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AleMaster's Waffle of Cheery Threats

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Ho-boy-ho-boy-oh-boy, looks like the prize department had some extra TNT to fling out to all you good folks. Dave H and I will be flinging molten bits of Ruskie and Kraut TNT at each in the same scenario that Becket will be surren...er..playing. I will be playing the invincible German horde while those two nancy-boys will be playing the God-Forsaken-Heathen-Unwashed masses that make up the Russian....*stifles a chuckl*...army.

*full blown laughter*

Now before you two reprobates put your collective 2 brain cells together, each one of you maggots got a different setup. I WILL BE FLINGING TNT AT BOTH OF YOU, but in slightly different ways. ARRRGGHHH what a grand time to be had by all. :mad: :mad:

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My game versus MasterGoodale has finally kicked off. At this rate of turn exchange, I predict completion by doomsday. Unfortunately, our first turn is a 600k file - and I haven't moved anything. Lordy knows what the later ones are going to be like. :eek:

Still, looking on the bright side, there's few joys greater than the knowledge that shortly before the end of the world, MasterGoodale will be able to add my name to the (by then) infinitely long list of people who have kicked his molten TNT arse!!

Interestingly, I received an invitation to a wedding today. One of my school friends is marrying a warthog. I may have left it too late to warn him off, I think. Anyone ever seen a warthog wrapped in 2 acres of white silk? Urhhhhh.

Hortlund and I are still slogging it out even though he should have won by now. Wretched game. I want dry ground conditions in future or I'm going to sulk.

Teddy Windsor has clearly been so terrified by my last turn that he can't send the next one. :D

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Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Soddball:

This is to inform you that opening the setup I received from Mike the Wino was much like removing the mask from the Phantom of the Opera! The horror! :eek: Everything about this scenario shrieks "Run Away!" The overpowering sense of gloom and doom. The maze of roads through the dark woods. The buildings, which have all the subtle charm of Alcatraz. The units, which I suspect you have created exclusively for this game. The only familiar unit so far is a truck.

In summary, I can't imagine the dark images swirling through your fevered brain which spawned this monstrosity. I suspect it has something to do with prolonged exposure to AleMasterWaffle and his hellish TNT. Seek help immediately. ;)


Dave H

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You maggots don't have a clue what real is!!! :mad: I'm getting pretty damn impatient with the lack of turns popping their cowardly heads up in my inbox!! :mad:

I'm gonna chuck, slather, spew, toss, throw, heave, sling, propel, and splash so much bitter, furious, angry, emotionally disturbed, recently-released-from-prison, irate, white-hot TNT at your pathetic, fat, out-of-shape, wussy, cowardly, non-tnt-chucking, non-trigger-pulling, non-fighting, sheep-banging, goat-licking, amoeba-loving, kraut-worshipping, flag-burning, american-hating, terrorist-harboring, non-photo-identifying, Hitler-loving asses you'll beg for the days of Hitler!! :mad: :mad:

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Mister Goodale received a turn from me last night containing bitter fury of TNT. I expect him to run and hide when it arrives. I have lured him out by cleverly placing units on top of large, bare hillsides, and now I will spring my trap. As a side note, it appears the map we are using was meant to represent the entirety of Central Asia.

mike the wino received a setup from me for Soddball's scenario from hell. Ooooh, ruined buidlings. Wait a minute, how come I've only got one unfit halfwounded tank crew to move around here???? :mad: Jokes aside, it looks to be a wicked map.

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Okay, SgtGoody, with the ROW Overflow tourney in some strange alternate world of delays and exposed files, I've got time for one more PBEM if you'd like. Email is in the profile -- say, a pure tank battle on the steppe, 1500 points, May 1943? light trees, moderate hills, large map?

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In an almost divine manner, the systematic obliteration and cleansing of the TNT chucking (theoretically, anyhow), heretical, impudent swine of the world that we call master goodale is in process. His infantry, obviously bemoaning their fate, and despairing of ever surviving, have finally gotten into close combat, and I can confidently say, are not doing well. Meanwhile, holy vengence, in the form of a pure and righteous crusader we call a Panzer, has smashed a group of enemy T-34s to tiny bits. Not that it matters, thoguh, as the scenario designer saw fit to equip him with an ENTIRE GUARDS TANK ARMY, which has so far managed to kill an ATG and some stupid infantyr who didn't realize firing their weapons at long ranges when KVs are near, especially when you've been assigned a cover arc, is a bad idea. And is currently moving to try and flank me too.

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Dave H regarding a few of your points:

This is to inform you that opening the setup I received from Mike the Wino was much like removing the mask from the Phantom of the Opera! The horror!
Really I was thinking more of "The Nightmare Before Christmas". You know, dark, dreary, devoid of life, yet expertly crafted in a very sick and twisted way...not unlike the author himself.

