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I Challenge Cdrfar to tell Peng His Real Handle....

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Why do I have this strange cartoon bubble in my head of a gnome standing in the corner?

Your head is square? Wow. I know everybody calls you a blockhead, but I had no idea...

And don't you owe me a turn or somefink? </font>

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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

I saw it and it was beautiful. He said what everyone was thinking but didn't dare utter. The Bard is gone but he's not forgotten.

Pearls before swine, my boy. I'm next. </font>
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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

I saw it and it was beautiful. He said what everyone was thinking but didn't dare utter. The Bard is gone but he's not forgotten.

Pearls before swine, my boy. I'm next. </font>
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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

I saw it and it was beautiful. He said what everyone was thinking but didn't dare utter. The Bard is gone but he's not forgotten.

Pearls before swine, my boy. I'm next. </font>
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Yeah Yeah..... rub it in why don't you...

I mean, not as if we are all perfect or anything.

Yeah, ok, Steve said a few things he shouldn't have, but hell, you don't have to go hang him and watch him swing...

Nice to know that a few choice words is all it takes to know who your REAL friends are..

Adios Mr Boggs.... shame you had to get all dramatic and leave, I had thought more of you....

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BTW Seanacoochie

I have a few cool links you might enjoy while you're serving your probation..Lots of cool stuff, and pics....which should keep you either swearing or smiling for at least 30 days....

And of course there is still AIM and FIEFDOM...

and mail... and chat... and phone.... and cams.. and and and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

30 days huh?

Easy peasy..........

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Since a couple of folks liked it in the now-locked GF thread I honor Seanachai's last bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 by posting it here:


Hey Seanachai!

I just wanted to let you know that I read your post and your opinions of the GF and I guess anybody who posts in the sociopolitical threads, and that, well, I'm comfortable with that.

We can't all be useless gristly gametic deserts with the dating hopes of the team mascot and the social niceties of a cracked-up cabbie.

Some of us have to revel here in the tawdry bowels of the General Forum with every new post continuing to give us the same guilty sensory orgiastic feeling that standing in the kitchen at 3am in torn boxers and promising to oneself to only eat "just one more" spoonful of Betty Crocker chocolate frosting gives.

Remind me to have my dog bite you on Friday.


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If you are still reading:

I would like you to "stay". We all get riled and we all fall below our station occasionally, most especially in electronic conversation when you can't see the other person's reaction or their half-smiles.

So stay and help us keep it decently entertaining and informative.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Since a couple of folks liked it in the now-locked GF thread I honor Seanachai's last bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 by posting it here:


Hey Seanachai!

I just wanted to let you know that I read your post and your opinions of the GF and I guess anybody who posts in the sociopolitical threads, and that, well, I'm comfortable with that.

We can't all be useless gristly gametic deserts with the dating hopes of the team mascot and the social niceties of a cracked-up cabbie.

Some of us have to revel here in the tawdry bowels of the General Forum with every new post continuing to give us the same guilty sensory orgiastic feeling that standing in the kitchen at 3am in torn boxers and promising to oneself to only eat "just one more" spoonful of Betty Crocker chocolate frosting gives.

Remind me to have my dog bite you on Friday.


My Gawd dalem, that is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen ... quoting YOURSELF in your sig ... have you no shame sir, at long las ... oh wait ... I'm talking to dalem ... sorry. By the way, Seanachai I've met dalem's dog ... I think you're in more danger of a SERIOUS trouser cleaning bill (if you know what I mean) than a bite.

Jim Boggs I wish you'd stick around frankly ... and shirleyly too. You are one of the few, the very few, who will post a humorous comment in the asbestos threads of the GF. They have little, if any, sense of humor there.

Granted Seanachai went over the top, I'd blame the booze but it's easier to blame Peng so why not simply do that. But we all make mistakes, here and on the GF, and there is only one Seanachai and we'll be the poorer without him ... and without Jim Boggs or MrSpkr as well.

Speaking of MrSpkr I'm puzzled by his comment earlier that he was breaking a rule by posting HERE? Surely this is the one place he SHOULD be posting. That GF thing is not an appropiate place for his delicate ears.

Lastly ... I hate you all more than I can say.


