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Saturday Nov 1, Chicago


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If you are around Chicago Saturday, and nothing to do, I will have a informal get together so you can play CMAK. Just let me know you are coming, from Noon on, as I have a game to referee in the morning.


PS, That makes 2 for Chicago, and noone for Texas.

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Originally posted by GJK:

Yeah, what up with the Texans here? Somebody give me a copy of the beta and I'll host it at my house....!

Texicans, lad, simply aren't capable of intelligent evaluation, hence, there are no beta testers from Texlahoma.

I mean, we're talking about a State of the Union in which the inhabitants decide whether they're pleased or frightened by whether they've pissed on their own feet. And even that process of evaluation takes up to six minutes.

But you have my sympathy. The fact that Illinoisans are allowed to evaluate anything other than their own likelihood of being jailed strikes me as wrong.

Illinois, for the foreigners, is the New Jersey of the Midwest.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Texicans, lad, simply aren't capable of intelligent evaluation, hence, there are no beta testers from Texlahoma.

It's called "Texoma", not as you have it in your brilliant play on words, "Texlahoma".

I mean, we're talking about a State of the Union in which the inhabitants decide whether they're pleased or frightened by whether they've pissed on their own feet. And even that process of evaluation takes up to six minutes.

You know we all wear boots here, and that's why. It don't matter if we piss on our boots or not, that's what we wear them for. I'm starting to gather that you ain't never been down to Texas. You seem to be basing your points on stereotypes!

But you have my sympathy. The fact that Illinoisans are allowed to evaluate anything other than their own likelihood of being jailed strikes me as wrong.

I ain't never been up there, so can't comment.

Illinois, for the foreigners, is the New Jersey of the Midwest.

Is New Jersey that bad?

Say Sean, ever had you a sixer of Lone Star beer? I have the feeling the two of you could get to be real tight like.

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Andreas, They will be at my house from noon on, so in the UK, it is like 6:53 and 12 seconds or somesuch. Go to Matt's server, and will have whoever shows up connect to your guys, so they may see that tcp/ip works, and so I can laugh at them as they lose.


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Originally posted by GJK:

Say Sean, ever had you a sixer of Lone Star beer? I have the feeling the two of you could get to be real tight like.

The barroom opened. Saxon and Finnegan went in and drank beer, Texas beer only, nothing else was cold. And Saxon was angry.

"There should be a punishment to fit the crime," he said. "We did but ask a drink in the the name of Christ and you give us this. It were better in that hour, it were better in that hour—"

"What were better in that hour, little granite face?" the bargirl asked.

"For less than this they did penance in Nineveh. God will punish you for this, young lady."

"Bet he don't. Some of the places handle beer from the states, but I don't know why they bother..."

"The Devil Is Dead"

R.A. Lafferty

GJK, I'm beginning to be amused by the sound of your patois. The hideous twang of your Texarkan accent, while it grates on the ear like someone slowly rubbing a file over the edge of a mollusc shell (except for those months with an 'r' in them), is starting to take on a certain droll acceptability to me.

I imagine that, if you promised not to breed, you might even be allowed to emigrate North.

And yes, lad, New Jersey is every bit as bad as anything you can imagine. Well, primarily northern New Jersey (one for your side, I suppose). Southern New Jersey is no worse than northern Ohio (although the accent is far more horrible than even a Texan accent).

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Scene: A brightly lit kitchen table in a new suburban home. The stars twinkle brightly outside the bay windows.

In the home, an attractive woman sits at the table, grading papers.

Metallic Female Voice: "Front Door."

A tall, slightly rotund man walks through the door carrying a black briefcase.

MrSpkr: grumbles "Stinkin' annoying alarm."

brightens as his wife comes into view

"Hi honey! I'm home!"

A swarm of young children appear as if by magic. Shouts of joy erupt from them.

. . .

Some time later, after supper, football practice, cheerleading practice, putting the children to bed, calling and setting up an interview with a nanny, and light housekeeping, children's baths, bedtime stories, and tucking-ins while away the evening hours, MrSpkr and MrsSpkr sit on the couch in the living room.

MrSpkr: "So, like I told you on the phone this afternoon, I think I might head to Chicago this weekend."

MrsSpkr: "You were serious about that? I thought Terry had finally put a wet bar in your office. Why Chicago? Why this weekend?"

MrSpkr: "Umm . . . Something to do, dear."

MrsSpkr: "Something to do? We have lots to do here. Philip has a football game -- the first in the playoffs --"

MrSpkr: "I thought he had a bye this week?"

MrsSpkr: "Oh, that's right. Liz has her birthday party, though --"

MrSpkr: "Birthday party? Her birthday was last week!"

MrsSpkr: "Yes, well, she wanted to have several other teenagers over to help paint her room. I was counting on you to watch the babies, but I guess it would be okay to leave eight thirteen year old girls with a couple of gallons of paint in our new home."

