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The Peng Challenge Thread Rulz

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

What is it? About the size of a quarter?

About 18" long. Roughly comparable to the long available but fairly inaccurate AMT/Ertl kit.

Oh sure, there are those who would argue that the Ertl kit is closer to 1/80th, or even 1/96th scale, but based on the known variances of the different shooting models and the live action exterior mock-ups, not to mention the fact that it has been long-established that the interior Millenium Falcon sets could never fit inside the ship model as seen on screen (mainly due to the fact, of course, that the original Falcon was changed into Princess Leia's "Rebel Blockade Runner" ship after the interiors were already designed), we will have to be satisfied with an approximate scale of 1/72 at 18" length.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

What is it? About the size of a quarter?

About 18" long. Roughly comparable to the long available but fairly inaccurate AMT/Ertl kit.

Oh sure, there are those who would argue that the Ertl kit is closer to 1/80th, or even 1/96th scale, but based on the known variances of the different shooting models and the live action exterior mock-ups, not to mention the fact that it has been long-established that the interior Millenium Falcon sets could never fit inside the ship model as seen on screen (mainly due to the fact, of course, that the original Falcon was changed into Princess Leia's "Rebel Blockade Runner" ship after the interiors were already designed), we will have to be satisfied with an approximate scale of 1/72 at 18" length. </font>

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Originally posted by Marstov:

I'm a stone geek, and even I am somewhat taken aback by the sheer concentrated geekery of that post.

In related news, does anyone else object to how young an actress they cast for the role of Susan Storm in "The Fantastic Four"? The character is supposed to be 29 years old, and Jessica Alba looks like she's in her late teens. Come on, less have some realism here....

When I get my geek on, I don't fool around.

And who the heck is Jessica Alba?

Did I mention lately that I hate Papa Khann?

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Originally posted by Mace:

OMFG! He's stopped breathing!!!


Right. And since the normal Aussie response with a drinking mate is to either try to remember how to do CPR, or rifle the wallet to pay off the last boozer, explain to us what our response here is supposed to be...
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Originally posted by Mace:

You're of Irish descent, Seanachai?!

No, my screename comes from the Cthulhu Mythos, you pair of empty pants-legs waving in the wind.

Of course I'm of Irish decent. What was it that threw you, you poncing halfwit? My ability at poetry and song? My delight at witticisms and taunting? My almost magical ability to put up with both the fecking English and you English lackeys?

Every fecking Aussie that ever went to the fight did so because they thought the fight was right, and because they thought they owed the fecking English.

Every Irishmen that ever went to the fight did so because they thought it was right, and did so to the despite of the English.

Of course, most of the Aussies and Irish just thought it was a damn good thing to fight for right. The English always had to sort out how it was 'good for them'...

That's why I hate you lot of marsupials the most. Only those stupid enough to be strong for righteousness are truly dangerous.

Originally posted by Mace:

The poor Irish, whatever did they do to deserve that?

They had the brains, and the brawn, and the good sense to emigrate to America. The stupid ones were transported to Australia...

Originally posted by Mace:

Anyhoo, Bappy Hirthday, ya daft nong bastard!


Get stuffed, you transported bugger!

But also, have a good one, you Aussie fecker!

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I am...at a loss

Sometimes, I don't know what to say to you lot, nor know how to respond given my own losses, my own life...

I don't know how to tell you what you need to know, nor what you mean to me...

No, wait. I do...

Pale was the wounded knight that bore the rowan shield

Loud and cruel were the raven's cries that feasted on the field

Saying "Beck water cold and clear will never clean your wound

There's none but the witch of the Westmoreland can make thee hale and sound

So turn, turn your stallion's head 'til his red mane flies in the wind

And the rider of the moon goes by and the bright star falls behind."

And clear was the paley moon when his shadow passed him by

Below the hills were the brightest stars when he heard the owlet cry

Saying "Why do you ride this way, and wherefore came you here?"

"I seek the Witch of the Westmorland that dwells by the winding mere."

And it's weary by the Ullswater and the misty brake fern way

Til through the cleft in the Kirkstane Pass the winding water lay

He said "Lie down, my brindled hound and rest ye, my good grey hawk

And thee, my steed may graze thy fill for I must dismount and walk,

But come when you hear my horn and answer swift the call

For I fear ere the sun will rise this morn ye will serve me best of all"

And it's down to the water's brim he's born the rowan shield

And the goldenrod he has cast in to see what the lake might yield

And wet rose she from the lake, and fast and fleet went she

One half the form of a maiden fair with a jet black mare's body

And loud, long and shrill he blew til his steed was by his side

High overhead the grey hawk flew and swiftly did he ride

Saying "Course well, my brindled hound, and fetch me the jet black mare

Stoop and strike, my good grey hawk, and bring me the maiden fair"

She said "Pray, sheathe thy silvery sword. Lay down thy rowan shield

For I see by the briney blood that flows you've been wounded in the field."

And she stood in a gown of the velvet blue, bound round with a silver chain

And she's kissed his pale lips once and twice and three times round again

And she's bound his wounds with the goldenrod, full fast in her arms he lay

And he has risen hale and sound with the sun high in the day

And she said "Ride with your brindled hound at heel, and your good grey hawk in hand

There's none can harm the knight who's lain with the Witch of the Westmorland."

Witch of the Westmoreland

-Archie Fisher

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Or it could be that Lars sucks.

You make the call.

Yeh, it's a given, Lars sucks!

.....unless of course he's prepared to deposit a few hundred dollars into my bank account in which case I will speak highly of him.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

My paternal grandmother was a Cassidy and now I'm sh*tting myself worrying we may be distant relations.

