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The Peng Challenge - The Abomination of Desolation


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Wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.- Matthew xxiv. 28.

THE RULES then, short and sweet:

S) Go away.

O) Go even further away.

D) {***sigh***} If you’re still reading this, you’re still too close. But if you insist, PAY ATTENTION!, or go away.

O) This is the Peng Challenge. Challenge someone SPECIFIC, just make sure it’s not Peng. Try a newbie SSN such as yourself, not a Knigget or an Old One. If you don’t know what a SSN, Knigget, or Old One is, go away.

F) The key word being CHALLENGE, sound off like you have inherited a pair from someone other than your pet hamster. If you can’t manage this, go away.

F) Do not sound off about your pair. Try to act like you have a modicum of wit, style and panache OR Half of a Brain. If you won’t keep this thought in your Half of a Brain, we will boot it to the other Half, and you will go away.

!) If you have any questions at all, post absolutely NOTHING! We will get back to you at our earliest inconvenience. And go away (are you starting to see a trend here?).

[ April 15, 2004, 09:29 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Seanachai I see no need for a review. In my mind (and in the minds of all right thinking CessPoolers, both of us) The Abomination rune is one of them there self evident truths that we used to celebrate in this country before wackos like dalem and Lars took over ... not that there's anything wrong with that.

I'm back but I'm in no mood for turns so you'll just have to suffer won't you?


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Nidan1, send turn.

As for the rest of you, the dinner menu for tonight will be Top Ramen. Your choice of shrimp or chicken flavor.

Sorry I wasn't around to feed you all last night but I was making and eating eating Carrot and Ginger Puree Soup and Pasta Carbonara. Tonight I'll be making Spicy Black Bean Soup, Pasta Primavera, and Pommes Puree. No, Mace, that isn't pureed Brits, it's mashed potatoes.

*considers 30 people all making and eating Spicy Black Bean Soup in the same kitchen . . . *

This could be a long and aromatic night. =(


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Originally posted by DameKitty:As for the rest of you, the dinner menu for tonight will be Top Ramen. Your choice of shrimp or chicken flavor.
Sorry, already had half a Hickory Farms beef stick, with Nance's mustard. And some questionable munster cheese. When are you going to learn to cook real food? Like, you know, meat? A big veal cutlet would be nice.
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Originally posted by R Leete:

Sorry, already had half a Hickory Farms beef stick, with Nance's mustard. And some questionable munster cheese. When are you going to learn to cook real food? Like, you know, meat? A big veal cutlet would be nice.

Real food doesn't come til next term. I have 4 and a half more weeks of stocks, soups, sauces, vegetables, pasta, etc. before the good stuff. =(


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Boggs was shocked, but there it was. A personal invitation to have dinner at the exclusive Kitty's Cafe. And she was going to prepare a new delicacy for the menu, Chicken Raman.

"Wow, I sure am glad she's not mad at me anymore. Those damn guys really twisted my words and got me in deep trouble," he thought to himself as he dressed for dinner.

Arriving punctually at 7:30, he was greeted by the gracious Miss Kitty herself. She was standing at the entrance next to a huge bird cage that held one of the scrawniest crows that Boggs had ever seen.

"How cute", Boggs remarked.

Kitty just smiled and led him to a center table and ordered the wine steward to keep Boggs' glass filled until the main course arrived.

After quite a few glasses to sooth the palate, the hot-steaming plate finally arrived. Spiced to perfection, the meal was consumed in great delight. The only complaint was that the meat was a bit chewy.

Following the complimentary after dinner drink, Boggs rose to leave, escorted by a beaming Miss Kitty. At the entrance, she finally spoke.

"Did you enjoy your meal? Did you eat every bite?"

Boggs replied, "Yes, it was very good."

Turning to leave, Boggs noticed that the large bird cage was empty. He stopped. Turning to face Miss Kitty he asked, "What happened to the crow?"

Miss Kitty just smiled.

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Originally posted by v42below:

I thought Pomme meant apple, but then again I got a B- for french and that was about 7 years ago? Anyways, stinky, you yellow-bellied, arty-wasting pillock, send me a turn!!

You got a B- in French and you thought Pomme meant apple???

Bloody Kiwi educational system...

And I thought we were bad!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

I thought Pomme meant apple, but then again I got a B- for french and that was about 7 years ago? Anyways, stinky, you yellow-bellied, arty-wasting pillock, send me a turn!!

You got a B- in French and you thought Pomme meant apple???

Bloody Kiwi educational system...

