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Jim Boggs just a word of warning for you. If you ever SHOULD end up seriously brain damaged and decide to go to ManyAppleLess, do NOT go on Lars boat.

Not that there's anything wrong with the boat, it's a very fine boat as boats go, but since it's Lars boat he seems to think that he has to pilot it.

Now imagine Lars in his usual state (stewed) at the wheel of a motorized conveyance ... bad enough you think, and you'd be right. He can crash into other motorized conveyances or even inanimate objects with virtually no effort on his part.

Now add WATER to the equation ... not only can he crash, doing Gawd only knows what damage to the vehicle and to the passengers as well, BUT IT CAN SINK TOO! If he doesn't kill you in the crash he has another chance to drown you!

Of course if Shari goes along it might be okay, she can always take the wheel when he passes out.


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

PS-Lady Persephone, the picture Lars speaks of, is a fake. It was contrived using a borrowed mannequin, which I am sure Lars will try and pretend was moi. Don't be fooled.

Nobody is going to believe that.

If you had worn the Grossdeutschland uniform while playing, you might have had a chance of pulling that particular (or peculiar) deception off.

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Now Joe, apparently you are not aware that Lars is actually quite the outdoorsman. The tale he wove in which he stalked the wiley bobcat with only the grill of his car as a weapon was truly inspirational. In addition, he tossed his trophy into the trunk of his car for a couple of days to allow it to ripen, which is a thought that never would have occurred to me.

He also explained to me about the nature trails and how friendly the bears are. By covering myself in honey, he claimed, I would be demonstrating to the bears that I was not a threat and could freely walk amongst them, feeding them hot-dogs, which Lars claims they would eat right out of my hand.

What a guy!

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Originally posted by dalem:

Boo, where's my setup?

I assume it's still on your computer. All you need to do is send it to me.

But on to more important things (Sheesh, when dalem's concerned, trimming nose hairs is more important.)

As most of you know, I finally got rid of MSN and switched over to the more superb EarthLink.

I came back from the Dr's this morning and logged on to see what kind of puerile antics the denizens of the MBT(Long may it wave)might be up to. But, what's this? I can log on, but for every website I try to visit, I get the same (Page cannot be displayed) or (Cannot find server) message.

But this is Earthlink! This is supposed to be way better than MSN!

So I call their Tech line.

After hearing about 20 minutes worth of scratchy messages extolling the virtues of Earthlink, I am greeted by another outsource technical person from somewhere outside of Bombay, who tells me her name is "Sarah". (Yeah, and you can call me Gupta.) "Sarah" proceeds to talk me through such arcane issues such as "proxy setting" and the like, deftly parrying all my questions with a, "Robert, it does not matter. I am sure this will work.", finishing with a "Robert, I am now sure that you will be able to access all websites."

To which I respond, "But tell me, Sarah, it was working fine last night. Why would it suddenly change?

"Robert, I don't know. I am now sure that you will be able to access all websites. Goodbye."

I was hurt. Here I thought that perhaps Sarah and I had made a "connection". Perhaps forged a bond that could more closely unite our two cultures.


I will now stand in the rain in a ripped tee shirt, yelling, "SARAH! SARAH!!!"


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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

You didn't finish your story, were you able to access all websites?

Thankfully, yes. But then, just a little while ago, when I logged on again, I couldn't access the forums here, so I went back in and deleted the proxy servers again (which somehow had becomed checked, once again) and got rid of history, cookies, et al and was then able to log on.

So, will I have to do this every time I log on?

What a pisser.

Oh, and dalem? I left your set up on your computer. All you have to do is find it and send it. Hokay, Sparky?

And as for the rest of you Mesozoic monkey fondlers, there are no turns in my In box.

tap, tap...

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Originally posted by dalem:

Where's the part where Boo sent me my setup?

I got a setup for you ... I need someone with your ... {ahem} special skills to playtest a short Ker Dessel* scenario I'm working on. It's actually legitimate ... kind of ... in a bizarre sort of way.

Actually I need a couple of people ... volunteers accepted.


p.s. Boo Radley according to my records YOU owe ME a turn!

*Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Where's the part where Boo sent me my setup?

I got a setup for you ... I need someone with your ... {ahem} special skills to playtest a short Ker Dessel* scenario I'm working on. It's actually legitimate ... kind of ... in a bizarre sort of way.

Actually I need a couple of people ... volunteers accepted.


p.s. Boo Radley according to my records YOU owe ME a turn!

*Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way! </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Where's the part where Boo sent me my setup?

I got a setup for you ... I need someone with your ... {ahem} special skills to playtest a short Ker Dessel* scenario I'm working on. It's actually legitimate ... kind of ... in a bizarre sort of way.

Actually I need a couple of people ... volunteers accepted.


p.s. Boo Radley according to my records YOU owe ME a turn!

*Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way! </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Stuka's back, I'm so happy I won't even make my traditional reference to his gamey habit of playing scenarios he's already played

Ye gods! Justacat, that was like 18 months ago!! let it go! its ok...chill....relax....take another rohypnol.

Once more for the record.

(a) You knew I had played that scenario before

(B) You still agreed to play me

© I even let you win

(d) Actually, that was a lie, I whipped your spotty arse with frog-in-a-bucket ease.

Now, lets let sleeping dog's lie, hmmm?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

My life is hell.

I might as well drink.


You wait until then?

