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What the Peng is wrong with my Challenge Thread? (USA)

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Why I don't play fiefdom:

Multiple Personality Disorder. Sad, so sad.


I'm so sorry to hear that MrBoggs..

I always said you sounded just like the Gnome on a bad day, and a bit like Meeks on a good one.

If there's anything I can do?

You know, like, I could keep one chatting, while you knock the other over the head with a brick.. Then while they're all dazed and confused you could nip over to my Fief and let me kick your arse just for old times sake...

*Hic* </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

I suppose I could have kicked in the hemi/supercharger on those Deutsches jalopies, but what with the price of fuel.

You flaming doofuss!!!

Oh, so you took the trucks, eh? Hell, I would have thought that since you were pretty sure you were going cross country, you would have ditched them and sent them down the right hand road to act as a sound diversion.

Oh well. Guess next time I'll have to set up a special walk through version of the orders for you.

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

Lars, you degenerate lummox, what are you doing with my turn ? Making cryogenic experiments with it, so it will be found in pristine state by archeologists in 3452 ?

Patience, lad, patience.

Something this good needs to be savored...

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Good Lawd Joe. Is this the new serf you have been going on about? Let's see what he has to offer.

Originally posted by Kobal2:

@Joe Shaw : I'm preparing stupid exams right now, something I've postponed for 9 months. Major "Sh*t sh*t sh*t so much to do, so little time !" episode.

I see he is taking his stupid exams. I would submit that he should be able to pass without trying too hard.

The forces at my disposal are...let's say it's a major *WOW* factor. Like I told my opponent, that kind of firepower will have craters reaching the Earth core in no time.

Of course, I'm expecting a crapload of those nasty nasty unspottable/undestroyable AT guns on the other side, just to spite my precious tanks. That, and I suck at armor battles. I hate you. I hate you with all the fires of Gehenna.

Oh, and I had never seen or used rocket FOs before, so I figured they were just like regular arty, only less precise maybe.

After sending the first turn I got some doubts, and tried them out in a quickbattle. Needless to say I felt quite stupid. Not only do they take literally forever to arrive, THEY ONLY SHOOT A SALVO EVERY 2 MINUTES.

Needless to say, I cussed the sky blue after realizing that, for not having set preliminary barrages. I'll have to think of something else, and something goddamned clever to boot. In other words, I'm toast.

I certainly can appreciate the lad's... confidence(?). He sucks at armor battles, FO's make him feel stupid, and when everything else is considered he's toast.

That reminds me : Lars, you degenerate lummox, what are you doing with my turn ? Making cryogenic experiments with it, so it will be exactly the same when unfrozen in 3452 ?

I had just about given up on the kid until this last paragraph. Lars is a degenerate lummox and no mistake, but then he slips into some high-tech humor, which clearly is unacceptable here.

I don't know Joe. I think you may have your work cut out for you with this one.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Now, now Emma, violence solves nothing.

Checks out the the chainsaw Lars left behind.


Well, except for that good old-fashioned, warm feeling you get as you crack that brick over Boo's head.
Picks up the brick and cracks it over Boos head..


Perhaps I could offer some much needed verbal support on the Evolvingworlds Forum.
Aye, come on over and give Arch Angel Yak- a -lot a run for his money...

*Looks around nervously*
It wasn't me .... honest...


[ June 01, 2004, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Good Lawd Joe. Is this the new serf you have been going on about? Let's see what he has to offer.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kobal2:

@Joe Shaw : I'm preparing stupid exams right now, something I've postponed for 9 months. Major "Sh*t sh*t sh*t so much to do, so little time !" episode.

I see he is taking his stupid exams. I would submit that he should be able to pass without trying too hard.

The forces at my disposal are...let's say it's a major *WOW* factor. Like I told my opponent, that kind of firepower will have craters reaching the Earth core in no time.

