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There Is A Light That Never Goes Out, The Peng Challenge Thread, Stretch Out And Wait

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

One more note -- whining to Old Foul Joe won't work. One of my earliest and fondest memories of the MBT was listening to Joe rant and rave that Blood Hamster or no, nobody could force him to play a game against anyone else, or force him to put anything in his sig line that he didn't want to put there. He then stated that if he was forced to take the Blood Hamster, why, he'd just pick up his marbles and go home.

We were all real hopeful, but he came back a week later anyway.

Mebbe you should ask HRH Meeks?


Sometin was rattlin around in me skull that sez yer right aboot the Justicar an Bloody Hamsters but then I had a drink and realized that I was aboot to agree with you on somfink and that would not be good for morale or me morals or morels. Nope it would be bad all aroond.

Ask Meeks? HA! Meeks is as useful as a toilet made of yarn. I died a boredom three times in one 60 second period waiting for the bugger to return a turn. The turd. Meeks. HA! The mook. Oh wait. I thought ya said Hiram. Meeks makes sense. Hiram is the mook. Nevermind.



Pee Ess: Mike_the_wanker. Shut yer festrin fest ya feh! Yer ain got enough fust to faust a furst. Phoooey!

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I am going to do something that freezes me gonads in their sac, brings me gorge to a olympian high and uses several pilot boats to harbor my grudge... I am calling for a point{s} of order from the Justicar of the MBT.

Point the eleventh:

Can an olde one be sent to coventry even by himself or a kanigget?

Point the harumph:

Can a kanigget ignore a Blood Hamster challenge? If so, why? And if not what are the paramificationistics of doing same?

I'm a busy man damnit, it's a quarter of nine in the PMish here and I'm working away ... never mind that I squoozed in nine holes, I've been busy and deserved it.

But busy or no I can't refuse the call of an Olde One for a ruling ... and of course MrSpkr is CLEARLY incapable of rendering such in the approved fashion.

No Olde One, Knight, Squire nor Serf of the CessPool shall be forced to play a match of CM against anyone for any reason or no reason even if there is one. Nor may a Blood Hamster match be forced upon someone not willing to undertake same for any reason or no reason or even a partial reason. Should the Blood Hamster match be proposed it may be accepted or rejected without prejudice of any sort or no sort.

As to the question of Coventry the matter becomes more muddled. Originally it was only envisioned that SSNs would be sent to Coventry since the selection process would have weeded out the dwebs and dorks. Unfortunately Seanachai let his GOOD NATURE get the best of him AGAIN and some dweb, I've forgotten who immediately, was actually TAKEN TO SQUIRE prematurely. I ranted and raved against it of course for I COULD SEE THE FAULT IN HIM IF NO OTHER COULD but I was overulled and overeached and a Squire was made where none should have been.

Then, as was inevitable, the TRUTH came out and the dweb was discovered and it became NECESSARY to send a Squire to Coventry.

It therefore is clear that we have a conundrum on our hands should it ever become necessary to send a Knight of the CessPool to Coventry ... can it be done? Of course in THIS case we are speaking of Olde Ones and, let's be honest here, no one listens to them anyway so it seems to me that the point is moot.

My turns will be greatly delayed, for weeks it may be as I'm on the road come Monday and I'll only be home on the weekends if then. The odds are that I'll not be spending much time on the computer in that case but you never know.


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Originally posted by Leeo:

If I had a Peng, I would lop it off, burn it on a pyre, and bury it in the bottom of a geologically stable salt mine, post haste.

No No ! Silly little loser-to-be.

You put it in a Subduction Zone, and wait for it to pop out of a volcano a few million years down the track.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

It's not GEOGRAPHY, you brainless twit!!!!


Geography. Plate Tectonics. Same diff.

btw You sure get up grumpy in the morning.

Boo stop stalking me!!!, nong.
Grumpiness explained. How's it feel to be Boo's toy boy?


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

It's not GEOGRAPHY, you brainless twit!!!!


Geography. Plate Tectonics. Same diff.

btw You sure get up grumpy in the morning.

Boo stop stalking me!!!, nong.
Grumpiness explained. How's it feel to be Boo's toy boy?

Mace </font>

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Geology, Geography, Phrenology, Episcopalian, Mammalian, Spelunkian...that's what I like about the south!

Stalk YOU, Nidan, former squire that you be? Nay, nay, neigh. I'm gathering info for an article I'm writing for the Ohio Institute of Silly Grants and Pointless Papers. It's going to be called "Nidan: Leisure Suited throw back to the 70's or a silent cry for help? You decide."

But that's just a working title.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Sorry Mace ,BTW what the feck is going on with our game?...is it done? is it over? did you surrender? did I surrender? Let me know...you scrimshanker!!!!


*clears throat with much gusto, unwraps a bit of neatly folded paper, a printout of email received, then quotes*

From a certain USA type person

You won this battle anyway, I can concede that.

I won.


[ September 19, 2003, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Geology, Geography, Phrenology, Episcopalian, Mammalian, Spelunkian...that's what I like about the south!

Stalk YOU, Nidan, former squire that you be? Nay, nay, neigh. I'm gathering info for an article I'm writing for the Ohio Institute of Silly Grants and Pointless Papers. It's going to be called "Nidan: Leisure Suited throw back to the 70's or a silent cry for help? You decide."

But that's just a working title.

Here's some material for you.
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As quoted from the "leisure Suit" article submitted by Nidan:

"When you wear a leisure suit you turn into a completely different person," explains Van Hardin, founder of the convention. "You don't have the tie to inhibit you. You can eat food, and if you spill, it slides right off."

OK, this explains Nidan's attraction to them, what with his dining skills.

"You wad 'em up, throw em in the closet, get 'em out the next day, wear 'em to work and hey, you look good!" says another enthusiast.

The jury's still out on this one, but I can understand Nidan's fascination with clothing that can be wadded up, tossed in a closet, have food spilled on it, doesn't require a sausage-like neck constriction...all of his clothing is always in style.


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btw You sure get up grumpy in the morning.

What are they doing up so early ? Could it be the bed-wetting has escalated lately with the colder weather setting in?

Could it be incontinence from so many drug/booze/weird-life-fetisheseses that have finally caught up ?

Could it be they just can't wait to get their 'fix' by spamming the forum ?

Always pick the obvious answer. They are Idjits...

(Even Elvis has sent 4 turns this morning) He has managed to hack the code as usual and has passed over the hidden power-up location to magick-ely turn Panthers into King Tigers !

....all the time hiding in the fog !


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All right listen up!

I have dusted off my Seniour Kanigget badge and I've decided I need to use it for something. Plus I'm bored.

Therefore, in an effort to inject some Politburo-style hijinks I am throwing my support firmly behind The Justicar!

I don't like him, I don't like what he stands for, and I don't like that "old person" smell that clings to him, but the time has come for someone to put his foot down and that foot is ME. Besides, I dislike all of you even more for some reason lately.

So let it be known that House Persiflage stands ready to support The Justicarate in all its scheming and manhoovering, at least until such time as I decide otherwise.

Pondscum!! Be a good Kanigget and knock the dung off of my boots and hook up the car batteries to the front gate again. That's a good lad.

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