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What the Peng is wrong with my Challenge Thread? (USA)

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

let me declare here, before witnesses, that you Americans couldn't beat even my dead Grandpa on a sunny day.

Oh deary, deary me! And before witnesses?

I'll have you know, lad, that, as an American, I most certainly could, and would beat your dead Grandfather, never mind the weather. I'd lash him with a good cudgel until the tears of horror poured from the eyes of the mourners at the wake, and their shrieks of outrage rang throughout the halls of the Mortuary.

We Americans are made of sterner stuff than you suppose, and even as the pall-bearers rushed forward to wrest my knobkerrie from my hands, I would be singing a jaunty ditty

Now isn't it the truth I told ya

Lots o' fun at Finnegan's wake!

With a whack for the derrie oh! And even as the floral wreaths were knocked from their stands as family members rushed forward, outraged, screaming curses in French, I would not relent, but beat out a tattoo on the figurative drumhead of your deceased...

Er, but perhaps that isn't precisely what you meant?

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Being of Irish descent does not make you Irish, my beef-without-cabbage-or-even-potatoes gulping fri...man (the fact that French eau-de-vie would make the whiskey-quaffing folk quiver in fear and shame notwithstanding).

Hence, you *will* refrain from using Irish folk stuff when adressing the matter of my dead Granpaw'. And believe me, shillelagh law is all the rage in France too, especially when there is a significant heritage at stakes.

'Sides, since Grampaw' Kobal2's been dead for ten years, a wake is totally out of question. But he's buried on high ground, so he should be safe from you, except of course if you bring a 40 planes air-raid plus a full division of arty against his coffin - in which case it would be a 40:60 chance for him I guess.

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More sugar in fruit than in godforsaken barley, innit ? Means more alcohol after fermen...fairmen...rotting. I mean, we don't go for the obvious stuff. Anything that doesn't make you blind and/or cackling mad by merely smelling its fumes is downright outlawed around these part.

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

More sugar in fruit than in godforsaken barley, innit ? Means more alcohol after fermen...fairmen...rotting. I mean, we don't go for the obvious stuff. Anything that doesn't make you blind and/or cackling mad by merely smelling its fumes is downright outlawed around these part.

I like this SSN ... he understands about ... stuff ... pity he's French.

Still, I shall propose him as Serf of the CessPool. Then, if he should stick around and play up like a good'un I can take him to Squire and mold him in my own image. I shall teach him the ways of the CessPool and the 1,673 official gamey ploys that only A TRUE Knight of the CessPool and member of the Shavian House knows, along with the secret handshake and decoder ring ... of course he has to stick around and make the proper obiesc ... obiensd ... ob ... manners first.

We shall see what we shall see. If he works out so much the better, if not ... off to trash heap with him.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Then, if he should stick around and play up like a good'un I can take him to Squire and mold him in my own image.


Starting to envy old Grandad now, aren't you, you French bugger?

Well, you'll be the spitting image of him soon. Especially if he really has been dead for 10 years...

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Hear that, Seanachai? Kornblow the Second says you can take your Kia to France.

And swim the English Channel?

I'm not sure at which exact point I began having concerns about having bought a car whose acronym is KIA.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

Seems like a good fit for you penguins. Speaks like a French gnome, he does. Scary, innit?

Back to your own playpen, Snooker!

And take Simple Simon with you. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

Seems like a good fit for you penguins. Speaks like a French gnome, he does. Scary, innit?

Back to your own playpen, Snooker!

And take Simple Simon with you. </font>

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@Joe Shaw : With all due respect, I don't think I want to be mauled into any shape whatsoever, thankyouverymuch.

@Seanachai :

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Starting to envy old Grandad now, aren't you, you French bugger?

Are you kidding ? The only good thing about *that* grandad's life what that he's got to have had one before croaking. The git even went as far as to have *me* for his grandson, and if that's not serious felony I don't know what is. I only mentioned him on account of hime being stone dead, as the guy was a horrible, horrible man, and since he had a mean streak the size of Texas I wouldn't be surprised if he rose up from him tomb just to piss me off and deny that whole sentence.

In fact, I don't want to take that chance. Please replace all mentions of Grampaw with something else, possibly a small gerbil. It should amount to the same thing, taunt-wise.

Ack, bugger all this for a lark. Will you, or will you not face me, you old crone, you ? Mind you, I wouldn't be surprised if you won't, shaking with fear and apprehension of the undignified defeat I'm about to bring to you. Scornfull yes, but not surprised.

After all, who would not hesitate when given the choice to either quake helpless in some deep damp mudhole, or have their grandchildren up to the seventh generation having to wear protective padding on their backside the shape of my boot if they ever want to sit down, and being ridiculed by every other monkey in the zoo for how their ancestor was trashed about by that newb' back in the old days of '04 ?

