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Originally posted by nevermind:

Hey Dave ,any chance i can get any kinnda turn?An old one,a turn that was supposed to be sent to someone else,anything?I'm just hoping to bump it up to 2 turns received per week :mad: :mad: :D


Didn't I just send you one last night, maggot? Seems like I recall light Soviet artillery falling all over your pathetic German infantry hiding in the pine trees. Since I only have one CMBB game in progress, that had to be you on the receiving end! I'll resend it tonight. ;):D:D
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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by nevermind:

Hey Dave ,any chance i can get any kinnda turn?An old one,a turn that was supposed to be sent to someone else,anything?I'm just hoping to bump it up to 2 turns received per week


Didn't I just send you one last night, maggot? Seems like I recall light Soviet artillery falling all over your pathetic German infantry hiding in the pine trees. Since I only have one CMBB game in progress, that had to be you on the receiving end! I'll resend it tonight. ;):D </font>
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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

Hey, whatever works. Besides, I'm just getting you ...um... overconfident so that when my wave of infantry with their ueber-pitchforks comes crashing down on you you'll be knocked senseless. By that I mean even more senseless than you are now. tongue.gif :mad: :mad:


Dont you have a setup to be working on "junior" :D

Bring on the pitchforks Maggots!! :mad: :mad:

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Just wanted to catch up on the Waffles versus <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> PBEM extravaganza. Soddball, you and Seanachai started it all. How is your game going? Have you two slugs made it all the way through Turn 1 yet? :eek: :eek:

I'm playing Lurkur for the second time. In our first game, he emerged bloodied but slightly victorious after my partisans who failed to die managed to get themselves lost in the sewers of Warsaw. This time around he has given me the Canadians with about a year's production of Sherman tanks to attack his Germans. My tanks have been taking fire from Nashorns, many AT guns, unidentified SP guns, and far too many Panthers. Oh, did I mention his gamey AT minefields, and that every house seems to hold a gamey panzershreck team? I'd like to receive infantry support at some point to flush out some pesky antitank teams. Wait a second; I must confess that I did have not one, but two whole PIAT teams when we started. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Axe, weren't you playing Boo? Anyone else?

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I got the pleasure of playing the low and the mediocre (Aces & 8's) in a sordid big scenario writetn by some penguin or other - stuff like giving me a couple of KV's with only 1 road to come in on that has 2 AT minefields on it (only discvered by driving over them of course!!) and not bothering to mention the pioneers that are arriving a few turns later!! Grr.....

However it's taking a bit of time - we're 23 turns into 70+, and the 2 battaliions of Russians are taking some moving on a big map that's mostly swamp and forest!! It's kind of frustrating!! ggrrrrrr....... :mad: :mad:

Highlight so far is a 45mm AT gun taking out a P2 from 997m along a dead straight road that totally keyholed it and watchign the rest of his vehicles trying to dodge around that keyhole smile.gif

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In my game versus the inimimitimitable Seanachai, we have struggled up to about turn 6. Nothing has happened. The vines and vineyards are all peaceable.

I have patched up to 1.01 this evening and everyone is getting a turn except Snarker - because 5,000 points of green infantry takes a long time to set up. I'll ship it when I have two hours of setup time to spare.

Let me warn you about big maps in CM:AK. Our map is 5.5km long and a little over 1km wide - and we are fighting across the width of the map. :mad: :mad:

Stuoopid QB editor.

As for the start of MasterGoodale - I have the best and brightest of his threads (including the History of MasterG) bookmarked. When I have a spare hour, I'll post all the links and an annotated history.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Axe, weren't you playing Boo? Anyone else?

No, LAxetive was being decimated by Boo. To the tune of 78-22.

Snicker is about to lose too, after I'm done spanking him back across the desert.

Bouquet is attempting a final gasp before he too succumbs to my brilliant tactical superiority.

The only thing greater than my command of CM is my towering humility.



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Originally posted by Mike:

I got the pleasure of playing the low and the mediocre (Aces & 8's) in a sordid big scenario writetn by some penguin or other - stuff like giving me a couple of KV's with only 1 road to come in on that has 2 AT minefields on it (only discvered by driving over them of course!!) and not bothering to mention the pioneers that are arriving a few turns later!! Grr.....

However it's taking a bit of time - we're 23 turns into 70+, and the 2 battaliions of Russians are taking some moving on a big map that's mostly swamp and forest!! It's kind of frustrating!! ggrrrrrr.......

