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Gods! It's hot as Berli's breath out here... the Challenge is not sinking Peng deep

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I will say yet again, what a perfectly horrible map you gave us and that I really take issue with "Boo's Hovel". There is no building there, only swamp.

All I can say is that I did put a small, mud floored ramshackle hut on the map at that location, but the map editor had the good sense to remove it from the final map. Guess you sleep in the swamp skippy.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I will say yet again, what a perfectly horrible map you gave us and that I really take issue with "Boo's Hovel". There is no building there, only swamp.

All I can say is that I did put a small, mud floored ramshackle hut on the map at that location, but the map editor had the good sense to remove it from the final map. Guess you sleep in the swamp skippy.
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Here, listen up, you lot of various discharges of impure fluids. I have an announcement to make.

I feel it is only right that the Peng Challenge Thread, that home of all that is foolish, and humourous, and just a bit vicious, needs to acknowledge the status achieved by certain members of this Board.

As Cabron66 has written, so it shall be also written here. The abomination currently known as 'The Four Horsemen of the Combat Mission Apocalypse' shall enter fully into the mythology of the Peng Challenge Thread. Berli is already an Olde One, and Andreas is already a Seniour Knight. Grog Dorosh has some sort of unreflective, 'not quite sure where the bugger's at' status as a Squire, or somefink.

But hereafter and in times to come, Michael Dorosh and Michael Emrys shall be regarded as Seniour Knights of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Partly this is because they amuse me, and, as such, should amuse the lot of you 'I put in a good day's pissing on the floor, and then I go to sleep' buggers, but mostly because as any good Illuminati knows, the first thing you do, after killing all the lawyers, is to co-opt all other potential power sources.

If the Templars had followed this simple rule of thumb, they'd be running Europe today, instead of having us stand in as their spiritual heirs.

Before the Justicar (may his lash never flag in its labour over the backs of the unrighteous) raises an objection, let me remind him that we have had spontaneous 'raisings of status and honourary conferments' before. Somewhere. At some time. Check the rules.

Ah, wait! I know the proper precedence!

Because it amuses. And will annoy the Outer Boarders.

By the by, Dorosh, no need to change your signature line. We still all want you to die, this doesn't change that a bit. Especially some of our less thoughtful and prudent members, who're currently complaining of a most uncomfortable and embarrassing itching all about the private area.

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Here, listen up, you lot of various discharges of impure fluids. I have an announcement to make.

I feel it is only right that the Peng Challenge Thread, that home of all that is foolish, and humourous, and just a bit vicious, needs to acknowledge the status achieved by certain members of this Board.

As Cabron66 has written, so it shall be also written here. The abomination currently known as 'The Four Horsemen of the Combat Mission Apocalypse' shall enter fully into the mythology of the Peng Challenge Thread. Berli is already an Olde One, and Andreas is already a Seniour Knight. Grog Dorosh has some sort of unreflective, 'not quite sure where the bugger's at' status as a Squire, or somefink.

But hereafter and in times to come, Michael Dorosh and Michael Emrys shall be regarded as Seniour Knights of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Partly this is because they amuse me, and, as such, should amuse the lot of you 'I put in a good day's pissing on the floor, and then I go to sleep' buggers, but mostly because as any good Illuminati knows, the first thing you do, after killing all the lawyers, is to co-opt all other potential power sources.

If the Templars had followed this simple rule of thumb, they'd be running Europe today, instead of having us stand in as their spiritual heirs.

Before the Justicar (may his lash never flag in its labour over the backs of the unrighteous) raises an objection, let me remind him that we have had spontaneous 'raisings of status and honourary conferments' before. Somewhere. At some time. Check the rules.

Ah, wait! I know the proper precedence!

Because it amuses. And will annoy the Outer Boarders.

By the by, Dorosh, no need to change your signature line. We still all want you to die, this doesn't change that a bit. Especially some of our less thoughtful and prudent members, who're currently complaining of a most uncomfortable and embarrassing itching all about the private area.

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Okay, who left the daft Olde Bugger's medicine uncapped again this week?

Seanachai, taking 'one tablet, twice per day' IS NOT the same as 'taking 60 tablets, all at once'. I don't care whether you want to be done with the bloody month all at once or not.

Sigh. This will not stand. I'd rather see Meeks back and in charge (or did he ever leave - I get so confused) than Emrys and Dorosh have any standing as knights.

Make the loons Double-Secret Probation Members of the Muthah Beautiful Thread or somefink, if you must acknowledge their existence.



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Okay, who left the daft Olde Bugger's medicine uncapped again this week?

Seanachai, taking 'one tablet, twice per day' IS NOT the same as 'taking 60 tablets, all at once'. I don't care whether you want to be done with the bloody month all at once or not.

