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Has the Challenge Replaced Peng in CMBB? Who to Blame for the Death of the Cesspool

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

I do not know why I bothered reading all this amateur trolling.

Since you can't follow the rules, twit, you probably cant read anyway, so why bother?

Why don't you TRY TO read this..... SOD OFF!!!

[ January 10, 2003, 08:50 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Since you can't follow the rules, twit, you probably cant read anyway, so why bother?

Why don't you TRY TO read this..... SOD OFF!!!

I was about to leave, when dalem suddenly confessed his homoerotic desires. It was love at the first sight.</font>
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Originally posted by Bone_Smu.....oh I'll leave that alone:

I was about to leave, when dalem suddenly confessed his homoerotic desires. It was love at the first sight.

Gets real cold up there in Finland I guess.

[ January 10, 2003, 09:23 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Er, Dalem, if you and Tom O' Finland could take your negotiations on affection off to a quiet corner, the rest of us could return to business.

R Leete, is that you, my long lost Squire?



Gods know, there's even been talk of getting a court order for digging up the Olde One's firepit area to look for bones. Not to mention the comments made just loud enough for me to hear about the number of my 'current' Squire's whose visage adorns milk cartons and the backside of bulk mail advertising flyers.

I suppose you have some explanation as to where you've been? And where the hell is Malakovski?

[ January 10, 2003, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Alright, I take that back. I believe I've actually begged Dalem not to versify. Which is, I suppose, very like begging for mercy.

But beyond that, I can't imagine any circumstances.

Versify, Seanachai? For you? Why sho' nuff, Sugar. All you had ta do was ask.


Seanachai crack corn, and I don't care,

Seanachai crack corn, and I don't care,

Seanachai crack corn, and I don't caaaaaaaare....

The Peng Challenge Thread's gone away!

Thank you!</font>

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...the hell? Was that dalem and some SSN rolling around in the vestibule? (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) A little bit of discretion may be called for.

R-Leete! If you have time to post, you have time to send a move, and that goes for you too, Seanachai!

I would have been here earlier, but I was reading a thread started by a masochistic Canadian on how America sucks. Just a guess, but I'm betting this kid's hobbies include licking electical outlets and kicking pit bulls.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I would have been here earlier, but I was reading a thread started by a masochistic Canadian on how America sucks. Just a guess, but I'm betting this kid's hobbies include licking electical outlets and kicking pit bulls.

Sounds like one of Seanachai's current squires.

I mean, I know it was all downhill for him since I became a knight, but really -- how the mighty have fallen.


[ January 10, 2003, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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RRRight. Ah haive fish-slapped tha' wee Scottish Kiwi fella Slater tae tha tune o' 83 tae 17, or sumthin. Hae faought better than any o' yoo vacuous pillocks, boot Ah were luckier an' more cunning.

Athkatla killed mae dead ain tha' perfectly balanced piece o' cods-wallop, "Cemetary Hill" - Ah were tha Germans.

Ah owe Seanachai a setoop. Ah *think* hae wants mae tae di tha attackin' as tha Germans ain daylight, noo snow.

Speedy as gamily killin' everythin' Ah own cos hae bought tanks an' Ah bought ****e. Plus tha festerin' map starts oot wi' noo cover for mae. An' Ah'm tha festerin' git tha accaipted tha map frae tha random generator! Bastarrrrd.

Leeo as aboot tae bae smacked off tha map bah mah brave laddies. Dalem has managed tae buy tha feckin' Russian Hell Sodjers tha didnae die or run awah. Noba as gettin' tha chocolate puddin' slapped oot o' haim. Boo as as Boo does - hae reminds mae o' Lorak wi' haes prrropensity fer bein' fish slapped wi' haplaiss regularity. Joe haes buggered off. Lars might squeek a drawer cos tha feckin' planes Ah have noo control o'er fraim tha forces Ah didnae buy hae stopped randomly blowin' tha perestroika oot o' haes T-34s'. Stuka-Nuka-Puka-Pants hae attendin' tae sum personal business, an' hadnae bin seen since last year. PL as a groonded bastarrrd.

Tha's at, Ah cudnae bae bothered tae type anymore.

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Since you can't follow the rules, twit, you probably cant read anyway, so why bother?

Why don't you TRY TO read this..... SOD OFF!!!

I was about to leave, when dalem suddenly confessed his homoerotic desires. It was love at the first sight.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Er, Dalem, if you and Tom O' Finland could take your negotiations on affection off to a quiet corner, the rest of us could return to business.

Seanachai, it both disturbs and delights me to know of your awareness of Ol' Tom of Finland's...... work. Too bad the images we could get Persephone to doctor are not postable.

HILARIOUS stuff, that.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Er, Dalem, if you and Tom O' Finland could take your negotiations on affection off to a quiet corner, the rest of us could return to business.

Seanachai, it both disturbs and delights me to know of your awareness of Ol' Tom of Finland's...... work. Too bad the images we could get Persephone to doctor are not postable.

HILARIOUS stuff, that.</font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


SSNs, SSNs everywhere! Should we not lead HIM forth? He has been a multitude though the ages, wandering without knowing his destiny. Now he wanders in the general masses waiting to be called forth. Will you lead him to the Lady of the Lake?

Yes, it may be a good move.

What's our next step, though? Should we send some sort of Embassy of Seniour Knights, or something, to make the offer?

Good idea about 'the Lady of the Lake'. I'd recommend the Fair Emma over Persephone for this duty, simply because Emma's capable of administering the 'Glasgow Kiss', if necessary, and he is...well, who he is.

Also, shouldn't we establish what his powers, duties, limits, responsibilities, and 'who will wield the tranquilizer dart rifle if necessary' are, before we bring him forth?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Good idea about 'the Lady of the Lake'. I'd recommend the Fair Emma over Persephone for this duty, simply because Emma's capable of administering the 'Glasgow Kiss', if necessary, and he is...well, who he is.

Yes, it should be Fair Emma for the reason you give.

Also, shouldn't we establish what his powers, duties, limits, responsibilities, and 'who will wield the tranquilizer dart rifle if necessary' are, before we bring him forth?
What's the point? Like he'd ever pay any attention to them anyway. Nope, I figure giving him free reign is the only way.
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

What's the point? Like he'd ever pay any attention to them anyway. Nope, I figure giving him free reign is the only way.

Well, it still seems like we should discuss some means of hitting him with a taser if necessary...especially after the whole 'massive pepper spray, waiter bring me salad to go with this chemical attack' incident.

So, who do we send to tell him he's been...er, 'elevated', and request his presence here for the investiture? And what if he should refuse?

Or, even more likely, what if he doesn't comprehend what's being said to him?

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