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If ye be challenged, enter not the land of Peng

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

As for being a Southerner, that I am not. My family tree branches, thank you.

*crosses arms under ample bosom, taps foot and narrows eyes dangerously*


Yes, I know you were hurling that insult on Foul (or Fowl since he's chicken) Joe, but you got a bit of that smut on ME good sir! </font>

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Boo Radley said: And I grow weary. So very, very weary.
Well you need to get more sleep lad. We worry about you, indeed we do. It's all well and good to stay up of a night to see that 3:00 AM showing of Gidget Sleeps Over On The USS Enterprise, but it's probably out on DVD you know.

You can't perform your duties as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread without a good night's sleep.

I mean just look at where you are now, you've managed to annoy an Olde One and insult a Lady of the Pool ... not to mention terribly WRONGING me, your own Justicar. Perhaps you should buy some sleeping pills ... take the whole bottle, if a little is good more will obviously be better.


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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Well don't YOU have the nerve Mr. I-don't-have-to-accept-challenges-cause-I-might-break-a-nail-sending-a-turn Shaw!

If you had just accepted his challenge he wouldn't be having sleepless nights from your rejection.

YOU created this monster!

My lady, I DID accept his challenge ... he rejected my CLEAR RIGHTS as the Challenged Party.

I know that, as a Southern Lady with a deep and abiding understanding of the Code Duello and it's role in maintaining the HONOR of the Sacred Duel, you'll find my reading of the Code not only reasonable but required.


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Well, I must admit that I'm not as acquainted with duelling as I ought to be, I suppose.

Typically, I don't duel. I just smack with my stiletto and listen to the agonizing cries of my opponent.

Perhaps I should re-read the posts to see who dropped the ball on this one.

My pardons if I have accused you unjustly.

[ December 02, 2004, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Well, I must admit that I'm not as acquaited with duelling as I ought be, I suppose.

Typically, I don't duel. I just smack with my stiletto and listen to the agonizing cries of my opponent.

Perhaps I should re-read the posts to see who dropped the ball on this one.

My pardons if I have accused you unjustly.

Not at all My Lady, no fault attaches to you at all.

You are a BUSY woman ... just getting Hiram's eyelids and nostrils unglued must take HOURS. I know you've attempted to show him the folly of using his fingers for other things while glueing up his models but ... well, he IS Hiram after all.


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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I thank you for your kindness.

And you have a valid point there.

Do you know how difficult it is getting him dressed in the morning with his fingers glued to normally inaccessible body parts?


I thought he just walks around all day in his jammies.
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Perhaps I should re-read the posts to see who dropped the ball on this one.

My pardons if I have accused you unjustly.

Dear Lady I ask you not to fall for the treacherous words of this bureaucratic, 'lawyer type', MrSpkr loving, thread closing, Pengless, Boo fearing, weasel who flees in terror at the hefty sound of my Masters footsteps.

It is clear beyond any doubt that this here CM challenge thread is being run by a ‘flirter with other games’!

Why just a few nights ago I cleansed myself of all non-CM games & burnt the whole lot (I keep the ashes in a little shrine) meanwhile the Justicar only seems to play (i.e. he starts it up, begins panicking, ends up crashing/burning/getting shot, game over screen appears, shuts down, enters the Peng thread & comes up with a new rule & regulation to enforce) & talk about racing games, shoot’em’ups & arcade ‘flight sims’…

It’s disgusting but what’s worse is he’ll never admit that he wormed his way out of my Lieges glorious challenge & has somehow in some strange way managed to inflict another insult on the house of Morse.

However if the Justicar is Pengless then that’s one thing but if we fall for his words & forget his Penglessness we’ll be no better than him…

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I thank you for your kindness.

And you have a valid point there.

Do you know how difficult it is getting him dressed in the morning with his fingers glued to normally inaccessible body parts?


One can only imagine, Dear Lady ... though one prefers NOT to.


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Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Perhaps I should re-read the posts to see who dropped the ball on this one.

My pardons if I have accused you unjustly.

Dear Lady I ask you not to fall for the treacherous words of this bureaucratic, 'lawyer type', MrSpkr loving, thread closing, Pengless, Boo fearing, weasel who flees in terror at the hefty sound of my Masters footsteps.

It is clear beyond any doubt that this here CM challenge thread is being run by a ‘flirter with other games’!

Why just a few nights ago I cleansed myself of all non-CM games & burnt the whole lot (I keep the ashes in a little shrine) meanwhile the Justicar only seems to play (i.e. he starts it up, begins panicking, ends up crashing/burning/getting shot, game over screen appears, shuts down, enters the Peng thread & comes up with a new rule & regulation to enforce) & talk about racing games, shoot’em’ups & arcade ‘flight sims’…

It’s disgusting but what’s worse is he’ll never admit that he wormed his way out of my Lieges glorious challenge & has somehow in some strange way managed to inflict another insult on the house of Morse.

