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Riding the Range with Peng, Challenged by the Whispering Wind

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Aah, Lars... the story of a boy and his boat... and what's he going to do with it???

Originally posted by Lars:

Bugger it!!!!

They do raise them strangely up there... must have something to do with the long winters... well, uh, to each his own I always say.

(well, not really, but what are you going to say about a guy who goes out to bugger his boat?!?)

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

[QB] So, a jolly sing-song is what you're wanting, is it? Fine, then...


Yes it was, but alas I was already asleep by the time you finally got around to playing the next song...

Tonight I dedicate this song to Gaylord .. Why???

Because he's a persistant bugger that's why..

I know I said that I was leaving,

But I just couldn't say good-bye.

It was only self-deceiving

To walk away from something that

Means everything in life to me.

I've learned from every lonely day

I've learned and I've come back to stay.

Let me try again; let me try again.

Think of all we had before,

Let me try once more.

We can have it all, you and I again.

Just forgive me or I'll die.

Please let me try again.

I was such a fool to doubt you,

To try to go it all alone.

There's no sense to life without you.

Now all I do is just exist

And think about the chance I've missed.

To beg is not an easy task,

But pride is such a foolish mask.

Let me try again; let me try again.

Think of all we had before,

Let me try once more.

We can have it all, you and I again.

Just forgive me or I'll die.

Please let me try again.

[ October 07, 2003, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Gaylord, how about making an attempt, one last attempt lad, at getting a life?

You've been sent to Coventry not once but at least twice and perhaps more, it's hard to keep track ... but you come back.

You've told us time after time that you were leaving and never coming back ... but you've come back.

You've told the GF, in tears no doubt, that you were leaving ... but you come back.

You post nonsense and drivel and don't seem to care that no one cares. You are universally derided and scorned FOR YOUR POSTS (for all we know you may actually have some redeeming social features, but none have seen them) ... and don't seem to care.

You appear to scorn women and hold them in contempt ... the fact that we hold YOU in contempt for your views doesn't appear to matter to you.

Or is it just that you don't get it?

So sad, such a sad little man who can't keep his word and doesn't care that he doesn't. Such a sad little man ... who has no where else to go.

Were you not such a determined troll you might have fit in, if not here then in the GF, but every time you bollox up your chances. You did it as Iron Chef Sakai and now you're doing it again. It's as if you can't help yourself but simply MUST piddle in your own nest.

As for me ... I'm off to Colorado in the morning, which is certainly better than being here. Although at times, here is a nice place to be too.

I'm afraid I won't be able to consistently monitor the Coventry status ... it appears that some are so dense they can't take the hint in any case.


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Joe Utahd, do you sincerly beleive that i hold women in contempt? Did you happen to miss my old sig that i borrowed from Austin Powers???

The problem Joe is not mine but yours, you just don't know when i'm kidding or when i'm serious. You're from Utah so this is to be expected.

Let me spell it out for you in italics here, i did not have sexual relations with that...er wait, what was i saying? Oh yes, i take people as their own indivudual selves, i don't buy into the broad sweeping generalisations about broads or any other human labeled "group".

You are right that i don't care if you like my posts Joe, does that mean the honeymoon is off?

I think most of Dorosh's posts are pointless to say the least, does this mean he should stop posting cause his royal majesty (me) is un entertained by them? The answer Joe, is no. Now get that Q-tip out of your nose and chuckwagon your way over to Colorado in hopes of finding a 13th wife to add to your harem of byatches mormon pimp playa supreme.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Joe Utahd, do you sincerly beleive that i hold women in contempt? Did you happen to miss my old sig that i borrowed from Austin Powers???

Yes ... I do believe that based upon your posts. I don't much care what sig line you use, your posts tell the tale.

The problem Joe is not mine but yours, you just don't know when i'm kidding or when i'm serious. You're from Utah so this is to be expected.
Oh I know when you're serious.

Let me spell it out for you in italics here, i did not have sexual relations with that...er wait, what was i saying? Oh yes, i take people as their own indivudual selves, i don't buy into the broad sweeping generalisations about broads or any other human labeled "group".

You are right that i don't care if you like my posts Joe, does that mean the honeymoon is off?

Was never on lad.

I think most of Dorosh's posts are pointless to say the least, does this mean he should stop posting cause his royal majesty (me) is un entertained by them? The answer Joe, is no. Now get that Q-tip out of your nose and chuckwagon your way over to Colorado in hopes of finding a 13th wife to add to your harem of byatches mormon pimp playa supreme. [/QB]
Weren't you leaving? Didn't you say that several times? Aren't you a man of your word?


