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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

Ugh...does that mean I can actually challenge you to FEAR THE WRATH of my romanian paratroopers as they secure...secure...some... PATCH OF WOODS!?

Edit: I'm drunk and currently listenig to Fame. Send me a setup or I'll do something horrible to my spearmint plant.

Ahh, HERE'S how it works.

1) I am a Seniour Kanigget, so YOU send ME setups.

2) I am the Lord High Hullabalooster of the MBT, so you send me CMAK setups only.

3) I am the Hammer of the General Forum, so you send me Small to Medium-sized CMAK setups - none of these Battalion-sized abortions.

4) I am NOT drunk so I am angry, so you find a rhinoceros, place your eye (either one, I don't much care) right over the tip of its big front snoot horn, and smack the rhino very sharply on the beak.

Take notes, show your work, and turn in your lab notebook to my T.A., who doesn't speak any language you are familiar with and will promptly lose them, forcing me to give everyone a "C" for their lab grade, which is of course 40% of the whole class grade, so you're all Effed right in the A. (Yup, that happened to a friend of mine. Lovely girl with a great rack. Why didn't I nail her? Oh yeah, because I was a frikking MO-RON.)

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Originally posted by dalem:

(snipped drivel that claimed some sort of RANK, yeah right) ... (Yup, that happened to a friend of mine. Lovely girl with a great rack. Why didn't I nail her? Oh yeah, because I was a frikking MO-RON.)

Yes, but if you had then it would have ruined the friendship right?



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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

(snipped drivel that claimed some sort of RANK, yeah right) ... (Yup, that happened to a friend of mine. Lovely girl with a great rack. Why didn't I nail her? Oh yeah, because I was a frikking MO-RON.)

Yes, but if you had then it would have ruined the friendship right?


Joe </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

Lovely girl with a great rack. Why didn't I nail her?

I might have been something she said. Like "I wouldn't touch you with a pointy stick even if you were the last man on this plant, so SOD OFF"!

Just guessing, of course.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Lovely girl with a great rack. Why didn't I nail her?

She was your sister? No... wait...that wouldn't have stopped you.

Was it because of the restraining order? </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Lovely girl with a great rack. Why didn't I nail her?

She was your sister? No... wait...that wouldn't have stopped you.

Was it because of the restraining order? </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Oh, don't get your Depends in a bunch, Shaw (I hear they're less absorbent that way), your file's on the way.

You know Jim Boggs has suggested that we play one of YOUR scenarios after I crush his Panzers with my mighty {snicker} Shermans and TDs.

At first, as I told him, it sounded way too much like something they'd force the Iraqis in Abu Ghraib to do, but I doubt that even the M.I. would be THAT sadistic.

But then it occurred to me that we could use the opportunity to further blacken your name ... and that's always a good thing.


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Hey Boo!

What was the name of that scenario you sent me to test? I downloaded it into the scenario file and can't remember the name. I think it had the word Vineyard in it or sumfink.

I finally found someone dumb enough to play it.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Hey Boo!

What was the name of that scenario you sent me to test? I downloaded it into the scenario file and can't remember the name. I think it had the word Vineyard in it or sumfink.

I finally found someone dumb enough to play it.

Huummphh, dumb enough to whip YOUR butt my lad ... granted the game's not over yet but if you pull this one out of the hat you'll have pulled off the best comeback ever ... at least against me ... Bauhaus had the record before with his Luckiest Turn Ever.


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Okay, never mind, I just found it. The Grapes of Wrath. So I was right about the vineyard.

It's a meeting engagement between US and Germans. The briefing concludes with the phrase:

"Both sides want it!"

As this was written by Radley, we dare not pursue an understanding of exactly what it could be.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />What does "L/xx" tell me?

That it's Lesbian soft porn?

Not really relevant to anything but the Thread was drifting toward the bottom of the page and we can't have that.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />What does "L/xx" tell me?

That it's Lesbian soft porn?

Not really relevant to anything but the Thread was drifting toward the bottom of the page and we can't have that.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

The only bad thing about a Brust book is that they are so eminently readable that I finish them too quickly.

You do realize that his father was one of the Midwest's preeminent Communists, don't you, you pillock?
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Okay, never mind, I just found it. The Grapes of Wrath. So I was right about the vineyard.

It's a meeting engagement between US and Germans. The briefing concludes with the phrase:

"Both sides want it!"

As this was written by Radley, we dare not pursue an understanding of exactly what it could be.

I knew you would be confused by the title. I've decided to give all my scenarios literary or musical titles and knowing that your reading and listening habits hover more around Danielle Steele and whichever local jug band doesn't have half it's members behind bars (when driving around in your truck you invariable listen to Talk Radio as you beat your fist impotently against the steering wheel in what you believe to be righteous anger, but that anyone finishing Psych 101 would recognize as a simple temper tantrum.), I realized that the subtle humor in the scenario title would fly right over your head, not unlike an F-16, realizing that, yes, the area is quite flat, but way too tiny to land on.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Fa want Bee!

dalem that made even less sense than usual ... have you been after the copier toner again?

Joe </font>

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