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There Is A Light That Never Goes Out, The Peng Challenge Thread, Stretch Out And Wait

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I actually needed a lawyer once. Or twice. They can be a pain in the arse, but one sure appreciates having a good one on their side when necessary.

You can also use them to distract angry bears while you make good your escape.

And what were you doing in the woods with a lawyer, Leeeeo? Anything you'd care to share with the rest of us? A little bucolic slap and tickle?
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And what were you doing in the woods with a lawyer, Leeeeo? Anything you'd care to share with the rest of us? A little bucolic slap and tickle?

Methinks your mind wanders too readily to the "manly" arts. Familiarity breeds prurience, eh Boo?
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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And what were you doing in the woods with a lawyer, Leeeeo? Anything you'd care to share with the rest of us? A little bucolic slap and tickle?

Methinks your mind wanders too readily to the "manly" arts. Familiarity breeds prurience, eh Boo? </font>
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First, let me clearly state that at no time have I ever DESIRED or actually BEEN alone in the woods with ANY of you lot, let alone Leeo or dalem. In all actuality, if forced to choose between just such a jaunt and, say, eating my own flesh, I'd quickly and happily ask for some silverware and a spot of ketchup (it really does go with everything, you know).

Second, Seanachai, is it MY fault that the youth of today are so emotionally fragile? Hmm? Better still, am I the one that invites all manner of outerboarders into the thread, then urges everyone to give "just one more chance, I think he can be redeemed, honest"?

Look inward, mighty Bard.

On a happier note, I received funds from that Dweezil chap today. More ammunition for the poor inner-city youths who, until this fine program, had never felt the joy of handling a rifle.

9mm handguns are, of course, another story entirely.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I'm down to three opponents now because of that whole beta nightmare.

Not to worry, not to worry. I'm making a very nice map for our little contretemps, don't you know. Yes a very, very fine map with big woodsy things and wet places and sort of wet places and nasty, rocky things. I believe it will provide much amusement, dear Hiram (pronounced HEE-ram).

(Edited to say: Right. My name is Boo Radley, but I pronounce it Jello Biafra.)

[ September 18, 2003, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Boo Radley ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

9mm handguns are, of course, another story entirely.


I'm telling you man, get a Steyr M9. Cheap, high quality, looks like a raygun, fun, and mine shoots very well. </font>
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

On a happier note, I received funds from that Dweezil chap today. More ammunition for the poor inner-city youths who, until this fine program, had never felt the joy of handling a rifle.

9mm handguns are, of course, another story entirely.

For the inner-city tots, a few pointers, becuase you know MrSpkr would screw it up,

When operating a firearm, safety is paramount. Here are some tips to reduce the risk of mishaps:

Instill in your children a healthy fear of guns by drunkenly waving one in their faces whenever you've had a few too many.

If you shoot yourself in the foot, immediately contact a therapist to help you confront your fear of success.

Dismantle your gun and melt it into a plowshare.

Have spouse and children wear blaze orange and shout, "Family coming through!" when moving from room to room in your home.

Unload gun each night by firing into ceiling, counting each bullet in screamed German.

Store your gun at least four feet from your liquor cabinet.

Never let your child play with a gun that is loaded.

Stress to your children that guns are only for shooting bad people. Make sure they know the difference between good and bad people by having them name examples of each from their daily lives.

Boil your bullets to prevent transmitting germs to people you shoot.

Never use a firearm to settle a poker dispute, unless it's the absolute last option.

Shoot a puppy at point-blank range to illustrate to your children the seriousness of guns.

When preparing to pistol-whip someone, make sure the safety is on.

Don't leave bullets on the floor where you can slip on them. That's the real killer.

Now, MrSpkr, after they put you away for inciting the next schoolyard massacre, could you please find the time to return a file?
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Better still, am I the one that invites all manner of outerboarders into the thread, then urges everyone to give "just one more chance, I think he can be redeemed, honest"?

Look inward, mighty Bard.


No, no, you're not getting away with saying I brought Gaylord in here. That was Panzer Leader, that was, who went out there and dragged him back here with a piece of string tied around his neck and asked if he could keep him.

However, I am, sadly, guilty of arguing again and again that people should give him another chance. I do not regret the instinct, but the results certainly blew chunks, as it were.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

No, no, you're not getting away with saying I brought Gaylord in here. That was Panzer Leader, that was, who went out there and dragged him back here with a piece of string tied around his neck and asked if he could keep him.

And exactly WHO sponsored Panzer Leader, hmmm? WHO threw him the rope and dragged him back from the brink of Coventry?

