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Unto the land of Peng, a Queen is come

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:


Quite the little fantasy world your mind is trapped in, isn't it. In fact, you have lost to every single Australian you've played </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Main problem has been, all along, that most Aussies simply haven't the hair to come in here and offer me the chance to crush them...

Mostly wrong.

We AUSSIES just don't have time waitng for you to (not) send turns. That was the most time for little turns ever.... (hang on - Joe may have been slower).

Point being that you SUCK at the game as well. Worse than Joe. Why bother to play an old raving maniac with delusions ?

Anyone that lets a donkey get that close....


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Send me a setup, you awful little Aussie streak o' piss.

Dear Ozzie and Harriet Digger,

Unless you want to be playing this game for several months after the release of CMAK...indeed if you want to be playing this game after the release of CMAK v1.03, send a small set-up.

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Berli ,

There is no truth to the rumor that we armed the F-14 with Marines on the missile rails, nor is there any truth to the rumor that the Bombcat is armed to drop Marines.

The UN has expressed that dropping marines from an aircraft can be considered Biological warfare, and is hence, banned by treaty.

I'll leave you with this thought:

A sailor in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, ''Wanna hear a MARINE joke?''

The guy next to him replies, ''Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs, and I'm a MARINE. The guy sitting next to me is 6'2'' tall, weighs 225, and he's a MARINE. The fellow next to him is 6'5'' tall, weighs 250, and he's also a MARINE. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?''

The squid says, ''Nah, I don't want to have to explain it three times.''


Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Rune, you amazing twit, REAL aviators are nothing more than support elements to the Grunts. It surprises me that you failed to learn that while serving in the sea going taxi service branch

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Originally posted by YK2:

... can you imagine.. <big>ME</BIG>.. Queen of the MBT?

* Sits up and looks around room*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm in a Four Poster Bed and.. and.......

* Faints *

The question of the moment is which four posters???
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All this inter-service rivalry is quite amusing...ssems to bring out all of the events that have been lurking in the memory banks.

Its nice to see the youngsters are still defending the Corps...some things never change I guess...but to use the olde cliche'... I was in the Corps when you were a glimmer in your father's eye. That was the REAL Marine Corps, back then ...I'm sure you've heard that one as well.

Must be the fact that the Birthday is right around the corner, that has me waxing so sentimentally...

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Third Marines is a well known warehouse, stocked full of incompetant officers* that we, the enlisted, had to keep out of trouble.{/qb}{/quote}

Did anybody else find this disturbing?

No wonder they're in third place.

Thank God we at least still have the Salvation Army to protect us.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Play handball against the greenhouse.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Mouse:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

... can you imagine.. <big>ME</BIG>.. Queen of the MBT?

* Sits up and looks around room*

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm in a Four Poster Bed and.. and.......

* Faints *

The question of the moment is which four posters??? </font>
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:


I believe the technical term is "*squimping*".
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Would you rather all your enemies lined the concourse impaled, beheaded, or both?

I couldn't be witness to such a cruel deed. Especially on my Coronation Day...

But I always fancied a nice patio in which to place my lounger.. so have my enemies thrown in the moat, then fill it in with quick drying cement....

Less messy don't you think?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The Great god Seanachai...

...etc, etc, etc. Of course you are and we all tremble in your most august presence, but the question was raised in that other thread, the <small>GODDAM</small> thread, just what are you a "god" of?

It was suggested that perhaps you are the god of Bass boats.

As intriguing as this sounds, if you were, it would only impact Lars and you would have no control over the rest of us.

Oh, OK...I see. No downside.

Carry on.

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Originally posted by Persephone:


Hmmm bad hair day.......But I love the gown you chose for me Lady Persephone .

I need to look my best for the Coronation and now that I have a different hairstyle I don't think that particular crown will look right...

New Pic on the way Persephone ....

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Originally posted by SirReal:

Send me a setup, whiskersnout. I want to be entertained, and you're it.


The ideal setup is that I send you to Macey's place in Odds-stralia dressed in a full sheep costume.

But since that would be far too expensive, a CMBB setup it is... Let's see, early Rushin' (to their Doom) infantry for you, and some fun 'splody things for me should just about do it...

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1910 Manual for Army Cooks

Recipe no. 251

Yield: 60 men

Portion: not given


Chipped beef 15 lb

Fat, butter preferred

Flour, browned in fat 1 lb, 1-1/4 lb

Evaporated milk, 12 oz can

ParsleyPepper 1/4 oz, 2 cans 1 bunch

Beef stock 6 qt


Melt the fat in the pan, and add the flour; when it has been cooked a few minutes, add the milk, dissolved in the beef stock, or water. Stir the batter in slowly to prevent lumping, and then add the beef. Cook a few minutes, add the parsley, and serve on toast.