Seek help immediately
I have contacted the proper authorities in unmentioned person's hometown (cleverly taken from his profile) and was informed that they were away of said indidual. Alas, they also mentioned that they had no intention of picking him up as they wanted as little to do with the man as possible. No luck there, just be glad you have your computer to seperate you from him. :D

And to Becket , try sticking the unfit tank crew into the truck (mentioned by Dave H) and come on over to see me. Giving away all your force composition so quickly. I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!! MUHAHAAHAHAHAHA

All you base are belong to me...or somefink :D

[ January 28, 2003, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

And to Becket , try sticking the unfit tank crew into the truck (mentioned by Dave H) and come on over to see me. Giving away all your force composition so quickly. I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!! MUHAHAAHAHAHAHA

All you base are belong to me...or somefink :D

Au contraire, mon schmapti. I neglected to mention that the unfit tank crew was loaded out with several Holy Blessed Bales of Most Sanctified TNT. Thy destruction is both imminent and assured. :mad:
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Soddball WTF!!! :mad: This is supposed to be THE ALTAR OF TNT-CHUCKIN :mad: :mad: :mad: , not the feckin "Three Blind Mice Visit the Volga". Two of my squads bumped into each and I swear one squad is all carrying canes. A night battle in the fog?!?!? Did you personally gouge out the eyes of every single one of squads or did you leave a few with sight? Haven't seen either Becket or Dave H but that truck they mentioned...I have one too. MUHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Where the smeg are my turns? I have one from Hortlund but sod all else from anyone else? I shipped mine out days ago. :(

I need my fix!

How peculiar - I've now shipped you turn 88 of MG's masterpiece on the 24th, 27th and 28th. I've not had any indication that there's been any problem with them and my two other PBEM games are progressing nicely. Any ideas?


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Originally posted by mike the wino:


Soddball ... Haven't seen either Becket or Dave H but that truck they mentioned...I have one too. MUHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!

You won't see us, either, unless we literally run into each other. I think it's obvious - this scenario is a game of chicken with our trucks attempting to run each other off the road. Maybe all of the TNT Soddball mentioned is continuous minefields lining all the roads. First truck to leave the pavement loses! :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike the wino:


Soddball ... Haven't seen either Becket or Dave H but that truck they mentioned...I have one too. MUHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!

You won't see us, either, unless we literally run into each other. I think it's obvious - this scenario is a game of chicken with our trucks attempting to run each other off the road. Maybe all of the TNT Soddball mentioned is continuous minefields lining all the roads. First truck to leave the pavement loses! :rolleyes: </font>
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Hello all. I have been absent of late from our thread due to poor health. I am getting to the point where I can sit in front of my computer for a few minutes at a time now. I got excited a week or so back thinking I was pretty much able to do what I wished. However it did not last long and I discovered it was due to pain meds.

I have been working on a scenario for PB vs. MG Two. Let me know when you gentleman will be ready please. I think it is time to switch sides MG as Axis vs PB Allied. A more balanced effort as MG has become an experienced player. I thoroughly enjoyed your excellent AAR gentleman, thank you!

[ January 29, 2003, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

Where the smeg are my turns? I have one from Hortlund but sod all else from anyone else? I shipped mine out days ago. :(

I need my fix!

How peculiar - I've now shipped you turn 88 of MG's masterpiece on the 24th, 27th and 28th. I've not had any indication that there's been any problem with them and my two other PBEM games are progressing nicely. Any ideas?

Teddy </font>

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Hello all. I have been absent of late from our thread due to poor health. I am getting to the point where I can sit in front of my computer for a few minutes at a time now. I got excited a week or so back thinking I was pretty much able to do what I wished. However it did not last long and I discovered it was due to pain meds.

I have been working on a scenario for PB vs. MG Two. Let me know when you gentleman will be ready please. I think it is time to switch sides MG as Axis vs PB Allied. A more balanced effort as MG has become an experienced player. I thoroughly enjoyed your excellent AAR gentleman, thank you!

Groovy to see you back, baby. Hope you feel better soon. MasterGoodale might have become a more experienced player, but he still sucks like a 10$ whore.
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I am now thinking that SgtGoody and Soddball are in cohoots. The former has somehow arranged to have our tank match thrown into a pea soup fog.

This must be Fog Week in CMBB.

Oh, and Master Goodale, whar be my turn?

(maybe with 5 edits I'll sort all the kinks out)

[ January 29, 2003, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: Becket ]

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Glad to see that Abbott is alive and well. This tread needs a man like him. Soddbal is a wanker with no redeeming qualities and a penchant for buggery....so I have heard. Welcome back Abbott and Gods speed on the road to recovery.

Now to the real point of my post...f*ing wanker opponents. You know who you are. Filthy-mouth-breathing-knuckle-dragging-inbred-country-music-listening-limp-d*ck-bastiches....I hate you. Now, when/ if I find you I will rain down the holy, all cleansing TNT to bring your heathen souls back to the altar of TNT CHUCKIN. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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