[ October 08, 2003, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Joe, just because you really want to beleive that i hold women in contempt does not make it a reality, though i must say you are very funny when you're serious!

Joe watch this,.......i can name every planet in the universe!!!

Based upon my ultra serious post this makes it so in your mind huh? This could be fun, but all to easy so i won't bother.

Joe, does this mean you don't love me anymore? Say it ain't so Joe!

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Originally posted by YK2:

Tonight I dedicate this song to Gaylord .. Why???

Because he's a persistant bugger that's why..

I know I said that I was leaving,

But I just couldn't say good-bye.

It was only self-deceiving

To walk away from something that

Means everything in life to me.

I've learned from every lonely day

I've learned and I've come back to stay.

Let me try again; let me try again.

Think of all we had before,

Let me try once more.

We can have it all, you and I again.

Just forgive me or I'll die.

Please let me try again.

I was such a fool to doubt you,

To try to go it all alone.

There's no sense to life without you.

Now all I do is just exist

And think about the chance I've missed.

To beg is not an easy task,

But pride is such a foolish mask.

Let me try again; let me try again.

Think of all we had before,

Let me try once more.

We can have it all, you and I again.

Just forgive me or I'll die.

Please let me try again.

Yk2 , you agree with me that women should not have the right to vote or speak when not spoken to right?

Boy you sure are perrty....after yer done scrubbin them there floor wit the tooth brush would ya mind make me some pancakes, with maximum women's sufferage? I gotta go take a booze nap out in the bathtub in the front yard.

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He stands 3 ft tall on a bottle of beer

His name is Joe

With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there

His name is Joe

It's out of Utah he rides, his eyes hold tears

Outside the Shire lie all his fears

His name is Joe

With a here here here and a here here there

His name is Joe

Makes mountains out of mole hills

Three of his wives have beards

Makin lots o' lovin

In the rolls he disapears

His name is Joe

Sloppy Joe!

His name is Joe

Sloppy Joe

His name is Joe

Utah holds

Sloppy Joe

His name is Joe

Sloppy Joe!

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Hey, anybody seen that goat-legged, shiny example of Oddstralyun village idiot, Noba wandering around here? He owes me a move from about a week ago.

Come to think of it, Nidan, Hiram, Malakovski, Papa Kahn, WildMan and of course Seanachai also owe me moves. C'mon ladies, don't make me come looking for you.

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Good morning gentlemen,

Fred I have an abysmal Internet connection that I paid through the nose to have ($600.00). About 25% of the PBEM turns I receive I only get a “bell” when trying to load them. I am in need of a re-send of our last turn #034. As turn #034 is most likely a pivotal turn in our battle the suspense is tremendous! I actually was expecting not being able to load it before I clicked on it just because of the importance of the turn. My MKIII drawing a bead on your T-34’s flank in the final seconds of the previous turn and your comment of “check your rear view mirror” it ought to be a good one!


I liked this place a lot better when Gaywhore’s constant whining and drivel did not overrun it. It is no wonder his parent’s keep him in the basement. If only they would be so kind as slap him around a bit and eliminate his Internet connection. It is difficult to imagine him being more then 12 years of age.

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Originally posted by Mouse:

Aah, Lars... the story of a boy and his boat... and what's he going to do with it???

Drink way, way too much while on it, apparently.


Still, what a gorgeous evening. Well worth the morning after.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Wear golf shoes on newly polished wooden floors.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Good morning gentlemen,

Fred I have an abysmal Internet connection that I paid through the nose to have ($600.00). About 25% of the PBEM turns I receive I only get a “bell” when trying to load them. I am in need of a re-send of our last turn #034. As turn #034 is most likely a pivotal turn in our battle the suspense is tremendous! I actually was expecting not being able to load it before I clicked on it just because of the importance of the turn. My MKIII drawing a bead on your T-34’s flank in the final seconds of the previous turn and your comment of “check your rear view mirror” it ought to be a good one!


I liked this place a lot better when Gaywhore’s constant whining and drivel did not overrun it. It is no wonder his parent’s keep him in the basement. If only they would be so kind as slap him around a bit and eliminate his Internet connection. It is difficult to imagine him being more then 12 years of age.