If the beef is very salty, it should be scalded before cooking.

*Walks to lectern…taps on mic* Testing, testing…1,2…1,2. OOOOOOld Maaan Riiivaaar…Hey! Is this freakin thing on? Thanks.

sherli , please sit up straight, put the cap next to your chair on…yes, the one that has DUNCE printed on it. Of course you can keep it after this is over. No need to grovel, just sit still, pay attention, and pull your finger out of your nose. Yes! both nostrils are off limits...Christ on a crutch.

Now direct your attention to the above recipe…Yummm! Brings a tear to your eye don’t it? Fond memories of the masses querying…’What the hell is this stuff?’…*sniff*…Memmm-or-riiiiiiiiies. Enough of this tripe and down to the task at hand. My presentation and appointed duty this day, as issued by rune, was to take the time out of my busy schedule to counsel one member (a being of lesser intellect, slow child, *insert favorite derogatory comment here*, etc. {yes, at times, Darwinism does fail us, or Darwin didn’t take into account the benefits of hiding under a rock for a lifetime}) of this board, gerli . His trespass…an assault and continued railing against the fabulous, aforementioned tasty treat, Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast, assigning it the childish, immoral, amoral, shortsighted, and just downright nasty reference…SOS (**** on a shingle).

Now, I don’t know about you, herli , but the mere utterance of “Creamed Chip Beef on Toast” makes my little heart go pitter-patter and mouth salivate. As to the origins of this delicious masterpiece, sadly, that is lost to antiquity. However, in my minds eye, I see Brits (from the days of yore’) sitting around a stove (or campfire), ruining a perfectly good side of beef (as usual), and a group of French prisoners (as usual), adding a light cream (cream from cow’s milk you perv; get your lackluster, infirm mind out of the gutter) creating this culinary work of art…which just goes to prove, two negatives can make a positive, or two groups of idiots working closely together can come up with at least one good idea…All you Aussies and New Zealanders should take note and give it a go, you may surprise us and yourselves one day…may.

As far as the origin of SOS, heh, I know it wasn’t you, twerli, Who coined the enduring, yet false, nome de guerre…you just ain’t that clever (wasn’t anyone from Kansas either, clever being bred out of them a long time ago in favor of the ability to stare for long stretches of time, off into the distance, pondering…nothing {again, another case for revisiting Darwin’s theories and adjusting…somefink} but I digress). Somewhere, in that empty space residing between your ears, you have latched onto it as being not only a proper term, but the preferred term. I am here to tell you that it is neither! In no way does dung, runny or otherwise, blanketed over a piece of warm, dried bread, make for a wholesome delicious meal or excited about the prospects of…seconds. A meal that you just can’t help but lick the plate clean and rush back to the head of the line pleading…with eyes downcast and plate forward…“Please suh, may I have some more”…Now, I consider myself a hep-cat, up on the times, a man of the 21st Century. So, if eating feces on a cracker is your gig, by all means, have at it, but don’t bring down the one and only work of note created by the ‘Brench’, just because there are too many syllables for you to remember, its proper title too long for your intellectual shortcomings and attention span, or because, when you say ‘SOS’, and think about its meaning, it makes you giggle like a leeetle school girl. Proper term for a proper meal…get onboard. Your dismissed. Oh, and the nose goblins resting so casually under your seat...removed prior to your departing the area. I dont care if they are your special friends and talk to you, they have to go. Now get to it.

[ November 04, 2003, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: Aces_and_8's ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:


Hmmm bad hair day.......But I love the gown you chose for me Lady Persephone .

I need to look my best for the Coronation and now that I have a different hairstyle I don't think that particular crown will look right...

New Pic on the way Persephone .... </font>

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

I just wanted to say that I'm feeling a bit bereft.


Maybe this will help you to feel better Yekky....

*Places a big bucket filled to the top with rhubarb and an inflatable Gnome in the paddock.*


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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

1910 Manual for Army Cooks

Recipe no. 251...

Lord-lovea-duck! Your post is almost long enough (and pointless enough) to be Seanachai's. I will admit that some of your verbage does, indeed, make SOS look almost edable... thus proving that you don't actually know what you're talkin' aboot. Were you enlisted, you would have experienced the food served in my beloved Corps chow halls rather than reading about it in an army (no, dammit, that word shouldn't be capitalized) manual. Had you experienced it in a chow hall, you would KNOW that it is indeed ****e onna Feckin' Shingle. As a matter of fact, it is a point of Marine cook pride that they serve the worst food of all the services. I can not recall a single meal served in the various chow halls that was fit for human consumption. This, no doubt, contributes to why Marines (enlisted) are such badass muthas.