I say again, sir, YOU are the proximate cause of this matter.

I do agree that the carpet needs to be replaced, though. Perhaps we can get RLeete to do it -- that should raise his spirits after that whole "Help! My Tiger fell and I can't get up!" episode.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Better still, am I the one that invites all manner of outerboarders into the thread, then urges everyone to give "just one more chance, I think he can be redeemed, honest"?

Look inward, mighty Bard.


No, no, you're not getting away with saying I brought Gaylord in here. That was Panzer Leader, that was, who went out there and dragged him back here with a piece of string tied around his neck and asked if he could keep him.

However, I am, sadly, guilty of arguing again and again that people should give him another chance. I do not regret the instinct, but the results certainly blew chunks, as it were. </font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

No, no, you're not getting away with saying I brought Gaylord in here. That was Panzer Leader, that was, who went out there and dragged him back here with a piece of string tied around his neck and asked if he could keep him.

And exactly WHO sponsored Panzer Leader, hmmm? WHO threw him the rope and dragged him back from the brink of Coventry?

I say again, sir, YOU are the proximate cause of this matter.

I do agree that the carpet needs to be replaced, though. Perhaps we can get RLeete to do it -- that should raise his spirits after that whole "Help! My Tiger fell and I can't get up!" episode.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Coupla things:

42. MrSpkr You ignored my last private email at your own doom. I have no other recourse than to declare a Blood Hamster for the usual terms: 30 days of signature lines to be decided by the winner.


1500 points

Infantry only* -human and pod purchased




Large town


1 small VL flag

whatever date region etc you like.

* portable mortars, mgs, TH teams are acceptable. No OBA or vehimacles of any sort. Not even scooters.

Die a lot now or soon I mean.


Hmmmm. MrSpkr If that is his real name has seemingly sent us to coventry. He has not responded to a Blood Hamster challenge, which if I recall correctly doesn't mean a heck of a lot in the grand scheme of things, or in minor scuffle and altercation scheme of things for that matter... erm well. I guess he's a big blousey sissygirrrrl then isn't he? I mean come on a little tussle and he's muttring things like "buggerit slap em with a habeas corpus delecti in flagrante probono forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit armo virumque cano vedi vini vinci caveat emptor cave canem quid pro quo qed villa est villa Romana gallia est omnia divisa in partes tres" kindof a thing and there you have it. Peng's in Coventry and the thread's in Jeapordy and Alex Trebec can't help us. He IS Canadian after all. Alex Trebec that is not The SPEAKER can I buy a vowel, Pat him on the arse and tell him it'll be alright unless of course he's a transplanted Sooner in TexASS.

No it is clearly NOT alright.

I am going to do something that freezes me gonads in their sac, brings me gorge to a olympian high and uses several pilot boats to harbor my grudge... I am calling for a point{s} of order from the Justicar of the MBT.

Point the eleventh:

Can an olde one be sent to coventry even by himself or a kanigget?

Point the harumph:

Can a kanigget ignore a Blood Hamster challenge? If so, why? And if not what are the paramificationistics of doing same?

Point the without:

Should I be troubled by the additional snowfalls of dandruff that have begun since I started on Rogaine? (the stuff {Rogaine} tastes like HELL so I'd be glad to stop taking it.)

Kisses All, {[(Especially Boo}])

Annette Funicello

P.S. Does this milkshake make me look fat?

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Peng deigned to speak to Little old ME?!

Why, I'd be flattered if I didn't know better.

Fact is, I see his name by a post, and I usually just skip over it to something intelligible.

Of course, he does have a good point about smilies, mind you.

I'll get to your Blood Hamster next week, Peng -- this weekend is way too busy.

Until then, why don't you go help your third cousin take the wheels off the family mansion up there in the wilds of Pennsyltucky, okay?


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One more note -- whining to Old Foul Joe won't work. One of my earliest and fondest memories of the MBT was listening to Joe rant and rave that Blood Hamster or no, nobody could force him to play a game against anyone else, or force him to put anything in his sig line that he didn't want to put there. He then stated that if he was forced to take the Blood Hamster, why, he'd just pick up his marbles and go home.

We were all real hopeful, but he came back a week later anyway.

Mebbe you should ask HRH Meeks?


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

P.S. Does this milkshake make me look fat?

No, it's the fat that makes you look fat.

In a battle of epic proportions I have smited?, smitten? , smote?...hells bells I just blew up one of Lars funny little German clown cars. It's turn 1. I like the way things are going.

As a squirrel to the fair lady Y2K, shouldn't I have been blessed with an old sausage or sumfink?

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