I think waiting until noon shows enough restraint. </font>

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Ye gods! Justacat, that was like 18 months ago!! let it go! its ok...chill....relax....take another rohypnol.

Don't do it, Shaw. You'll wake up with your underpants on backwards and your shirt buttoned up wrong...

Originally posted by Stuka:

Now, lets let sleeping dog's lie, hmmm?

I imagine the dog got a roofy to, eh, Stuka? I imagine Colin, the poor wee bugger, is still experiencing pain while eliminating.

Well, well, against all expectations, or anything approaching justice, Stuka isn't dead.

I suppose I'm 'chuffed'. Welcome back, you Aussie git.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Can't find my CMAK disk.

You all suck.

I hate you all.

Yeesh. What a shameful thing to admit. Were you sleeping with it taped to your forehead again, in a demented attempt to somehow subliminally master the game?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

the poor wee bugger, is still experiencing pain while eliminating.

Whenever I experience pain while eliminating I just think of eliminating on your gnomitty self, and the pain goes away.
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And now, to make an honest return on the powers of the Cesspool, the well-wishes and prayers of who's members are far more powerful than those members are in the Real World, I would just like to announce that my sister Kat had her 'midway' scans a few days ago, and they show her lymph nodes are shrinking, which means that the cancer appears to be responding to the Chemotherapy, and that she now appears to have a pretty good chance at recovery.

There are a couple of anomalies that will have to be double-checked, and it will be another few weeks before they do some scan called a PET scan (apparently to make sure that other organs and such are still clear of the cancer, rather than to determine if ferrets and guinea pigs have taken up residence), but for now, the Oncologist is happy and guardedly confident with the progress of her treatment.

Besides being good news in general, this means that my sister has agreed to continue with the treatment, which also means that she'll still probably be vomiting and feeling weak, which will allow me to tease her unmercifully, and constantly score off her in our exchanges of sarcasm, as her Chemo-riddled wits fail to function as quickly or as clearly as my own.

Ha ha! Life is good.

It's interesting to note, of course, that even while horribly dehydrated, vomiting, and shot full of mind-clouding anti-nauseants, she's still quicker and wittier than you lot. Which means, of course, that I tower over you all like some giant out of legend.

Okay, perhaps that was a bit of hubris there, but you have to remember I'm happy. Or drunk. No, wait, I'm definitely happy.

Someone fetch my large, oafish but endearing henchman Boo, so I may stand upon his shoulders and lead the whole Cesspool in a series of rousing ballads!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And now, to make an honest return on the powers of the Cesspool, the well-wishes and prayers of who's members are far more powerful than those members are in the Real World, I would just like to announce that my sister Kat had her 'midway' scans a few days ago, and they show her lymph nodes are shrinking, which means that the cancer appears to be responding to the Chemotherapy, and that she now appears to have a pretty good chance at recovery.

There are a couple of anomalies that will have to be double-checked, and it will be another few weeks before they do some scan called a PET scan (apparently to make sure that other organs and such are still clear of the cancer, rather than to determine if ferrets and guinea pigs have taken up residence), but for now, the Oncologist is happy and guardedly confident with the progress of her treatment.

Besides being good news in general, this means that my sister has agreed to continue with the treatment, which also means that she'll still probably be vomiting and feeling weak, which will allow me to tease her unmercifully, and constantly score off her in our exchanges of sarcasm, as her Chemo-riddled wits fail to function as quickly or as clearly as my own.

Ha ha! Life is good.

It's interesting to note, of course, that even while horribly dehydrated, vomiting, and shot full of mind-clouding anti-nauseants, she's still quicker and wittier than you lot. Which means, of course, that I tower over you all like some giant out of legend.

Okay, perhaps that was a bit of hubris there, but you have to remember I'm happy. Or drunk. No, wait, I'm definitely happy.

Someone fetch my large, oafish but endearing henchman Boo, so I may stand upon his shoulders and lead the whole Cesspool in a series of rousing ballads!

Seanachai while it is a GOOD thing that your sister is better, it is a BAD thing that you've taken to sing songs again.

Let this cup pass from us, Seanachai, let it pass.


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Ah haeve let tha drrrop-eyed squirrel fondler Dalem hae haes wah wi' mah soddingly uselaiss Sassanach pixel-Tommies, an' agreed tae a cease-fire. At saims haes poxy Battalion o' UnterGropinStampinFarters were dyin' o' boredom watchin' haes feckin' John Elway PanzerNation stock sittin' on a poxy hill an' blowin' tha fish an' chips oot o' tha lads.

Stuka-Nuka-Puka-Pants, ye kin kiss mah spotty arrrse.

Hiram laddie, as tha' a Luftwaffe Tiger tank ye built there? All blue an' tha'? Ye big girrrls blouse.

Seanachai, wid ye noo hae a big drink o' STFU laddie? An' hae a wee dump an' fall back ain at as waill.

Joe Shaw (af'n tha as aindeed ye real name), faitch mah slippers laddie. An' didnae pee on tha carpet thas time. An' didnae leave any "wee Crodas" baheend tha sofa either.

*sniff* *sniff* As tha' fox pee Ah kin smaill?

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

the poor wee bugger, is still experiencing pain while eliminating.

Whenever I experience pain while eliminating I just think of eliminating on your gnomitty self, and the pain goes away. </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Don't do it, Shaw. You'll wake up with your underpants on backwards and your shirt buttoned up wrong...

Which would be an improvement on how Joe normally dresses I imagine.
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