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Originally posted by Boo Radley: It would be like me insulting you in English.
HA!!! that coming from a Summa cum Laude of the Ohio Public School social promotion society.

El pijaro mas pendejo, sabe volar Eh Boo?, run that through Babelfish, you linguistically inept, Johnny-no-stars!!!

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From: nPawn


2004-03-22 09:10:30

Location: Fiefdonia

Hopefully in the next day or two it'll be ready. This round is going to have a lot of new balancing issues to deal with because of a few big changes, so don't be surprised if things get tweaked a lot in the middle of the game, if you don't want to deal with that, it might be a good idea to wait until the round after this one.

Uh oh...
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Yup, MBT alliance FYI - I am Blood_Thirsty_Maniac this time around.

[Edit - I'm going all out on farms. Hopefully Alliances can share grain like gold, then we can have some members concentrating on farms and others on gold. Since nPawn has said there will be a lot of rebalancing in the game, there's no way of knowing which strategy will be the best in the long term, therefore, this would be one way of hedging our bets.]

BTW - stinkkywinky, my turn-sending rate will inevitably suffer as a result of Fiefdom coming back on line, I hope this makes you feel as insignificant as your hapless troops, which are about to be massacred (if even at a slower pace) by my Soviet heroes.

[ March 23, 2004, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]

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Reading all the fiefdom dreck in some previous thread was annoying to no end, but since I seem to enjoy being annoyed (I read all of your drivel, and even worse, actually posted more than once to a single thread in the GF within the last month. The only good thing that came of it is that I'm now locked in a vicious battle against Pengfor some building named after a can of tomato paste. If you can call that a good thing).

At any rate, I signed up for fiefdom to put yet another MBT ally into the game, using the surprisingly creative username of chrisl. I probably won't spend a lot of time at it, but I enjoy being a gamey bastard at least as much as I enjoy being annoyed, and will engage in gamey behavior in support of the MBT alliance upon request, whenever I get around to it, and if you don't annoy me too much, and if dalem goes out glues his head to a manhole cover in the middle of a busy street at rush hour.

It all strikes me as an excessively complicated extension of Diplomacy, or maybe Civilization (IIRC). Anyway, I'm too lazy to even read the rules to figure out gamey ways to maximize resources, so one of you should provide some recommendations as to proper gameyness.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Viljuri:

To chrisl:

The rules are lot simpler than, let's say, matrices in quantum theory ...

And you're simpler than an inbred duck.

but that doesn't help you be any gamier (well, actually if you're an inbred duck you probably are pretty gamey, but in a different sense).

The issue isn't really simple vs. complex, it's lazy vs. annoyance. You all annoy me, and I'm lazy, so I'm only willing to do a small amount of reading about some online game on your behalf (except maybe for Emma, since she's the queen, but the rest of you lot are too annoying, particularly you, Sgt. VileJelly).

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Originally posted by Sgt. Viljuri:

To chrisl:

The rules are lot simpler than, let's say, matrices in quantum theory ...


[swings the special quantum tail, in various states of being]

... so we can stuff yer in a box with a split-personality cat?

Marvellous... I like experiments. One can never have too much astroletsgetphysicals.

[... thinks some more]

Olivia Newton John...

[... again]

... trollop... never liked leg warmers.


[ March 24, 2004, 02:26 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Yeknodathon wrote:

[swings the special quantum tail, in various states of being]
No, I'm sorry, you can't. This Copenhagen interpretation is so outdated (or to be more precise, constricted), that it makes me sick.

And it's not only outdated but it was malicious attempt by Bohr and others (Germans, hah!) to introduce mysticism to the physical sciences. I indeed should mention that they can stick their outside observers to any wave function they would like and measure their own ... what ever!

One word: decoherence! Ok, maybe I have to add two more words: consistent history (and the word is singural by purpose).

Well, Hm, Ok, If one freezes your temperature close to absolute zero, then you would really experience some quantum properties.

[EDITED TO ADD: No you wouldn't]

[ March 24, 2004, 03:05 AM: Message edited by: Sgt. Viljuri ]

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Originally posted by Sgt. Viljuri:

Well, Hm, Ok, If one freezes your temperature close to absolute zero, then you would really experience some quantum properties.

[EDITED TO ADD: No you wouldn't]

[... swings it again, so as to randomly scatter some nutrinos across the paddock]

*sniff* ... well, that just proves it, yer got leg warmers. Pathetic.

[... considers existence while tugging at the year's first Spring thistle]

I just wanted to say I've been feeling absolute zero for rather a long time. And I don't think it will get much better. No. And since me absolute zeros have been happening for rather a long time I must deduce I have mass. And since me awareness of time has been going on for...

*nibble, nibble*

... for

[counts as high as limbs allow]

... lots, I should think me mass is rather enormous.


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[... tail defies gravity, stops twirling in mid-air while experiencing strange hallucinogenic visions involving menacing black obelisks and rubber gnomes throwing bones into the air much like a Stanley Kubrick production]

Oh, bugger... I'm nibbling thistles at the speed of light. How very bothersome.

[ March 24, 2004, 04:02 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by v42below:

MBT alliance FYI - I am Blood_Thirsty_Maniac this time around.

How fitting.... But thank God he's you... Just reading the name made me think "Uh Huh"


So a few more days without much sleep....

It's neither here nor there really...

I mean... not as if it affects me in any way..


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