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Egads, we make a psuedo-religion of Hate, and when one goes over the top in an apoplexy of vehemence, some folks run for the hills. Who hasn't been rubbed the wrong way? (Well, I suspect many of you have never been rubbed the right way, but that's neither here nor there.)Who hasn't had the urge to tell some self-pretentious yob what a prancing, preening, pretty pony they are? There, but for the grace of Fred (and a couple of quarts of high-grain) go I. He got his hands smacked (as he deserved), but it ain't fekkin' Armegeddon. If you have friends who make mistakes in a fit of passion, you don't run out on them. You may tell them how they exercised poor judgement, but you don't drop them due to their temporarily misquided judgement.

Heckle them, and short sheet their bed, yes, but turn back to them, no.

But I digress.

In the mumbled words of our Justicar, "I hate you all."

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I hope the little runt will now find some time for returning turns. I'm far too lazy to convert the last one he sent me to v1.01

Now, if you're done eulogizing the guy, I might suggest a bit of perspective. He's taking a 30 day break from posting. Just what everyone needs once in awhile. Big deal.

I would tend to wonder more about Michael Emrys. I know he was up there in years. I wonder if he's not actually hospitalized somewhere - or passed on. Like they say in the bad war movies - someone had to be first to die, I'm just sorry it was him.

Anyone know where Emrys lived? And wants to be ghoulish enough to check the obits?

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I really don't like the GF and try to stay out of there as much as possible. Too many of the posters in there spout rubbish that has only one purpose: To piss people off. Added to the mixture that many of the regular posters in the GF have the cumulative IQ of brine, doesn't help.

But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

But here in the MBT (long may She wave), there is a camraderie, a bond, a family-like feel that transcends mere game playing. Looking at the fortune that was in my after lunch fortune cookie (is there a more apt place?), I see that it says that "Your family is one of nature's masterpieces."

...Well...er...um...that can't be right. They can't be referring to you lot.

Oh, wait...

On the back it says, "www.fortunecookieads.com - Customized cookies or ads on million of cookies."

Well, there you have it. I think that more than typifies my feelings for all of you.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I hope the little runt will now find some time for returning turns. I'm far too lazy to convert the last one he sent me to v1.01

Now, if you're done eulogizing the guy, I might suggest a bit of perspective. He's taking a 30 day break from posting. Just what everyone needs once in awhile. Big deal.

I would tend to wonder more about Michael Emrys. I know he was up there in years. I wonder if he's not actually hospitalized somewhere - or passed on. Like they say in the bad war movies - someone had to be first to die, I'm just sorry it was him.

Anyone know where Emrys lived? And wants to be ghoulish enough to check the obits?

Yeesh! You are a little ray of sunshine, aren't you Grog Dorosh? I heard from Emrys just yesterday. He says he's fine and is just taking a sabbatical from the forums to recharge his batteries. No cause for alarm, or anything like that.

Although he did ask for me to tell you all that he hates each and every one of you in a most special and cuddly way.

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It really is my fault. I was goading him and prodding him to post ever more vile vitriol. I didn't use the eff word tho so seem to have come away unscathed. I did call anyone who disagreed with me a "dickhead." which was pretty awful of me, but at 2 in the morning its hard to come up with phrases like "male-erectile-tissue-noggin" for "people" like MrSpkr who disagree with me.

Besides, I am Peng and ipso facto am always right thinking and correct in all that I say and do. The rest of that spavined bunch of haters in the GF are just so much used toilet tissue. I wish them all the ill in the world. Pain and suffering unending, at least until they are dead dead dead.

OH! I almost forgot, I got some really swell fan mail from a gentle GF reader. I thought I would share it with you...

"Subj: Hi Pengster!

A system admin, that can't be a terriblly exciting career. Your wife doesn't really have a law degree, does she? If so, it must be from one of those horrendously sh1tty third tier degree mills. You're gay aren't you?

LOL. you mother fecking piece of god damn dog ****e...you're fat pardox...you resort to sex with your children? a system admin....lolohahaha?

Signed, your pal cd far <cdrfar41@yahoo.com>"

*sniff* brings a tear to me eye - the kindness, the thoughfulness.

OH I edited the bad words - I don't particularly want a time-out for this nice gentleman's handywork

So its nice to know that as awful a person as I am, one can find slime even lower in the pits of awfulness.

Lastly Boggs (unbolded) just made it to the "unmitigated sissies" list for being, well, an unmitigated sissy.

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