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Cap'n Jack Peng and the Black Challenge

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I can't believe I'm actually posting this here, I'd be more likely to get advice I could use from the GF with a Topic called "Bush Sucks ... and So Do You!"

But ... here goes:

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that I was actually going to upgrade my PC (PC ... not one of those wimpy, works all the time without crashing Macs ... I'm a MAN damnit).

What would you recommend in terms of Processor, Graphics Card, Monitor, Sound Card, RAM (I know, I know, everything you can shoehorn in) and anything else you think would be worthwhile to consider. I'm using it primarily for gaming (DUH!) including flight sims and would like it to be useful for more than six months.



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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Look on the bright side, Dalem. We've now got two weeks of non-stop fun and vandalism time to turn Lars's house into something that will make the bombing of Dresden look like just another extremely stupid argument on the Forum.

But you never found out where I live. You stayed on the boat.

Bwahahaha, shovel snow Gnome!!!

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Look on the bright side, Dalem. We've now got two weeks of non-stop fun and vandalism time to turn Lars's house into something that will make the bombing of Dresden look like just another extremely stupid argument on the Forum.

But you never found out where I live. You stayed on the boat.

Bwahahaha, shovel snow Gnome!!! </font>

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Ey, lads, since you's can't satisfy 'er, I'm taking her queenship to her beloved high seas. It's quite romantic, I tells ya, she'll be able to scrubs me galleys, wash me many pairs a' tights, grease the yardarm (Eh, Dalem, see, I can be just as bloody sleazy as I wants, we've crossed into international waters, which means sleaze, gamblin' and monkey knife fights) and perform the other, usual, wenching duties. Ya ha!



Somewhere Hot

Carribean Corner

High Seas...


Dear Knights Olde Ones and Pengers

Having a tiring time here in the middle of nowhere... Meeks is quite demanding and insists I rub his entire body with coconut oil as well as wash his tight leopard print leggings.. It's a far cry away from my usual luxurious surroundings and I miss each and everyone of you.. especially dalem as I heard on the jungle drums that he lost his Job so

I think he may need a great big *hug*.

I'm sending this message in a bottle so if it gets to you please be assured that your job as *Bath Boy and Towel Warmer* Is still safe.. Must go before Meeks gets back.. He'll be full of rum and more demading than ever... *Sigh*

Your Loving and Exhausted Queen


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that I was actually going to upgrade my PC

blah blah blah lost in a haze of frog urine-dosed coffee and animal crackers blah blah blah

What would you recommend

Xbox: $150

Linux for your Xbox: Free*

Getting a cheap gaming rig subsidized by the wealthiest person on Earth: Priceless


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It's nice to finally have a woman's touch on board me fine ship. Now that she's done with the laundry and the sewing, the cookin', the scarpin', wenchin' and animal husbandry, the limin', the peelin', the bilge-pumpin', the reamin', the seamin', leamin' and peamin', cleaned the fospots, the hardswaggle, the buntline, the braces, shined the futtocks, the shot, shell and all me buckles, earrings, necklaces, rings, pinkie rings, bracelets, armlets, jeweled teeth, jeweled teets and roast beef, I'm gonna tie her to the fore and assume that the gods'll go easy on a ship with a queen as a figurehead.


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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I'm gonna tie her to the fore and assume that the gods'll go easy on a ship with a queen as a figurehead.


Ah well it sounds like a good opportunity to work on my tan and put my feet up for a while..

Beggars can't be chosers you know.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that I was actually going to upgrade my PC

blah blah blah lost in a haze of frog urine-dosed coffee and animal crackers blah blah blah

What would you recommend

Xbox: $150

Linux for your Xbox: Free*

Getting a cheap gaming rig subsidized by the wealthiest person on Earth: Priceless

*http://xbox-linux.sourceforge.net/ </font>

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Looks into the distance and thinks

I wonder where my men have got to.

I could be lying face down in a pool

of blood for all they care..

And to think I was thinking of giving them all

a 100% pay rise and a years free drinking permit

to use at the local alehouse (wenches included).

Oh well.. guess they must have better things to do.

Begins to feel weak due to the lack of fresh water and the heat of the sun burning into her bare flesh

I'll be lucky if I make it through the night...

Goodbye my once loyal Knights...

Farewell for now Berli Seanacoochie and Pengwith anyluck I'll see you all in hell someday..

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Naked Freshly-Bathed Queens at the Prow?

The freshly unemployed require more RUM.

Seven years... grumble grumble...

Completely unsurprised...

Grumble grumble rum grumble ...

Knew it was coming... grumble rumble grumble


Ready to move on anyway... grumble rumble rumble...


Notso bad...




This means I have something in common with SEANACHAI?!?!?!?!?!

[Luke Skywalker face]


[/Luke Skywalker face]

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I find it somewhat sodding disturbing that our very own Queen, the Fair Emma, has, all too apparently, been KIDNAPPED BY THE USURPEROUS PRETENDER MEEKS, AND YOU LOT OF CANDY-ARSES HAVEN'T EVEN TWIGGED TO IT YET!!!

I"m wearing my underwear on my head the rest of the evening as a sign of mourning.

And yes, I know, usurperous isn't a word. It just seemed right somehow.

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I just spent an hour and a half shoveling 5" of snow off all the sidewalks, stairs, and walkways of three apartment buildings. By hand.

Wait for me, Lars. You're going to need a manservant in the tropics.

Dalem, glad to hear that you're not crushed by being unemployed. You have taken the first steps on the 'Way of Seanachai'.

Oh, and on that note, I've been giving this whole spiritual thing a lot of thought. I think what the World needs most right now is that Old Time Religion. So, not only is the Church of Seanachai a Pagan Church (and very High Church, at that!), but I will, in fact, be manifesting as a different god every week in an attempt to give proper representation to the many, many pantheistic avatars that go sadly unrepresented due to a general falling off in pagan practice.

I blame this Christianity multinational franchise thing. You can hardly turn around without finding yet another Christian church popping up in a strip mall, or an untenanted bank or convenience store. It's worse than MacDonald's.

The Abominations of Seanachai, on the other hand, will remain constant. Once something has been declared an Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai, it remains and Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai.

The godhead may constantly warp and frug it's way across the spiritual landscape, but an Abomination is forever.

Tonight's Abomination: Lawyers and Churches that are located in Strip Malls are an Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai! I don't care how low the rates are, or even if tambourines are used, it is not right! Abjure them!

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