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Man did I get ripped off...


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I buy Combat Missions2, then CMAK this week.. Then CDV releases Combat Missions Anthology with everything rolled into one for $34..

Even though its import, theres a half dozen import stores here in the US that are selling the Anthology.

I feel taken yet again by this friggen lame gaming industry.. You do the right thing, and buy something, rather than pirate it, and get BURNED because of these battle-packs and crap that get released.

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Why do you fell you got burned? You bought two great games that are both well worth their price and will keep you playing for a long time.

It's not that you got ripped off for some low-quality product. Sure, you would have saved a few bucks if you had bought this Anthology collection but through your purchase you made sure the BFC guys have the ressources to continue to provide us with outstanding games.

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Originally posted by Kobra:

I feel taken yet again by this friggen lame gaming industry.. You do the right thing, and buy something, rather than pirate it, and get BURNED because of these battle-packs and crap that get released.

As everyone else has said you got great games and more time to play them on top of it. All those battles on those CDs are free on the Scenairo Depot, so those who buy them for that are the ones getting ripped off. tongue.gif
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You do realize, don't you, that YOU caused it all?

Like the guy who washes his car only to have it rain, all it takes for a product to go on sale is to purchase it a full price first. It's like a law of nature or something. You don't think the game would've been on sale if you hadn't gone and purchased it, do you? No no no, the world doesn't work that way. If you don't believe me ask all those guys who bought those $800 DVD players a few years back. ;)

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I think you were lucky.

From posts I have seen in the past more people have had problems with CDV CD's cracking than the CD's from Battlefront. And Battlefront have great product aftermarket support. I would always buy from Battlefront no matter what the price.

I will always support good after market support above price any day.

From what I have seen and heard about from other people I would not buy a CDV game at all. But a lot of people have no problems with them so I suppose they are not all that bad. Harder to backup some CDV CD's as well. Different copy protection I think than Battlefront CD's.

In hind site, long term you made a better choice without knowing it.


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Also, I was under the impression that the European version of the product was slightly different in content. So if you want an historically authentic version, you buy direct from BFC. If you want Waffle Grenadiers and bowdlerized text that can't be made perfectly authentic by switching a few bmp's, you go with CDV.

If the BFC version has less programming clutter, accepts patches more readily, gets patched more quickly, is more likely to get supported long-term, is historically more authentic, and is more likely to keep the wonderful product flow going, I think it's certainly worth paying more for.

Its better to buy a Hermes tie in a Hermes boutique than from a street vendor. The boutique has more long term commitment to the product, and may just be selling a higher quality version. Export models are often slightly inferior to domestic versions, if nothing else because they weigh less to reduce customs duties (probably truer for woolens than computer cd's).

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I'm only speculating, but I've noticed that publishers/distributors as opposed to developers like to run things through what they euphemistically refer to as quality control. This was particularly noticeable with Paradox and Strategy First patches. The developer would finish the patch, and often post it on their own website, but the patch wouldn't appear on the distributor's website until after a delay. Often there were security differences between the two versions that had to be ironed out. I think what was happening was that the publisher might have an anti-cracking code that corporate policy required them to use that might or might not work with the game patch. And then there was always the issue of the useless logo video of the publisher interfering with the launching of the game : that sometimes can get snarled or unsnarled in a patch.

So you bypass the potential for these headaches altogether if you simply buy from the source and don't go through a middleman.

A well-known publisher/distributor who shall remain nameless (but who is completely unconnected with BFC products) appears to be experiencing difficulties to the degree that many of their developers are bailing. Since that particular publisher seems to have a lot of titles that need a lot of patching, I wonder if the developers (who in some cases are rumored not to have been paid by the publisher) will take the trouble to make their patches compatible with unrelated videos and non-native anti-cracking codes.

Its only fair to add that I'm not part of the industry and am merely speculating. My views do not reflect the views of BFC, nor am I casting any doubts about the quality and longevity of CDV, who I'm sure are a bunch of fine and reliable folks (otherwise BFC wouldn't have started doing business with them in the first place).

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I'm from the US.. The game store where I do my business is GoGamer, and they now sell Combat Mission Anthology for $34. (Import)


I trust CDV, i've bought around 6-7 of their products and never had trouble. My son scratched my Cossacks CD once, and CDV replaced it within a week. I can't argue with that. I like the company to be honest, and like the games they distribute, they tend to pick up games other publishers ignore.

As such, i've now sold my CMBB on Amazon for $29, and my CMAK on Ebay for $33.00, so i'm happy. Now I will be ordering Anthology from Gogamer to replace them, and save some cash.

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