On a different note, it truly saddens me to see a Marine (even if you are a zero) doing the bidding of a squid. This just will not do. I will endevor to show you the error of your ways and to demonstrate why the enlisted men are the backbone of our beloved Corps. I'll expect a setup from you shortly

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

All this inter-service rivalry is quite amusing...

Yeah, it's about as amusing as when the pommies start debating about their silly footy teams. Can we just agree that whichever service has the nervous looking goat as a mascot is at the bottom of the heap and move on?

However, just so I don't feel completely left out, I would like everyone to properly honor me for my glorious service as a Naval ROTC stoolie. I lasted all of 1 month before washing-out. (It's really hard to feel like you are properly squandering your education when someone else is paying for it.)

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*Sniff* that was beautiful Acey Duecy, and you even got a challenge from Berli out of it.

Don't forget the AARs when you are done with the challanges, you may make Squire in record time with this lot....unlike Buzzy who I am going to make read the entire 4 cd set of the US Army in WWII then give a dissertation on why Monty was correct to use Australian Infantry. Will teach the bugger to disappear for mass amounts of time.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I knocked up Leete's bride (metaphysically speaking) in the UK, which makes it as near a virgin conception as is possible under modern conditions.

Meta-positronically phase-induced refraction reversed polarity speaking (hey it works for Geordy), you had nothing to do with it, old man. Like you can still make the plumbing work on a good day, let alone over long distance.

It was good old-fashioned dutiful husband that did all the hard work. That, and a couple of pints of Guinness, for inspiration. The comfy bed helped, too.

But I'm laying all the blame on wife Kristin. She attacked me. Like ravenous wolves, I tell you. I was set upon by a mad dervish, and fought to no avail. Well, I struggled a bit. Okay, I mumbled a few words of discouragement. Alright! I gave in. But I thought about resisting, I'll have you know.

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Originally posted by rune:

Berli ,

Too late...he reports to a REAL aviator...besides, him being a Marine, hasn't he already served his time in hell?

Acey Duecy, I am awaiting a dissertation to Berli why SOS is/was/always shall be chip beef on toast.

Oh, and Acey *Boot* we don't resort to thingy jokes *Boot*, as we are above that in the Cesspool *Boot* well, OK, technically we are below everything, but you get the drift *Boot*. Try to show *Boot* a little wit *Boot*, I know, pretend you have a squad on manuevers. *Boot*

Do not forget *Boot* the AAR after the game *Boot*, I am allowing you to pick this one, I will pick *Boot* you next challenge. *Boot*

Gee, I haven't seen this many Marines in one place since they were guarding the carrier I was on. They did well, they never lost a modern ship...well...there was one but we don't like to talk about it.

In a serious note, my brother has been sent to Africa with the jarheads. Hopefully we find out where in africa soon.


My guess is Djbouti. A completely nasty place if I say so myself and I have the pictures to prove it.

As for this A&8 chap, I can see he is a mudpuppy, but I'm betting he's a roterhead. He's got time to post and the puffed ego of an avaitor. Good God, hasn't the DoD realized not to give any advanced toys to the Navy's infantry yet?

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Originally posted by rune:

*Sniff* that was beautiful Acey Duecy, and you even got a challenge from Berli out of it.

Don't forget the AARs when you are done with the challanges, you may make Squire in record time with this lot....unlike Buzzy who I am going to make read the entire 4 cd set of the US Army in WWII then give a dissertation on why Monty was correct to use Australian Infantry. Will teach the bugger to disappear for mass amounts of time.


Thank you kindly. Point of order however, suh. Wouldn't there be a pre-requisite of rudimentary skill in reading for the oaf to actually be able to take on such a challenging tasker? I have it on good authority, he dictates to a chimp whom, in actuality, is the brains of the outfit, converting his blithering into something intelligeable and, at times, passingly humorous for posting. But, you're the boss.

tinky_winky as soon as I get out of this hell-hole laughingly called an office, your setup will be launched.

Berli accepted and will soon be OTW.

Wildman ...Wildman...hmmm...why does that name...oh, I know. You're the one the Aussie's were yukking it up about. I think the statement was, "being passed around like a matressed backed Koala whore". Lookee here sunny Jim, why don't you go crawling back to that empty space, just like your head, called Minot, ND. Then, you and your AirFarce buddies can trade excuses as to why you decided to join a service just one step removed from the cubscouts, and cry in your cups of self-loathing about the day the Marine recruiter took one look at you and laughed.

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