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Some gamey updates:

Nidan1 after humilating him in our first three encounters, <font size=-2> including one of his own scenario's </font>, i thought i might give him a break. Surely he cannot lose against italian tankettes?

v42below probably hiding in some holes, cause no turns from him in like a long time.

sturmsebber no turns in two weeks, maybe i should name to GF maybe that will get his attention.

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In celebration of this austere occassion, I will welcome our French SSN by speaking in French.

je nes parles pas francais!

ou est le bereau de poste?

le tete, le fenetre, and the infamous merde!

...and that's the result of two years High School French.

It wasn't a complete waste, I sat down the back with the females.

And no, they weren't sheep.


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Originally posted by Kobal2:

@Joe Shaw : With all due respect, I don't think I want to be mauled into any shape whatsoever, thankyouverymuch.

... {snipped insignificant comments to Seanachai} ...

Oh my Kobal2 (spelt but not bolded) did I give the wrong impression? You SEEM to be of the impression that YOU actually have some degree of choice in this matter ... it is to laugh, lad, it is to laugh.

Here's how it works:

We'll assume, for the moment, that you actually do stick around for a bit and show some wit, some style, some ginnysaycaw as you might say.

IF that should happen, and it's not looking too good from the above quote, you will be allowed to join the ranks of one of the Houses of the Peng Challenge Thread as a full-fledged Squire, name spelt AND bolded donchaknow.

As Squire to your Knight you will perform your duties as assigned with diligence and aclarity or you'll get the ***BOOT*** and right quick too. You will also be instructed in the arts of Knightly Defense and Attack here in the CessPool so that you may be victor in your encounters with other Knights of other (needless to say LESSER) Houses of the CessPool and bring honor to yourself, your Liege Lord and your House.

Upon completion of your set QUEST (which differs from House to House), you will be proclaimed Knight of the CessPool will all the rights and privlieges ... and OBLIGATIONS ... of such. Yes, yes, it IS more than you can dream at this time, but with hard work, study and the occasional cash slipped to this or that one ... mostly your Liege Lord, it IS attainable. Many here have trod the path you embark upon lad, and look back with fondness on the experience.

But, you ask, who is my Liege Lord, my KNIGHT, my Instructor, he to whom I owe EVERYTHING, not least of which is my unquestioning obedience ... did I mention the cash ... well lad, it's the Knight who first proposed you for Serfdom.

Let me check the records here ... hhmmmmm ... why yes ... that would be ...



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I knew old people were funny in the head, but this place is a nuthouse. A patronizing nuthouse, granted, but a nuthouse still.

Now, I've always heard disagreeing with mental people was dangerous, at least until you've got a 500 meters headstart, sooo... Will you tell me of these QUEST and DUTIES of yours, while I step over there ?

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Originally posted by Kobal2:

I knew old people were funny in the head, but this place is a nuthouse. A patronizing nuthouse, granted, but a nuthouse still.

Now, I've always heard disagreeing with mental people was dangerous, at least until you've got a 500 meters headstart, sooo... Will you tell me of these QUEST and DUTIES of yours, while I step over there ?

Let's not be putting the carte before the cheval, lad (note that I'm trying to make you feel at home with all the French). You are now SERF of the CessPool, to be put upon and looked down upon by all EXCEPT SSNs ... to whom YOUR lofty station seems as grand as the most exaulted of Kings.

Your primary duties ... are carrying and making available ... the Bucket. And a lovely bucket it is too, all shiny and galvanized to within an inch of it's life or ... did I mention the ***BOOT? Said bucket is provided for those Knights and Squires who require ... well ... let's say that some here drink to excess if you get my drift.

IF you stick around and perform your duties properly I shall, you may hope, someday decide that you are truly SQUIRE material. At that time I shall assign you the traditional Shavian House quest of completing 5 (five) CessPool games WITH accompanying taunts, gibes and bile toward your opponents.

In the meantime I shall require you to play a game of CMAK against one of the Shavian House Knights. Lars perhaps.

The game shall be a new creation of Ker Dessel* called ... Field Of Screams. This is a test lad, a test of your ability to post witty and lively after action reports regularly to entertain us ... Lars will send the setup shortly.

You may kiss my ring.


* Ker Dessel - When It's Called A Setup For A Reason!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

blah, blah, blah.

The next one of you snotty-nosed children who makes a major point of how many words your olde, decrepit windbags use, I will pursue them with all my (nonexistant) powers of ridicule and satire. Which, while they may not be considerable, I doubt that any of you could withstand for long.

blah, blah, blah.

My, my. Long winded old fart, isn't he? No wonder the newbies have so much crap to wade through.

[ May 28, 2004, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]

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