Highlight so far is a 45mm AT gun taking out a P2 from 997m along a dead straight road that totally keyholed it and watchign the rest of his vehicles trying to dodge around that keyhole

<font size=+2GRARGRARRGRARRRGRARGRARGRARRR!!! </font> :mad:

Ya know, this is exactly the reason why history is never written by the losers, they would only get it wrong :rolleyes:

While the minefields are admittadly dastardly, you have no one but yourself to blame for violating Murphy's 3rd Law of Combat: The easy way is always mined. :D That and a vodka induced stupor suffered by the poor little brown clad lads. I would petition the commissarat for an immediate execution of the individual responsible for forgetting the rollers. :mad:

Here is how things are actually going. After I made his silly little partisans waltz to the tune of some deadly accurate 2 cm and MG fire (so many blue clad bodies laying about), Mike attempted to tiptoe up the route his KVs are currently immobilized *snickers* on with a couple of trucks towing guns. Ordered some steel rain, super sized that order, and stopped em cold. Now there's nothing but smoking trucks, smoking guns, and little smoking bodies. :mad:

His next thrust (again, he should be a performer for the Bolshoi with tutu and little shoes the way he prances about) also stuck. Two guns abandoned and the rest of everything crammed up that road, fixin to take care of that little problem soon. My gunners in the half-tracks are having a fine time gunning down his little twits screaming " Dance ya little bitches, dance...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" (all in German of course)as they stick there heads out the woods then twitch like little meat marionettes. :mad:

Yes, yes, he did have a couple of shining moments, the truck which is still smoking, a couple of Kubelwagens and the one tank. :mad: There's plenty more from where those came from...He's not even close enough yet to begin SERIOUS MOLTEN TNT CHUCKIN' but I am guessing one of these days he will actually make a concerted push. And now you know...the rest of the storey. :mad:

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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

While the minefields are admittadly dastardly, you have no one but yourself to blame for violating Murphy's 3rd Law of Combat: The easy way is always mined. :

It's a bit mean to be quoting that at me when the easy was was also the <big>ONLY</big> way!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

but never mind - there's more on the way, from everywhere, and of everything!! :D

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News Bulletin:

All of you maggots waiting for CMAK turns will have to wait until I receive the next turn from Lurkur. I want to make sure we get our scenario saved before I apply the 1.01 patch. We're too far along, and I've lost too many Shermans, to mess it up now. :eek: :eek:

Snarker, I'll hold the next Inferno turn until you're ready to patch to 1.01. We could still have quite a few turns left, with that "30+" figure, and your Germans and Italians scattered all over the battlefield. :eek: :D:D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

This time around he has given me the Canadians with about a year's production of Sherman tanks to attack his Germans. My tanks have been taking fire from Nashorns, many AT guns, unidentified SP guns, and far too many Panthers. Oh, did I mention his gamey AT minefields, and that every house seems to hold a gamey panzershreck team?

That sounds suspiciously familiar, doesn't it Snarker?

Especially the gamey part. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

This time around he has given me the Canadians with about a year's production of Sherman tanks to attack his Germans. My tanks have been taking fire from Nashorns, many AT guns, unidentified SP guns, and far too many Panthers. Oh, did I mention his gamey AT minefields, and that every house seems to hold a gamey panzershreck team?

That sounds suspiciously familiar, doesn't it Snarker?

Especially the gamey part. :mad: :mad: </font>

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I have patched up to 1.01 this evening and everyone is getting a turn except Snarker - because 5,000 points of green infantry takes a long time to set up. I'll ship it when I have two hours of setup time to spare.

5k points of crack engineers carring molten TNT doesn't take nearly as long. :mad: :mad:
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More mail from MASTER GOODALE

I sent him another email asking if he would come post here.


From : Justin Goodale

Sent : Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:17 PM

To : "Debbi Parker"

Subject : Re: MasterGoodale Bible

LOL!!! GRAGRAGARGRAGRARGAGRGRAGAGAR!!!!! I may just have to stop in sometime and slather some faces!!


Kitty :mad:

Btw, DaveH I think he was laughing because I showed him your conspiracy theory post where you said you thought we were really the same person. Then again it may just be the random laughter of the insane. =)

[ February 03, 2004, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Kitty ]

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Listen up everyone.I have been hit with the MSBLAST worm and it is causing me living hell.I am going to try and remove it,but in my desperation to fix whatever problem i thought i had,i did a system restore.Which has always worked for me,and did this time as well,it got rid of it.After fighting for a few more hours,it somehow let me get back on the internet.Turns out that i screwed up BIG TIME by doing a system restore.Now,it is most likely backed up in my system restore folder(or some crap)and windows will not allow programs to alter anything in said folders.

Long story short,looks like i am going to have to reformat.All games are postponed until i can get this fixed or bust my pc into a million little bitty pieces :mad: :mad: I doubt any of you that have been exchanging turns with me have it,but check and make sure.

I hope to be seeing y'all soon,but who knows.Wish me luck!

Axe , Pseudo ,keep the last turn of our games handy,i will need them when/if i get back.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

News Bulletin:

All of you maggots waiting for CMAK turns will have to wait until I receive the next turn from Lurkur. I want to make sure we get our scenario saved before I apply the 1.01 patch. We're too far along, and I've lost too many Shermans, to mess it up now. :eek: :eek:

You haven't lost too many Shermans. In fact, if you lost all of them it would only be "just enough" dead Shermans. Losing too many Shermans means that they've been blasted into their sub-atomic particles and exist as a vapor in the atmosphere. Then I'd grant that you lost too many! Until then, keep pushing them into the ravenous maws of my Panthers and die!

<font size = 5>DIE DIE DIE all of you ill-bred, moose-bound, under-stimulated, overly-hyphenated Canadian tank lemmings!</font>

<font size = 1>Is that an airplane? Crap! Gotta go!</font>


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