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The Replacement Thread for Master Goodale's Potty Mouth Cheery Waffle

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Good citizens of the Cheery Waffle threads (and yes, MasterGoodale, you too), I wish to point out to each of you that your honor has been besmirched in a thread on this very CMBB forum. Actually I'd like to rub your noses in it, since I can't reach you to swat you with a rolled-up newspaper. If I may quote:

Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hans:


Please take the pengy and mastergoodle subdribble outside please.

If you don't you may find your threads filled with unnecessary knowledge and facts.


Bah! Putting knowledge and facts in the Goodale thread would be like putting Michelangelo's David in a dog kennel. After they found they couldn't eat it or fight with it, they'd simply lift their legs on it.

The Peng Thread, on the other hand, appreciates knowledge and facts.</font>

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Mmph. I can quote Monty Python, Black Adder and Fawlty Towers at the drop of a hat too. If doing so qualifies me as some CM forum scholar, I'd prefer to remain with the unwashed masses.

I deal with enough double entendres, bad puns and contrived social structures at work. I come here to relax and throw feces with the rest of the monkeys. It is good for the soul, or the reasonable facsimile that resides within me.

Obscurantism does not equal profundity.

And the last time I checked, curmudgeonly didn't mean the same thing as witty.

Jas :mad: n.

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Hey guys, long time no post (or turns) from me.

I have been recieving medical treatment for symptoms of attention defecit disorder for the past several weeks. The combination of those symptoms and burnout being that which punked my sorry a$$ out of grad school earlier this year. Not being very satisfied with how the medication was acting on it's own I began trying out vitamin and amino acid suppliment strategies based upon extensive research over the web of health sites, forums, books on nutrition and such.

The results have been remarkable but disturbing at the same time. The past few days have been a pretty wild see-saw. Today I feel pretty steady and with sensations/feedback from my own body that much better than before and with my brain being relatively calm and focused. However, I've been forced onto what is essentially the induction stage of the Atkins diet due to intolerance to sugar and starches that I've never had before. Not that losing weight would be bad for me!

This and my previous brushes with medicine have convinced me that for many situations you may want to consult a dietican or specialist in orthomolecular medicine. GP MDs and psychiatrists appear to be very blase concering the possibilty of metabolic imbalances and malnutrition that don't manifest themselves in a manner obvious from their conservative textbooks; particularly these days with sugar, starch, and processed carbohydrates coming out the ying-yang in the American diet (something unprecented in our evolutionary history).

As things smooth out I will get back to these dormant games.

Oh yeah...



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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I have nothing but loathing, disgust, and general unease for you. First, you steal my "chop-chop" Biotch slap, then, you appropriate the peng quotation I dug up for your sig line, then, you accept a battle with me, but try to slide some shady little 23 turn attack under my radar, when called on it, you abjectly apologize, as well you should, and promise me a correctly turn numbered replacement, and here I am, several days later, still waiting, like Seanachai on his prom night.

I thought MG was the pathetic, slow turn sender of this thread?

I demand satisfaction sirrah. And I break wind in your general direction, not out of disrespect, but because of the chili I ate last night.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

just three because warrant no further effort my good man.

Guilty as charged and apologies to you, my dear NG cavscout. With The Brood as my witness, I shall resend said scenario tonight. Normally, playing PBEMs with me is akin to playing the AI, speedwise.

A combination of heat, upcoming wedding, closing date and Paula's sister having twins yesterday (Mia and Grace, her first) and sister-in-law having her first child last week (Bailey Connor) is conspiring against me.

I do predict you will soon regret asking for me to get going in this battle, much like everyone else I play. :mad: :mad:

As for your general unease, may I suggest you add more fibre to your diet.

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Normally, playing PBEMs with me is akin to playing the AI, speedwise.

Jas :mad: n

Huh. Was there another patch? I don't recall that the AI stops sending turns around 10 and waits to send another until the ungodly hour of 7 AM. Then again, that's probably because the AI doesn't know fear.
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Good to have you back Shosties4th. Glad to hear you're feeling better too.

I have labored under the tiresome yoke of depression for most of my 31 years. I started taking Effexor XR two years ago after my first experiences with the joys of panic attacks and free-floating anxiety. I have been more emotionally stable for the last two years than at any time in my life, thanks to the medication. (Although I'm sure many of you maggots would disagree). :mad:

And to dispel any misconceptions about antidepressants, they are not "uppers" as some people think. Right now my brain doesn't make enough seratonin and the little it makes is woefully processed between my synapses. The Effexor forces the seratonin to make the jump and "stay jumped," if you will. Not much different than a diabetic's body not being able to produce insulin.

It took a long time for first me, then my family and friends, to realize depression is not a character flaw or a weakness. Sadly, some people never reach this realization.



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Originally posted by Becket:

Huh. Was there another patch? I don't recall that the AI stops sending turns around 10 and waits to send another until the ungodly hour of 7 AM. Then again, that's probably because the AI doesn't know fear.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Unlike Keke, I need sleep to function.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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You are all, of course, maggots.

Word has reached the chateau that MasterGoodale intends to pose as Jimmy Hoffa, back from vacation. All labour leaders will bow before him, and help him utilize the giant industrial complex to build The Forced Vertoconvector. It will create millions of tiny steaming geysers that will actually lift people several inches off the ground, immobilising them - enabling him to take over the world with his ant hordes.

I shall therefore be gone for several days. Try not to miss me too much.


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Originally posted by Axe2121:

It is a bizzare map, to say the least. In both my games against Becket and Snarker, there are churches sitting in massive sinkholes that have clear LOS over them. Most peculiar. They're almost like bunkers. Now how am I supposed to keep with my long-standing tradition of blowing churches sky high, as both Teddy and Mike_the_lost_in_the_wilds_of_Canada can attest to.

