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Master Goodale vs ParaBellum AAR

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Just can't seem to get it done!! :mad: They take so long! :mad: My schedule has just been real whacky these last few days but it has finally calmed down and I have time when I get home from work today to finish it if you want to wait. It's 1/3 done.

I swear in this last AAR I'm gonna chuck so many pounds of furious, bitter, emotionally disturbed TNT at you ass Para you're gonna beg for a platoon of psychologists to treat my TNT for anger management before you dare fight it! :mad:

GARRGRAGRAGRAGRGR Maggot! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I swear in this last AAR I'm gonna chuck so many pounds of furious, bitter, emotionally disturbed TNT at you ass Para you're gonna beg for a platoon of psychologists to treat my TNT for anger management before you dare fight it! :mad:

GARRGRAGRAGRAGRGR Maggot! :mad: :mad:

This sounds like the MG of old; methinks he awakes from his somnolence...
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Oh my, take it like a man MG ... hmm, just saw that sig about the harem of bitches, well, maybe take it as one of those smile.gif

Otherwise, a very enyable read, I'd probably pay money for that kind of stuff. Hmm, maybe a beer next time i run into Parabellum that is ;)


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It's gonna have to be tomorrow night! Didn't get out of work until 6:30 MAAAAAAAGGOOOOOOOOOOTS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

If Para doesn't want to wait he's welcome to post his last part but I really didn't have time to do it. I just finished getting my turns out and it's 10:30!! GGARARRAGGARARGARGGR!!!! :mad:

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Turn 26:

The situation is tense in both the center and the south. My men have pretty much secured the woods at this point, but not many remain. A few scattered and dying krauts litter the woods with their blood and their moans. If my men are even able to move on I will be proud. If they choose to hold the ground they have so bravely fought for. . .so be it. A small group of soldiers consisting of 1 squad and a HMG team have been ordered to the center and have made it, but they are surrounded by heavy resistance, including a PIIc! I have no resources to kill the panzer and need to come up with a tactic to circumvent the threat.

In the South the surprise attack force is not such a surprise anymore. The first attempt at blasting the HMG nest out of the woods results in the squad fleeing for life, dragging what's left of their wounded behind them. Russians don't leave comrades behind. I call Ser Afonin front and center in a patch of woods where I stand observing the horror before my eyes. "Afonin! Relieve Chernienko's team and take that god damned machine gun nest! Move out!!" "Sir??" he replied. "I said move out." He looked at me with a gaze the likes of which I had not seen since the early days of the war when men were basically asked to be cannon fodder. But he did his duty and pressed ahead. The decisions I am being forced to make now are atrocious. I may never forgive myself. But we MUST take this village!

I look to my north east to see two squads advancing towards the church, while the 50mm mortar team moves into a position of cover fire. There doesn't seem to be anything to stop them and my hopes are high. If we can get them in that church we have a chance to hold the south until reinforcements arrive! There is still a halftrack making it's way from the west down to our flank. I must get my men out of this kill hole fast and behind better cover if we are to survive. And that damn Panzer in the village. . .


Turn 27:

Fighting erupts in the final bout of the eastern woods as my men make one last push and drive the remaining enemy infantry out. The germans fall like flies as our hot bitter lead slices through their backs and are virtually eliminated in their retreat! They did it! I couldn't be more proud. The force tasked to take the center of the village are taking heavy fire from the PIIc, but they returning it with equal fury. Finally one squad is able to break free from the pin and rushes the building to the south center! They make it inside to greet the barrels of a squad of infantry. Their fate will be determined by their courage during the next 2 minutes. God be with them.

To the south Ser Afonin's team makes a valiant attempt to obey my orders, but they are ripped apart by a surprisingly furious machine gunner. They advance with 4 screaming bodies behind them and make it 10 more yards! My eyes are wide open as a burst of mg fire makes swiss cheese out of 4 more men and they fall silently to the ground. Only 3 remain and they are panicked. They retreat under a hail of bullets and 2 more men are shot in the back. Ser Afonin is alone, running and scared as a second undiscovered PIIc rolls down the hill from behind some trees. He stops and begins to raise his weary arms, but it is too late. The germans are merciless.

Meanwhile my 50mm mortar team and 2 squds under the command of Lt. Mamajonov make their way toward the church area in the south. Their actions way heavily on what is left of my forces.

Turn 28:

In the south my men are still making progress towards the church. Seconds count in this hellish war and it appears time is on my side. That panzer has the ability to stop us. My last T-26 on the eastern hill re-enters the battle with a burst of MG fire at the HMG nest in the trees, just then the PIIC spots them and destroys both tank and crew with one blast from it's cannon. In a rage I order a straggling tank crew from another T-26 to rush the panzer. Useless bastard never did me any good anyway. "Move out or I'll kill you myself you maggot ****!!". Still in a daze, the crew obeys my order and rushes the tank. They are shortly cut down, but the distraction may be just enough to help my men mnake it into the unoccupied church! My kortar team is still scared and remains head-down in the trees. Get Up! I whisper beneath my breath. They are out of earshot. . .

In the center I am horrified to learn that my men suffered a tremendous defeat in the center building. The german occupants greeted them with what will go down in history as legendary fury. They are eliminated in a hail of bullets and grenades. Rumor has it some jumped on grenades in a desperate but futile attempt to save their comrades. Sporadic lead flies in the eastern woods, but the germans are the ones eating it. The krauts completely hold the western most flag and are preparing to close in. The few men I have to the west of the village are holding them. . .for now.

Turn 29:

In the south my men push for the church. They have remained undetected by the PIIc or any enemy infantry. Luck seems to be with me for the moment! They begin their dreaded ascent on the hill just east of the church grounds when suddenly my heart sinks. The PIIc begins to slowly roll down the gulley! Within seconds he will surely spot my men! Their are trees nearby they can take cover in, but this will slow them down. I am surprised by this move as I have men with cocktails just south of the panzer. He spots the men south and tosses a burst of hot lead at them, but they are in the woods and hit the ground safely! "Stay down!!!" shouts the commander. "He's too faaar!!!"

In the center my men cling to survival, returning fire when they are able. They only get breaks when the enemy is reloading and I fear the enemy will soon close in. I have sent many men to their deaths today and my spirits are low. I blame only myself. They did their duty with dignity and ferocity. . .but I won't give up on them, as they did not give up on me.

Turn 30:

The southern force frantically tries to deal with the panzer as it enters the gulley and fires upon HQs, killing one of the members. My men are just about to enter the church yard when they are ambushed by a squad of infantry in the church! They take cover behind the wall and a headcount reveals nobody is hurt. They start taking fire from the southern flank from that pesky HMG! With the panzer rolling thier way things are looking grim. They must very quickly overpower the infantry holding the church!

In the center my men are torn and scared. They lack an ambition whatsoever to move and I don't blame them. They are merely trying to survive now. Two halftracks have them flanked and the infantry in the eastern woods are too tired and hurt to assist them. Maybe with a short rest they will rally. . .


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