Of course, I'm expecting a crapload of those nasty nasty unspottable/undestroyable AT guns on the other side, just to spite my precious tanks. That, and I suck at armor battles. I hate you. I hate you with all the fires of Gehenna.

Oh, and I had never seen or used rocket FOs before, so I figured they were just like regular arty, only less precise maybe.

After sending the first turn I got some doubts, and tried them out in a quickbattle. Needless to say I felt quite stupid. Not only do they take literally forever to arrive, THEY ONLY SHOOT A SALVO EVERY 2 MINUTES.

Needless to say, I cussed the sky blue after realizing that, for not having set preliminary barrages. I'll have to think of something else, and something goddamned clever to boot. In other words, I'm toast.

I certainly can appreciate the lad's... confidence(?). He sucks at armor battles, FO's make him feel stupid, and when everything else is considered he's toast.

That reminds me : Lars, you degenerate lummox, what are you doing with my turn ? Making cryogenic experiments with it, so it will be exactly the same when unfrozen in 3452 ?

I had just about given up on the kid until this last paragraph. Lars is a degenerate lummox and no mistake, but then he slips into some high-tech humor, which clearly is unacceptable here.

I don't know Joe. I think you may have your work cut out for you with this one. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

In the first place he's still a Serf you know and finding his sea legs as it were. But in the third place I think he did rather well. Far better than YOU, of course that's damning with faint praise indeed.

Sheesh Joe, you gonna adopt him as well? You sound more like his mother than his Liege Lord. I must confess, the style suits ya.

Boo Radley the sad fact is that Jim Boggs ... is s l o w ... oh so very S L O W wwwwwww! He makes Monty look precipitous. He makes ents look positively hasty. He is moving, he would tell you, carefully, cautiously, testing the water first, scouting the terrain.

Bottom line ... he's askeered.


Listen up thar Joe Joe.

Was it my guys that wandered into that 120mm mortar barrage? Nope.

Was it my FO that got whacked trying to run down that hill? Nope.

Is it my scout car that hides behind the crest of that hill because he's afraid of getting shot at? Nope.

So enjoy your brief stay at the Boo Hilton. I can assure you the eviction will be most painful and thorough.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

In the first place he's still a Serf you know and finding his sea legs as it were. But in the third place I think he did rather well. Far better than YOU, of course that's damning with faint praise indeed.

Sheesh Joe, you gonna adopt him as well? You sound more like his mother than his Liege Lord. I must confess, the style suits ya.

Boo Radley the sad fact is that Jim Boggs ... is s l o w ... oh so very S L O W wwwwwww! He makes Monty look precipitous. He makes ents look positively hasty. He is moving, he would tell you, carefully, cautiously, testing the water first, scouting the terrain.

Bottom line ... he's askeered.


Listen up thar Joe Joe.

Was it my guys that wandered into that 120mm mortar barrage? Nope.

Was it my FO that got whacked trying to run down that hill? Nope.

Is it my scout car that hides behind the crest of that hill because he's afraid of getting shot at? Nope.

So enjoy your brief stay at the Boo Hilton. I can assure you the eviction will be most painful and thorough. </font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Heheheh. Buy whiskey for the event. Slip it into her travel bags so you know it isn't left behind. When you hear the baby's first scream, drink it.

You know, when I mentioned this to the wife she asked, "how big a bottle, and how fast do you drink it?" so there is hope for me yet. I think this one's a keeper.
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@<strike>Jim Bugs</strike> (not spelt, not bolded) : You don't know glory 101, do you ? It's obviously better to appear completely helpless at first.

That way, when I slaughter Lars' pathetic rabble of a force, I'll be able to pose as the hero who, despite overwhelming odds against him, made his trek in Hell look like a stroll in the park.

Gosh, I really have to spell it in bolded, 40 points subtitles to those hopeless buffoons.

Regarding that so-called high tech joke, I appreciate the fact that you Merikuns are still living in Stone Age, but we French have always been inspired by a spirit of noblesse oblige, which compels us to lend a hand to our inferior neighbours. With gloves on, of course - even the most noble man musn't forget basic hygiene.

