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Peng Challenges the Minnesota Miscreants For The Wild Card Playoffs!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Joe, you need to get out of the hotel lounges, planes, and cheap rooms you've been spending all your time in, and get into the fresh air.

I think you need to insist on doing a training session here in Minneapolis, and when you visit — We'll all go ice fishing!

Can't say no to that, can you?

It was –51 below in Babette last night. Take him to your cabin. I hear a perfectly featureless white landscape is rather soothing. Sort of like the airport but with no noise.

Besides, he might wander off across the lake on his electric wheelchair scooter and freeze to death like that little old lady with Alzheimer's that they found last night.

And then we'd have another free scooter.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

It's hard to describe the stark horror that results from placing a bowl of grapes next to Papa Khann.

I've seen Army Ant trails on the Discovery Channel that looked less picked over.

What is it with Papa Khann and fruit? I mean, the man must have altars to 'regularity'. He even puts it in his beer. </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

FRIDAY, Seanachai and Lars and Papa Khann - MST:3k and booze and pizza and cigars at my place. Be there or be square.


What game is Papa Kahn going to beat us at this time? </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

FRIDAY, Seanachai and Lars and Papa Khann - MST:3k and booze and pizza and cigars at my place. Be there or be square.


What game is Papa Kahn going to beat us at this time? </font>

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God, I hate Dalem. I mean, really, that sonofabitch never did send me my fine-flavored, pickled pomegranite potash.

Yeah. So for the last three years I've been struggling, struggling I tell you, at the University of San Francisco, a fine Jesuit institution with a 65:35 female to male ratio and, as of the May(ish), I'll be graduating. It's amazing. Truly. I'll be all smart and wise--you'll never recognize me. And in those three years I learned three CM-related thingies:

1) CM doesn't play well on a laptop. Or, at least, CM doesn't play well on my laptop.

2) You can't keep up with the old Pool if you can't play CM regularly. Otherwise, you're just a pontificatatron, which blows.

3) I loves the ladies.

Okay, so I only had two things. No, wait, I remember:

3) I misses the Pool, my precious.

Anyway, my point is thus: As I look forward to my post-graduate existence and my pursuit of a PhD (Oh yes, one day I shall be Dr. Meeks, how does that strike you fuzzy-mommies?), I also look forward to finally breaking down and purchasing a new laptop and then, returning home. It's still a couple months away, I know--tough ****. Hell, there are only about three people here who even know who I am. But I will return and the foundations of the Earth will shake when I do.0

Oh yeah, and if you're interested, I've been working on an open-source gaming project known as XConq for the last three or four years. It's pretty cool, plus it's 2D, which works on my archaic laptop. Come over and smear feces, if you like.

I have been,

and will always be,

your most humble and loyal servent,


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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Smammer mammer jammer pammmer

Stikky... What?

Geh. Geh, geh, geh. Why is it that the longer the Cesspool exists, the more it becomes the drainage ditch of the Internet? Why can't it age, like fine wine, or Croda. Why does it attract things like this, I ask you?

What are you? How did you get to be this way? Why hasn't someone digested you, yet? Are you indigestible? If you fell down in a forest and nobody was there, would anyone be there? Have you, or will you ever, perform a composite miracle involving virgins, surgeons and pined Sol?

Oh, Hiram, you still live. Excuse me for not dancing. One day, though, you will realize how small you are and on that day you'll be able to pass through the eye of a needle. Until then, I recommend riding a camel--sidesaddle--right on through the sunset.

And Lars. I vaguely remember watching you suck at ol' Josef's teat, so long ago. Look at how big and crooked you've grown, and with nary a snaggletooth to remind us of your carrion past. Makes me sniffle.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I'll be all smart and wise--

Oh, that's rich. Coming, as it does from Mr. "crazy as a tree full of rats". If and when you are wise, MrPeng will be unbeatable.

Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I have been, and will always be, your most humble and loyal servant

Another kneeslapper. You have always been the pretender to the throne, the divider, the architect of the great Cesspool Schism. Loyalty like yours we need not, you Rasputin.
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Looks like Meeks is back! Gee, am I thrilled to tears, and lookee, he is shortly becoming a PH.D, in what? The art of rolling his own fecal material in small rounded balls?

Welcome back...the king is dead, long live the king!

Maybe there are four people who know who you are....scary, no?

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Meeks, you vile toad shaped wart inhabiting the nether region of a ...er...toad, it's funny you should pop up right now. Not funny in a "Haw Haw Haw" sort of way, or even funny in an odd, mutated flying monkey sort of a way. More like funny in a " 'Ere, oo's th toff! 'Eave 'arf a brick at 'im!" sort of way.

The reason I say this is just this afternoon at the office, I got an E-mail that basically said this:


We provide a concept that will allow anyone with sufficient life experience to obtain a fully verifiable university diploma.

Bachelor, Master or even a Doctorate.

Think of it, within a month you too could be a college graduate.

Many people share the same frustration, they are all doing the work of the person that has the degree, and the person that has the degree is getting all the money.

Don't you think that it is time you were paid fair compensation for the level of work you are already doing?

This is your chance to finally make the right move and receive your due benefits.

If you are like most people, you are more than qualified with your experience, but you are lacking that prestigious piece of paper known as a diploma that is often the passport to success.

Go Here http://www.educate-2.com/ft TODAY, to fill out an online application form AND GIVE YOUR LIFE A CHANCE!

Of course, you'd have to lie your way through the "sufficient life experience" part, seeing as how you've spent most of your alleged life living as a tiny gastropod in a small tidal pool just offshore of La Jolla, but maybe if you find some adult type person to help you fill out the forms, you can pull it off.

And if you DO pull it off, hopefully the ER team won't be able to reattach it.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Smammer mammer jammer pammmer

Stikky... What?

Geh. Geh, geh, geh. Why is it that the longer the Cesspool exists, the more it becomes the drainage ditch of the Internet? Why can't it age, like fine wine, or Croda. Why does it attract things like this, I ask you?

What are you? How did you get to be this way? Why hasn't someone digested you, yet? Are you indigestible? If you fell down in a forest and nobody was there, would anyone be there? Have you, or will you ever, perform a composite miracle involving virgins, surgeons and pined Sol?


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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

The answer in each one is mentioned before 564/delight.

English!! Do, you, speak, it?!?!

Geh! Out, out of my house, foul pest!! Out of my family's manor and back, into the woods and darkness that spawned you, foul filth. Begone, lest your sticky (Spelled with a 'c', like your GED average!) corpse be used to mark this place off-limits to your ilk.

And, no, the University of San Francisco is no beautician's college (That would be the University of Sun Frond's, Co.) nor is it a diploma mill (Those would be the Un1versity of San Francisco, the University of S4n Fr4ncisco and the University of San Francisco in Bogota). Rather, it is a private school that provides a beautiful campus, beautiful women and, well, education every once in a while. And it's infested with Jesuits. All over. Like mosquitos in the jungle. Or lice in Croda's nether regions.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

And it's infested with Jesuits.

Which reminds me. The Hacky Sack of Krakow. Do You Remember?

So it's this is it? First you Fail in being several (a treeful) Hamsters. Then you Fail with bringing about some old time religion in that fine upstanding heretic of a Thread. Then you Fail in being digested by large polar bear. Then you Fail in Croda. And now we're supposed to believe that you haven't been incarcerated the last three years, but rather wandering about making catholic schoolgirls (we can all, especially Joe, imagine where THAT particular idea came from) nervous at some imaginary campus in, dare I say it, San Francisco? Guess what? You Fail. You better have Mark IV with you. And get Ethan back in here, you were his first Official Sycophant if I recall anything at all these days. Or Professor Doktor Hamster X if you must.

In other rodents, turns are out, even if the game against Lars is getting quite good at stealing your will to live on.

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