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Originally posted by Seanachai:


If you are out there, lad, if you are reading this...

I have always kept a candle burning in the window.

In case there are any assassins still coming, lost out there in the snow.

I know you still hate me, Cabron. I know you will always hate me. No one can make me doubt this.

Now this is just pathetic. Let it go Seanachi, Let it go. If you keep replaying it over and over it will only get in the way of you recognizing your true hater out there.

Cabron69 was all wrong for you; too fickle, too easily impressed and distracted by "flashier" posters, like Emrys. There's a whole wide world of human debris out there, and I'm willing to bet that most would hate you if they could only get to know you.

So just relax, be yourself. It will happen. It's Christmas soon, and you should be getting all forms of hatred disguised as Christmas cards soon, right?

See? I hate you more than I did when I started writing this post!

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I'm back up!!!

Send a file if you have one for me.

Been so long since I've had a clean system I've forgotten what it's like. Very nice. But downloading all those updates and patches, sheesh...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Chase ambulances.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:


(Boo wanders in wearing a bathrobe and moccasins, drinking a cup of International coffee.) Good luck finding one around here. Why'd you have to specify "Human"?

For the Church of Seanachai is a tolerant church, much given over to random acts of kindness, but even more invested in HAVING SOMEBODY'S ARSE SERVED UP ON A PLATTER!

Granted, one thing we do have in abundance around here is a huge amount of butt steak. Though, if you try to get any from the goddam thread, you might end up with mad cow disease.

Boo, my thuggish and lackwitted acolyte! Gather up my Squires, and the Knights that were my Squires, and BRING ME SOMEONE TO HANG ON A FECKING HOOK!

So we're talking about who...? R Leete, Papa Kahn and Malakovski? Well, I'm sorry, but I think Larry and Curly have scarpered, but I think Moe is still available.

I'll check the local drunk tank.

They don't have to be from the Thread. It could be anyone. But I want to see blood in the gravy before Dalem can squeak 'God Bless us, every one!'

Yuh-huh. I'll jump right on that. Yeah, that's like job one for me today. (Boo turns around and scratching his arse through his robe, begins to shuffle out of the room, his voice beginning to trail off.) Oh yeah, you sure can count on me, Seanachai, old bean. <small>That's all I've got to do all day is run around doing your bidding because you've scared off all your squires.</small><small><small>"Boo, my thuggish acolyte, simonize my head!" Yeah, I got your "thuggish acolyte, right here, Seanachai...</small</small>
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Originally posted by Lurkur:

[...] distracted by "flashier" posters, like Emrys. [...]

Nice way of putting the boot in.

Dear Joachim, in case you have not realised it, the scenario we play has you attacking. So why don't you stop camping, and get on with it.



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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by berger:


This lad certainly shows some potential......

to poke his own eye out with a stick </font>

Thank Gawd booger has no email address in his profile so we can ignore him ... legally that it, we can ALWAYS ignore someone but it's ever so nice to have a legal reason to do so.

Although I DO like the image of him poking his eye out with a stick.

On the other hand (the middle one) we haven't had an SSN with a name so amenable to mutilation since Gym Baggs showed up.


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Originally posted by berger:

very possible that a stick wouldn't find any available neurons to damage in my skull, ubt I really just need Lars to send back his turn. Now where did I leave that stick?....

Dear John,

I'm sorry to have to tell you this but...

{oops, don't like the way that's headed...}

booger, I'll have it for you tonight.

btw, your mother was right. See what happens when you hang out with people like Seanachai? You end up in places like this.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by berger:

very possible that a stick wouldn't find any available neurons to damage in my skull, ubt I really just need Lars to send back his turn. Now where did I leave that stick?....

Dear John,

I'm sorry to have to tell you this but...

{oops, don't like the way that's headed...}

booger, I'll have it for you tonight.

btw, your mother was right. See what happens when you hang out with people like Seanachai? You end up in places like this. </font>

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{Louie DePalma voice}Hello, Losers!{/Louie DePalma voice}

In just a few short hours, I and my lovely wife will be putting on our best duds and heading out for my office's Christmas party, where we will be treated to no fewer that TWO free drinks of our choice, the ability to order ANYTHING WE WANT off of the children's menu and the compulsory glass of wine with the boss, who considers himself to be an oenophile (not that there's anything wrong with that), but who probably couldn't tell a delightful chardonnay from MD 20/20. At which point we will watch in horror as he rapidly descends into sloppy drunkeness while he attempts to give his annual Christmas speech in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

Then, as we employees slink out into the night with our coats pulled up over our faces, we will all silently give thanks that Christmas comes but once a year.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Errr... yer can keep up with me lightning fast turn rate, eh? No dilly-dallying? And yer must number yer turns. That's very important... got to be unique and amusing... none of that Elvis minimalist twaddle (*sigh* so very Philippe Starck and soooooooooo passe). And purlease arrange things on the map in a vaguely entertaining and artistic way?


What? You've got to be friggen kidding me!! I slowly number my turns and I slowly send them if I send them at all. If you really want me to design a scenario then it will be even slower. Lightning fast? Have you been reading the posts over the last couple of years? Do you not know? Have you not heard? I am slower than snail snot dripping from a molasses tree in the winter time, Senor Burro.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

{Louie DePalma voice}Hello, Losers!{/Louie DePalma voice}

Well, when you've already got the looks, you might as well go with the voice, too.

In just a few short hours, I and my lovely wife . . .
TRANSLATION: My fugly arse and a mannequin I borrowed from Grog Dorosh

. . . will be putting on our best duds . . .
Stopped by the Salvation Army Thrift Store at lunch, I see.

I didn't know bell-bottomed leisure suits were making a comeback.

. . . and heading out for my office's Christmas party, . . .
You mean, they're going to let you go back, even after THAT incident last year?

Forgiving folks, they are. I just hope that if the police have to "drop by the party" again, they remember to bring their nightsticks.

And Tasers -- those are very important.

. . . where we will be treated to no fewer that TWO free drinks of our choice, the ability to order ANYTHING WE WANT off of the children's menu . . .
So your office party is at McDonalds?

. . . and the compulsory glass of wine with the boss,. . .

Admit it -- you LIKE having other men buy you a glass of wine (not that there's anything wrong with that).

. . . who considers himself to be an oenophile (not that there's anything wrong with that), but who probably couldn't tell a delightful chardonnay from MD 20/20.
Why is it that I can easily picture you saying the words "delightful chardonnay" but I just can't see you married?

At which point we will watch in horror as he rapidly descends into sloppy drunkeness . . .
How many passes do you think he'll make at you this year? How many times will your coworkers stop him, for his own good?

. . . while he attempts to give his annual Christmas speech in the middle of a crowded restaurant.
Maybe you guys could stay in the "parties section" near the Playland equipment?

Then, as we employees slink out into the night with our coats pulled up over our faces,. . .
Again, how is this different from any other public appearance you might make?

. . . we will all silently give thanks that Christmas comes but once a year.


Edited because of the feckin' UBB

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