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When Is The U.N Finally Going To Inspect The Peng Challenge?

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

<font size=-1>It is...good to post again, my children.

I have done battle with the Powers of MSN, who had taken up the gauntlet of endlessly screwing me over from Qwest (who are rather like MSN in that they are horribly incompetent, and wanted to be Evil, but found that their incompetence was getting in the way of being Evil, and so gave the whole thing up and slunk off to make their entire ISP division an offering to Microsoft, thereby doubtless hoping to curry favour and possibly a little more status in Hell, where Berli vies daily with Bill Gates over who shall hold dominion over mankind...)



We tried. We tried so very, very hard. We did our absolute utmost to keep the bastage offline for as long as possible. But sadly, you just can't keep a sick querulous old gnome down.* We apologise for this breakdown in our service.

*You can PUT one down of course, but that's another story. And I don't think we're allowed to take out "that sort of contract" these days, not after the DOJ case.

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Weapon of mass destruction posted by Bone_Vulture:

{some evil nasty picture of a gay-bar loiterer - not that there's anything wrong with that}

Thus thread has now been officially sanctioned by no other than V-Ice himself. Thank you.

Resolution posted by Moraine Sedai:

Where's that GRUE when you need him?

*scene: Grue's office - The receptionist answers the phone*

Hello, GRUE's office. How can I help you?

<font size = 1>mMMm murfle murf mmmm mumble moo!</font>

Sorry, it seems GRUE will be away ill for the next few days.

<font size = 1>mMMm murfle murf mmmm</font>


<font size = 1>mMMm murfle murf mmmm</font>

Hmmm Hmmmmmm.

Yes. Something about being traumatised by some horrid picture.

<font size = 1>murfle murf?</font>

Stress leave. Yes, that's correct.

<font size = 1>murf mmmmm mug?</font>

Sorry about that. Have a nice day!


[ February 25, 2003, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:


I knew it. He has been kidnapped. These horrid images are his pathetic way of begging us to rescue him. Someone round up some Bangladeshi troops, I am going to drive over there and rescue the <font size=-2>King</font>.

Two questions:

Where the hell is he, and how do you waterproof a Passat?

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Originally posted by sgtGOody:

Where the hell is he, and how do you waterproof a Passat?

1) Second star to the left, straight on til morning.

2) Duct tape and plastic sheeting, of course. Sheesh, don't you keep up with ANYTHING?


[ February 25, 2003, 02:51 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

In my more rational moments, of course, such thoughts made me want to commit 'Polish Suicide', which is painless and bringing us many changes .

Yes ,men is bad ,and world is evil...


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by sgtGOody:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:


I knew it. He has been kidnapped. These horrid images are his pathetic way of begging us to rescue him. Someone round up some Bangladeshi troops, I am going to drive over there and rescue the <font size=-2>King</font>.

Two questions:

Where the hell is he, and how do you waterproof a Passat? </font>

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A laugh, a giggle, and then a hearty guffaw, to hear that our own "King of Verbosity" Seanachai , has just returned from the great battle with the evil darkness which is MICROSOFT.

After heaping mounds of abuse on my poor former Leige, for his continued difficulties with the horrid Butterfly, one Seanachai apparently was off line because of same said Butterfly. Is it just dumb luck that both of these sods claim MSN problems to avoid the rigors of CM combat or is it a plan?

Boo_: Seanachai, we are both continually getting our asses kicked, is it tactical ineptitude or something far worse, what to do?

Seanachai: I tell you what Boo_, let us feign PC problems, you know we can blame our Oulook progam, or...wait even better...MSN is a big target, everyone hates Bill Gates.

Boo: Good idea, you are so smart, I often wondered why I fawn over you so much...I have used that ploy many times to avoid sending turns.

Seanachai: Good, my favorite lickspittle, I'll stop posting and sending turns for awhile, and after a period of time, you post something about missing me terribly.

Boo: Yes, yes, another wonderful idea, you are so clever, these fools will never realize.

Seanachai: OK Boo, I have to run now, the "Paul Hogan Marathon" is starting on the Oxygen Channel now.

Boo: Bye Seanachai, one thing though....I never really meant all the bad things I said about Minnesota, I have always secretly wanted to move there. I have kept my "Sons of Norway" membership current all these years.

Seanachai: I know, Boo, I know.....

[ February 25, 2003, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>I demand that all of my opponents be inspected for Weapons of Mass Loserosity. They are clearly hiding something. Everything. Anything.</font>

I demand that the Ambassador of Minnesota* submit a turn AT ONCE.


