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You Will Not Be Able To Stay Home, Brother. The Peng Challenge Will Not Be Televised

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

You're Italian-American

And GAAAAAHHHH!!!! I hate PC blabberbabble.

Here in the non-PC world of the MBT I can demand to be called an American, Eye-tie, Wop, or a piece of white trash (born in Alabama y'know) gun nutting right-wing filth, but I will not suffer the meaningless non-label of "Italian-American".

We now return you to your regularly scheduled exercise. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Apparently I was born in Mobile. Didn't stay long though - quickly spirited away to Tennessee.

Is that what they told you? Tennessee was your family's 'Guantanamo'. You were detained there before being released further North for lack of hard evidence. </font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Apparently I was born in Mobile. Didn't stay long though - quickly spirited away to Tennessee.

Is that what they told you? Tennessee was your family's 'Guantanamo'. You were detained there before being released further North for lack of hard evidence. </font>
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Originally posted by 37mm:

...my liege has been afflicted with witchery which hath enfeebled him...

Hate to break it to you smallboor, but Boo has always been a bit of the slack-jawed drooling type. In his own words: "a big doofussy looking guy in a baseball hat." Why do you think he was picked as deputy dog? Birds of a feather.

The thuggishness is probably glandular, so we won't hold that against him, but we will point and laugh about it.

If he were any more "enfeebled", he'd be soliciting advice from crustaceans.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Mobile, Alabama

Columbia, Tennessee

Trumbull, Connecticut

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Narragansett, Rhode Island

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Columbia Heights, Minnesota

The law just wouldn't leave you alone, eh? It's the fingerprints, you know. They have ways of identifying you through your fingerprints. And BTW, wearing rubber gloves all the time looks conspicuous.


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Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Oh, yes. What the hell was I on about, again? Ah! I shall set you a Quest. It will satisfy even our lordly Chief Justicar. Not sure how it'll play with our 'Bizarro Justicar'. I guess we'll just have to see.

Expect an email.

Dark times are upon us & bad omens are a plenty. Croda has returned, my liege has been afflicted with witchery which hath enfeebled him, the Justicars are at war, honest Peng threads with fine rules are abandoned, Australians multiply, foul messages are sent, two headed beasts are born, the sun is swallowed and now I face a quest!

Am I ready?

I don’t know but if my fate is indeed to be the messiah then sooner or later I must act like one and face the darkness head on… I’ve put on my rusty & ill fitting armour, acquired a bitten sword and have taken a flea bitten nag as my charger. I journey now & much lies upon my shoulders yet as long as there is a bitter HE wielding bone in my body I vow to not dishonour my house…

For Morse I ride!!!! </font>

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Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:

...my liege has been afflicted with witchery which hath enfeebled him...

Hate to break it to you smallboor, but Boo has always been a bit of the slack-jawed drooling type. In his own words: "a big doofussy looking guy in a baseball hat." Why do you think he was picked as deputy dog? Birds of a feather.

The thuggishness is probably glandular, so we won't hold that against him, but we will point and laugh about it.

If he were any more "enfeebled", he'd be soliciting advice from crustaceans. </font>

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Dark times are upon us & bad omens are a plenty. Croda has returned, my liege has been afflicted with witchery which hath enfeebled him, the Justicars are at war, honest Peng threads with fine rules are abandoned, Australians multiply, foul messages are sent, two headed beasts are born, the sun is swallowed and now I face a quest!
Lesser men have already commented upon the "enfeelbment" of Boo Radley, I'll just add that it certainly doesn't take witchery to accomplish that ... the sun rising of a morning seems to work very well indeed.

Lad ... there is only ONE Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and it are me ... is ... me. Boo Radeley is simply (and I DO mean simply) the Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread ... his current sig nothwithstanding.

You can't use "honest" and "Peng" in the same sentence ... it just isn't done lad.

As to the rules, they were, in and of themselves, fine rules ... but YOU posted them ... it just isn't done lad.

As to the rest, barring the Australians ... and don't we wish we could accomplish THAT eh lads ... I'll grant you the right to hyperbole. Your quest will likely be FAR more mundane and lacking entirely in imagination. Were I your liege you'd have a quest to remember ... and a term paper or two as well. I blame Boo Radley.

I also advise him to knock off the gibberish or I'll know the reason why and his bullet will STAY in his shirt pocket ... BUTTONED ... until the end of time.


p.s. I'm playing a good deal of Call of Duty ... satisfying in a rudimentary way ... one of the lads referred to the MMG as "either a 30 cal or a 20 cal" ... and no one corrected him ... also at least one of the Tigers was modelled after the one in Saving Private Ryan ... turret too far forward, likely on a T-34 hull ... still seeing my victims crumple onto the snow and imagining they're YOU LOT ... very satisfying.

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Me call Blood Hamster on Shaw. Shaw refuse answer challenge.

This how brave Justicar act?


Shaw say me should task Squire with silly paper after Seanachai say him give Squire quest. Me want Squire focus on quest from Olde One. Maybe Shaw think he above Olde Ones?


Me think Shaw too big for britches. Maybe britches split up hinder area when Shaw bend over! Children point and laugh. Sound effect man make diminishing Waa-waa-waa-waa sound.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:


PS So, there!!

PPS Nanner, Nanner Boo Boo!

Mercifull are the Gods of Computing that allow editing. Snipped because, because...it's the right thing to do.

And you still can't paint straight lines.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Drunken gnomes cannot throw darts.

Ommm Ommmm Ommmm OI!

The true path to top aussieness is through drunkeness.

Of those here, only a few have ever achieved this level of down under enlighteness.

To those just starting down this path, as Ancient Aussie let me impart my wisdom to you:

Why do you have to spit after a good chunder?

Now go away the bloody lot of you, and don't come back until you reach that level of uncouthness that is Australian.


PS the carlton cold isn't a bad drop.

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Originally posted by Mace:

Why do you have to spit after a good chunder?

Tut. I surpassed that level ages ago. To get to the other side, you twit! Elementary.

See if you can get your atrophied Aussie brain to focus on this: Which came first, the drink or the thirst for it? Careful now, that's a subtle one.


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OI! I'm the enlightened, ancient Aussie around here....I'll be asking the questions thank you very much.


PS it has to be the thirst...because that is what drives us to drink.


A hard earnt thirst deserves a big cold beer, but I drink to get p*ssed

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Originally posted by Mace:

OI! I'm the enlightened, ancient Aussie around here....I'll be asking the questions thank you very much.


PS it has to be the thirst...because that is what drives us to drink.


A hard earnt thirst deserves a big cold beer, but I drink to get p*ssed

I thought it was your inability to cope with life, that drove you to drink.


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Originally posted by Mace:

OI! I'm the enlightened, ancient Aussie around here....

Hardly enlightened. [struggling to hide a smile]

PS it has to be the thirst...because that is what drives us to drink.
*Bzzzzzzt* Wrong. If you were truly among the enlightened, you would know that the correct answer is, "I believe I'll have another and see." Any true Aussie should know that.

Shame on you.



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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Emrys goes sleeping when the sun goes down and wakes up when the sun goes up.

Have you ever considered moving more up north?

I am as far north as I care to be. If I ever move again, it will probably be further south. So go piss up a rope, Bubbie. (I say that in the kindest possible way, taking into account your many disadvantages.)


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