Will do, maybe if I zipped them before sending? Sometimes that helps, I will resend it both zipped and unzipped when I get home.
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Seanachai you turn-holding, gnome-sniffing, worthless lout! where have you been? You've not barfed (unlike Lars *snicker*) your foul words upon this web page in a bit, and you haven't sent back your setup either. You may be holding the turn hoping that my uber-armor already set upon the field of battle will fall to rust before you send a turn, but it don't work that way. Now place your effing guys and release my troops from their pixelated limbo pronto!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andreas:

Anyway, now that the ferret is out the bag, you lot can start wearing something warmer, to put it into the German vernacular. Either you get a bit funnier, or it is the chaingang for you sorry excuses for Pengthread dwellers.

Get a move on.

Piss off mate. My Godlike member number allows me to do whatever I please!

It is good to be king </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You've been sent to Coventry not once but at least twice and perhaps more, it's hard to keep track ... but you come back.

You've told us time after time that you were leaving and never coming back ... but you've come back.

You've told the GF, in tears no doubt, that you were leaving ... but you come back.

I'm afraid I won't be able to consistently monitor the Coventry status ... it appears that some are so dense they can't take the hint in any case.


Blame Seanachai. I do.


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About time, too. Way I see it, whole damned lot a' ya shoulda been sent up.

See, there it is again, strange mix a' reminiscence, wit, envy and rubbing alcohol, just tells ya, "Write something, Meeks, and for God's sake, stop thinking of yourself in the third person, bloody sheepshagging bastard, halfwit, no account, deer-tick of a man, so painfully retarded you can't even qualify for euthanasia." Oh yeah, it's mean. I miss it, and those running gags that got old and then young again, knocked over the unsuspecting and stole their wallets and spent it on wit, booze and object-ification. I miss being able to punch out a couple paragraphs of tripe, just for the chance to badmouth Stuka, just because it brought the kind of visceral pleasure one gets from breaking the fragile. And the roles, sometimes adopted, sometimes simply borne, excepting Hiram, who always reminded me of a rather pathetic guy I knew (Named "Jamie" which I thinkg kinda sounds like "Hiram") and that misplaced disgust bred contempt, which bedded down with its own mother and bore derision, whose forehead split open to reveal earth, from whom all the old gods were descended. Pretty motley crew the rest, the whole lot a bunch of fine bastards, Shaw and his damned wild-eyed passion for the illegible, Berli's mix of evil, kindness and more evil, he's like that evil uncle I never had, who was perfectly willing to let you play in his shed full of dynamite and power tools, happy, even, because he knew you'd really enjoy yourself and just might die. Never really knew Peng, 'cept in passing, seemed like a hopeful Bukowski with a sober streak, probably makes a lot of folks feel good about themselves, but I was always envious because of the whole smilie diatribe. Seanachai, hell, can't say anything about him, says it all himself, and more, and occasionally reminds us that underneath the congenital predisposition toward rhyming, which is an awful thing and should be surgically removed, is a good pair a' bile ducts...

Anybody else miss Lorak?

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

About time, too. Way I see it, whole damned lot a' ya shoulda been sent up.

See, there it is again, strange mix a' reminiscence, wit, envy and rubbing alcohol, just tells ya, "Write something, Meeks, and for God's sake, stop thinking of yourself in the third person, bloody sheepshagging bastard, halfwit, no account, deer-tick of a man, so painfully retarded you can't even qualify for euthanasia." Oh yeah, it's mean. I miss it, and those running gags that got old and then young again, knocked over the unsuspecting and stole their wallets and spent it on wit, booze and object-ification. I miss being able to punch out a couple paragraphs of tripe, just for the chance to badmouth Stuka, just because it brought the kind of visceral pleasure one gets from breaking the fragile. And the roles, sometimes adopted, sometimes simply borne, excepting Hiram, who always reminded me of a rather pathetic guy I knew (Named "Jamie" which I thinkg kinda sounds like "Hiram") and that misplaced disgust bred contempt, which bedded down with its own mother and bore derision, whose forehead split open to reveal earth, from whom all the old gods were descended. Pretty motley crew the rest, the whole lot a bunch of fine bastards, Shaw and his damned wild-eyed passion for the illegible, Berli's mix of evil, kindness and more evil, he's like that evil uncle I never had, who was perfectly willing to let you play in his shed full of dynamite and power tools, happy, even, because he knew you'd really enjoy yourself and just might die. Never really knew Peng, 'cept in passing, seemed like a hopeful Bukowski with a sober streak, probably makes a lot of folks feel good about themselves, but I was always envious because of the whole smilie diatribe. Seanachai, hell, can't say anything about him, says it all himself, and more, and occasionally reminds us that underneath the congenital predisposition toward rhyming, which is an awful thing and should be surgically removed, is a good pair a' bile ducts...