I also warn the Representative of Nobbitland that if the promised setup is not forthcoming from him WITHIN 24 HOURS, my glorious forces will be FORCED to pre-emptively generate one and invade his inbox. And we all know what happened the last two times I did that. Is there screaming still in Nobbitland?

SNIP </font>

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This is so typical.

Seanachai doesn't post in over a week and a scant two and a half hours after I come soaring to his aid, the annoying gadfly is buzzing around with nary a care in the world.

This is what doing good deeds gets you.

This is what doing good deeds gets you with someone who has the attention span of a miniature poodle.

I just hope that you have as much fun with MSN as I've had over the last two years. Make sure you buy yourself the large economy vat of K-Y.

Say "Goodbye" to your last StuG, Seanachai, it's time to pay the piper.

And what ever happened to that wine tournament thingy? You're all a bunch of layabouts and slackers!

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

You have done well, little sycophant. We shall keep him and name him Blixie.

Aww shoot, I was hoping for Kofi.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Toss pants with tissues in the pockets into the washing machine.

Now sod off.

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Nidan you ninny. (Hmmm. I like that. It has a certain alliteration I find soothing.)

Nidan you ninny.

Nidan you ninny.

Nidan you ninny.

(Yup. That's a keeper.)

Nidan you ninny. I don't know what pharmaceutical cocktail you were imbibing when you posted that bizarre passion play of yours, but in reality, Seanachai and I had a wonderful and insightful conversation centering around how so many members of the MBT (Nos morituri mortem, salutamus ave) are right idiots. Oddly enough, your name came up quite often.

Then Seanachai started waxing nostalgic about PawBroon and I made all sorts of crackling noises over the phone and said that I was entering a tunnel.

I then quickly hung up.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Nidan you ninny. (Hmmm. I like that. It has a certain alliteration I find soothing.)

Nidan you ninny.

Nidan you ninny.

Nidan you ninny.

(Yup. That's a keeper.)

Nidan you ninny. I don't know what pharmaceutical cocktail you were imbibing when you posted that bizarre passion play of yours, but in reality, Seanachai and I had a wonderful and insightful conversation centering around how so many members of the MBT (Nos morituri mortem, salutamus ave) are right idiots. Oddly enough, your name came up quite often.

Then Seanachai started waxing nostalgic about PawBroon and I made all sorts of crackling noises over the phone and said that I was entering a tunnel.

I then quickly hung up.

Boo -you such a looser...


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Sigh. So much idiocy, so little time...

Duty first:

The Noble Justicar decreed:

SQUIRE Vadr ... a term paper lad, 24 pages double spaced with some graphics this time
My Liege, it has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm hoping it will do for 24 double-spaced pages as well. I called up some old friends and asked them if they'd do a covert op into Poland for old-times sake. They said 'No' of course, but I still managed to smuggle out a genuine photo of lenakorndog (I like that) through other nefarious means (Berli ain't the only game in town...).

At any rate, here is the evidence, which I'm certain will settle once and for all exactly what "it" is:


And Meeks (I refuse to bold it until the sniveling little coward agrees to a game). Stop dodging me you miserable little muppet. You're worse than Mcgillicutty (did anyone make that loser a Serf yet?). Send me a set up, you festering little boil of a man. Better yet, I believe I'll send You a setup. Care to play Von Lauchert? You can be the Russians...

And oh yeah, speaking of everyone's favorite androgynous Pole, Moraine Sedai posted this little gem in the previous edition of the MBT:

If I just sit back and hit 'Go' and do nothing else, he should finish himself off nicely.
Yeah, that's what I did as well. Great fun isn't it? He/She plays about as well as AJ posts. At any rate, the Aussies (damn them) certainly seem to be having a hard time finding competent Squires...

Lessee here...Lt. Hortlund continues to whine piteously about my Tygers. I guess he can be excused, since said Tygers are currently slicing and dicing his T-34s (my Hungarian PzIII isn't doing badly either).

Well, I guess that's a wrap...oh wait...

Seanachai chattered:

Oh, and it's bloody sodding cold here
Poor baby, my heart bleeds for you. I'd pack you up some 80 degree sunshine and FedEx it up there, but I far more enjoy the thought of you freezing your little tookus off in your rat-infested, cobweb-covered little cave. I hope you freeze to death.

Ah, Roight, is it 1:30 PM already? I'm off for my afternoon dip in the pool!

[ February 25, 2003, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

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