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CMBB Graphics

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I've read review after review that knock the graphics of CMBB.

I don't understand why.

Are the graphics in WarCraft3 realy that mind blowing? I've seen that game, graphics were good, but not good enough for me to think they were anything special.

If the reviewers are playing all the games on the same rig they reviewed Morrowind on then there should be no complaints about the graphics from reviewers.

I have a nice system i built myself and it's in my opinion that modded, with Anti Aliasing enabled CMBB is one of the prettiest games i've played.

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I totally agree! The reviewers dont seem to notice the huge scale this game has and they also seem to ignore the complexity and love in this game I'am sick of seeing only moderate reviews for a revolutionary game! nobody has even come close to creating something like CMBB or even CMBO! LONG LIVE CM!

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I think that you, Gaylord Focker, forgot one important aspect of reviews: they are the opinion of 1 person.

That being said, you also have to keep in mind that reviewers are brainless wankers who should all be drug into the streets and run over. I was reading a review of "The Two Towers" and the knuckle-draggin'-mouth-breather had the gall to bitch about the fact that there was no recap of the first movie. WTF? What literate individual has not read the LOTR series? Barring that, the friggin' movie was released LAST year. Hell, it was still playing in some theaters a month before "The Two Towers" came out. If you can't remember what happened in your life within the last calender year how the hell do you get through life?

To sum up, reviewers suck and should die.

Thank you. :D

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Nah face it the CMBB graphics are not all that. Take a look at the graphics in Age of Mythology which offers a max of about 200 units on screen, all fully modelled, detailed structures, animated water, proper smoke, flames etc, and different zoom levels..

it does not detract from the gameplay, but the graphics in CMBB are pretty basic, slab sided structures, only two levels of damage, basic flame textures, no dynamic lighting at all, and clunky character models with "insta-change" animations (eg, when a soldier goes from pinned to routed/panic and about to die, the model jumps from lying down to the 'march' animation, as though he is on parade .. rifle over the shoulder .. then if he dies, the model goes instantly from march to 'dead body', whereas AOM and other eye candy oriented war games offer complex and satisfying movement/mode/death animations).. I could go on for ages but it would sound like a CMBB flame and its not, just pointing out that the graphics, ah, 'do the job' and no more, and that is why reviewers are quick to warn people who care about graphics more than gameplay, right up front, what they are getting (or not getting).

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Originally posted by Terrapin:

I call it the "Operation Flashpoint" issue. Reviewers are so used to seeing high-poly/super-res individual models, due to small scale games like UT and Q3, that they don't look at the scale of the game.

I agree

there are some games out there with spectacular graphics. I think Age of Empires with ALL those units and HORSES is a example of GREAT graphics, BUT the comparison with CMBB is unfair because the games are fundamentally different.

OFP is another game with stupendous graphics!

I think the CMBB graphics are dated and not at all state of the art, but then SO WHAT! smile.gif its a great game!

BUT I agree with the reviewers that knock CMBB and CMBO for their graphics, BUT those who are buying the game seem to be buying irrespective of the "dated" graphics.

My point is that compared to OFP the CMBB graphics are NOT great BUT SO WHAT :confused: NO other game compares to CMBB or CMBO for historical accuracy in a game of that scale in that time period. NOTHING can touch CMBB for its accuracy, scope, detail and completeness.

-tom w

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Originally posted by Laox:

Nah face it the CMBB graphics are not all that. Take a look at the graphics in Age of Mythology which offers a max of about 200 units on screen, all fully modelled, detailed structures, animated water, proper smoke, flames etc, and different zoom levels..

it does not detract from the gameplay, but the graphics in CMBB are pretty basic, slab sided structures, only two levels of damage, basic flame textures, no dynamic lighting at all, and clunky character models with "insta-change" animations (eg, when a soldier goes from pinned to routed/panic and about to die, the model jumps from lying down to the 'march' animation, as though he is on parade .. rifle over the shoulder .. then if he dies, the model goes instantly from march to 'dead body', whereas AOM and other eye candy oriented war games offer complex and satisfying movement/mode/death animations).. I could go on for ages but it would sound like a CMBB flame and its not, just pointing out that the graphics, ah, 'do the job' and no more, and that is why reviewers are quick to warn people who care about graphics more than gameplay, right up front, what they are getting (or not getting).

I agree.

I have not seen or played Age of Mythology but I have heard/read it has STUNNING graphics with GREAT attention to detail in the characters.

YES the reviewers should tell folks about the dated graphics in CMBB its only fair...

"that is why reviewers are quick to warn people who care about graphics more than gameplay, right up front, what they are getting (or not getting)"

-tom w

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It comes down to priorities. The people who make WC3 and AoM have big budgets and lots of employees. They have the resources and personel to make the game pretty. In warcraft's case it has to be pretty to disguise the fact that it's still basiclly the same game as the majority of other RTS's and that your shelling out 50 bucks for nothing new or original.

In the case of CMBB they obviously spent more time on making it accurate, intelligent, and realistic then on making it pretty. That being said I think that the graphics of CMBB more then get it done. While the infantry may not be the best looking I don't have any other complaints about the rest of the graphics.