And I thought we were bad! </font>

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Originally posted by Elvis:


Elvis, my hat is off to you sir. THAT is the most eloquent statement you've EVER made on this thread.

Others may have some quibble with it, claiming that it's derivative of your earlier posts, but I think the truly discerning among us can see that special spark of genius in THIS post.

Yes, sometimes the wit and wisdom just ... happen, don't they Elvis. There's no predicting it, no planning for it, nothing to do but just wait for that magic moment. And when it comes ... well, I'm practically speechless with awe.

I fancy myself something of a wordsmith but this ... well it puts anything I've written to shame. I am ... in the presence of a master ... a debater ... a master deb ... uh, well ...


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Originally posted by R Leete:

Sorry, already had half a Hickory Farms beef stick, with Nance's mustard. And some questionable munster cheese. When are you going to learn to cook real food? Like, you know, meat? A big veal cutlet would be nice.

That's right, the wife is out of town, isn't she?

Chew off your own foot. There's plenty of times in the last six months when I've thought of nothing else.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

]Real food doesn't come til next term. I have 4 and a half more weeks of stocks, soups, sauces, vegetables, pasta, etc. before the good stuff. =(


Well, I admit that soup isn't always my first cuppa, but knowing how to do good stocks and sauces is far more freaking important than anything you'll learn later.

It is upon that bed of culinary granite that the sheer delight of the house of food will be built.

If you've seen my photos, you'll know that I know of what I speak.

[ April 15, 2004, 12:51 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Dalem, I saw your reply in the previous Thread, and you prance like an aging hooker trying to make meat that's long passed it's sell-by date looking appealing.

Out of one side of your face you mock fools for the same offense that you can't wait to reward with tongue to your chosen fools on the other side . It's like watching the mask of Janus do something really, really...icky.

But I forgive you. However, after Lars lies at my feet, well and truly slashed about his doublet and his person by my mighty sword, I must needs take issue with you, blade to blade, in combat most righteous.

And, because of the fellowship that I feel for you, I will warn you that, when our blades are locked at the hilt, and we stand, face to face and with teeth gritted, I will kick you in the fork.

It may not be completely honourable, and, as we all know, I am the very paragon of honour, but...I'm comfortable with it.

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Originally posted by Lars:

I failed French...

And the list just grows and grows. I guess we should honour you for the sheer number of things you've turned your hand to, however badly they've all turned out.

It was a very nice day today, Lars. Is the ice off that sodding lake yet, or is that another thing that you've left hanging?

Oh, and Lars, the title should have read: The Abomination of the Desolation.

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"Digging into the San Andreas at a location called Wrightwood about 60 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles, Weldon and his colleagues found evidence of 30 quakes of magnitudes between 7.5 and 8.0 that had struck between 3000 and 1200 B.C. and A.D. 500 and the present.

An earthquake on the southern San Andreas of magnitude-7.5 or larger could kill thousands of people in the greater Los Angeles area and cause damage estimated in the tens of billions of dollars, experts have said."

AAAAaaaaaaAAAAa Aaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAAAA aA aA A AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaA Aaaa Aa! *hides under bed*


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Originally posted by v42below:

I thought Pomme meant apple, but then again I got a B- for french and that was about 7 years ago? Anyways, stinky, you yellow-bellied, arty-wasting pillock, send me a turn!!

I actually got this prize at school because i was good at french, and i also thought Pomme meant apple.

As for our dear man whose name cannot be made funny, but very very long, i would IF YOU SEND ME A TURN FIRST. Sheesh i didn't know senility was contagious.

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Originally posted by Seanchai: Dalem, I saw your reply in the previous Thread, and you prance like an aging hooker trying to make meat that's long passed it's sell-by date looking appealing.

Out of one side of your face you mock fools for the same offense that you can't wait to reward with tongue to your chosen fools on the other side . It's like watching the mask of Janus do something really, really...icky.

Ah, Seanachai you silver tongued simian, you certainly have a way with words. To strike such deep, debilitating blows, without the use of a single expletive is truly magnificant. Its like watching the duelling scene at the end of the movie "Rob Roy" I have never admired you more than I do now, stand up sir, and take a bow, oh, wait, you are already standing.

BTW, all owed turns will be out tonight.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

I failed French...

And the list just grows and grows. I guess we should honour you for the sheer number of things you've turned your hand to, however badly they've all turned out.

It was a very nice day today, Lars. Is the ice off that sodding lake yet, or is that another thing that you've left hanging?

Oh, and Lars, the title should have read: The Abomination of the Desolation. </font>

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