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

@<strike>Jim Bugs</strike> (not spelt, not bolded) : You don't know glory 101, do you ? It's obviously better to appear completely helpless at first.

That way, when I slaughter Lars' pathetic rabble of a force, I'll be able to pose as the hero who, despite overwhelming odds against him, made his trek in Hell look like a stroll in the park.

Gosh, I really have to spell it in bolded, 40 points subtitles to those hopeless buffoons.

Regarding that so-called high tech joke, I appreciate the fact that you Merikuns are still living in Stone Age, but we French have always been inspired by a spirit of noblesse oblige, which compels us to lend a hand to our inferior neighbours. With gloves on, of course - even the most noble man musn't forget basic hygiene.

Young Kobal2 (spelt but not bolded) you are not yet required, as you are not yet a member of the Shavian House, to spell and bold the names of Knights of the CessPool and Squires of the CessPool.

It is not yet a requirement ...

Not yet ...

However, ...

***BOOT*** Sir ***BOOT*** Jim ***BOOT*** Boggs ***BOOT*** is ***BOOT*** A ***BOOT*** Knight ***BOOT*** ...puff, puff, puff ... hang on a minute ... of the ***BOOT*** CessPool ***BOOT*** and will be treated as such by the likes of YOU.

{whew!} ... now that doesn't mean you shouldn't ... uh ... take him to task for errors in judgement and the like (trust me, there's a LOT of room for manuvering there) but you'll do it respectfully ... (which basically means spelling and bolding his name, I mean, let's not get RIDICULOUS about it, eh lad?)

No need to get all teary eyed on me lad, virtually ALL Serfs and even Squires are taken to task from time to time ... except for that most loyal and trustworthy of Squires Agua Perdido of course. It's part of the learning experience. Good for you in the long run.


p.s. Good line on the "gloves" ... sensible too, he's from Florida you know.

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

How am I to study when I can't sit for two weeks ?

You mean, your brain power is in your arse?

That's novel!

You'll bear the weight of my failure on you conscience, sir.

Now you're beginning to sound like Sturmy ..

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

.....but Boo's Shermans blow up?

I dunno, Nidan old sod, old sot, old...well...old person. But I look around the battlefield and it seems to me that there's more dead panzers scattered about than dead Shermans.

But who's counting, eh?

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

@<strike>Jim Bugs</strike> (not spelt, not bolded) : You don't know glory 101, do you ? It's obviously better to appear completely helpless at first.

That way, when I slaughter Lars' pathetic rabble of a force, I'll be able to pose as the hero who, despite overwhelming odds against him, made his trek in Hell look like a stroll in the park.

Gosh, I really have to spell it in bolded, 40 points subtitles to those hopeless buffoons.


Your big moment to rise up and taunt, and this is the best you could come up with? It's not even original!!!

Regarding that so-called high tech joke, I appreciate the fact that you Merikuns are still living in Stone Age, but we French have always been inspired by a spirit of noblesse oblige, which compels us to lend a hand to our inferior neighbours. With gloves on, of course - even the most noble man musn't forget basic hygiene.

Ah yes, the French! The wit, the passion, the flowery prose. From the heart and soul. Magnificent.

Now then, when are you going to start exhibiting these noble traits in your posts?

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Yet rest assured that, if per chance you somehow crawl out from the rancid marshes of your base ignorance, and summon in my heart anything else than indifferent despise to become somebody whose existence I actually care about (and wish to end, of course) or even acknowledge, I'll be sure to absent-mindedly chuck a few polysyllabic words at your ugly snout the meaning of which at first will elude you, of course, but should someone explain them to you at lengths, will make you run away screaming in utter shame back to whatever manky rathole you had the impertinence to leave in the first place.

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

As soon as I feel it's not totally wasted, of course. Right now, I rather feel it would be like feeding pigs with honey.