Anybody else miss Lorak?

That was...well, lad, that was just...

Well, mostly incoherent, but I loved it..

We all miss Lorak. And Mark IV. (lest their names grow dim...)

Roight, then! Turns are all out, except to MrSpkr, 'cause I just found his.

The 'Four Horsemen' thread is doing well, I think.

Anyone ever notice how daffy the whole Board gets just before the next game comes out?

Joe, have no worries about monitoring Coventry where certain little trolls are involved. I'm fed up, and will give it some notice.

A reminder to all that certain whiners who've realized no one can hear them piss themselves if they're not here to make a dribbling sound, are in Coventry.

Be sure to see the cathedral there, Gaylord. I hear it's quite nice. Go in and say a prayer for your utter lack of credibility as a person on this Board.

Did you know it was completely destroyed by bombing in WWII? Of course, it was rebuilt and reestablished. Which is more than can ever be said for your presence here.

Last words ever, little man. Now go whine at someone on the General Forum about how people should pay attention to you, you little puddle of piss.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Hey, anybody seen that goat-legged, shiny example of Oddstralyun village idiot, Noba wandering around here? He owes me a move from about a week ago.

Come to think of it, Nidan, Hiram, Malakovski, Papa Kahn, WildMan and of course Seanachai also owe me moves. C'mon ladies, don't make me come looking for you.

Ahh, the Radley is awake.....

<font size=+3>YOUR EMAIL IS BROKEN !! </font size>

Pillock. Forget to pay the bill, again ?


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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Hey, anybody seen that goat-legged, shiny example of Oddstralyun village idiot, Noba wandering around here? He owes me a move from about a week ago.

Come to think of it, Nidan, Hiram, Malakovski, Papa Kahn, WildMan and of course Seanachai also owe me moves. C'mon ladies, don't make me come looking for you.

Ahh, the Radley is awake.....

<font size=+3>I'M A LONELY LITTLE PETUNIA IN AN ONION PATCH !! </font size>

Pillock. Forget to pay the bill, again ?

Noba. </font>

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The Trial of Berli...

(hey Boo, cue the music ya git!)

Good morning, The Worm, Your Honour,

The Crown will plainly show the prisoner who now stands before you, was caught red-handed showing feelings... Showing feelings of an almost human nature... This will not do.

Call the Just-a-car!

I always said he'd come to no good in the end, Your Honour. If they'd let me have my way, I could have flayed him into shape.

Evidence: this post, in another thread, involving the use of *gasp* Smilies, and not a smidgen of nasty attitude, or, dare I say it, Evil ...

Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jean Lafitte:

What about 2nd Pz Div?

Oh! So you want the reinforcements as well smile.gif

2. Panzerdivision (Sept 41)

Panzerregiment 3 (2 btns of 4 coys each) 63 PzII, 105 PzIII(5cm), 20 PzIV, 6 PzBef

5. Panzerdivision (Sept 41)

Panzerregiment 31 (2 btns of 4 coys each) 55 PzII, 105 PzIII(5cm), 20 PzIV, 6 PzBef

22. Panzerdivision (Feb 42)

Panzerregiment 204 (3 btns of 3 coys each) 60 PzII, 114 Pz38(t), 20 PzIV(kz)

(only III.Abteilung sent - 15 PzII, 37 Pz38(t) )

23. Panzerdivision (Mar 42)

Panzerregiment 201 (3 btns of 3 coys each) 34 PzII, 112 PzIII(5kz & 5lg), 32 PzIV(kz), 3 PzBef

Infanteriedivision Großdeutschland (May 42)

Pz.Abt.Gr.D (1 btn of 3 coys) 12 PzII, 2 PzIII(5kz), 18 PzIV(kz),12 PzIV(lg), 1 PzBef

24. Panzerdivision (May 42)

Panzerregiment 24 (3 btns of 3 coys each) 32 PzII, 55 PzIII(5kz), 56 PzIII(5lg), 20 PzIV(kz), 12 PzIV(lg), 7 PzBef

SS-Division Wiking (June 42)

SS-Pz.Abt.5 (1 btn of 3 coys) 12 PzII, 12 PzIII(5kz), 24 PzIII(5lg), 4 PzIV(kz), 1 PzBef </font>

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