yahoos in my bloodstream? I thought they had turned that trick the night before last.

I blame...

I'm too whiney to blame anyone myself. Papa Khann please assign blame for me.

You lot of factory seconds, you.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm a Mary Ann man myself.


Great. Now I've got this mental vision of you in gingham and pigtails.

My Gawd, you're a big, ugly girl. </font>

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