MrSpkr: "But, umm, honey . . . I really wanted to go to Chicago this weekend."

MrsSpkr: "Then go. Who's stopping you? I don't think the paint would stain the carpet or vinyl flooring too badly."

MrSpkr: "But there's no way I could get back in time for the party. It's a fourteen hour drive from Chicago to here."

MrsSpkr: "That is a long drive."

MrSpkr: thinking quickly "Maybe I could fly up Friday night, then back Saturday evening, getting home in time for the party!"

MrsSpkr: "Well, you could, but the kids sure would be disappointed if you missed Halloween again this year."

MrSpkr: "Hey, that's not fair! Last year I was stuck in a deposition in Podunk, East Texas until well after dark."

MrsSpkr: "I know, I know. I'm just saying they would be disappointed, that's all."

MrSpkr: "Maybe I could fly up Saturday morning, then fly back Saturday afternoon. I'll check airfares."

MrsSpkr: "Sounds good."

Several minutes later, after hurriedly checking several major airlines' web sites, MrSpkr comes back.

MrSpkr: "Well, I found a couple of fares. They're a bit pricey, but . . ."

MrsSpkr: "How much?"

MrSpkr: "Well, United wanted $862.00. I thought that was pricey, so I checked Southwest. They don't fly from Dallas to Chicago. Something about that bastiche Jim Wright and his stupid amendment or something. Continental wanted $765.00. That was too high, too. Then I checked American -- they wanted $576.00, which I thought was better, but still not great. Delta was a little better -- $546.50."

MrsSpkr: "That's an awful lot of money . . ."

MrSpkr: quickly "So then I looked at Northwest Airlines. They could get me there and back for $175! The only problem is that I would get there about noon, and my return flight would leave about 3:00. That's an awful narrow margin."

MrsSpkr: "What's so important about Chicago, anyway? You have a deposition up there, meeting with a client, what?"

MrSpkr: "Well, to be perfectly honest, there's a coughCMAKPreviewatrune'scough."

MrsSpkr: "What was that?"

MrSpkr: "Err, a CMAK preview at Rune's"

MrsSpkr: "So, let me get thsi straight. You want to spend $200 to fly half-way across the country, just so you can hang out with a bunch of people you have never met, and look at a game for two hours, then fly back?"

MrSpkr: "Umm, well, yes, that's about the size of it."

MrsSpkr: "I'll have to think about this one, Steve."

MrSpkr: "What if I stayed the night, then grabbed the red-eye the next morning? I could be back in Dallas by 10:15 a.m. for the same price!"

MrsSpkr: "Yes, but then you would have to get a hotel room, and that costs money. Also, how are you getting to this place? Won't you need to rent a car?"

MrSpkr: "Well, I could call up Uncle John and see if I could crash there . . ."

MrsSpkr: "The communist? Last time you guys were in the same room I had visions of Khruschev pounding his shoe on the podium."

MrSpkr: quickly -- again "Or I could just stay at rune's until ten or so that night, then head of to the airport and wait in the departure lounge until my red-eye the next morning."

MrsSpkr: "I said I'll have to think about this one, Steve . . ."

To be continued . . .


[ October 31, 2003, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The barroom opened. Saxon and Finnegan went in and drank beer, Texas beer only, nothing else was cold. And Saxon was angry.

"There should be a punishment to fit the crime," he said. "We did but ask a drink in the the name of Christ and you give us this. It were better in that hour, it were better in that hour?"

"What were better in that hour, little granite face?" the bargirl asked.

"For less than this they did penance in Nineveh. God will punish you for this, young lady."

"Bet he don't. Some of the places handle beer from the states, but I don't know why they bother..."

"The Devil Is Dead"

R.A. Lafferty

The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for.

Louis L'Amour (1908 - 1988), "Ride the Dark Trail"

GJK, I'm beginning to be amused by the sound of your patois. The hideous twang of your Texarkan accent, while it grates on the ear like someone slowly rubbing a file over the edge of a mollusc shell (except for those months with an 'r' in them), is starting to take on a certain droll acceptability to me.

Maybe we'll hook up some time, I'll buy you a Lonestar longneck when we do. Pick up Steve as you cross the Red River and then we'll have the makings of the CMAK Beta party that should of started in Texas in the first place!

I imagine that, if you promised not to breed, you might even be allowed to emigrate North.

Oh hell no, you wouldn't ever catch me livin' up there. Too damn cold for one thing.

And yes, lad, New Jersey is every bit as bad as anything you can imagine. Well, primarily northern New Jersey (one for your side, I suppose). Southern New Jersey is no worse than northern Ohio (although the accent is far more horrible than even a Texan accent).

They ain't no good in football either....

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