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Oh The Challenge, My Heart Goes Peng for Thee


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Emplyees are a funny lot....I came into work early this morning because it was snowing like hell again. After driving a few miles west towards my job...the snow band JUST ENDS...nothing not even a flake. There are four fecking inches in my yard, but five miles west of there...not a speck....but I digress...so now I'm in here at 0430, for nothing mind you, because there is no snow. I walk in to my Telephone Maintenance Center, and my midnight guy is snoozing, lights out and all. Then he yells at me for walking in UNANNOUNCED!!!! I'm the fecking boss, I tell him...if I want to walk in unannounced I WILL!!! sheesh, what is the world coming to? I could have fired his ass on the spot for premeditated sleeping on the job, there is no union here, but why would I do that?...I'm not a hard ass, and when I was a technician, I dozed off a few times myself on the midnight to eight shift.

I'm just wondering when, being warned first became an entitlement? I need to really retire for good, I can't take this anymore. I could live like a Duke in Australia, on my retirement pension...hmmmmm, Noba, Speedy , do either of you have a spare room?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Emplyees are a funny lot.... and my midnight guy is snoozing... I'm the fecking boss.... I could have fired his ass ...I'm not a hard ass, and when I was a technician...

You're "THE MAN", and it's our job to confound you at every opportunity.

Don't you know that by now? How many memos have you missed?

I could live like a Duke in Australia, on my retirement pension...hmmmmm, Noba, Speedy , do either of you have a spare room?

Now THERE'S an idea! I say we all jump on board this proposal, throw our collective shoulders against the wheel and send Nidan to Australia.

Can you think of anything more fitting for all involved? Nidan moves to Australia and Australia has to put up with him. It's a win-win situation. For the rest of us, that is.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I'm just wondering when, being warned first became an entitlement? I need to really retire for good, I can't take this anymore. I could live like a Duke in Australia, on my retirement pension...hmmmmm, Noba, Speedy , do either of you have a spare room?

You forgot Mace and AJ, but I'm sure they'd opt for your retirement in northern Ohio.
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Originally quoted by Seanachai in that <small> goddam</small> thread:

It's alright, Dave H. You're capable of greater things. If you want to read good 'Historical' novels, read Eco

Umberto Eco??? That explains soooo much. Now it's all clear. The mind numbing length of your posts. The torrents of dross we have to wade through until we finally (sometimes, quite by accident) come upon your point. I knew it was somehow familiar. It's because you're trying to emulate some hack who probably gets paid by the word, who, right in the middle of a story, stops and goes on for fifteen freakin' pages on how they made glass in the middle ages. Hey, if I want that information, I'll do a bleedin' Google search! Otherwise, GET ON WITH IT!

I'll bet you're a big Jean Auel fan, too.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Should I ever, again, on this planet, decide to 'date' again, you would be the first to know.

Hmmm....interesting.....on what other planets have you already been rejected ?

[ February 18, 2004, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Time for a Sing Song....

Imagine there's no fiefdom..

It's easy if you try..

No hell below us...

Above us only sky..

Imagine all your people

living for today...

ah ha a a ha

Imagine there's no CB...

It isnt hard to do...

Nothing to kill or die for...

No DeverAss too...

Imagine all your people..

living life in peace...

you hoo oooo o

You may say Im a dreamer..

but Im not the only one...

I hope some day you'll join us..

And our feifdom will live as one...

Imagine there's no fiefdom

It's easy if your Boo

No need for greed or hunger..

A brotherhood of man..

Imagine all the people..

Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer..

but Im not the only one...

I hope some day you'll join us..

And our feifdom will live as one...

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<font size=22>

Does everyone remember MrSpkr's wonderful rotating mass email to all our work addresses?


Well, Mr. Spkr has just emailed me, rather foolishly, from his work email address.

I will divulge the identity of his place of business, and for no extra cost, provide you with his email address there.

Shall we start the bidding at 20 American dollars? I accept cash, cheque, Western Union Money Transfer, or Paypal.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


There are rumors floating on the Board that you have actually been winning at CM lately.

Are you letting your wife play your turns?

