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Another Day, Another Peng Challenge Thread............

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mcgivney:

The last turn I got from you was 10, I sent 11 out last night.

Since you appear to be a whiskey sodden incompetent, I have re-sent the turn.

WHISKY...... </font>
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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mcgivney:

The last turn I got from you was 10, I sent 11 out last night.

Since you appear to be a whiskey sodden incompetent, I have re-sent the turn.

WHISKY...... </font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

I forgot to renew my brain's license plate tags. I blame all of you.

You misfortune make me very happy .

I hate you


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

[ February 21, 2003, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Busy, busy, busy. So busy today, I'm whirling like a dervish, but I'm never too busy to say:

Hiram is a mewling mewler of mewled mewlings and he should send me a turn....[snipped for brevity cause it needed it}

Oh, quit yer bitchin'! He's been giving me instruction in the finer arts of warfare so I can beat the snot out of the jibbering idiot, konradical...He'll get to ya. sheesh!
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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:


Strangely enough, that's what they say in Mexico instead of "CHEESE" when they take your picture.

Me, I just replied "Sure!". </font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Noba:

<font size=-1>So this must be why you send no turns, your so-called suffering (more like normal life for you) has reduced what little competency you had to less than that of Boo_Radley, or Pondscumbag, or even Gaylord.</font>

Do you hear them still at night, Noba? Your Panthers of the 112th, whimpering in the trees as the brave guns of my cheese-eating surrender monkeys reduced them to flaming hulks? And your Russian army, ordered on by Katukov, laughing and speeding in their invincible tanks across the steppe, until suddenly the dreadful slaughter rose up and overwhelmed them? Do you hear them still? What do they say to you, amidst the screams?

[ February 21, 2003, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by mcgivney

more useless crap

I should hate you, I suppose. But can't quite find a reason to expend that precious commdity on the likes of you. Perhaps lenakonrad has a little bit extra to share with you?

Now back to the matter at hand. You are Scottish, I believe, and therefore denser than the rock you live under. As a transient you have untold freedom to trot about willy-nilly. I, on the other hand, being a member of the working class have to show up at a place called "work". This "work" place allows me huddle in a cubby-hole and send out these little missives to toads such as you but doesn't allow me to game. As such, I once again state "Turns go out, as turns go out. I will not curtail my drinking nor my work for the likes of you."

And it's Scotch you lil Hobbit wannabe. Whiskey is for hookers, hicks, and "Noo Yawk"-ers.

[ February 21, 2003, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Do you hear them still? What do they say to you, amidst the screams?

We Hate You!!!


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Oh, quit yer bitchin'! He's been giving me instruction in the finer arts of warfare(MUHAHAHAHAHA)

so I can beat the snot (UH...WHOAHAHA)

out of the jibbering idiot, konradical...(MUHAHAHAHA)He'll get to ya. sheesh!


You did this again...


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Per the latest task set before me by milord Rune

Once upon a time, in a land just next door there lived an odiferous lout named Joe.

His mother had disowned him, his father abandoned him, and his friends…well, he had none. His stench was renowned throughout the land. His simpering prose left much to be desired and all laughed at his attempts to be witty.

One day, when he was wandering lonely in the woods, he came upon a small building. Stepping inside, he found there to be an altar to some long-forgotten god. There upon the altar, rested a weighty tome, gilt lettering on the fine leather cover read: The Wisdom of the Ages According to Peng. But this was lost on Joe as he could not read. He approached the altar and opened the book, but had not the intelligence of a snow pea. He looked longingly at the pages, wishing to be able to read the words. They had to be wise and profound. After gently perusing the pages and finding no clue as to what truths lay hidden in the writings, he searched about the scant room. When lo and behold, he noticed pictures on the wall. Now, pictures he could understand. He remembered the See Spot Run books he had read just days ago and thought of them fondly. He gazed in wonder, mouth agape and drool running down his chin. Scenes replete with skirmishes and tanks, others of men at table laughing and feasting. Oh, how he wanted to be a part of that!

He decided to pray to this god to be a part of what he saw. He knelt at the altar, clasped his hands reverently, bowed his head and began to pray.

The old god opened his eyes, yawned and stretched. He looked upon the pitiful creature bowing before the altar….

And the god smote him.

“Puny, insignificant puissant!” mumbled the god as he drifted back into his slumber…

[ February 21, 2003, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:


Meeks I advocated that you be put to death MANY times during my tenure as Outlaw Justicar ... I think that, if you post that stupid picture a couple more times, I can get some serious votes for my point of view ... your choice bubba.


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Originally posted by Egbert:

But, of course you knew that, was just expounding on ancestral pride, you were.

How very astute of you sir...

Not as if the thread needed a bump or anything, and I had nothing else to say eh?

I appreciate your words Egbert.

Although where I come from it's.....

Irish WhiskEy.

Scottish Whisky.

[ February 21, 2003, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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The Ballad of Gilgarry Mountain

(Whiskey in the jar)

As I was a going over Gillgarry Mountain,

I spied Colonel Farrell and his money he was countin'.

First I drew me pistol and then I drew me rapier,

Sayin' stand and deliver for I am your bold receiver.

chorus: Well shirigim duraham da

Wack fall the daddy oh, wack fall the daddy oh

There's whiskey in the jar.

He counted out his money and it made a pretty penny,

I put it in me pocket to take home to darling' Jenny.

She sighed and swore she loved me and never would deceive me

But the devil take the women for they always lie so easy.


I went into me chamber all for to take a slumber

To dream of gold and girls and of course it was no wonder.

Me Jenny took me charges and she filled them up with water,

Called on colonel Farrell to get ready for the slaughter.


Next morning early before I rose to travel,

There came a band of footmen and likewise Colonel Farrell.

I goes to draw me pistol for she'd stole away me rapier,

but a prisoner I was taken I couldn't shoot the water.


They put me into jail with a judge all a writin'

For robbing Colonel Farrell on Gilgarry Mountain.

But they didn't take me fists so I knocked the jailer down,

And bid a farewell to this tight fisted town.


I'd like to find me brother the one that's in the army,

I don't know where he's stationed in Cork or in Killarney.

Together we'd go roving o'r the mountains of Killkenney,

And I swear he'd treat me better than me darling' sporting Jenny.


There's some takes delight in the carriages and rolling,

Some takes delight in the hurley or the bowlin'.

But I takes delight in the juice of the barley,

Courting pretty maids in the mourning oh so early.

Well shirigim duraham da

Wack fall the daddy oh, wack fall the daddy oh

There's whiskey in the jar.

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