Sigh. This will not stand. I'd rather see Meeks back and in charge (or did he ever leave - I get so confused) than Emrys and Dorosh have any standing as knights.

Make the loons Double-Secret Probation Members of the Muthah Beautiful Thread or somefink, if you must acknowledge their existence.



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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Okay, who left the daft Olde Bugger's medicine uncapped again this week?

Seanachai, taking 'one tablet, twice per day' IS NOT the same as 'taking 60 tablets, all at once'. I don't care whether you want to be done with the bloody month all at once or not.

Sigh. This will not stand. I'd rather see Meeks back and in charge (or did he ever leave - I get so confused) than Emrys and Dorosh have any standing as knights.

Make the loons Double-Secret Probation Members of the Muthah Beautiful Thread or somefink, if you must acknowledge their existence.



MrSpkr has the right of it ... get it, Conservative ... right of it ... man I crack myself up.

Naytheless he is correct, or at least as correct as a ****e 'tween the toes, bib overall wearing hayseed hillbilly from Oklahoma FAUX Texan can be.

We have ever stood against the forces of evil here and I can't think of much that's more evil (Berli excepted, as always ... but then he's OUR evil isn't he and so not quite the same) than self admitted Grogs. Grog Dorosh is ... well ... special ... in that "no, really, the Principal said he REALLY liked your tribute to mucus term paper and wanted you to drop by his house tonight" special kind of way and really rather like a pet. A smelly, flea ridden, poops on the floor when he can't make it outside kind of pet but you DO get attached to them even as you slap them with a rolled up newspaper.

No Seanachai these random edicts of yours just won't do. Annoying the outerboard is NOT sufficient cause to annoy US in the process.

May I suggest that you try drinking COMMERCIAL alcohol next time? Mixing Aqua Velva and orange juice is ... well, it's just wrong isn't it.

I'm in Denver, feel rotten and THIS TRIPE ISN'T HELPING MY MOOD!


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Okay, who left the daft Olde Bugger's medicine uncapped again this week?

Seanachai, taking 'one tablet, twice per day' IS NOT the same as 'taking 60 tablets, all at once'. I don't care whether you want to be done with the bloody month all at once or not.

Sigh. This will not stand. I'd rather see Meeks back and in charge (or did he ever leave - I get so confused) than Emrys and Dorosh have any standing as knights.

Make the loons Double-Secret Probation Members of the Muthah Beautiful Thread or somefink, if you must acknowledge their existence.



MrSpkr has the right of it ... get it, Conservative ... right of it ... man I crack myself up.

Naytheless he is correct, or at least as correct as a ****e 'tween the toes, bib overall wearing hayseed hillbilly from Oklahoma FAUX Texan can be.

We have ever stood against the forces of evil here and I can't think of much that's more evil (Berli excepted, as always ... but then he's OUR evil isn't he and so not quite the same) than self admitted Grogs. Grog Dorosh is ... well ... special ... in that "no, really, the Principal said he REALLY liked your tribute to mucus term paper and wanted you to drop by his house tonight" special kind of way and really rather like a pet. A smelly, flea ridden, poops on the floor when he can't make it outside kind of pet but you DO get attached to them even as you slap them with a rolled up newspaper.

No Seanachai these random edicts of yours just won't do. Annoying the outerboard is NOT sufficient cause to annoy US in the process.

May I suggest that you try drinking COMMERCIAL alcohol next time? Mixing Aqua Velva and orange juice is ... well, it's just wrong isn't it.

I'm in Denver, feel rotten and THIS TRIPE ISN'T HELPING MY MOOD!


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Seanachai ,

Did you receive the wonderful picture of you wearing Aussie garb, laying flat on your back, with your boys in hand?

It may have been Berli who shot your likeness in CMAK, then again, it could have been one if the other AI controlled units, and it was the first time i ever seen the AI purposely attack one of its own units.


[ October 14, 2003, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: rune ]

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Seanachai ,

Did you receive the wonderful picture of you wearing Aussie garb, laying flat on your back, with your boys in hand?

It may have been Berli who shot your likeness in CMAK, then again, it could have been one if the other AI controlled units, and it was the first time i ever seen the AI purposely attack one of its own units.


[ October 14, 2003, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: rune ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

We have ever stood against the forces of evil here and I can't think of much that's more evil than self admitted Grogs.

Used car salesmen come to mind today.

Did they really think I wasn't going to take it to a good mechanic?

Feckin bastiches...

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

We have ever stood against the forces of evil here and I can't think of much that's more evil than self admitted Grogs.

Used car salesmen come to mind today.

Did they really think I wasn't going to take it to a good mechanic?

Feckin bastiches...

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