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By coincidence (and a strange coincidence it is) I was stuck home with the flu yesterday. To occupy myself I pulled out a dusty old video tape I had of news reports covering 1991-1995: The tail-end of Gulf War I, the attempted Russian Coup (tanks on Moscow streets), AND the blow-up of the Balkan conflict. Watching those contemporary news reports I thought to myself "This is why most conflicts need 10 years separation before being converted over to game play. You need at least that much time to 'depersonalize' the action." And here we are, just crossing the 10 year mark.

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"Err... BFC has done NOTHING on the new titles.... they are purley the publisher."

Well, publishing isn't exactly 'nothing'. And they do seem to have a lot of excess energy to expend now that they've stopped hunting down LOS bugs and misallgned bmps in the CM1 engine.

It sounds like BFC's taken upon itself the conversion of 'T72' from Cyrillic Russian into English, including substuting English voices(?). That sounds like a bit of a chore! Or perhaps the'yre just using the royal "we" when they describe the work that has to be done by the umbrella work group.

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'tis true that we had nothing to do with either DW or T-72 from a development standpoint. 'tis also true that we did spend quite a bit of energy to bring these great titles to you guys. But we've always been publishing other people's stuff since day one. It's just that now we're starting to see less interest in these games by traditional publishers, and that means we're seeing more interest from developers.

Panzer76... as everybody here knows we have been very quiet about what the next CM game will be. We feel it is HARMFUL for us for the news to get out a moment earlier than we see fit. We have our reasons, the major one is distraction from development (this is a HARD learned lesson for us). So... you coming onto this forum and claiming to know something, whether it is true or not, is harmful to us because it stokes the fire of the rumor mongers. This is something we find becomes a BIG distraction for us, so obviously we can not allow that. Therefore, we're asking you nicely to take your rumors and keep them to yourself.

Info for the rest of you... there are probably less than a dozen people that know what we're planning on releasing for the CMx2 engine in the near future. I know for sure that Panzer76 is not one of them. There are several people on this Forum that have purported to have "inside information" about what the next title is, and some of the ideas we've seen are rather funny (besides being wrong smile.gif ). So unless you hear it from one of us, assume that the person making the leak is someone seeking attention for himself and is otherwise out to lunch. When we know the time is right to spill the beans you'll be the first ones to know. Oh, and you'll also get the truth :D


[ February 22, 2005, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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hehe... that's a funny one :D I remember Bungie Software (long before they got snapped up by Microsoft) had a top secret project. They invited the press in to get a sneak peek. What did they show? Tic-Tac-Toe-3D!!! I'm serious, it was hysterical... the whole staff participated in it. They had 3D artists doing super high resolution renderings of Xs and Os, the designers talking about how revolutionary it was, and the QA guys play testing it. Man... I wish I still had the QT movies of it. Classic! It was also funny for me because I know 1/2 the guys that were interviewed.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

hehe... that's a funny one :D I remember Bungie Software (long before they got snapped up by Microsoft) had a top secret project. They invited the press in to get a sneak peek. What did they show? Tic-Tac-Toe-3D!!! I'm serious, it was hysterical... the whole staff participated in it.

Was it joke or for real?
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Thanks Panzer76. Remember how many problems were caused by someone who said he had good sources that indicated WMD in a certain country :D

As for the 3D Tic-Tac-Toe... it was just an elaborate joke to play on people who were hounding Bungie for information about their next game. In this case the next game turned out to be Marathon II. Later, after the huge success of Marthon II, I got a phone call from a friend at Bungie asking where they could get some good sound effects for heavy weapons to use with an upcoming "secret project". That turned out to be Halo. So my friends, your's truly was THIS CLOSE to having a minor (VERY minor) role in what became one of the biggest games of all time. Damned timing just didn't work out. Oh well, at least my nephew still thinks of me as some sort of connection to God thanks to these old stories :D

And just to put in a plug for me old Mac compadres... they are the best damned developers out there and great guys, period. I am honored to say "I knew them when". Buy whatever they put out... I do tongue.gif


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