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An Ale, 2 Waffles, some Good Cheer, and threats for all

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Well, I'm not a tech geek, but i would reccomend that you check that you have the most updated drivers for your stuff, and check the tech support forum.

I welcome your return to the list. It had gotten quiet. When you get your act together, I will still be glad to hand you your butt on a platter.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I need help people. . . :mad:

My crappy ... jaggies ... don't remember ... anyone ... what the ... Windows ... help so I can get ... out ... all ... my ... proper ... Thanks!! :mad:

Quote snipped to make Goodale's Cheery waffle more interesting.

What nonsense. You speak total nonsense. Whining about graphics still doesn't excuse a fortnight of non-turn-sending - bitch. If I was on my death bed, choking and bleeding as pus and blood flew from my foaming lungs across the room, if my legs were torn to shreds from having been put through a combine harvester, my arms broken by a Terminator with a migraine, my ears sawn off by a deranged Mr Orange with a chainsaw, I WOULD STILL DELIVER MY TURNS AND NOT WHINE LIKE A FAGGY BLENDER!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

"oooh, my graphics are all wrong! Please don't hurt me! My all-boy leather and baby oil action has worn my sphincter to a nubbin so I can't play!"

Don't give me that bulldish Goodale! Get pumping! :mad:

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Ah you never know how much you despise someone until they are gone.

Welcome back MasterGoodale .

I assume that you all ready know that Radeon cards don't show fog. Something to do with programs, elves or some other mystic, mythical crap. God bless Radeon and may they wallow in their own fecal matter.

I think all my turns are out. At present I am playing the following sackless-lackluster-inbred-inebriated-halfwits: lenakonrad, Tanklord, mcgivney, Dave H, Becket and the ever putrid Soddball .

Now you all should know, at least if you bother to read, that I am away on business until wednesday evening. That means no turns from me after 5am PST on Monday until my glorious return. If I owe todays let me know, I just sent out a batch and will be checking all day.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I need help people. . . :mad:

I can't argue with that! tongue.gif

My CMBB games are all crappy ...
I can't argue with that, either. Have you ever considered switching to Electronic Battleship, or maybe to Old Maid? :D

But seriously, I'm glad to see you back. I was concerned your previous illness had turned into something much worse. :eek:

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I swear to god I better be able to fix this stupid graphics problem!! It's driving me nuts!! :mad:

One day I have gorgeous graphics in this game the next everything is all jagged and crappy looking!! I might have to uninstall my RADEON and reinstall it with the latest drivers. I have the latest drivers now but I think I changed a setting a short while back trying to install IL-2 Sturmovik and screwed it all up!! :mad: :mad:

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Goodale, I suspect one of two things happened: either texture sharpening or anti aliasing or both got turned off.

Go to your Radeon's advanced settings and try to find these (don't use ATi so I can't help with that part, sorry :( ). Hopefully that will solve the problem.

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MasterGoodale Im afraid I have some bad news for you. I recently purchase a Radeon 9700 pro card but had to return it because the AA would not work with CM. The problem is the AA only works on 32 bit grafix and CM is only 16 bit. A lot of people complained to ATI about it on several forums and a couple of players here sent them emails. All to no avail. If you want AA you are going to have to use a Geforce card (hope you still have your old one). I would recomend returning the Radeon if its still possible.

Hope this helps

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Goodale wrote:

I can't even BEGIN to describe the BUUUULLLLSHIIIIT that has interfered with my game life!!! So I won't!!! Turns coming right nooooowwww maaaaaggoooooots!!!!
I think I speak for all here that what you do in the shower stall during the wee morning hours is of no interest (except as a possible submission to Jerry Springer) at all.

Edited for clarity. :D

[ February 24, 2003, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: Sgian Dubh ]

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You know, the sad thing, mike, is that I'm actually starting to like this Soddball scenario. Mainly nowadays I just get a turn from you, stare at the gigantic bonfire at the crossroads in rapt fascination (ooooh, colors) and then, almost every turn without fail, I'm treated to watching some of your stuff blow up / get mangled / fall down and not get up / incinerate / fold, spindle & mutilate.

You just can't beat that.

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Let me tell you how many slack arses I have kicked today!

Only GOODALE was man enough to send me a turn last night. I know Mike the Wino is out of town at a Middle Management Corkscrew Development Convention for Corkscrew Salesmen - but what about the rest of you fags? :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Someone ask Becky what happens when you step on the graves of buried cans of TNT!!! :mad:


Hey Snarker! What's it like to have your men blasted into the mud by TNT and ball bearings!!?? HAHAHHHAH A HH A HAH AH !!! :mad:

Hey WallyBobber sorry about blasting that tank HAHAAHAHAH AH AH AH HAHAH I really didn't mean it you scum-sucking maggot pumper!! :mad:

That's right puss sacks MasterGoodale's back and he has more cans of TNT than ever!!


Angry Out Loud!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Someone ask Becky what happens when you step on the graves of buried cans of TNT!!!

HA! I knock out another of Goodwhale's guns, send his KV-2 fleeing willy nilly into the most forlorn corner of the map, and he crows about killing a few flamethrowers!

Vengeance is coming, whale.

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Become one with the hate and you will be a free soul. . .

I just KNOW deep down inside your anger burns hotter than the flesh of those flamethrowers I blew up! HA!! What poetic justice for those flamechucking mongrels!! :mad: You should have seent heir faces!!! HAHAH H A HH AAH A HH AH AH !!!! GRRRRRR!!! :mad:

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Hey! He's escaped! Get back in, you little toad.

My updates, for lo, there are many:

MindlessGoofBall is grumbling about ammo shortages. I have rectified this by supplying his tanks with extra 75mm AP. Unfortunately, without a loading crane to hand, I was forced to deliver them through the side armour of one of his T-34s. Sad, but true.

MikeTTTTTTTT and I are trading machine gun and mortar rounds in our 800 point all-infantry set-to. It's most taxing and I recommend small all-infantry games to really get the feel of frustration and body parts.

Jussi Flamethrower is working his way to the end of Inferno. Body parts and mangled vehicles litter the dark, wooded terrain and the forests roar with flame. Job done.

I have other PBEM games going on, but they are too interesting to even mention to a bunch of nobbly scrotes like you lot.

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MAAAGGOT!!!! :mad: :mad:

I swear to the God of TNT Chuckers if you killed one of my tanks I will scorch your flesh to the bone you scum-licking, foul-breathed, maggot-pumping, flag-burning, terrorist-loving(ooohhhh), punk-rocking, non-high-school-graduating, Saddam-backing mamma's boy!!! :mad: :mad:


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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

MAAAGGOT!!!! :mad: :mad:

I swear to the God of TNT Chuckers if you killed one of my tanks I will scorch your flesh to the bone you scum-licking, foul-breathed, maggot-pumping, flag-burning, terrorist-loving(ooohhhh), punk-rocking, non-high-school-graduating, Saddam-backing mamma's boy!!! :mad: :mad:


It would have been 2 tanks, but I had a cripple crew in the other Tiger. :D
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Sorry for the delay getting back turns, folks.

Death and destruction will be coming your way soon enough. Oh yes.*

*Note: it may not exactly be coming SgtGoody's way. I really need him to come to the death and destruction since he blew up all my tanks.

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