There is a certain family resemblance </font>
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

My paternal grandmother was a Cassidy and now I'm sh*tting myself worrying we may be distant relations.

There is a certain family resemblance </font>
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Originally posted by Stuka:

thats a bit personal isn't it?

Stuka, you annoying Aussie feck. 'Personal' to you means "Have I told you about how handsome I am, and how many Sheila's I've done down?"

Oh, look, everyone. That bastard Stuka is back.

Well, sod all. The Justicar has this whole 'rules' thing going, and good on him, I say. His focus is on the Thread as some sort of Community, some sort of place that 'People go'.

But I have another issue. Stuka, you Horrible Little Man! You've been gone for ages. And now you show up again, and want to come over all 'Seniour Knight'?

Feck that.

You don't just show up and start parading again, you Aussie Whore.

As an Olde One of the Peng Challenge, I can exact a penance, you womanizing Aussie halfwit.

So, I require, I absolutely fecking REQUIRE of Stuka, that he acknowledge the Olde Ones.

I want to see you say it, Stuka. I want you to post: There is no Peng but MrPeng, and I'm just another Aussie with more beer in my gut than brains in my head, and I Challenge Peng.

You ass!


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I'm almost certain that I will die long before what would otherwise have been 'my time'. My Dad died when he was 57, and his dad died at 62. My Mom's dad died when he was 64, in horrible agony, from pancreatic cancer.

I have whole banks of internal organs that are there, in the early morning, that tell me how much they hate me.

What keeps me young is that even my most obstreperous and hateful internal organs hate you lot more than they hate me. And that's saying something.

So, I anticipate hating you lot for a long time to come.

But, should I suddenly be taken off by an internal mistake, I want you lot to know that I hate you even more than my liver hates me. And that's saying something.

It's Spring here, in Minnesota. It was 34 degrees with snow flurries here this afternoon. I know that sometimes I'm away, and don't let you know what you all mean to me.

I hate you the way the Church hates heretics. I hate you the way that the Rich hate the Poor. I hate you the way that the Government hates the People.

My hatred of you is the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning, and most mornings, I do not get out of bed.

The mornings when I do get out of bed, it's because of my hatred of you lot. Sometimes I lie there, and think "I could die here, and it would be a good thing." And then I think of you lot, and I get out of bed, so that when Death finds me, I can say "Man, I hate those guys!" and I'm still fully dressed and, quite possibly, even shaved.

I never married. I have no children. But every night, when I eventually pass out, I think: Man, I hate those guys.

What we wanted was: chain lightening

What we wanted was: 8 miles high

What we wanted was: free fall & our turn to fly

What we wanted was: more fireworks

Everlasting 4th of July

What we wanted was: more stars in a bluer sky

All we wanted was something worth it

Worth the labour, worth the wait

Then they take you up to the mountain

And you see too late

In the middle of a good time

Truth gave me her icy kiss

Look around, you must be joking

All that way, all that way for this

What we wanted was: consolation

The hand of strangers, help for pain

What we wanted was: to be sure no friends were lost in vain

What we wanted was: aggravation

A good cause, a bigger row

What we wanted was: the whole plantation now, Now, NOW!

All we wanted was something worth it

Worth the labour, worth the wait

Let me take you up to the mountain

And you see too late

In the middle of a good time

Truth gave me her icy kiss

Look around, you must be joking

All that way, all that way for this

What we wanted was: rhyme and reason

What we wanted was: another way

What we get is: a tinpot heaven, and we're too drunk to pray

What we got is the old machinery

Grinding on in the same old way

What we need is the sweet republic

-Roll on, Independence Day

In the middle of a good time

Truth gave me her icy kiss

Look around, you must be joking

All that way, all that way for this

In the middle of a good time

Truth gave me her icy kiss

Look around, you must be joking

All that way, all that way for this

Look around,

we came all that way, all that way for this...

All That Way For This

-Oyster Band

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Now, imagine you arrived at work, and got on MSN Messenger,and found that a complete, utter, and drunken lunatic, that you fecking knew to be capable of anything were online. And this person and/or being offered to attack your co-workers and/or bosses for you by email, or even via their direct dial phone number.

Would you be such a limp-wristed bastard that you wouldn't give said 'drunken lunatic' the email address and/or direct dial number of your boss to said lunatic, who was really, really alert, awake, and in such a state that he would make your boss doubt the very existence of both God and Justice by his subsequent brutal abuse?

Boo, you're a big big chocolate eclair. If your boss ****s on your head this coming year, remember that you had the opportunity to make him cower in a corner for weeks, wondering when the 'crazy, horrible man' might show up and make good on his threats to 'lick him all over in the dark, and foster a new race of mutant drug users on his wife while singing Harry Belafonte tunes'.

You simply don't have the will to be a disgruntled employee.

How often does a Human Assault Rifle fall into your hands?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's Spring here, in Minnesota. It was 34 degrees with snow flurries here this afternoon.

So you're not going fishing with me tomorrow morning?

Should only be raining with a 25 knot wind behind it. Loverly, eh? I'll even let you eat the first minnow out of the bait bucket.

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Yeah... I'm not normally one to "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!" on my meal ticket.

Even when that dog is a spavined dachshund from Minnesota.

Where the hell were you when I was going through divorce #2? I would have even supplied the liquor required to get you revved up.

(It would have had to be cheaper than the alimony... maybe.)

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Where the hell were you when I was going through divorce #2? I would have even supplied the liquor required to get you revved up.

Hiding in case you were desperately looking for rebound sex.

Nice of you to offer to buy to get one in the mood though.

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