Ah yes, I understand. Do that a lot in Alsace? Can't say I've ever fed a pig, but I did allow Lars in my house. Pretty much the same I suppose.
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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

...never, EVER, in my dwellings amongst the most obscure,decadent and filthy meetingplaces for sexhungry arserubbing homosexuals ; preforming the most disturbing acts of copulation, acts that would make baby Jesus cry, let alone J-J-Rambo. Acts, so foul and deviated, that even Abu Ghraib seems like a holiday ...


Good. It 's time we became more multi-cultural.

Perhaps, of course, we could attempt a more...jolly sing-song form of multi-culturalism?

Who's for a round of 'Kumbaya Lord, Only Bugger That Annoying Bastard Over There?'

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Hush, for just a moment. I love you all.

You're a good lot of lads and lassies. Whatever comes, you'll always be that.

The logs burn, the sparks fly up, and the fire crackles. Each hissed comment is answered with a snap. Each night on Earth recedes into infinity, and for every joy, a sorrow answers.

And for every sorrow, a joy remains.

Absolute fecking idjits have children. What a lively show of joy, delight, and amusement.

Have you ever watched children teaching their parents?

A Joy Remains.

Sorry, been gone. A bit tired. Need to go to the Doctore, perhaps.

RLeete, do the right thing, lad, and kiss me arse.

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Where's that French bugger? Isn't life wonderful? Apparently, despite the imminence of death, clowns dance, mummer's mum, and we all fecking carry on.

Get that fecking French idjit over here to slip on a hand puppet and give my arse a good scritch scratch.

Here, Lancelot, leave off talking with that beloved idjit Shaw, and tell me a single good, true thing.

That's what it boils down to, here in the Peng Challenge Thread.

Tell us all one, good, true thing.

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Do you know, there's always something to be learned, always something to be gained. I'm a fatuous old fool, what am I, eh? Rleete mocks me, all abuse me. But I remember...everything. And I enjoy everything. Not many can make that claim.

Pale was the wounded knight that bore the rowan shield

Loud and cruel were the raven's cries that feasted on the field

Saying "Beck water cold and clear will never clean your wound

There's none but the witch of the Westmoreland can make thee hale and sound

So turn, turn your stallion's head 'til his red mane flies in the wind

And the rider of the moon goes by and the bright star falls behind."

And clear was the paley moon when his shadow passed him by

Below the hills were the brightest stars when he heard the owlet cry

Saying "Why do you ride this way, and wherefore came you here?"

"I seek the Witch of the Westmorland that dwells by the winding mere."

And it's weary by the Ullswater and the misty brake fern way

Til through the cleft in the Kirkstane Pass the winding water lay

He said "Lie down, my brindled hound and rest ye, my good grey hawk

And thee, my steed may graze thy fill for I must dismount and walk,

But come when you hear my horn and answer swift the call

For I fear ere the sun will rise this morn ye will serve me best of all"

And it's down to the water's brim he's born the rowan shield

And the goldenrod he has cast in to see what the lake might yield

And wet rose she from the lake, and fast and fleet went she

One half the form of a maiden fair with a jet black mare's body

And loud, long and shrill he blew til his steed was by his side

High overhead the grey hawk flew and swiftly did he ride

Saying "Course well, my brindled hound, and fetch me the jet black mare

Stoop and strike, my good grey hawk, and bring me the maiden fair"

She said "Pray, sheathe thy silvery sword. Lay down thy rowan shield

For I see by the briney blood that flows you've been wounded in the field."

And she stood in a gown of the velvet blue, bound round with a silver chain

And she's kissed his pale lips once and twice and three times round again

And she's bound his wounds with the goldenrod, full fast in her arms he lay

And he has risen hale and sound with the sun high in the day

And she said "Ride with your brindled hound at heel, and your good grey hawk in hand

There's none can harm the knight who's lain with the Witch of the Westmorland."

"Witch of the Westmoreland"

-Archie Fisher

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