However if the Justicar is Pengless then that’s one thing but if we fall for his words & forget his Penglessness we’ll be no better than him… </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Perhaps I should re-read the posts to see who dropped the ball on this one.

My pardons if I have accused you unjustly.

Dear Lady I ask you not to fall for the treacherous words of this bureaucratic, 'lawyer type', MrSpkr loving, thread closing, Pengless, Boo fearing, weasel who flees in terror at the hefty sound of my Masters footsteps.

It is clear beyond any doubt that this here CM challenge thread is being run by a ‘flirter with other games’!

Why just a few nights ago I cleansed myself of all non-CM games & burnt the whole lot (I keep the ashes in a little shrine) meanwhile the Justicar only seems to play (i.e. he starts it up, begins panicking, ends up crashing/burning/getting shot, game over screen appears, shuts down, enters the Peng thread & comes up with a new rule & regulation to enforce) & talk about racing games, shoot’em’ups & arcade ‘flight sims’…

It’s disgusting but what’s worse is he’ll never admit that he wormed his way out of my Lieges glorious challenge & has somehow in some strange way managed to inflict another insult on the house of Morse.

However if the Justicar is Pengless then that’s one thing but if we fall for his words & forget his Penglessness we’ll be no better than him… </font>

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I thank you for your kindness.

And you have a valid point there.

Do you know how difficult it is getting him dressed in the morning with his fingers glued to normally inaccessible body parts?


So, he glued himself . . . to . . . himself?


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You're...a matador

Good Lord (sorry, Berli, it's just an expression) I think you've finally hit on it!

Let's examine the facts:

F) He was conceived and "built" in the distant past.

L) Those responsible for this atrocity are no longer around to punish.

O) He's been obsolete for many years.

A) Ugly as sin, and zero points for style.

T) Completely unreliable.

E) Underpowered, but still belches noxious fumes.

R) Usually seen in those mod 70's colors.

There you have it. Old Foul (Fowl) Joe is a damn AMC. Can we put him in the crusher now?


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A MATADOR, you numbskull.

A Javelin at least has styling, that is if you can see beyond the cancerous rust. A Hornet, well not so much. But I have fond memories of a night in the back of a clapped out, puke green one. So we'll just say that they aren't as butt ugly as a Pacer.

Say, if Joe is a Matador, and Boo is the junior just-a-car, doesn't that make him the Pacer of the cesspool? He is kinda shaped like one...

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Fine ... you'll have to return your bullet you know!


Oh, I have the bullet, Shaw! I have the bullet right here!


See? I did it in a sort of faux script with glitter.

Shiny! </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sir Boo the Foo ... by GAWD I like that. Hey Berli can we make Boo the Official FOOLE of the POOL ... he'll have to fit it in with his duties to the Justicariate as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread but you can never have enough titles, that's my motto ... my sig too come to think of it.


Foole of the Pool...

Damn, I like the sound of that.

Let it be written, Sir Boo the Foo shall forever more known to all as The Foole of the Pool </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Well, if you say so Berli. Just remember that in medieval courts, Fools were granted great leeway in all they said or did. They could be unbelievably rude to just about any of the high muckity-mucks with no fear of recrimination.

So, if this is what you want...

But, hey! Not to worry. You all know what a sensitive and tactful person I am.

Go right on believin' that boy-o
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And now, just for Seanachai, a jolly sing song...

Button Pusher

I am the man, the well fed man, in charge of the terrible knob

The most pleasing thing about it, it's almost a permanent job

When the Atom war is over and the world is split in three

A consolation I've got, well maybe it's not,

There'll be nobody left but me

I sit at me desk in Washington in charge of this great machine

More vicious than Adolf Hitler, more deadly than strychnine

And in the evening after a tiring day just to give meself laugh

I hit the button a playful belt and I listen for a blast

I am the man, the well fed man, in charge of the terrible knob

The most pleasing thing about it, it's almost a permanent job

When the Atom war is over and the world is split in three

A consolation I've got, well maybe it's not,

There'll be nobody left but me

If Brezhnev starts his nonsense and makes a nasty smell

With a wink and a nod from Nixon I'll blast them all to hell

And as for that fella Castro—him with his sugar cane

He needn't hide behind his whiskers—I'll get him just same

I am the man, the well fed man, in charge of the terrible knob

The most pleasing thing about it, it's almost a permanent job

When the Atom war is over and the world is split in three

A consolation I've got, well maybe it's not,

There'll be nobody left but me

If me wife denies me conjugal rights or me breakfast is sour

From eight to nine in the morning you're for nervous hour

The Button being so terribly close it's really a dreadful joke

I'll part with arse as I go past and we'll all go up in smoke

I am the man, the well fed man, in charge of the terrible knob

The most pleasing thing about it, it's almost a permanent job

When the Atom war is over and the world is split in three

A consolation I've got, well maybe it's not,

There'll be nobody left but me

Now I'm thinking of joining the Army, the Army that bans the bomb

We take up a large collection and I'll donate me thumb

For without it I am helpless and that's the way to be

You don't have to kill the whole bloody to make the people free

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