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Save Seanachai!

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Dear Gnome Preservation Society

So distressed that their habitat is under threat. I've always enjoyed a good Gnome staggering around the place...

Please accept some prize brussels sprouts and several *sniff* abstract crayon scribblings for auction plus a very rare Julie Andrews song book.

Will appreciate further news on breeding program and release back into wild.

May I suggest an Adopt a Gnome policy to increase yer revenues? Good, good, I'll have the first one... I'll call it Doris and I want to see it now.


Dear Eeyore:

While we here at the Save Seanachai campaign do believe an Adopt a Gnome program might be a worthwhile endeavor, for legal reasons we are unable to endorse it in regards to this particular gnome.

Frankly, an AdApt a Gnome campaign might be more appropriate, particularly if the adaptation involved involuntary surgery.

However, noting your interest, be assured that we look forward to your prompt donation.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:


Could not Seanachai work off a loan by, say, standing in the front yard as a lawn ornament? I would gladly loan the money for a new card if he was willing to work it off by standing on Berli's front lawn for a few days.


Hey! I'd pay for that! That'd scare the neighbor kids away </font>
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Originally posted by Noba:

and as such a quick whip-around got $2.13 in Aus dollars. Take it or leave it.


Dear Mr. Noba:

We here at the Save Seanachai campaign appreciate your generousity. At today's exchange rates, you have offered $1.37 USD. Please check your email for instructions on making a PayPal donation.

As always, thank you for your support, and tell your friends to help Save Seanachai!


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

and as such a quick whip-around got $2.13 in Aus dollars. Take it or leave it.


Dear Mr. Noba:

We here at the Save Seanachai campaign appreciate your generousity. At today's exchange rates, you have offered $1.37 USD. Please check your email for instructions on making a PayPal donation.

As always, thank you for your support, and tell your friends to help Save Seanachai!

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:



Yes....this offer is available for those of you who made a donation to the SAVE SEANACHAI fund.

All you have to do is email your photograph to me and I will make sure you get your own personalized "Me and Seanachai" picture posted on this thread. Your family and friends won't believe it....they might even be a little bit jealous! You could print it out and frame it...something to cherish for a long time...

All it takes is making a small donation to the SAVE SEANACHAI fund...a very worthy cause (I think).

How much does it cost NOT to have a picture

with Seanachai?


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Settled then. Two postcards on their way in wine bottle.
Originally posted by Berlichtingen: "No wine for the Gnome! Its not good for his gout"
Eh..., the operative word above is "in" and not "with"

[ August 27, 2003, 04:38 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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We Aussies might be a tough and fearsome lot, and upon reflection, for just a moment, I thought to myself, "Gosh, Seanachai and I have more things in common than those which separate us", and I thought "we both play CMBB and have an interest in mil hist," and that lead to the appalling concept that "maybe I could help this degenerate, bludging, Minnesotan bike rack of a pig-eating breakfaster "...

and then I had a reality check – JUST IN TIME!!!

No. Let him suffer. Let him suffer. Let him suffer. Let him suffer. Let him suffer. A long long time. Let him suffer. A long long time.

Think of all those Rwandan kiddies who want to play CMBB. They ought to come first. Think of all those Uzbeks who want to play CMBB. Think of all those Canadian losers who can't afford the CD. Let them all come first.

Think of the Chinese! Let the whole billion of them come first!

So, Seanachai, of cold, frigid, loser-ville Minnesota, my heart has a place for you, but currently it's number 1,238,485,639,278

– and the moment your number comes up, here's a dime for Minnesota!

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Originally posted by Persephone:



Er, Persephone, the campaign might do a bit better if you put Seanachai's head on the other body.

And we'll definitely be needing that empty twelve-pack of Blatz to put over his head later...

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

While we here at the Save Seanachai campaign do not normally support slavery in any form, your statement is intriguing. Please make a definitive offer that we can pass on to poor old Seanachai.

Lessee... a half decent lawn ornament can be had for, say, $20. That would mean that Seanachai is worth, perhaps as much as, $0.50. I'll be generous and offer one crisps US dollar
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

While we here at the Save Seanachai campaign do not normally support slavery in any form, your statement is intriguing. Please make a definitive offer that we can pass on to poor old Seanachai.

Lessee... a half decent lawn ornament can be had for, say, $20. That would mean that Seanachai is worth, perhaps as much as, $0.50. I'll be generous and offer one crisps US dollar </font>
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Am I allowed to colo(u)r up this thread?




  • Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>
  • Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>
  • Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>
  • Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>
  • Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>
  • Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>
  • Wine donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>
  • Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>
  • Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>
  • Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>
  • Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font>

I have never read a review that made me less sure of humanity's ability to finish out the decade, let alone the next millenium. Obviously this 'Reviewer' [of CMBB] is capable of using a computer, and even finding employment (or at least the right to display their almost inspired lack of intelligence under the auspices of an organization), but it's equally clear that they're both incapable, and unashamed of their inability, to actually come to grips with something that requires more intelligent focus and mental participation than an arcade game. On this planet thousands are daily made homeless, crippled, and even killed in pointless and heart-rending incidents of political, ethnic and religious conflict. If any such incident had managed to whack this reviewer, we'd have to consider it worth the anguishSeanachai, CMBB Forum, 10/12/2002.

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The Save Seanachai Project? What a great Idea! Now he can be preserved for future generations along with the other freaks in the Mutter Museum! Oh how the school children will whisper and point! The only question is how do we do it?

We could go with an ancient approach, and take out his guts and brains, fill his belly with preservatives, and then wrap him in cloth strips.

Since he is a romantic at heart, perhaps we go with the way they preserved Nelson after Trafalgar and dunk him in a barrel of rum. Seems like the waste of good booze though.

Maybe the Ted Williams way, and use liquid nitrogen? But what if someone drops him.

I’d say on balance, the tried and true formaldehyde or alcohol is probably the best bet.

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Well, not that, Axe2121. It's not polite. No, I don't care if you like holding it, and do so constantly in any case, it's not seemly in a gathering of people who have not requested to see you naked.

Now, this is my news:

I can once again play Combat Mission!

Yes, a non-technological friend (probably stunned into desperation by my endless litany of the woes of not being able to play CM) came up with a solution so simple, so pure, so straight-forward, that I was left speechless.

It worked.

And it was so laughably simple that I won't tell any of you so as to not hear your mocking laughter.

Sometimes we tend to over-complicate the world, those of us who think we understand things.

So, I am once again able to glory in the joys of Combat Mission: Barbarrosa to Berlin.

Now all I have to do is straighten out my email situation with MSN.

MrSpkr, recall the troops! We're going home!

And to all the fine members of this community who've stepped forward to say: "Who the hell is Seanachai? Oh, that SOB? I hate him! Save him, I wish I could put my foot up..."

Well, to all of you, I give sincere thanks.

For the many, many postings of contemptuous affection here, I thank you all.

Now, don't let this sudden reversal of my misfortunes prevent you from sending imaginative postcards, cards, letters, CDs, DVDs, MP3s, Audio Tapes, or more threatening devices filled with your hatred for me, Seanachai, to the address found elsewhere in this thread (yes, it's my home address, but my mail carrier is quite nice, so nothing that might detonate prematurely, please).

What a great Community, what a great Game, what a great day to do the Underpants Dance of Victory.

I wonder if the neighbours are home?

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Well, you can still have the ten dollars, BUT, Seanachai - you must post a review at the Scenario Depot of the Save Seanachai scenario. An entertaining, jolly sing-song type of review that will keep us in stitches as well as educated.

Off you go.


Congrats on the good news. Glad to see plugging the f'in computer in wasn't beyond your friends, at least.

[ August 28, 2003, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

For the many, many postings of contemptuous affection here, I thank you all.

Tut, tut, not at all, not at all.

Don't think of it as "contemptuous affection" old fellow. No, no. Think of it instead as affectionate comtempt.

Don't you think that scans better?


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Don't think of it as "contemptuous affection" old fellow. No, no. Think of it instead as affectionate comtempt.

Don't you think that scans better?


Yes indeed, Michael.

You know, Emrys and Dorosh, it was my affection for the both of you that led me to include you in the 'Which of These Longtime CM Forum Posters Should Be Put To Death' thread.

I just have hateful ways of showing my affection.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

and as such a quick whip-around got $2.13 in Aus dollars. Take it or leave it.


Dear Mr. Noba:

We here at the Save Seanachai campaign appreciate your generousity. At today's exchange rates, you have offered $1.37 USD. Please check your email for instructions on making a PayPal donation.

As always, thank you for your support, and tell your friends to help Save Seanachai!

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And it was so laughably simple that I won't tell any of you so as to not hear your mocking laughter.

You just want to make people wade through seven pages of the MBT to find out that the solution suggested by your 'friend' was to try the card from your old machine, don't you? Is that any way to treat people who were prepared to stand behind you, dagger in hand, in your hour of need?
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