I'll take right over pretty anyday.

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That being said, you also have to keep in mind that reviewers are brainless wankers who should all be drug into the streets and run over. I was reading a review of "The Two Towers" and the knuckle-draggin'-mouth-breather had the gall to bitch about the fact that there was no recap of the first movie. WTF? What literate individual has not read the LOTR series? Barring that, the friggin' movie was released LAST year. Hell, it was still playing in some theaters a month before "The Two Towers" came out. If you can't remember what happened in your life within the last calender year how the hell do you get through life?

Yup, Peter Jackson said in an interview on the extended version that part 2 would NOT have a recap, and that people who were not familiar with the first movie could go out and rent it the week before Two Twoers came out.
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It really comes down to presentation, now doesn't it? Like the brilliant student essay that's sloppily written. It's a rare prof that has the ability to grade the essay on content alone, and not be affected by the presentation. Although I agree that the CM presentation is passable, really not bad at all. AoM of course is light years ahead of CM in terms of presentation, but they had a much bigger staff and budget, and they could limit what they needed the game to do in terms of polygon pushing by adapting the game to the engine. Can't really do that with a historical simulation.

At any rate I'm looking forward to what Steve and Charles have in store for the rewrite. If anyone can make a good looking yet realistic game, them's the guys.

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After reading these post's about graphics in CM I laid back in my chair and thought of my favorite wargames.........Advanced Squad Leader(board game)....Close Combat 1 2 3...........Panzer Elite........and I think....Dang! CMBO and CMBB are the ultimate wargames for wargamers! Graphic wise?.............it works ok for me. When I'm in the heat of battle I'm not looking at how pretty the trees and tanks look! If you want "state of the art" graphics you need to go eleswhere to a company like "Blizzard" or "EA games' where gameplay and reality is sacrificed for "eye candy"! I want a good WW2 gaming experiance, either moving "counters" on a hexgrid or moving units on a 3D map! :cool:

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Personally I run CMBO fully modded and I think it's visually beautiful. And CMBB ain't too bad even straight out of the box. O.K. I only have the demo, but between it and all the screenies I've seen I'd say CMBB looks almost as good as my fully modded CMBO. In any case I'm with the substance over looks crowd. No Warcraft or G.I. Combat crap for this guy!

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Wow!!! :D saw you at Cloose combat forum some years ago? I liked games you listed too smile.gif

But that 3d engine could be improved... well I don't know... gamemakers goals...: with that graphicks CM could be run on all PC from P-160, but if you have P3 with Geforse3 you want more smile.gif models could have more faces with the same FPS.

CM conseption is great, but graphicks... it may be better!!! Especialy aditional effects.

[ January 03, 2003, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: Leit ]

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The graphics in CMBB are nothing short of tremendous if you look at the game from a World War Two afficionados perspective. This is something the game reviewers are incapable of telling you because they are not solely interested in the subject matter. They look at the game strictly from the perspective that it is another game that has hit the market. If you are someone who is into the latest game with the best eye candy then you might not be that impressed with CMBB.

When I see Waffen SS grenadiers clad in Fall pattern Oak A camo smocks run across the Russian steppe followed by a Tiger with zimmerit anti-magnetic mine paste that gets whacked by a T-34/85 with Soviet slogans painted on the side I can only smile. Everything in the game looks unbelievably historically accurate. The community of dedicated modders for the game only make this better. I can't say enough for the modders, you know who you are, you folks are to be commended.

If you are just as impressed with whacking Klingon battlecruisers in the Orion sector as you are with zapping demons with your plasma gun or driving your Indy car around the track then CMBB might not look so good to you. If your interest is in tanks burning in the streets of Stalingrad and 44 dot camo then the graphics are more than sufficient to get you excited.

I have played WWII games whose graphics did not impress me half as much as the Combat Mission games. From a historical accuracy perspective the other games also left something to be desired.

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CM wins the Sarge Kelly Favorite Game Contest the way Ferrari won the F1 Championship this year : with more points than all its opponents put together.

I have played a few other games since getting into CM (well, it's been a few years after all), but I'd say 95% of my time behind the screen still goes to CM.

Just to show that I think it's a GREAT game.

It cannot be beaten for realism by anything ever produced or - for that matter - likely to be produced within the near future (apart from other BTS products, of course :D ). This is still what matters beyond all else.

And now for the inevitable but : the houses and buildings do get a little old after a while. The landscape for the most part still looks like it had never been touched by humans before the war got to it. If I could add anything to CM, it would be human clutter.

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Sure you could have a game out there that has better quality graphics, but how many people could run it?
*raises hand* oh oh me me. im planning on getting WWII RTS and im currently upgrading my machine to GOD MODE and it should be able to run this baby




Guys, there are some excellent CMBO sound mods out there already. All you have to do is DL them and reneame 'em to the CMBB wavs you want to replace.

hmmm are wav numbers the same as CMBO? if not then forget it, im still waiting. i really liked the heavy tank mod sound for CMBO saweet tell me the numbers then i will just change that
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