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AleMaster's Waffle of Cheery Threats

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Dear Becket ,

We apologize for this inconvenience. We are presently experiencing technical difficulties and are attempting to track the issue down. At present the hardware checks out, the operating system seems stable, internet service is strong and the web-based email system is a go. So it looks like we have a biological-interface conflict. We are bringing a small monkey to replace the biological unit until we can figure out why it failing to execute simple procedures. You should notice little difference overall but you should expect a more challenging opponent until we get the biological unit back online.

Thank you for your patience in this matter.

[ February 02, 2003, 02:37 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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GGGGGGGARRRRRRAAGAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGARAGRAGRAGRAGRAGRAGRAGRARGAGRAGRA AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GAGRGRAGRARGAGRGRAGRARGAARGAGRA!!!!! :mad: :mad: I'm back slime suckers and that's not a banana in my pocket it's a great big slab of TNT!!!! And it's headed in your general. flag burning, non-fighting, fat-assed direction!! :mad:

Eat up ladies because I'm about to unleash a hot fury the likes of which even Hitler never dreamed!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Master Goodale's masses of TNT chucking tanks have been severly reduced in number through more incompetent game play on his part. His infantry have also been dying in largish droves as they push forward, but he seems to have finally massed a comapny or so more to try and take a small cluster of houses..well we'll see how well THAT goes over.

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Ahahahahahahah. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Much TNT was dished out this weekend.

My righteous bringers of light and flamey stuff have just made contact with mike the wino's evildoers. And it's only like, Turn 9 or something. Feel the burn, mike.

Meanwhile, Master Goodale and I are slinging bitter TNT back and forth. Whose will prove more bitter? I dunno, but I bet the ghosts of those dear departed Ruskie ATG gunners have an opinion. I have, however, lost three cook carriers and the cooks they carried. No soup for you!

As for SgtGoody, in Fog Bowl 2 my tanks have spotted his scouts, and miserably failed to land rounds anywhere near them. We promptly executed a few minstrels to make a point.

[ February 03, 2003, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: Becket ]

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I'm back. I was away on Saturday and Sunday at a Stag Night. Ye gods, it was dull. When you've seen one pair of naked, oiled lesbians pleasuring each other you've seen them all. :rolleyes:

Beer? Don't talk to me about beer.

I am on detox for a month.

Turns will be shipped when I can be sure what I am playing.

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Originally posted by Becket

a bunch of simpering, limp-wristed mush
Good, keep stoking those fires boy we sure could use the light.

Originally posted by Soddball

I am on detox for a month.

Me too! Is yours self-induced or court-ordered? Mine is self-induced, well girlfriend induced actually, but it serves my base desires to go along for the ride.

Playing a lil game with Dave H this weekend. At least I am. I haven't killled, maimed, burned or mutilated any of his forces yet but those things are on the list.

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

Originally posted by Soddball

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

I am on detox for a month.

Me too! Is yours self-induced or court-ordered? Mine is self-induced, well girlfriend induced actually, but it serves my base desires to go along for the ride.


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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

I wanted to beat Leutnant Hortlund at CM but all I got was my arse kicked. I am his wife now.


I dont want you as my wife!!

...now everyone will think I'm gay. </font>

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Alright ladies enough of the chit chat and start flinging some TNT!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

By the way, I have a really nicescenario I made (I know I know, but this one really is). It's the one Wally and I are playtesting and I have made improvements based on Wally's feedback and my own experience with the game. He's doing quite well as the Germans considering I MADE THE SCENARIO!! ahem ahem. . .

Anyway, I would really like for two people to playtest the revision of this scenario. I can promise it will be quite fun. Wally and I are having a "blast". I would be looking for feedback and the results after the battle and it would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping this one ends up in the scenario depot. It should get a pretty high "GRARGAGRAGRGR!!" factor. :mad:

Let me know, but don't bother if you don't have a medium power or better PC.

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So is this a closed party, you TNT up-chucking, chicken choking, goat gang-banging bunch of Nancy-boys?

Or can I get in on the fun as well? :D

If one of you big Jessie's sends me a set-up I'll be chucking TNT back at you faster before you can lisp "Up yer kilt!".

At this point I am partial to the German forces, but I don't really care as they all die in the same, glorious way.

Oh, Mister GoodAle, I just built up a new machine that can handle your scenario if'n you care to chuck it my way.

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You scum sacks better get those turns out and you better do it fast!! :mad: Soddball!! You want to be my bitch??!! :mad: I haven't heard from you in a while!! Same goes for you Snarker you castrated TNT carrying sheep banger! :mad:

:mad: TNT coming your way. I;m going to run you ragged, you growling saline-dipped mandril!!! :mad: :mad:
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Aaahh looky here Sgian Dubh . You see the bold is much better for berating one. Here is an example:


I will be playing as the glorious German Horde in an as-yet-untested game made by none other than Becket.

Cheers :D

{editted because I spelled Besket (which is too close to a useful food item) not Becket (which is a great big steaming coil of excrement on the front lawn of Life)

[ February 03, 2003, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

I will be playing as the glorious German Horde in an as-yet-untested game made by none other than Becket.

Hehehe. I look forward to hearing what happens. By that, I mean I want to hear weeping and gnashing of teeth from both of you as the TNT wipes the smiles off your faces.
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Originally posted by Sgian Dubh:

So is this a closed party, you TNT up-chucking, chicken choking, goat gang-banging bunch of Nancy-boys?

Or can I get in on the fun as well? :D

If one of you big Jessie's sends me a set-up I'll be chucking TNT back at you faster before you can lisp "Up yer kilt!".

At this point I am partial to the German forces, but I don't really care as they all die in the same, glorious way.

Oh, Mister GoodAle, I just built up a new machine that can handle your scenario if'n you care to chuck it my way.

Ooohhh booooyyyy you maggot-breeding, amoeba spawn licking, fesces-eating, fat-assed, non-exercising, non-TNT-Chucking, napalm-fearing, non-tank-identifying, non-Hitler-knowing, Nazi-loving, flag-burning, flag-stomping, twinkle-toed, wormy looking, weasel-faced little PUKE!!

:mad: :mad: Who do you think you are asking for my scenario huh!!???? :mad: YOU CAN'T HANDLE MY SCENARIO!! you yeller faced, tail-turning, skunk-piss-loving, punk-rocking, nasty-smelling, non-limb-severing spawn of a tadpole afterbirth!! If you don't have balls the size of Texas (each one! :mad: ) and a PC that slaps you in the face and kicks you in the nads every time you so much as reach for the power button YOU AINT SH*T!! :mad: :mad:

It's on the way scum nuts. :mad:

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