Jas :mad: n


Get thee to Cathedral and I'll tumble it down upon your head, fulfilling the old adage you undoubtly uttered many times. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Will you stand still for this? Are we to suffer abuse simply because we have no Cheery Waffle denizens from the wilds of a cheerless place known to all as Minnesota?

Ah. And how are all the Lost Boys tonight, eh? Settling in? Getting on with each other? Having your little bit of a smirk, a quick turn to the side to hide your expression, and a laugh at the old lot?


You are never alone, Dave H

We are always with you.

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Yarbles. What are you doing in here, Mr Gnome? I thought that the wastelands of the Cheery Waffle Thread were too awful even for your likes.

Is there any chance you could wipe off your shoes before you come in next time? Rancid though the aroma of Cheery Waffles may be, they do not mix well with the stench of cess that you have brought from the horrors of the world of Peng.

Personally, I wasn't offended in the slightest. You know you've really made it when people start insulting you.

Dave H. You suck weasels through a straw, and I loathe you. Your Traveller character is going to be a Bangkok Boy-Girl. :mad: :mad:

Goodale senked me a turn!!!! I am just rounding up the scattered remains of his final assault. His remaining troops on my right flank consist of 3 broken squads (max 3 infantry in each), and two tank crews. They face low-ammo Panzergrenadiere who are complaining because they have had to leave their knockwurst sandwiches behind to chase down stragglers.

His army on my right flank is much larger. There are at least seven broken squads there, who are just about to be rounded up like so many lost sheep.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

...You are never alone, Dave H

We are always with you.

I'm seriously considering suicide now, after reading this. If it wasn't for the kind, positive reinforcement I receive here from Soddball and others, my demoralization would be complete. tongue.gif

Shosties4th, glad to hear things are looking up for you. Be thankful you have no online stalkers. Ready to slaughter some more Russians?

Becket, I had no idea Germans could spot infantry in trenches at 500 meters. I suppose your men simply look through the mountains to see my brave Russians. I suspect the barrage was grenade bundles your men tossed 5 or 6 hundred meters. :mad:

Mike_the_wino still must be comatose somewhere in Vancouver. Do they still shanghai crewmen for tramp steamers? With any luck he may regain consciousness in an entirely different hemisphere, and possibly even a different year. tongue.gif

Teddy Windsor and I continue to pummel each other in Cheery Waffle, first edition. Our flags must be changing hands back and forth, as the game insists on turn after turn after stinking turn. He did create an extraordinary explosion this turn by shooting an immobilized flame panzer with his gamey T-34 at about 20 meters. My tank generated a really spectacular fireball. :D

Cheery Waffle 2.0 with _UXcva continues as well. He too just shot one of my flame panzers (continuing a theme of all my PBEMs) with some gamey Russian tank. I haven't lost units nearly as quickly against him as I have against Teddy. On the other hand, I haven't destroyed much, either. :(

Prinz Eugen seems to be attacking me in a game where he knows which VL is real, but I don't. I would have thought the factories at the railway station would be the important feature, but apparently a clump of scattered trees 200 meters away is the key geography of this battlefield. He thinks his armored cars and Pz IIIs can take it away from my infantry. He may be right. :mad:

Stalin's Organ continues to bludgeon my Germans with his British Russian tanks. He now has infantry chasing all my dismounted crews. Believe me, my army looks like the Germans at the end of "The Battle of the Bulge", walking home. :(

All the rest of you are maggots of the worst sort, and deserve everything that happens to you. To be truthful, so are the ones I mentioned. MasterGoodale, you fury maggot, it's 37 days and counting until this hideous sig line disappears forever. Enjoy it while you can.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Becket, I had no idea Germans could spot infantry in trenches at 500 meters. I suppose your men simply look through the mountains to see my brave Russians. I suspect the barrage was grenade bundles your men tossed 5 or 6 hundred meters. :mad:

Well, technically, they weren't in trenches until AFTER the "German Gizmo" went to work on them. Let me ask you: what were you doing during the setup that you felt the need to walk your soldiers out across the face of a bare slope with clear lines of sight stretching for miles? :D

Lucky for you, since the map is a jumbled mess (where the massive mining town appears to be inconsequential, very odd), I won't make my way over there for a few years. :mad:

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Originally posted by Becket:

Well, technically, they weren't in trenches until AFTER the "German Gizmo" went to work on them. Let me ask you: what were you doing during the setup that you felt the need to walk your soldiers out across the face of a bare slope with clear lines of sight stretching for miles? :D

Lucky for you, since the map is a jumbled mess (where the massive mining town appears to be inconsequential, very odd), I won't make my way over there for a few years. :mad:

It is peculiar, since the entire complex has no VLs, but every other jagged and inaccessible peak has a flag.

If you had seen the setup zones, you'd know why the Russians needed to move immediately. Talk about, shall we say, unusual placement.

It appears the power failure has taken Axe offline. Personally I think the authorities need to determine his whereabouts yesterday afternoon. Do you think it's possible his editor had to actually use him to cover this story? :eek: :D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

It appears the power failure has taken Axe offline. Personally I think the authorities need to determine his whereabouts yesterday afternoon. Do you think it's possible his editor had to actually use him to cover this story? :eek: :D

We didn't quite make deadline, but with some good old-fashioned ingenuity, we got the paper done.

I'd like to say being reduced to collecting news with the equivalent of a tin can and string was quaint but I'd have to be insane to say that. :mad: :mad: :mad:

All price gougers should be put up against the wall. :mad: Or exposed in our paper. tongue.gif

We also pointed out the stores that opened and sold things like batteries, flashlights, water and lamp oil at cost or gave them away. Things like this seem to bring out the best and the worst in people. Much like this thread.

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