So, you and the other social lepers in that other thread idolizing me behind my back? Wow, what with that and baiting Gaylord, you must not be that busy down at the office. You work for the Florida Election Board, don't you? Yes, I imagine there's an awful lot of open-mouthed, staring off into space going on there, right?
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


There are rumors floating on the Board that you have actually been winning at CM lately.

Are you letting your wife play your turns?

So, you and the other social lepers in that other thread idolizing me behind my back? Wow, what with that and baiting Gaylord, you must not be that busy down at the office. You work for the Florida Election Board, don't you? Yes, I imagine there's an awful lot of open-mouthed, staring off into space going on there, right? </font>
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Yeah, MrSpkr tipped us to have the Nader slots ready again. That could take a few minutes to update. We're gonna go with the electronic voting this year, which should enable us to have the votes counted and confirmed the day before the election!!!.

Are we good or what?

You know, the company that is making the electronic voting machines (Diebolt), is like 15 minutes from my home.

Attribute any signifigance you want to that.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Yeah, MrSpkr tipped us to have the Nader slots ready again. That could take a few minutes to update. We're gonna go with the electronic voting this year, which should enable us to have the votes counted and confirmed the day before the election!!!.

Are we good or what?

You know, the company that is making the electronic voting machines (Diebolt), is like 15 minutes from my home.

Attribute any signifigance you want to that. </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Yeah, MrSpkr tipped us to have the Nader slots ready again. That could take a few minutes to update. We're gonna go with the electronic voting this year, which should enable us to have the votes counted and confirmed the day before the election!!!.

Are we good or what?

You know, the company that is making the electronic voting machines (Diebolt), is like 15 minutes from my home.

Attribute any signifigance you want to that. </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


There are rumors floating on the Board that you have actually been winning at CM lately.

Are you letting your wife play your turns?

What board are you reading Boggs ? I can assure you that Mr. Radley has not won a game against me, since at least....ummmmm, let me see now, must check the archives..... since at least the time when member 10000 arrived.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

dalem ... time's a wasting there bubba, what's the plan for Monday? I'll be arriving around noon ... shall I expect a limo?


Yes. No. Maybe. You are too.

Noon Monday.... Alright I will send an email around tonight and get something figured out.

I think we have decided on a cheesey mall of America venue for the evening - Papa Khann wants to go back to Camp Snoopy, and it's near the airport, which I guess is near your hotel.

My email is in my profile - is yours working? You'd mentioned problems. Hello?

Is this thing on?

And you get in at noon, but I assume you have to go do some work related thing in the afternoon?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

*lights up a Camel*

Yeah, you utterly contemptable bastard, I'm here. Unlike some of the most prolific id-jits, I prefer to remain in the shadows.

You had me *this close* to smoking again. If there had been a stubbed out butt available, I would have re-lit it. Fortunately for me, I anticipated this weakness, and disposed of all temptations. So, I swore at both of us that night.

But I'm still smoke free. Neener, neener, neener!

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Originally posted by R Leete:

Oh, and somebody mentioned that I was hitting on someone else. Really? I do that sometimes. Like whenever I drink. Tell me what I said!

I believe it went something like this...

Come up and see me sometime, I'll have nothing on but the radio...

Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me...

BTW... Good going with the no smoking, if you managed to do without while playing fiefdom, then I think you've got it cracked....

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

dalem ... time's a wasting there bubba, what's the plan for Monday? I'll be arriving around noon ... shall I expect a limo?


Yes. No. Maybe. You are too.

Noon Monday.... Alright I will send an email around tonight and get something figured out.

I think we have decided on a cheesey mall of America venue for the evening - Papa Khann wants to go back to Camp Snoopy, and it's near the airport, which I guess is near your hotel.

My email is in my profile - is yours working? You'd mentioned problems. Hello?

Is this thing on?

And you get in at noon, but I assume you have to go do some work related thing in the afternoon? </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Yeah, MrSpkr tipped us to have the Nader slots ready again. That could take a few minutes to update. We're gonna go with the electronic voting this year, which should enable us to have the votes counted and confirmed the day before the election!!!.

Are we good or what?

You know, the company that is making the electronic voting machines (Diebolt), is like 15 minutes from my home.

Attribute any signifigance you want to that. </font>

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